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  • Fishing with Mike O’Brien … Reflections From A Pool Of Memories: A Gift From Dad0

    The pleasures of fishing are best when shared. This was one of those times. When a shared love for angling brought father and son together. Forever bound in one of those “firsts” that can be recalled by either party as vividly as if occurring only minutes before. An experience never to be forgotten by the

  • Perfect Wine Pairings for Holiday Parties0

    With the holidays quickly approaching, it is time to begin planning menus and shopping for groceries, which may leave you facing endless shelves of wine. Choosing wines to pair with your holiday meal is an important part of the menu planning process. A smart rule is to select quality wines that pair with a variety

  • County Hall Corner: Budget Baby Birthday0

    In this column last year at this time, I wrote that a crude analogy could be made between giving birth to a baby and developing a government budget. The baby is incubated in joy, followed by a long and tedious growth process in the womb, and finally, in due time, through much agony and pain,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Christmas Gift Ideas0

    With less than two weeks of shopping days left until the arrival of Christmas morning, we need to take a serious look at a couple of great ideas for that hard-to-buy-for sportsman on your gift-giving list. The ideas will include items that I have used and found to be highly useful and handy for any

  • Outdoors with Ken Hunter… What Color is a Deer?0

    When I was just a young fella, my grandfather would take me hunting with him. His way of hunting deer was to hit the woods at a steady stride and cover as many miles as possible in a single day. Every mile or so he would suddenly stop and point and say, “There goes one.”

  • Kiss FM Extreme Kitchen Makeover Provides Needed Happy Diversion For Couple Facing Health Challenges0

    “Salamat Sa Lahat Ng Biyaha,” means “Thanks For All the Gifts,” in Tagalog, the native language of the Philippines, where Daniel Cruz immigrated from years ago. His wife, Barbara, shares that sentiment. The Cruzes of Montoursville are KISS-FM’s latest lucky winner of an “Extreme Kitchen Makeover.” Winning the “Extreme Kitchen Makeover” has put a joyous

  • Fishing with Mike O’Brien… Reflections From A Pool Of Memories: The Intruder – Part II0

    As we launched the boat, the sun slipped under a bank of clouds and lit up the pond’s surface with a million diamond-like reflections. The warm morning light washed softly over the landscape. Recollections of childhood events are often inordinate. From my gallery of memories. I recall how truly huge the body of water seemed,

  • SPCA Calendar Contest Winners Announced0

    The results are in for the Lycoming County SPCA’s 2018 Pet Pawtraits Calendar Contest! The top fundraisers are one-year-old beagle brothers, Pete and Repete. The boys raised $1,173 and are the beloved furbabies of Patty Thomas and Mirra and Jeremy Hauser of Linden. The top fundraisers, Pete and Repete, are featured with their own month

  • Stay Stylish This Winter0

    With winter right around the corner, and the chilly days already here, it can be challenging to pull together a stylish and functional cold-weather outfit each morning. With sweaters and puffy coats adding bulk, static electricity causing hair havoc, and dry skin making every fabric feel like steel wool, getting dressed each day can be

  • Webb Weekly Gem of the Week… Standout Moments Help Setup Teams Up for Bright 20180

    The 2017 fall season has come to a close for the local teams. For the players and coaches, highs and lows fill every season, but a few moments stood out. As Loyalsock’s football team headed to the locker room the rumblings from the fans started to sound like the end of the season. The conversations

  • So You Want to be President …0

    I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for the Arctic air or the holiday shopping season. We enjoyed some beautiful Autumn weather; hopefully, Mother Nature is not giving us a preview of the winter ahead. Yes, I know I should be better prepared for the official kick-off to the holiday hustle and bustle

  • All Grown Up0

    If you didn’t survive your late teens and early twenties by living on Maruchan Ramen Noodles, I’m not sure that we can be friends, because obviously you don’t know real suffering. OK, OK, I’m kidding, but for a lot of us, the Ramen life was real. It is cheap, easy to make and fast. But

  • 19th Annual Victorian Christmas and Other Related Activities to Take Place This Weekend0

    For the past 18 years the annual Victorian Christmas has been a wonderful and interesting way to help launch the Christmas holiday season. This year’s 19th edition of this holiday classic should be a fine continuance of this always highly anticipated event. From its founding by early member Nan Young, the purpose of recognizing and acknowledging

  • Getting Your Boat Ready For Hibernation0

    Winter will eventually arrive; a season when we will no longer be able to enjoy regional boat fishing. Now is the time to get your boat ready for storage. The approach for long-term boat storage — periods without any use — is different than storing a boat between outings. Following a rigorous winterization routine helps

  • Mirror in the Bathroom0

    Mirror in the bathroom, please talk free, the door is locked, just you and me. Can I take you to a restaurant that’s got glass tables, you can watch yourself while you are eating. – The English Beat Girls can spend hours in front of it with no shame. It’s your morning companion to comb,

  • The Ultimate Deer Rifle0

    The overnight pole light guided my steps as I crossed the yard, headed to the patch of woods in the hollow in the center of our property. Once leaving the area illuminated by the artificial light, I had only the stars overhead that were dancing heal to toe to aid in my travel. It would

  • Working Together0

    This past summer, there was a major battle over a proposed county ordinance for a five-dollar county fee on every non-exempt vehicle registered in the county. Hours and hours of debate ensued over it before it was finally passed at a County Commissioners Meeting on June 15, 2017, as Ordinance 2017-02. The story “The Five

  • Players Come Up Big in Leadership Department With 35-24 Win Over Lewisburg0

    It was the opening round of the District 4 Class AAA playoffs, and Loyalsock found itself down by 17 points at the half. Lewisburg recovered an onside kick, scored. The Dragons then stopped Loyalsock on a fourth down, scored. Their third possession ended in a punt, but they came right back on their fourth to

  • “Beartown: A Novel” by Fredrik Backman0

    Your favorite team cannot be beat. As soon as they hit the court, field, or rink, they play their hearts out to win. And win. And win. The competition is…well, there really isn’t much competition but, as in the new book “Beartown” by Fredrik Backman, trouble may come from within. Hockey, for Beartown, wasn’t just

  • Game Seven0

    Game Seven — the ultimate competition in Major League Baseball treated us again on the first day of November for the 39th time in baseball history. On the dawning of the day of the showdown in Los Angeles between the Dodgers and Astros, I came extremely close to asking Webb Weekly editor Steph Nordstrom for

  • Neglected Battery Causes Lost Fishing Day0

    The fishing day began with hope and expectations. It would end quite differently, terminated much sooner than anticipated. I was fishing The Susquehanna River on this chilly mid-November morning. No other boats were present; no other fishermen willing to tolerate the 35-degree air temperature. The forecast: light wind, partly sunny, and climbing thermometer held promise.

  • Spice Up the Season – Flavorful holiday dishes for every course0

    Whether this holiday marks your culinary debut or you’re a seasoned chef looking for a fresh take on seasonal favorites, you can take some notes from the pros. Every good chef has an arsenal of tricks and techniques to create amazing dishes every time, and the perfect blend of spices is one of those winning

  • The Grit: November 5, 1967 – Official Says Support GIs this Weekend0

    Veterans and citizens were urged Saturday to show support for all American servicemen by driving with automobile headlights turned on over the Veterans Day weekend, November 11 and 12. Maj. Gen, Thomas R. White, adjutant general of Pennsylvania, who is spurring the headlight campaign, stated that the vast majority of Americans are behind our servicemen.

  • Returning Home After a Fire0

    Home structure fires pose a significant, potentially deadly threat. According to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments responded to an average 358,300 home structure fires per year between 2010 and 2014. Statistics regarding home fires in Canada are somewhat elusive, but a 2007 report from the Council of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire

  • Some Post-Halloween Thoughts0

    Hey kids, your “sugar overload” is about to commence. Halloween that is, (or was). You’re going to make your dentist happy and your parents upset as you try to devour five times the legal limit of chocolate into your body at one sitting. I speak from experience. So here’s another quick tip before you dress

  • Six Tips to Prepare Your Lawn for Winter0

    As days get shorter and temperatures drop, many homeowners overlook their lawns’ needs. Unfortunately, winter can be brutal and make it hard for lawns, trees and shrubs to thrive the following spring. Just like chapped lips and dry skin, plants struggle to find moisture in the winter, too. Symptoms include scorched and dropped leaves, mottling

  • No Heavy Hammer Here0

    One of the urban legends of government spending is the $600 hammer. Immortalized by everyone from late-night comedians to political leaders, the infamous military hammer was simply a bundled purchase with many different spare parts, some very expensive. For bookkeeping purposes, all the items on the list were allocated engineering expenses divided equally, so the

  • Deer on the Move, Motorist Use Caution – Pennsylvania whitetails entering period of peak activity0

    With deer becoming increasingly active, and daylight saving time soon to put more vehicles on the road during the hours when deer move most, the Pennsylvania Game Commission is advising motorists to slow down and stay alert. Deer become more active in autumn with the lead-up to their fall breeding season, commonly referred to as

  • Anti-Aging Habits for Your 30s0

    Your 30s are a great time of life! At least they have been for me thus far. Once you’ve hit your mid-30s, you hopefully have gained some knowledge about life and have blossomed into a better, more mature, and more polished version of yourself. However, with wisdom can come laugh lines, frown lines, and a

  • “You Should Be Here”0

    Happy Halloween! Make sure you watch out for all trick-or-treaters young and old. Parents, please check all the candy and goodies, besides that’s the best part of being a dad during Halloween. My kids wondered why I only checked the Kit Kats and Snickers. This week is my favorite from publisher picture of the year.

  • The Ruffed Grouse0

    The grouse’s thunderous take-off caught me by surprise — even though I was actually hunting them, I was still not prepared when it exploded from behind a log only ten yards away. I missed — not unusual for me since I probably missed more than I ever succeeded in bringing down. Unfortunately, the grouse hunting

  • Active Community Assistance – Five helpful ways to lend a hand0

    Social responsibility comes in all shapes and sizes, but ultimately it comes down to one common purpose: making the world a better place. From volunteering at local shelters and community centers to feeding those in need at your local food bank, there are countless ways to give back within your community. According to the Bureau

  • Grit: October 17, 1965 – Local Airman to Direct Pick Up of Gemini Crew0

    After the splashdown, he’s the man the astronauts count on. When Gemini 6 parachutes into the Atlantic Ocean October 27, after two days of orbiting the earth, the eyes of the world, and particularly those of astronauts, Walter M. Schirra, Jr. and Thomas P. Stafford will be on the Williamsporter who is piloting the Navy


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