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  • County Hall Corner: Count Your Blessings0

    The one comment I receive more often than any other from this column is the discovery of the role of county government. Most citizens focus their attention to local government and those who are directing it: city or borough council members or township supervisors. This is normal because Pennsylvania was designed this way. Townships and

  • UPMC Expert: Health and Wellness The Gifts That Keep on Giving0

    The holidays can be a crazy time of year. We’re running from party to party, trying to squeeze in time for family and friends, and we may let our health take a back seat to the hustle and bustle of the season. However, it’s important to carve out time to focus on taking care of

  • “Not Such a Bad Little Tree”: A Charlie Brown Christmas0

    Charles Schulz’s beloved Peanuts has inspired no less than 50 different television specials; but of course, the best and most beloved is the one that started it all: A Charlie Brown Christmas. Last week in Webb, I named that as my single favorite holiday movie; so now let’s expand a bit with background and trivia

  • Road Trips0

    The high school basketball season is in full swing. Yes. I have already seen some of you in the local gyms. I appreciate all the kind words, folks. I sincerely do. I ENJOY THOSE ARTICLES will always get you a fist bump or a hug. Kids under the age of 10 will score a $5

  • Giving0

    Often, around this time of the year, editor Steph has sent out notices to Webb Weekly writers reminding us to get our pre-Christmas columns in early to beat the holiday deadline. Such was not the case this year, as the calendar gives us a bit more time until the big day arrives. For procrastinators, the

  • Remembering The Yuletide of 19300

    When Christmas was celebrated 93 years ago in 1930, the country was in the middle of a dire economic downturn that would become known as the Great Depression. The year 1930 saw men, women, and children waiting in breadlines and going to soup kitchens in order to receive basic sustenance for their bodies. Those who

  • Changes in Fishing Regulations0

    As the hunting seasons begin to wind down, some of us begin looking towards the upcoming fishing seasons. I know trout season is still a long way off, but we ice fishermen are hoping to get out on a lake in the not-too-distant future. With the fishing season not far off, it’s also time to

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 This week you may be interested in unusual art forms or creative things in nature, Aries. Therefore, try to enjoy outings that may bring you to exhibits by local artists or craft shows. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, an old friend may come to visit for the holidays and

  • The Roving Sportsman… Stocking Stuffers!0

    With only a few more shopping days before Christmas morning arrives, hopefully, you have taken care of all of the major items on your gift list and can now turn your attention to the last-minute items and the ever-popular “stocking stuffers.” I reflect back fondly, to the early days when the three stockings, hand-knit by

  • Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus0

    DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? VIRGINIA O’HANLON. 115 WEST NINETY-FIFTH STREET. VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected

  • The Elves and the Shoemaker0

    Once, there lived a kind, but exceedingly poor shoemaker. He was an honest, hard-working man, but he had fallen on hard times. So hard, in fact, that he could no longer make ends meet. All that remained in his workshop was enough leather to make a single pair of shoes. In the light of the

  • The Color of 20240

    As we wind down 2023, I’m looking ahead to the trends of 2024, and with every year, I like to take a deep dive into the Pantone Color of the Year. To pick the color that will set the tone for the year ahead, Pantone considers emerging trends across a range of industries. Experts comb

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas0

    By Clement Clarke Moore Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced

  • The Three Kings0

    By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Three Kings came riding from far away, Melchior and Gaspar and Baltasar; Three Wise Men out of the East were they, And they travelled by night and they slept by day, For their guide was a beautiful, wonderful star. The star was so beautiful, large and clear, That all the other

  • WAHS Students Earn More than 20 Awards at ConCon Event0

    Williamsport Area High School students recently participated in the annual mock Constitutional Convention (ConCon) at Pennsylvania College of Technology, bringing home a number of awards and recognitions. Forty-six WAHS students, representing 12 states and territories, competed against 150 students from 10 area high schools to debate topical issues. WAHS students earned 26 Superior Delegate Certificates

  • Mountie Memories for a Lifetime0

    I’m proud to say I grew up at the top of Kane Street in Southside and worked my way down to where we now have our Webb Weekly office. It has been positive in life to have first been a Mountie through ninth grade and then moved across the river to become a Lancer. The

  • Let’s Find Some Holiday Fun!0

    Gather ’round the Christmas tree, friends; it’s time to sort out the remainder of the Holiday Season! I know that we are all hustling and bustling, and having bushels of fun finding those perfect gifts, but let’s take a break from that and find some fun things to do! Luckily for you, I’ve done all

  • UPMC Cardiologist: Improve Heart Health By Reducing Stress This Holiday Season0

    The holiday season is right around the corner, a time packed full of gift-giving, shopping extravaganzas, parties, and activities galore. While this season is meant to bring feelings of love and cheer, it can also be one of the most stressful times, putting added strain on your heart. Stress is a part of life, and

  • A Not-So-Silent Night: Webb Staffers Pick Their Fave Xmas Movies0

    Merry Christmas, Webb readers! Here’s another early gift: Some splendid seasonal cinema for you all—in this case, chosen by your friendly Webb staff. Tim Hartzell: My favorite Christmas movie is Elf. I’m not a big Will Ferrell fan, but his portrayal of Buddy the Elf is so believable. I would pick a favorite scene or

  • My Gridiron Boys

    My Gridiron Boys0

    One of the joys of scribing is getting to know so many great kids involved with sports. We would get to know one another in high school, and then we would stay in touch. Sometimes, I will do a college or professional follow-up. Yes. It is always fun. There is an impressive list. This keeps

  • The Roving Sportsman… Plan Now for Springtime Planting0

    In less than two weeks, the official start of winter — December 21 to be exact — will be upon us. As winter weather settles in and spending time by the fireplace becomes a much more enjoyable pastime, you might want to take time to focus your attention on some springtime activities in order to

  • The Carroll House Remembered0

    As Christmas shoppers scurry around doing their Christmas shopping, it might be good to remember the golden days when downtown Williamsport was the retail center of northcentral Pennsylvania. There were department stores such as L.L. Stearns, Bush and Bull, Penney’s, Sears and Roebuck, and the Carroll House. The Carroll House was one of downtown Williamsport’s

  • Bear Talk0

    Living in this part of Pennsylvania, it’s certainly not unusual for the topic of black bears to come up in a conversation, and that’s especially true during the bear hunting seasons. More and more people, including many who don’t hunt, are reporting sightings of bears than ever before. There’s a good reason for these increased

  • Top Hair Colors for Winter0

    There’s something about the cheer of holiday lights and bright colors of festive wear and décor that makes me want to reconsider my hair color. There’s a whole spectrum of shade options out there right now, which is both exciting but also overwhelming when contemplating a color change. Whether you’re heading in for a routine

  • County Hall Corner: Some Really Good News0

    The federal government in Washington, has an advantage that state, county, and municipal governments do not have. These governments must have the money to meet their budgets through either taxes, grants, or investments. The federal government has these as well, but it also has the ability to create money. They literally represent the saying, “Money

  • Remembering the Reason and Celebrating the Season0

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to the greatest generation. “Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy— the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” ~ President Franklin D.

  • Gotta Get it Together!0

    Am I behind on everything holidays? Yes. I’ve come to accept the fact that this is just how I am going to live my life. Am I as far behind as I usually am at this juncture? Surprisingly not. My tree is up, the house is decorated — we even did some outside decorating this

  • Annual Salvation Army Festival of Trees Auction To Take Place This Friday, December 80

    It may be a new location, but it is still a display and auction of beautifully decorated trees — the proceeds from an auction for these trees to benefit the local Salvation Army. Last Christmas marked 20 years of success for The Salvation Army’s Festival of Trees at the Lycoming Mall. If you are new

  • Coaching for Dollars0

    With the utmost respect for Thomas Jefferson and his fellow Declaration of Independence signees, as the month-long college bowl season is about to commence — we hold these truths to be self-evident: Ohio State can’t beat Michigan, Penn State can’t beat either one, and some college boosters and administrations are shelling out millions of dollars

  • Rare “White Sighting”0

    I ran into a friend of mine last week, and when he walked up to me, he was reaching for his cell phone. Being the first week of deer season, I was expecting to see some photos of the big buck he got, but to my surprise, that’s not what he wanted me to see.


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