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Search Results For 'recipes'

  • More Food0

    I don’t normally like to do recipes two weeks in a row. But I’m making an exception. Wanna know why? Because this recipe made the whole family happy, and I just have to share it! So, this is what happened, right? Last Tuesday I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner. It’s

  • Beating the Winter Blues0

    Y’all. This is a rough time of year. Valentine’s has passed and it’s still a good bit until St. Patrick’s Day and spring. However, the cold, dark, dreary days and nights are a perfect excuse to stay inside and enjoy some comfort food! I’ve been trying to leave the recipes to our resident expert, Andrea,

  • Bringing Families Around the Table0

    Remember last week I talked about how special birthday dinners are, and how my husband picked out Chicken Carbonara for his birthday dinner for me to make? Well, that night I invited my in-laws over to join us. It was such a nice evening. We just sat around the table talking till it was coffee

  • Tis the Season

    Tis the Season0

    Growing up around this time of year, I always looked forward to two things. One was my momma’s Christmas cookies. It wasn’t Christmas morning without her peanut butter blossoms. She made four or five different kinds, but they were my favorites. She would deliver plates of cookies to our neighbors and made sure she got

  • The Roving Sportsman… Two More Game Recipes0

    On December 21, we will experience the “shortest day of the year,” which signals the first day of winter and provides an increasing amount of daylight each day until June 21, the “longest day of the year” and the beginning of summer. As Mother Nature keeps us in the grip of colder winter weather for

  • A Chef’s Advice for Stress-Free Holiday Cooking

    A Chef’s Advice for Stress-Free Holiday Cooking0

    How many times have you heard someone say they’ve slaved away in the kitchen all day? Stress in the kitchen can easily arise for a variety of reasons, especially when you’re strapped for time and have a never-ending to-do list. As a survivor of Gordon Ramsay’s MasterChef competition, Caitlin Meade – a top 4 finalist

  • The Roving Sportsman… Venison Recipes0

    If you were one of the lucky hunters who was able to secure some venison this hunting season – congratulations! You are on your way to some tasty and healthy meals for you, your family and friends. But what can you do with this organic, non-GMO, free range red meat to maximize its use as

  • Happy Thanksgiving!0

    I have to say that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I just love everything about it. Just being with family, eating delicious food, and being thankful for everything God has blessed our lives with. The older I get, the more thankful I get for the little things. When I was little, the Macy’s

  • Great Gifts for Hunters

    Great Gifts for Hunters0

    Millions of people across the globe have a passion for hunting. When the time comes to find gifts for the avid hunters in your life, indulging their passion for the great outdoors can make for the perfect present. Hunters come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life. When shopping for gifts

  • How to Create a Durable Gingerbread

    How to Create a Durable Gingerbread0

    Gingerbread cookies and houses are one of the many symbols of the holiday season, alongside Christmas trees and twinkling lights. In fact, few confections symbolize the holidays more so than gingerbread. Many a child (or a child at heart) has spent hours carefully trying to create decorative gingerbread houses. Although gingerbread recipes span various cultures,

  • Pop Up Holiday Traditions New and Old

    Pop Up Holiday Traditions New and Old0

    From decorating the tree to carving the turkey, there are many time-honored holiday traditions observed by families around the country. However, the holiday season is about more than just celebrating old traditions. A perfect opportunity for creating new memories and, in turn, traditions, popcorn can serve as an ideal ingredient to bring family time to

  • Three Holiday Activities to Engage with Loved Ones

    Three Holiday Activities to Engage with Loved Ones0

    Any time can be the right time to enjoy memorable moments with family members, but the holidays present a special opportunity to have meaningful conversations and interactions with loved ones. One of the best ways to spark creativity and generate memories is through activities that get the conversation started, whether it’s remembering favorite moments from

  • The In Between Time

    The In Between Time0

    This is a bit of an odd time of year. Halloween is behind us, it’s bordering between fall and winter, and it’s not quite the holiday season yet. I know the Christmas music I hear inexplicably playing everywhere already would lead you to believe differently, but — no really — it’s not quite the holidays

  • Neighbors


    Two weekends ago, we were at this really nice neighborhood picnic. Not in our neighborhood, but kinda. I say this because when you live in the country, a few miles isn’t all that far. Everyone knows everyone out here. You mow grass; you wave to cars passing by. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know

  • Low Carb Comfort Food?0

    I pretty much live and die by carbohydrates. Pasta, chips, potatoes, rice, you name it and I’m probably going to eat it. Mostly likely with cheese. But, I’m also an adult, and one that’s — unfortunately — not getting any younger. So every now and again I attempt to make some healthier choices as far

  • School is Back

    School is Back0

    Well, we all have different feelings about our kids going back to school. Some are like “peace out kids” while others are not looking forward to that first day. I’ve always loved summer breaks with my son. It was tough when I first sent him off to school. I was a basket case, and I

  • What is a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet and Why Should I Try It?0

    A Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet is a way of eating that promotes optimal health and can reduce and reverse diseases*. A whole foods plant based diet focuses on eating whole, unprocessed plant foods, eliminating oils and processed sugar, and reducing the amount of added salt. Eating a whole foods plant-based diet has helped some people

  • Cookbook


    When I decided to write my own cookbook back in 2013, I figured I’d sell a few hundred. I didn’t even know where to begin on this. It was quite the project. Took me over six months to write, then publish. To get it printed took another few months. I guess I thought that would

  • The Roving Sportsman… More Summertime Reading0

    One of this era’s greatest ambassadors of hunting and outdoor activities is Steven Rinella. Several years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Harrisburg Great Outdoor Show, and it was a real pleasure to spend a few minutes with him talking about his TV show and the number of books he has

  • Good Mornin’

    Good Mornin’0

    Mornings. You either love them, or hate them. The older I get, the more I’ve learned to love them. I never used eat breakfast, which became a bad habit. Who had time for breakfast? It was feeding everyone in the house first, then throwing a quick load of wash in, unload the dishwasher, oh now

  • Gotta Love That Crock-Pot

    Gotta Love That Crock-Pot0

    We all know we just had a week where the heat was unbearable. Days like that, the last thing you think about is cooking. This is why I love my Crock-Pots! I tend to associate them to the winter months, when it’s cold and I have a nice hot stew or soup ready to go

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin’: The Fans

    Andrea’s Country Home Cookin’: The Fans1

    When I started Andrea’s Country Home Cookin, I never dreamed it would take off like it has. It has went further than I ever thought possible, and it’s thanks to you, my fans. You have shared my facebook page, tried my recipes, purchased my cookbook, read my new column and stuck by me for over

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin: Those Hot Summer Nights

    Andrea’s Country Home Cookin: Those Hot Summer Nights0

    There is just something magical that happens on summer nights. All the lightning bugs twinkling in the trees, a crackling campfire, a clear night sky, coyotes howling off in the distance, and friends gathered outside just to take it all in. It’s just the best. My favorite summer evenings are when we gather with our

  • Winner, Winner And a Chicken Dinner!

    Winner, Winner And a Chicken Dinner!0

    The results are in and we have a winner for our Great American Cookout, Summer Prize Pack Giveaway! Congratulations to Phyllis Maietta from Loyalsock! She won an amazing Holland Grill from Lycoming Lawn and Garden, and $50 gift cards to Rupert’s Specialty Meats, Tony’s Deli and Frosty Beverage! Everything she needs to have an amazing

  • Summer Pot Lucks

    Summer Pot Lucks0

    Even though we now have Andrea (pg. 24) providing amazing recipes for us, that doesn’t mean that I am going to leave you high and dry on the recipe front. We are coming into picnic season and that means finding something to take along for pot lucks! I found these two great recipes that sound

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin0

    Hearing that metal “ting” when a ball hits a baseball bat, smelling the very first yard being cut, tasting that burger fresh off the grill, seeing that first motorcycle of the season, or feeling the warm sun for the first time in months are some of the very first signs of spring. It always feels

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin0

    Hi everyone! My name is Andrea. I’m a wife, a momma of two, and life never seems to slow down. I enjoy spending time with my family. That’s what is most important to me. You know what I else love? Cooking! Put the two together, and it gives us evenings around the table, enjoying good

  • Eats and Heat…0

    I’m going to go ahead and say spring has officially sprung. That means picnics and pot lucks are quick to follow. I think we could all use a few go to easy recipes to take to our spring and summer picnics. So I’m making a request! Do you have a great recipe that you would

  • Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Kids

    Encourage Healthy Eating Habits in Kids0

    As a parent, instilling healthy eating habits in your children at an early age can aid in proper growth and development. Eating well goes a long way toward maintaining a healthy weight, increasing energy levels and improving moods while also reducing risk of obesity and other chronic issues such as heart disease and diabetes later

  • Diversify Your Dinner Menu0

    Crafting quick, easy, nutritious meals is one of the most common goals for home chefs, yet it may sometimes be difficult to keep the menu feeling fresh and new. By introducing a variety of ingredients, you can broaden the horizons of your family’s dinner options. For creative, simple, tasty family meals, consider these globally inspired

  • Throw a Shamrockin’ St. Patrick’s Day Party With Irish Classics and Green-Tinted Treats

    Throw a Shamrockin’ St. Patrick’s Day Party With Irish Classics and Green-Tinted Treats0

    It doesn’t take the Luck o’ the Irish to throw a great St. Patrick’s Day party. These tips and recipes will help you throw a festive celebration you’ll enjoy as much as your guests – including make-ahead corned beef and a minty-green cookie recipe both adults and little leprechauns will love. “We’ve developed recipes that

  • A Tasty Take on Trendy Toast

    A Tasty Take on Trendy Toast0

    While many food trends come and go, some desired food traits seemingly never go out of style. For example, dishes that provide nutritional benefits will pretty much always be popular, along with types of foods that can be customized to match personalized preferences and tastes. Toast is a versatile option for nearly anyone seeking a

  • Game Day Eats and Treats: Score major points with delicious dishes0

    If the crew is coming over to root for your favorite team, it may be time to spice up the menu. Whether you’re hosting the weekend get-together or watching the game after work, switch up your typical spread and serve something new to leave your guests cheering for more. When it comes to choosing an


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