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  • Masters0

    Many of the hackers from all over the globe just tuned in for the very first major of the year. I don’t know about you, but I find myself completely glued to the television the first weekend in April. Instead of fishing or drywalling — I usually lock myself in the basement with a loaf

  • Expanding on the Success of Ravine Ridge Further Commemorates The Williamsport Home’s 150-Year Legacy of Caring in Lycoming County0

    A small renovation project at The Williamsport Home has allowed the creation of Whitetail Ridge, an additional unit to care for seniors who are transitioning between the hospital and their home or the hospital and another care setting, further expanding on the success of the Home’s existing transitional care unit, Ravine Ridge. In 2014, The

  • FCFP Sponsors Earth Day Event0

    At Rider Park Saturday, April 22 April 22 is Earth Day, an occasion to celebrate and be aware of our environment and nature. The folks at the First Community Foundation of Pennsylvania have a perfect way to celebrate Earth Day with an event at Rider Park that day. FCFP officials state that three activities will

  • How to Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs

    How to Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs0

    Lyme disease is a bacterial illness often spread through the bite of the black-legged tick. A bacterium known as borrelia burgdorferi is carried inside a tick and can be transmitted from the tick’s saliva into the bloodstream of an animal host, whether that host be a person, pet or wild animal. Though it is often

  • Love, Life and Selflessness: Easter Thoughts from Father Manno

    Love, Life and Selflessness: Easter Thoughts from Father Manno0

    As I gathered the information this past week, I intended to write about how we must protect our children when they go to school. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the innocent victims of the Covenant School shooting. A 9-year-old child should never have to worry about going to school, nor should their

  • Happy Easter!0

    Hey y’all! I’m so excited for Easter this weekend! I had so much fun prepping for our annual Easter contest this year! Next to the Fourth of July, Easter is one of my favorite holidays. But before I get too far into my article this week, let me ask you a question. Are you ready?

  • Family Easter Outfits0

    Spring is here, and it is almost time for the Easter Bunny to come hopping down the lane. Many of us have childhood memories of getting new church clothes for Easter. Whether they were brand new, hand-me-downs, or homemade, Easter was a time for a bit of springtime finery to be put on display. Now

  • A Hoppy Easter Cake

    A Hoppy Easter Cake0

    Warmer days at the start of spring means Easter is almost here, and the big bunny himself will be hopping around in no time delivering goodies. This Easter, celebrate with your loved ones with a delicious and colorful Easter Bunny Butt Cake. It can bring smiles and laughter while putting everyone in a light, joyful

  • County Hall Corner: Planning for the Future0

    I am a year late in highlighting the 200th anniversary of the birth of the man considered to be the Father of American Landscape Architecture. Born on April 26, 1822, Frederick Law Olmsted’s most notable accomplishment was constructing Central Park and Prospect Park in New York City and designing 100 other public parks. Olmsted also

  • The Roving Sportsman… Whetting Your Appetite0

    Soon, Spring Gobbler season will be upon us, so as an enticement, let’s get you salivating over some rather tasty ways to make great meals with free-range, non-GMO, organic wild turkey meat that is devoid of any government-approved chemicals! Many who have tried wild turkey meat agree that it has a better flavor than pen-raised

  • Celebrate Easter with Family-Friendly Fun0

    Gathering for Easter means bright decor and flavorful food with those you hold nearest and adding some extra “egg-citement” to the holiday can come easy. Let your inner kid shine through with games and activities everyone can enjoy whether it’s at the kitchen table, in the backyard or gathered around for story time. Hunt for

  • Small, Medium, and Large0

    Whether you trout fish or not, I’m sure you have noticed good numbers of fishermen this past weekend gathered along the banks of many different streams. Pennsylvania is fortunate to have a pretty good number of streams available for trout fishing. They come in a variety of sizes, and that, in fact, is the topic

  • Six Easter Egg Coloring Tips0

    Coloring Easter eggs is a time-honored tradition dating back more than 2,500 years. There is evidence that people living in the ancient settlement of Trypillia dyed eggs. Ancient Persians also were believed to paint eggs for Nowruz (Persian New Year). Christians adopted similar traditions to symbolize aspects of the Easter story. Originally Christians dyed eggs

  • A Chocolate Town Honor

    A Chocolate Town Honor0

    The game flashing across the TV screen was a bit of an afterthought as our conversation centered on the day’s activities. Suddenly, Jean pointed out, “That’s Dwight refereeing this game.” The game was the PIAA Girl’s 3A state championship game between Dunmore and River Valley from Hershey’s Giant Center. That Dwight was longtime friend and

  • Tight Lines Meeting0

    The 2023 trout season is officially underway. I hope that you had a chance to slay. The jury is still out for me, personally. All my gear is buried in the garage behind (30) 4×8 sheets of 1/2-inch drywall. I saw some great photos from the week before. Pennsylvania now allows kids to fish with

  • UPMC Expert: Ear Ringing Explained0

    According to urban legend, your ears ring when someone is talking about you; according to doctors, it’s tinnitus. This ringing can be described as a phantom noise, or sounds that aren’t actually there, and can include high-pitched squeals or low rumbles. While this isn’t technically a disease, these symptoms, among others that amount to a

  • Plan Ahead for an ‘Eggceptional’ Easter Egg Hunt

    Plan Ahead for an ‘Eggceptional’ Easter Egg Hunt0

    Easter is steeped in both religious and secular traditions. Each year on Easter Sunday, many families feast on ham or lamb. Hot cross buns may be served as morning treats. And faithful Christians may dress up in their Sunday best to attend religious services. Easter egg hunts are another time-honored component of this festive occasion.

  • Our Favorite Things: Repasz Band’s Spring Concert0

    For Williamsport’s popular Repasz Band, the well-known phrase “They’re playing our song” might be revised to say, “We’re playing our song” — because every concert ends with the ensemble’s signature “Repasz Band March.” But the “our song” theme is especially apt for this year’s spring concert, which features a program of personal favorites from the

  • Why is Easter Sunday Such an Important Christian Holiday?0

    Christians around the world fill church pews on Easter Sunday to participate in one of the most holy and important celebrations of the liturgical year. Although every Sunday presents opportunities to share in the word of God, Easter Sunday is an especially significant date on the Christian calendar. Each Easter, Christians celebrate the miracle of

  • Hidden Truth of Human Trafficking in PA: It’s Our Problem, Too0

    According to a new local documentary, a single human-trafficking victim can suffer more than 40 rapes a day. But perhaps even more shocking is the fact that this sort of thing happens in Lycoming County. Produced by Central PA’s On the PULSE media outlet, “The Hidden Truth of Human Trafficking in Pennsylvania” is a bracing,

  • The Days of Holy Week0

    Easter Sunday is often described as the holiest day on the Christian calendar. A day when Christians across the globe commemorate and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter Sunday is the culmination of the Lenten season of sacrifice. Easter Sunday comes on the heels of Holy Week, which is the most sacred week in

  • Diamonds, Deadlifts, and Yardsticks

    Diamonds, Deadlifts, and Yardsticks0

    It was a beautiful sun-drenched Tuesday afternoon last week, and I couldn’t wait to get out of the office and up to Historic Bowman Field.  There was a doubleheader to be played at the amazing ballpark that has only gotten better with age.  A couple of games being played at Bowman is nothing new, but

  • Happy Spring!0

    It’s funny how we associate different events with different parts of life. For me, the Little League World Series marks the beginning of the end of summer. And the West Branch Builder’s Home Show is the unofficial kick-off to spring. I always look forward to spending a couple of hours at the show each year.

  • Easter Egg Hunt Continues…0

    Once again, boys and girls, you’re about to behold a sight so fluffy, so delightful, so utterly adorable, that I urge those of you who are easily tickled or prone to the giggles to look the other way — but if you are still here, step right up, everyone has a chance to win a

  • 62nd Annual West Branch Susquehanna Builders Home Show0

    Just as surely as the crocuses break through the earth and the days get longer, so too it is time for the annual West Branch Susquehanna Builders Home Show to be held from Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2 at the former Dick’s Sporting Goods Store, in the former Lycoming Mall. “I am super

  • WAHS SADD Club, Once Again Wins 1st Place in Statewide Suicide Prevention Video Contest

    WAHS SADD Club, Once Again Wins 1st Place in Statewide Suicide Prevention Video Contest0

    A Williamsport Area High School video produced to help raise awareness on mental health stigmas and suicide prevention received first place for the second consecutive year in a recent statewide PSA contest conducted by Prevent Suicide PA (PSPA). The video, created by members of the high school’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club, earned the

  • Public Asked to Report ‘Tame’ Grouse Sightings0

    Not every ruffed grouse across Pennsylvania is quite the same as the next. Some — though wild, undomesticated birds — might even be called “tame,” meaning they show little fear of or even act aggressively toward people, especially in spring and fall. A #WildSciPA video available on the Game Commission’s YouTube channel shows just what

  • Transitional Weather Outfits0

    As we head into April, you may be wondering: What does one wear when it’s cold in the morning, warm by midday, and back to chilly in the evening? Winter coats can be overkill, but lighter jackets alone may not cut it. While many find dressing for the weather challenging going from April to May,

  • Popular Trends in Home Exteriors

    Popular Trends in Home Exteriors0

    Certain homes have an undeniable wow factor. That instant appeal tends to be noticeable the moment visitors pull up to the curb, and it might be a byproduct of homeowners’ willingness to embrace the latest exterior design trends. Trends come and go, but recognition of the current fashions can help homeowners create that highly sought-after

  • Don’t Get Shocked by Home Electric Safety Issues

    Don’t Get Shocked by Home Electric Safety Issues0

    Electricity helps run the world, including our homes and businesses. Without electricity, we’d have no access to lighting, our interior spaces may not be heated or cooled effectively, and the computers and other devices we rely on so heavily would not run. Even though electricity is designed to make people’s lives more convenient, it’s easy


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