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Search Results For 'lifestyle'

  • Family Activities to Get Kids Off the Couch0

    Hey y’all! Guess what?! Daylight Savings time begins on Sunday! You know what that means right? Well, first, it means you need to check your smoke alarms/CO detectors and make sure they are all in working order. Oh and see if you can finally figure out how to change that clock on your microwave, or

  • UPMC Physician: What Happens When Your Heart Skips a Beat

    UPMC Physician: What Happens When Your Heart Skips a Beat0

    Our hearts are amazing organs, and we can often take them for granted. They steadily pump away, rhythmically beating life into our bodies. But what happens when your heartbeat becomes irregular, erratic, or even skips a beat? These incidents of an altered heart rhythm are called arrhythmias, and people can often sense these alterations in

  • Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy: Five behaviors to help reduce the risk of birth defects

    Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy: Five behaviors to help reduce the risk of birth defects0

    If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, now is a perfect time to make a plan. There are steps you can take to increase your chances of having a healthy, full-term pregnancy and baby – and part of that includes learning about birth defects. Understanding birth defects across the lifespan can help those affected have

  • Three Strategies for Boosting Your Creativity: Part 20

    In the first installment of this article, we defined being creative as the act of forming something novel that has value. It may be a physical object such as a piece of art or something intangible like an idea. We also discussed why being creative was important to everyone, including the development of problem-solving skills,

  • Excellence is a Habit0

    Many people, myself included, often utter the phrase, “good enough.” The food I ate was good enough. The work I did was good enough. My workout was good enough. In fact, it is easy to slip into a lifestyle of mediocrity. What if, instead, we made the pursuit of excellence a priority in everyday life?

  • Fresh, Healthy Family Meals0

    Recipes to help boost iron levels, aid plasma donation recovery Chef Nate Appleman knows how important it is to serve healthy meals to your family – ones they actually want to eat. Before having his first child, he transformed his eating and exercise habits and lost 85 pounds to get on a healthier path. Now,

  • UPMC Dietitian: Resetting Healthy Habits0

    At the start of a new year, it’s customary to make a new goal or resolution. Some of the most common are related to eating healthier or dieting. While these resolutions are set with good intentions, it can be hard to know how to get started and maintain this new lifestyle. Don’t Overcomplicate Your Diet

  • Top Fitness Trends for 20220

    The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently released its list of fitness trends for 2022, and tech tops the list. The annual forecast consisted of survey results from 4,500 health and fitness professionals from around the world and was published in the January/February edition of ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. According to the ACSM

  • UPMC Physician: Unconventional New Year’s Resolutions0

    The new year is looming, and thoughts of resolutions may be on your mind. The gym might be more crowded and you might have healthier items on your grocery shopping list. While these kinds of resolutions work well for some people, they might not be for everyone and for many people, just putting in a

  • Prayers for 20220

    Here we are — another year has gone by. I swear this year went quicker than the last. They say the older we get, the faster time goes, and I believe it. I’m not even that darn old and already ask, “where does the time go!?” I just pray that this year, 2022, will be

  • Eat Intuitively Over the Holidays0

    Intuitive eating is a sort of anti-diet that is based on the idea that we should eat when we are physically hungry rather than on the schedule of a prescribed diet. In addition, eating should be a judgment-free, guilt-free experience. The program was built on the principle that temporary diets don’t work and that lifestyle

  • Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends

    Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends0

    • December 8, 2021

    In adjusting to the constraints of the pandemic, many Americans had to improvise where and how they work out. After months of adapting to a “gym anywhere” mentality and learning to accommodate more flexible workout schedules, this new fitness mindset is inspiring some larger trends for healthier living. “We’ve learned that wellness is not one-size

  • UPMC Endocrinologist0

    Understanding and Managing Diabetes Le Yu Khine, MD Endocrinology, UPMC According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetes affects over 34 million people in the United States or about 1 in every 10 people, and about 20% of those people do not even know they have it. It is the seventh leading

  • UPMC Dietician: Gift Yourself Health this Holiday Season0

    The holidays are an exciting and joyous time of year for many of us. We’re spending more time with family and friends, making new memories, and enjoying old traditions. This time of year, our focus tends to shift to others and, in general, it feels like we’re being pulled in a million directions as we

  • Foods that Boost Immunity0

    There is an abundance of evidence that strongly suggests there are significant health benefits to eating a nutritious diet. One of the benefits to eating this type of diet is that it will likely improve the body’s ability to fight and prevent disease. This is more important than ever, considering the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic that

  • Hunting Safety Tips from a UPMC Physician0

    Hunting can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity helping you unplug while taking in the great outdoors, but it can also be dangerous. Inherently there’s risk to these activities considering the use of weapons, the rough terrain, and the cold weather. Take the following hunting safety and overall health tips into consideration when planning your

  • Go for Grapes as a Smart Choice for Health and Wellness

    Go for Grapes as a Smart Choice for Health and Wellness0

    The importance of health and wellness is top of mind for many people. There are many contributing factors to wellness such as diet, physical activity, social engagement and genetics. All are important, but a first step to wellness is choosing healthy foods to fuel the body every day, ideally foods that support health in multiple

  • Five Simple, Natural Ways to Boost Immunity

    Five Simple, Natural Ways to Boost Immunity0

    Your body’s immune system protects against illness and infection, fighting off threats before you even know there’s a problem. Even though your immune system usually does its job automatically, you can give it a boost with habits that promote wellness and support immunity. Eat healthy fruits and vegetables. Although you may not be aware they

  • Moderate Beer Consumption Linked to Good Health (Part 2)0

    As always, this information is intended for education and entertainment purposes only. Consult with your health care team for all things medical. If you haven’t already gleaned it from part 1 of this article, I am an unapologetic fan of beer. I’m not quite a beer snob yet though I’m still working on it, so

  • For the Love of Catalogs0

    It all started with the JCPenney “big book” that would come in the fall. Next came Speigel, then Newport News, then Victoria’s Secret. The arrival of a catalog always gave me a thrill. When I was little, I used to stare at the pictures, taking in all the details of the models, clothes, and accessories,

  • Breast Cancer Q&A0

    John Turner, MD, FACS, Medical Director or Cancer Services and Clinical Co-Manager of the Thyra M. Humphreys Center for Breast Health, has a long history of working directly with patients once they’ve received a breast cancer diagnosis. An accomplished breast surgeon and avid researcher on breast health and other cancer, Dr. Turner helps guide patients

  • Shop Your Closet0

    I’m sure it’s no surprise to regular readers to learn that I have a lot of clothing. However, at the beginning of a new season, I always feel like I have nothing to wear, even with a closet full of clothes. Normally, when my wardrobe was feeling a bit stale, I’d go shopping, but with

  • The Evolution of Wellness

    The Evolution of Wellness0

    I have been asked recently what exactly the differences are between a health coach, a wellness coach, and a personal fitness trainer, so I thought I would take this opportunity to explain these terms and how they all relate to wellness. I think it is an interesting discussion as, with almost 30 years in this

  • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month0

    Guide to adopting a shelter dog Pet adoption rates soared during the COVID-19 pandemic. The desire to adopt was so significant that animal shelters around the country nearly emptied. According to Dr. Elizabeth Berliner, an associate clinical professor and the director of the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University, as many as one in

  • Americans Struggle to Stay Fit During Pandemic0

    As most of you know by now, I am a huge advocate of exercise as medicine. You also probably know that there is a mountain of evidence supporting a long list of benefits of regular exercise. Things such as increased strength and muscle mass, increased cardiovascular fitness and endurance, an improved immune system, and an

  • UPMC Pediatrician: Back-to-School Advice0

    Getting your kids ready to go back to school means more than getting new school supplies and clothes. Recommitting to your children’s health care is another major way to prepare. Over the summer it might have been a bit easier to slack on bedtimes and meals, but now is the chance to establish and meet

  • Local Care Home Keeps Seniors Fit0

    Pictured walking around the Garden Terrace at Presbyterian Home of Williamsport is Patricia Nierle. She is often seen taking her laps to “get a good leg stretch” in. Pictured with the weights is Maria Sassano. Maria is a busy lady, she loves to walk, help with things around the community and will take time with

  • Nursing Home Care and the ‘Look-Back Period’

    Nursing Home Care and the ‘Look-Back Period’0

    Health care plans provide access to medical care and other necessities and reduce out-of-pocket health-related expenses. Each plan is different, and depending on where you live, your coverage may vary. People quickly find that many healthcare plans do not include provisions for long-term health care, such as paying for nursing facilities. Understanding how health plans

  • County Hall Corner: Common Sense Census0

    The initial figures have finally been released for the 2020 Census. Over the next few months, more data will be coming out, but these first statistics have some interesting items of interest. In 2020, 331 million people lived in the United States, and the population is growing, however it is the lowest recorded annual growth

  • Fun, On-the-Go Health Hacks

    Fun, On-the-Go Health Hacks0

    As many people start getting back into normal routines, they’re returning to familiar on-the-go lifestyles by heading back to work, traveling to new destinations and enjoying time with loved ones. While you get out to explore and gather with family and friends again, remember you’ll need fuel for your adventures. According to a National Health

  • UPMC Cardiologist Encourages Men to Take Their Heart Health Seriously0

    Men often will not take the time for self-care, physical activity, and mental health, which is concerning because they may end up paying for it in the long run. Participating in physical hobbies, journaling, or getting more sleep are a good start for self-care, but most importantly you need to schedule your annual checkup. While

  • Why Men Need to Moisturize0

    Have you ever had a good pair of leather shoes? Have you ever gone a few months (or years) without conditioning or polishing them as you continue to wear them every day? How did they look? Well, consider your skin like leather. If skin is not taken care of over time, cracks, deep crevices, and

  • Understanding Obesity0

    The obesity epidemic in the United States is a complex issue, which in turn makes prevention strategies equally complex. Since this epidemic is likely comprised of environmental, biological, social, and economic components, prevention strategies would need to address each of these components to be effective. The population in the United States is, on average, overweight


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