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Search Results For 'cover'

  • Common Sense as the Battle Rages0

    After the events I witnessed last week, I felt compelled to focus on a couple of things that were discussed everywhere. Topics that I feel strongly about and try to provide each week within our pages. First up, we are all on God’s time. The expression that we are all day-to-day is one I commonly

  • Summer Fun0

    We are getting pretty close to the dog days of summer. The kids have no schedule and are eating popsicles for breakfast. The pool is a perfectly acceptable replacement for a shower. The wi-fi is begging for a break. Everyone is just a little feral this time of year. But this is also when the

  • Williamsport Bureau of Fire Celebrates 150 Years of Service0

    The citizens of Williamsport have enjoyed the fire protection and emergency services of the Williamsport Bureau of Fire for a very long time — since the time of President Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States, in 1874. They have performed their duties with pride and professionalism. With this in mind, they

  • Grape Summer Gatherings / Easy recipes to enjoy at warm-weather celebrations0

    Celebrations abound throughout summer, and if you plan on hosting your nearest and dearest for events large and small, you’ll need a tasty, convenient ingredient to elevate your entertaining all summer long. When that one ingredient also serves as a healthy, refreshing snack on its own, it’s a win-win. Delicious, healthy and versatile, Grapes from

  • Eyebrows as We Age0

    Brow trends come and go with every decade. Remember the over-plucked shapes of the ’90s or the glossy, laminated arches of the ’00s? Thankfully, I’ve kept my brow game fairly conservative and consistent for the past two decades. There was a bleached brow moment from my early 20s, but that was short-lived. Regardless of trends,

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21-Apr 20 Aries, show off your true colors and let others see who you are and what makes you tick. You are given the spotlight right now to shine and get noticed even more. TAURUS – Apr 21-May 21 The full equation may not be revealed this week until you start to

  • Workin’ 5-9 / Make the most of your morning hours for more productive days0

    From a regenerative bath to that first cup of coffee, early morning rituals have the power to heal, restore and fuel. They can leave you feeling accomplished, empowered and ready to take on the day. How you spend your hours from 5-9 each day can ensure you’re well prepared to tackle whatever your 9-5 throws

  • Clinton Lycoming Nurses Honor Guard Organized0

    In the pantheon of those we ceremonially honor at the time of their death, there are, of course, our military personnel, statement of note, and fire and police first responders. But did you ever consider those in the nursing profession who, of course, provide selfless and dedicated service to others in the healing profession and

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 12, 1924 – Interference With Fire Apparatus0

    Fire discovered shortly after five o’clock yesterday afternoon in a stockroom in the rear of the Hayes Drug Company, at 733 West Third Street, caused damage amounting to $50. Fire companies 1, 2, 3, 4 and the truck company were called to the scene on three alarms. The cause of the blaze is not certain,

  • Are You Seeing Any Turkeys?0

    I know turkey season is still a way off, but for those of us who are serious about turkey hunting, we have already been keeping a watchful eye out for any signs of wild turkeys and, especially, new young poults. Over the past few weeks, if I’m traveling down a road in turkey country, I’m

  • Confusion, Delusion or Plan0

    President Biden may have tipped his hand with some of his comments last week. The President, under increasing pressure from his own party and those who support the democratic effort, has been blatantly defiant that he will remain in the race. Before I get to my thoughts on where that’s heading, I’d like to give

  • Lil’ City Big Dreams Flag Football Program Helps Mentor Youth0

    While there are numerous youth sports programs, many operate on a ‘pay-for-play’ basis, often excluding underprivileged and underserved youth. This is where ‘Lil’ City Big City Flag Football’, a unique nonprofit sports program, steps in. It’s not just about sports, it’s about providing opportunities to those who might not otherwise have them. “Lil’ City Big

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 21 Aries, show off your true colors and let others see who you are and what makes you tick. You are given the spotlight right now to shine and get noticed even more. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 The full equation may not be revealed this week until you start to

  • Mid-Summer Trends0

    As summer labors on, you may find yourself in need of a warm-weather wardrobe refresher. Those sundresses and wide-leg pants that felt so fresh and cool in May now may be waning a bit on the style front. If you’re looking to revamp your summer style, here are a few of-the-minute trends to boost your

  • Lovely Rita: Hitting the Jackpot with Our New Dog

    Lovely Rita: Hitting the Jackpot with Our New Dog0

    My wife and I have two boys in their thirties and a girl who’s about the same age we are. In dog-years, that is. The ever-cheerful Rita came into our lives last July, and my pet-loving editor was quick to approve some reflections for Webb on our 12-month journey: To quote the title of a

  • The Roving Sportsman… Fireflies!0

    This time of year, as the sun has set and darkness takes over the landscape, a magical thing begins to happen across the lawns and fields throughout rural Pennsylvania: fireflies appear! Each summer, as they begin to show up dancing about in the night sky, I quickly flashback to my childhood days growing up in

  • Avoiding Mountweazels & Flumadiddle … or Not0

    Now well into its second year, Webb’s “Weird Words” is principally concerned with oddball vocabulary — terms like tchotchke, whigmaleerie, foozle, bosky and tintinnabulation, all of which we’ve covered in this space. But over the last five columns, “WW” has been sidetracked on related etymological issues — specifically, terms that come from numbers (i.e., quintessential,

  • Knox Goes Away But Keaton Is Still Here!0

    Quick: What popular actor has played a fast-food mogul, a U.S. President, a demented ghost, a DC superhero, a Marvel villain, a stay-at-home dad, a serial killer, a talking snowman, a Shakespearean fool, a recovering addict, a washed-up actor, an animated car, a man who’s been cloned three times — and a hitman with rapid-onset

  • It’s Not About the Shoes It’s What You Do in Them!0

    During a recent ESPN Sunday Night Baseball telecast, veteran announcer Karl Ravech (best known locally for his long-tenured association with the Little League World Series) conducted a pre-game interview with Baltimore Orioles sensational shortstop Gunnar Henderson. Henderson, a member of the American League all-star team and participant in this year’s Home Run Derby, showed excitement

  • County Hall Corner: Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind0

    In my entire life of following political matters, I do not believe I have ever seen a period of time where federal, state, and local government entities each encountered historical events at the same time. At the federal level, it has been in two areas: the presidential race and Supreme Court decisions. In state government,

  • Happy 4th of July!

    Happy 4th of July!0

    If you know me, you know that the 4th of July is my most favoritest holiday! It’s a time of low pressure, lots of fun, and, of course, FIREWORKS! But more than that, it’s a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family, to relax, have fun, and blow stuff up — safely,

  • DIY Hair Masks0

    Whether it’s damage, dryness, flakes, frizz, or fading, we all have had hair issues over the years. And while there are a ton of great treatment masks on the market, another option to explore are homemade hair masks. You’d be surprised how everyday kitchen staples can transform the look and feel of your hair in

  • Uptown Music Collective Accepting Scholarship Applications0

    The Uptown Music Collective, the area’s premier nonprofit school of music, is now accepting scholarship applications for its 2024-2025 school year, which will begin in September. This year, the Collective is offering 14 needs- and merit-based scholarships to currently enrolled students, as well as new students wishing to enroll in the school for the upcoming

  • Volunteers Needed to Count Pennsylvania’s Birds0

    Those birds you see in the backyard, around camp, while hiking or otherwise outside? They’re more important than you think. Reporting your observations of them is, too. The Game Commission, together with Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, is conducting the third Pennsylvania Bird Atlas in state history. Between now and February 2029, it will document what birds

  • This Girl went to the Market!

    This Girl went to the Market!0

    Erv’s Market! I never knew Jersey Shore the way I do now. Working there three days a week for the past few years, I’ve really gotten to know the area. It’s such a cute little town with some great businesses. I got into the habit of stopping by Erv’s Market on 229 S. Main Street,

  • Don’t Refudiate This Rubbage: Finishing Blends in Webb’s Weird Words0

    Stiction. Rubbage. Tofurkey. Cockapoo. As we’ve seen here recently in our “World of Weird Words,” these oddball terms are known as blends. According to Wikipedia, this common linguistic phenomenon involves joining the sound and/or meaning from pieces of two or more existing words. For example: Dumbfound mixes dumb and confound. And in druthers, the last

  • Vacay Packing List0

    Summer has officially started, and vacations are looming large. The perfect summer vacay for me includes beach time, cocktails on a deck, hiking, breweries, and outlet shopping. And, of course, lots and lots of shellfish. But, before any vacation, there is the stress and dread of packing. As a mom, I’m not just packing for

  • Fifteen Magnificent Mounties0

    (I’m sorry for this column’s personal references. I’m sending this open letter to the fifteen players on this year’s South Williamsport High School softball team.) Dear Alizabeth, Lily, Abby, Gianna, Kendall, Sage, Emily, Emma, Mikiaya, Maddie, Alyssa, Allison, Lilliana, Jewelanna & Carly: I know all of you are way past the stage in your lives

  • West End Christian Community Center Serves Newberry and Beyond0

    Prior to coming to the West End Christian Community Center (WCCC), Pastor Calvin Philips had been a pastor in the region for over 15 years, and until he was hired by the Board of Directors, he had no idea the WCCC even existed. That reality highlighted what needed to be addressed immediately, and for the

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Dog Days of Summer0

    I am usually a positive-thinking person who tries to keep an optimistic approach to all the things around me. To that end, I continually encourage people to get outside and enjoy every day that they can in our great outdoors. Whether you are a hunter, a shooter, a fisherman, or simply enjoy time outside gardening,

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21-Apr 20 You may find yourself easily annoyed this week, Aries. Surround yourself with positive people so you’re not pulled into the doldrums. You will snap out of this funk. TAURUS – Apr 21-May 21 Taurus, when others call on you to police a situation, you might be stuck between doing the

  • Glamping and Cronuts in Pennsyltucky: More Blends from Webb’s Weird Words0

    Quick: Can you guess what two words combine to make the new term cremains? How about cronut? Verizon? Popsicle? Muppet? Bitcoin? Yeah, some are more obvious than others — and we’ll get to all of these shortly. In the meantime, let’s begin this 51st installment of Webb’s “Weird Words” by pointing out that terms like

  • Three Hundred

    Three Hundred0

    It was brought to my attention. I now have three hundred articles with Webb Weekly. I am sure there are several more. But these three hundred submissions are archived. That makes me smile. Special thanks to my big brother Jim. He has been a great mentor and friend. I tend to disagree with his politics


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