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Search Results For 'pa 2 1 1'

  • $400,000 Worth of Insults0

    The fleecing of American taxpayers never seems to end. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, something more pungent comes to light. I haven’t talked about Obamacare lately and was happier for not doing so. President Obama’s grand plan of national healthcare and providing health insurance for all was a farce from the word

  • Thanks, Praise and Reality0

    A heartfelt thank you and Webb Weekly salute to all the Veterans that have honored America with their service. You have exemplified one of the greatest qualities a person can have, selflessness. You have defended our freedom, protected our homeland and provided a helping hand at home and around the world when called upon. Whether

  • A Wolf, The Golden Goose and Our Future0

    So much to talk about, so little time. It’s hard to believe two years have passed since my Father left us. Thanks to all for sharing stories, kind words and memories of my Dad. James A. Webb Sr. was one of a kind. I am humbled to be compared to him as a writer. I

  • Tough Times Require Tough Decision Making0

    Former President Jimmy Carter is even speaking out against President Barack Hussein Obama’s lack of leadership and his delay on taking immediate action against ISIS. The former president knows a thing or two about what it takes to have a bad presidential effort and how problems in the Middle East contribute to this. He is

  • A Matter of National Security0

    President Barack Hussein Obama. Before he even began his candidacy, allegations arose over his qualifications to become president. Smoke swirled over his citizenship, religion and where he attended school. Shocking too many was his reluctance to produce a birth certificate, school records and address the naysayers. If he would’ve been a Republican candidate the media

  • Remembrance and Vigilance0

    Thirteen years have passed since the World Trade Center defined the New York City skyline along with the Empire State building. They made the “city that never sleeps” silhouette the most famous in the world. You couldn’t help but get excited as you headed into the city and saw the modern day marvel of the

  • There is a Right Way and a Wrong Way0

    It was an early morning a week or so ago as I sat in the breakfast area of a Vineland New Jersey hotel sipping on my coffee. The area became alive with young soccer players grabbing a quick bite before heading out for that dreaded 8:00 AM game. Jimmy and I were there for baseball.

  • So Long Sech0

    People cross through your path of life each and every day. Some spend a short time in your journey, others a little longer. Often it is not until they leave you that you remember the timeline and how special they were. If you knew Dave Sechler you liked him. Thin fellow, not real tall, always

  • Youth of Today0

    It was the end of the workday and I was rushing around to get up to Jersey Shore for a middle school hoops game. Pick up Michelle; hit the MAC machine for a quick sixty, so she doesn’t have to buy her own ticket. Ahead of schedule, we ran through the drive-thru at Burger King

  • My Three Rules0

    The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us. There will be many great games and matches played at every level all the way down to the youngest athletes, who are kindergarten age, participating in elementary programs or Bower League. I am a big believer in children participating at whatever age they are ready. Not when

  • The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us.0

    The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us. There will be many great games and matches played at every level all the way down to the youngest athletes, who are kindergarten age, participating in elementary programs or Bower League. I am a big believer in children participating at whatever age they are ready. Not when

  • A Thanksgiving Tail0

    Dad and I would get together early Thanksgiving morning and have coffee. He made his java so strong you could stand a pitchfork in it. I remember asking him, “Hey Dad, should I drink this or stain the deck with it.” He would laugh and say, “It is not strong. I only used 2 or

  • Does Whatever a Spider Can0

    It seems like it was only yesterday. Halloween was fast approaching and I needed that special costume. I was probably about second grade age. Back then trick-or-treating was a door-to-door – fill-your-bag-up-with-as-much-candy-as-you-could celebration! No popcorn balls or carrots wanted. Yes, a nice older lady gave me a carrot. She explained she had run out of

  • Cliff Notes Required0

    Well I hope to shed some light on our recent government shutdown and provide you information on the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”, so you can decide if this program is good, bad or ugly. Is all this partisan politics and government turmoil necessary? Is this complex piece of legislation going to drastically

  • Penn’s Woods and Water0

    A few leaves have begun to turn and soon beautiful reds, yellows and oranges will color the countryside. The calendar now officially reads fall. Although I am not excited about the short days and cooler temperatures, it’s a good time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. If you are a hunter, your favorite time


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