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Search Results For 'nurse'

  • Rare Voodoo Lily on Display at the Taber Museum

    Rare Voodoo Lily on Display at the Taber Museum0

    With its usual display of model trains, Native American artifacts, and materials relating to the logging boom of the 19th century, the Taber Museum is offering a unique display for the connoisseur of smell — the Voodoo Lily. Many of our members and the community at large may remember the sensation caused when we placed

  • Snow Days in the 90s

    Snow Days in the 90s0

    Boy, we sure have been getting a lot of snow lately! As a winter girl, I love it. We have not had this much snow in a long time! I remember a year or two ago, on December 23, I was outside in a tank top hanging up clothes on my clothesline! I was so

  • Grit: March 6, 1960 – Final Polio Shots in Series Set for March 25th at Lodge0

    Free Polio shots will be given on Friday, March 25 by Loyal Order of Moose Lodge 145 in the third and final phase of the mass inoculation. About 5,000 doses of Salk Polio vaccine will be administered by volunteers from state and local medical organizations assisted by members of the National Foundation of the Moose

  • Bluebird Nest Boxes Help Connect With Wildlife0

    It’s soon time to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring! Spring might not be “just around the corner,” but bluebirds will be scouting out nesting sites before you know it, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission can help bring them and other songbirds to your backyard. Bluebird nesting boxes built by staff at the

  • UPMC Provider: Pregnancy’s Effects on the Heart0

    A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy. Many of them are obvious like the belly bump, but some are more subtle or hidden like how pregnancy affects the heart and blood vessels. Due to these changes, some women may develop a new heart condition during pregnancy, or an existing cardiac condition can worsen.

  • Happy New Year!0

    There is no doubt that 2020 has been quite the year. Probably the most memorable of most of our lifetimes. To make things even more interesting, this is actually our 53rd issue of the year, which I had to double-check the calendar to see if that was even possible! Also, due to how the calendar

  • A Very Different Halloween0

    With the convergence of a full moon, a blue moon, daylight savings time, and, you know, the ongoing unprecedented pandemic, Halloween in 2020 is going to look and feel a bit different than in years past. Some communities are having trick-or-treating; others are still not certain. Halloween parades, costume parties, dances, and most certainly apple

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Ultimate Sacrifice

    The Roving Sportsman… The Ultimate Sacrifice0

    It happens all of the time in the World of Nature. It happens among birds as well as mammals. It occurs more frequently in the springtime, but can happen any time and especially during the initial months of raising offspring. Through the years, I have witnessed it with a shorebird known as the Killdeer, with

  • The Bookworm Sez: “White Hot Light: Twenty-Five Years in Emergency Medicine” by Frank Huyler0

    You don’t want to talk about it. Sensitive topic, that’s it. Brings up memories you don’t care to examine, things you aren’t willing to confront in your mind. No, what’s done is done, there’s no going back, and you don’t want to talk about it. At least not until, as in the new book “White

  • Setting Expectations for a Healthy Pregnancy0

    Welcoming a baby into the world is a special lifetime moment. A full-term pregnancy is divided into three trimesters of baby development in the mother’s womb. Each trimester comes with its own hormonal and physiological changes. As a new mom, the education about each trimester prepares you for how the baby affects your body and

  • Regional School Reopening Plans0

    Area Schools Face Challenges in Reopening for the New School Year By Dave Bellomo & Lou Hunsinger Jr. [Editor’s Note: All of the information in this article is ‘as of press time.’ Like so much else, anything can change at the last minute, but we wanted to give you the most accurate, up-to-date information available.

  • Health Ministries Combine Spiritual and Physical Healing0

    Now, more than ever before, Americans are dying from largely lifestyle-related illnesses. These health issues may be prevented or better treated if they had been addressed earlier. So why, in a country that spends more on healthcare per capita than any other nation in the world, are such health issues on the rise? The answer

  • Rehabilitation Key to Improving Cancer Survivor’s Quality of Life0

    When fighting cancer, physical therapy may not be the first health care service that comes to mind. Successful cancer treatment involves a health care team approach, including oncologists, radiologists, nurses, surgeons, social workers, and as you transition to survivorship, physical and occupational therapists. More people are surviving cancer than ever before, thanks to early detection

  • Tips to Keep Your Children Safe this Summer0

    As the temperatures climb and the sun is shining, outdoor activities are excellent ways to get the physical activity and health benefits needed for a healthy life. Whether it’s swimming, hiking, biking, or just going to the playground, your children want to be on the move as the weather warms up. As they get more

  • The Roving Sportsman… Trees for Habitat Improvement0

    EXISTING TREES: As a starting point, you should do a survey that identifies the trees currently on your property that provide feed for wildlife, such as oaks, beech, black cherry, walnut, butternut, hickory, chestnut and old apple trees. Also note the existence and location of evergreens that provide cover for wildlife. Use this data to

  • This Week’s LION:Doctor and Now Author Joseph DeMay0

    The medical profession is the closest thing we have in America to an aristocracy. It is almost rude to refer to a medical doctor by anything but the title, doctor. They are the overseers of our most precious possession — our health — and since every person must utilize these experts more times than they

  • The Lycoming Creek Anglers

    The Lycoming Creek Anglers1

    Jensen and I are always looking for an outdoor adventure. This past weekend we headed north for something new and exciting. It was a gorgeous morning outside of Bodines, PA. My 11-year-old agreed to unplug his FORTNITE for a small fee. We met up with a few friends along Slack’s Run Road. Mike and Gavin

  • Getting Active After a Baby0

    By Rebecca Russell, CNM OB/GYN, UPMC While trying to stay active during pregnancy, women face many challenges both physically and mentally. The good news is that now that the baby has arrived, you can focus on getting back to your pre-pregnancy activity level or work toward a new goal to help you feel your best.

  • This Week’s LION: Appreciating the Under-Appreciated0

    No one knows what we are going to call the Post-Pandemic Period, but the one thing we can predict is that it is going to be different than what we experienced just a few short months ago. We will be more cautious and careful in areas we took for granted before, but I believe we

  • What to Expect When You Return for Care0

    By Don Owrey Chief Operating Officer, UPMC Susquehanna The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of our lives, including the way we receive health care. People in communities across the nation are forgoing medically necessary care leading to unnecessary suffering and worsening health conditions. It’s normal to feel anxious about returning to a medical office

  • This Week’s LION: Staying Positive being COVID Positive0

    What is it like to be COVID-positive? What is it like to live in the same house together with a family member who has this virus? My daughter, Elizabeth, is a healthcare worker in the greater Philadelphia area, and two weeks ago she called my wife and I with the solemn news that she had

  • This Week’s LION: “Essential” Workers0

    There are many subplots to this Coronavirus Crisis. One is the continual emergence of the Law of Unintended Consequences. An example of this was Governor Wolf’s mandate that PennDOT temporarily close its 30 rest areas statewide on March 17 due to coronavirus mitigation efforts. However, this was quickly lifted because those Harrisburg bureaucrats who determined

  • Local Voices from the Front Lines0

    Last week, I reached out to people I know who are working and serving faithfully in the midst of the pandemic. My desire was to gain a local perspective of how Covid-19 is affecting people in our valley so I could share their stories. The national news outlets have an important role to play, but

  • A Note From the County Commissioners0

    The Corona virus has left its devastation and DNA on the world and society. The invisible terrorist named COVID-19 has grasped the world and turned it upside down. The normal lives we had are on hold. It resembles watching a Twilight Zone episode and waiting for Rod Sterling to say, “You have entered a fifth

  • PA 2-1-1- Assistance for COVID-190

    • March 25, 2020

    COVID-19 is the latest crisis and has garnered plenty of media attention with good reason. Public health emergencies are just one way that the 2-1-1 information and referral service is helping. 2-1-1 is part of a nationwide network, and in Pennsylvania, PA 2-1-1 is powered, and in large part funded by United Way of Pennsylvania

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Great Unexpected: A Novel” by Dan Mooney0

    You had your reasons. That’s what you tell people after you’ve made a decision. Things were left up to you, you looked at the possibilities, and there was no need for discussion. You had your reasons, and because is a good enough one. But, as in the new book, “The Great Unexpected” by Dan Mooney,

  • Choosing the Right Care as You Age0

    Everyone has a different plan in mind for how they wish to live their life as they age. It’s important to consider your general health, mobility, mental capabilities, and specific activities you may need help with as you grow older, as well as your family’s support. It also is important to consider your interests, social

  • Saturdays in the 80s0

    Saturday mornings when I was a kid were so memorable. I was about four, and my mom was a nurse and was working third shift some weekends. So, Dad would get him and I out and about so Mom could get a good day’s sleep. The weekends varied on what we would get into. We

  • Emergency Department, Urgent Care Clinic, or Your Doctor’s Office?0

    Urgent care. Emergency department. Extended hours. Walk-in appointments. With more ways than ever to access medical care, we have created greater consumer choice – and greater confusion. How do you know which choice is right for you and your family? Clear up the confusion with this helpful comparison: Emergency Care If it’s a health emergency,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Implementing Your Management Plan0

    In the last installment, we laid out the steps in making a Management Plan. We itemized setting goals, doing a property inventory and seeking the advice of conservations organizations and governmental agencies. Now let’s look at implementing that plan. First, always keep in mind that the plan is a guideline – it is not set

  • Grit: January 25, 1970 – Plans Announced for Nursing Home0

    Plans for a 4 million dollar nursing home center and multi-building apartment complex to be constructed on the north side of Four Mile Drive in the 1300 block in Loyalsock Township were revealed last week by former Governor George M. Leader during a visit to the city. The former governor made the announcement in his

  • Happy New Year!0

    In case you didn’t notice, I’m not Jimmy. No worries, he’ll be back next week, he’s just letting me borrow his space for the week so that I can tell you all about this very special week at Webb Weekly. This week’s issue is just one of the many ways Jimmy helps people and our

  • The Bookworm Sez0

    So, it’s a wrap. Everything’s under paper and under the tree. You’re done with all your shopping, except for one person. Or two. Maybe four. So what do you get for that hard-to-buy-for person who never likes anything? Well, as they say, a book is a present they’ll open again and again, so why not


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