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  • County Hall Corner: Humble Excellence0

    Does anyone ever remember reading a headline that stated, “Airliner Lands Safely at Williamsport Regional Airport”? Of course not. That is not news because that is what is supposed to happen. News is when something bad happens, or unusual, or threatening. This is where the newspaper adage comes from, “When it bleeds, it leads.” It

  • Time to Limber Up That Fly Rod0

    The opening day of trout season is still a month away — April 14th here in our part of the state — and a couple of weeks until the trout opener in the southern part of the state on March 31st. With the openers still that far out, why would I be ready to give

  • My USABat0

    I must say that I am truly humbled by all the praise. Special thanks to those who give me props. Writing was never a forte, and I am extremely grateful that my lovely editor invites me back each week. English was by far my worst subject growing up so you can imagine the emotions when

  • Former US Olympic Standout Softball Pitcher Jennie Finch To Conduct Clinic At Liberty Arena March 24

    Former US Olympic Standout Softball Pitcher Jennie Finch To Conduct Clinic At Liberty Arena March 240

    By Lou Hunsinger Jr. Young softballers seeking to improve their game will have the opportunity to learn from one of the best when former U.S. Olympic Softball Team standout and Gold Medalist, Jennie Finch conducts a clinic at the Liberty Arena in downtown Williamsport on Saturday, March 24. Time magazine once described Jennie Finch as

  • 26th Annual “Billtown Blues Challenge” Festival0

    Audition Concert to be Held Saturday, March 24 The time has come again for the Billtown Blues Association, BBA, to hold their 26th annual “Billtown Blues Challenge” Festival Audition Concert where local and regional musicians compete for the coveted spot on the BBA festival stage performing along with confirmed national and international acts. The BBA

  • A Less Expensive Wedding0

    Chances are that, if you’re getting married this summer, you already have your arrangements semi-set in stone by now. That’s just the nature of the multi-headed wedding beast that is vendors, caterers, churches, photographers, etc., which all require months if not YEARS advance booking. However, no matter the deposits you may have already put down,

  • Gazette and Gazette March 20, 1918 Williamsport has 666,577 Lbs. Flour0

    Gazette and Gazette March 20, 1918 Williamsport has 666,577 Lbs. Flour Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr. According to information received from the Office of County Food Administrator, Brua C. Keefer, in the post office building yesterday afternoon, Williamsport has over 666,577 pounds of wheat flour. The survey of the city’s excess and supply for present

  • The Taxman Cometh0

    The Taxman Cometh If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat If you get too cold, I’ll tax your heat If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet – The Beatles Call me a masochist. I like doing my taxes. Always have, and God

  • This Week’s LION: The Lion’s Heart0

    When I meet a reader of this column they sometimes ask, “What’s a LION?” Even though they may know that it stands for “Leaders In Our Neighborhood,” they still wonder what criterion establishes a person as a LION and another not. It was almost exactly four years ago that this idea came to life. It

  • The Bookworm Sez: “How to Stop Time” by Matt Haig

    The Bookworm Sez: “How to Stop Time” by Matt Haig0

    By Terri Schlichenmeyer “How to Stop Time” by Matt Haig c.2017, Viking $26.00 U.S. 328 pages The big hand is on the “12.” And the little hand is, well, you’ve known how to tell time since you were small. It’s something you do so naturally now that you probably don’t even think about it anymore.

  • Upon Further Review0

    In recent years those three little words have increasingly become part of sports lexicon — driving some to be mindful of that old axiom ‘be careful what you wish for.’ Initiated as a mechanism to use modern technology as a tool to increase officiating accuracy on the field of play, there are those who are

  • The Roving Sportsman: Calling All Gobblers0

    It is said of spring gobbler hunting that three of the most important factors for success are woodsmanship, patience and calling expertise. Patience, on the one hand, seems to be something we are either born with or not. Woodsmanship, on the other hand, is something that evolves over years of spending time in the out

  • ‘It’s On Us’ Grant to Bolster Campus Fight Against Sexual Assault0

    A $29,928 “It’s On Us” grant has been awarded to Pennsylvania College of Technology to prevent, address and respond effectively to sexual violence. Penn College, one of 39 institutions to receive funding from Gov. Tom Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, applied for a grant to establish programs ranging from campus-wide training to institutional

  • Mid March Memories and Traditions0

    What a wonderful time of year as the calendar reads the middle of March. Robins can be found abound. It is so great to wake up to the sounds of birds singing in the morning. Don’t get me wrong winter could still bring us some Arctic air but one thing’s for sure, it can’t last

  • Spring is Close!0

    I say it every year, and it’s no less true this year. I’ve come to mark the beginning of spring with the West Branch Builders Home Show. I know spring isn’t far away when it is time for the Home Show. Webb Weekly has a booth at the show every year and this year is

  • Do Dogs Go to Heaven?0

    By Jeffrey Allen Federowicz “If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers Warm, golden sunshine streams into a window near my desk each morning. This is where you’d find Mandy, and where my day would officially start. “You’re such a sweetie-pie,” along

  • Spring Sprucing0

    Whether it’s a major overhaul of the entire house or just some reorganizing of closets and cabinets, there’s just something about spring that lends itself to cleaning up the home front. After all the washing and scrubbing, this year, consider taking it one step further with some spring sprucing! What is spring sprucing, you ask?

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Pope of Palm Beach” by Tim Dorsey0

    The Bookworm Sez By Terri Schlichenmeyer “The Pope of Palm Beach” by Tim Dorsey c.2018, William Morrow $26.99 / $33.50 Canada 337 pages Reach back, they say. Grab the person behind you, beneath you on the Success Ladder, the newbie in the office, and elevate them, too. Reach back and help somebody. Reach back and

  • Looking for Alexa? Not at My Place!0

    If “Alexa” is truly taking the nation by storm, then somehow it passed me up. Or should I say, I passed her up because “she” has to be installed before taking any commands from me or anyone else. Alexa honey, what can you really do for me? I know you were released (born) by Amazon

  • Five Ways to Refresh Your Home For Spring0

    Spring is a time for renewal and awakenings. It’s also the perfect time to take your cues from Mother Nature and devise a plan to reduce and reimagine your way to a refreshing, updated home you can fully enjoy once more. Reorganize cluttered areas If a room (or rooms) in your house are in disarray,

  • The “Sock”0

    No, this is not going to be a story about one of my favorite socks, but it is a piece about one of my favorite trout streams — the Loyalsock Creek. My wife and I left DuBois, PA following our wedding and our next stop that evening was just beyond Williamsport. I remember telling her

  • This Week’s LION: Donald Free, Road Warrior0

    Try this experiment. Take a white sheet of paper and put a black dot in the middle and ask ten different people what they see. Odds are, almost everyone will say, “I see a black dot.” Yet, that dot only takes about one percent or less of the white space — so why don’t people

  • Spring into Lawn and Garden Care0

    If cooler weather has you longing for sunny days outdoors, take heart. Once spring rolls around, you can safely begin the annual cleanup to prepare your yard for months of warm-weather enjoyment. Start by evaluating your lawn. Look for bald spots where grass has grown sparsely and needs reseeding, or uneven areas that may need

  • Upgrades that Boost Your Home’s Value and Enjoyment0

    A home is often a family’s single largest asset, so making investments with upgrades and home improvements is almost always a good idea. However, knowing when and where to make those improvements isn’t necessarily a simple decision. Budget and space most often dictate the direction, but keeping function and your lifestyle needs in mind can

  • County Hall Corner: Stepping Up Initiative0

    The result of the Law of Unintended Consequences is that sometimes fixing one problem creates another one. In the 20th century, mental health hospitals were designed to improve on the insane asylum model of the previous century. Unfortunately, supply exceeded demand, and the result was increased neglect of the patients. A movement known as deinstitutionalization

  • 5 Steps for a Home Remodel0

    As a homeowner, there is nearly always a laundry list of projects with time and budget constraints when it comes to a home remodel. This step-by-step guide from the experts at the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) can help ensure you get the maximum return on your investment and make the most of

  • Fresh Home Upgrades for Spring0

    After a long winter cooped up indoors, spring is the perfect time to start re-imagining your home and making upgrades that create a fresh, welcoming vibe. These project ideas – some big, some small – can help breathe new life into your home so you’re ready to enjoy your favorite rooms to the fullest. Air

  • Transform Your Bathroom into the Ultimate Paradise0

    Many people spend a lot of time in the bathroom. It’s a functional space where you can bathe, get ready for the day and take care of business. However, the bathroom can be so much more than that: it can offer a place to destress, relax and recharge before taking on the morning or after

  • Seniors Becoming More Tech-Savvy0

    Technology is the future, and digital communication has opened many doors for people around the world. Although younger generations have grown up with technology at their fingers, Baby Boomers and older adults did not. But in spite of that, studies show that growing numbers of seniors are open to the idea of technology and even

  • Through The Years: Williamsport Sun March 18, 1948 Clay Building Closes Due to Scarlet Fever0

    Williamsport Sun March 18, 1948 Clay Building Closes Due to Scarlet Fever Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr. Officials of the Williamsport School District and the Board of Health ordered closing of the Henry Clay School this morning after another case of Scarlet Fever was discovered. The latest sufferer is Delores Finn, daughter of Mr. and


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