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  • The Roving Sportsman… Pocket Knives1

    It has been over a half a century since my Grandfather, Ira Martin Witt, passed away, yet I am happy to say that I still have to this day his favorite pocket knife. It rests securely within the walls of a safe, as I am fearful that if I carried it, it would join so

  • Cutters Dominican Dinner Returns July 29 – Dominican Players & Teammates to Serve0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have teamed up with A.C.E.S. North America in announcing the 6th Annual Dominican Plate – An Evening of Dominican Dining and Entertainment with the Cutters. The event will be held on Monday, July 29 in the Grand Ballroom of the Genetti Hotel, 200 W. Fourth St., Williamsport. Doors open at 5:30pm with

  • Summer Sports Safety0

    Now that the summer weather is here, it seems easy to jump right into athletic activity and pick up right where you left off last year. Unfortunately, over 3.5 million people in the U.S. suffer sports related injuries each year, with a large portion during the summer months. If the body is not properly trained,

  • Cutters Clubby0

    Most fans attending games at Bowman Field enjoy the games, the experience around them, and while attentive to the game on the field they are oblivious to what takes place before and after games in the Crosscutters clubhouse under the first base grandstand. That off-limits player’s sanctuary bears little resemblance to the opulence of Major

  • The Susquehanna Riverwalk0

    Teach, and I made plans to do something fun. She recently pulled the trigger on a new kayak, and we hoped to make a trip to Little Pine State Park. Her purchase caused some division within the house. I suggested she borrow from one of our friends but no- she just had to have her

  • Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway

    Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway0

    Thank you to all that made our Webb Weekly Great American Cookout Giveaway the summer fun contest for a great cause it was intended to be. I couldn’t believe the number of folks that actually brought their entry forms into our Webb Weekly office. It was great to meet and greet some of our readers.

  • Summertime0

    It’s all but mid-July and the lazy-hazy-crazy days of summer are upon us. It seemed like Mother Nature took her sweet time getting around to summer weather, but it appears to be here finally. So how are you spending your summer? Since I don’t have a pool or really know anyone who does, I’m looking

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 8, 1949 – City Youngsters May Get to Swim at ‘Sock’ Beach0

    Swimming facilities for the children of Williamsport will be made available today, despite the closing of the Memorial Park beach. A school bus will carry 50 children to the Sportsmen’s Memorial Park on the Loyalsock today. Arrangements have been made since the closing of the swimming area of Lycoming Creek because of contamination. The bus

  • County Hall Corner: Broadening the Broadband0

    The study of history is not as appreciated as it once was, but there are some important lessons to be learned from the past. One of these is from the process of economic development in the rural areas of the United States that took place in the early to middle part of the 20th century.

  • Denim Shorts in Your 30s & 40s0

    We are in the full swing of summer with hot, muggy days and weekends packed with activities. Whether you’re camping, running kids to Little League games, or knee-deep in home projects, chances are you have at least one pair of summer jean shorts that are mostly functional. Once you hit your 30s and 40s, chances

  • Our Rose Valley Walleye

    Our Rose Valley Walleye0

    I reached out to a friend of mine and asked if he’s been doing any fishing. No. I’m way too busy man but let’s give it a try sometime. Anything going on Friday? SCORE. We made plans to meet up at the East boat launch before the sunrise. Rose Valley Lake is the largest body

  • The “Snake Whisperer”

    The “Snake Whisperer”0

    Last week a couple of neighborhood boys were at their grandmother’s house when she summoned me to come over and remove a large black rat snake crawling next to her house. The nearly six-foot-long snake was less than pleased when I picked it up, but in a short time it calmed down when it realized

  • Cutters Dominican Dinner Returns July 29 – Dominican Players & Teammates to Serve0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have teamed up with A.C.E.S. North America in announcing the 6th Annual Dominican Plate – An Evening of Dominican Dining and Entertainment with the Cutters. The event will be held on Monday, July 29 in the Grand Ballroom of the Genetti Hotel, 200 W. Fourth St., Williamsport. Doors open at 5:30pm with

  • The Roving Sportsman… “Whitetails”0

    There is probably no other single word in the English language that will conjure up so much daydreaming and conversation among fellow hunters than the word “whitetails!” While there are certainly many avid turkey, bear, upland game and waterfowl hunters from coast to coast, the majority spend more time talking about whitetails than any other

  • Beautifying Bowman0

    When the 2019 version of the Williamsport Crosscutters emerged from the locker room donning their sparkling white home uniforms to meet the local media for the first time before the season began in mid-June, the day was warm, the sky blue and no moisture was falling from the sky. It was almost a perfect day

  • Lycoming County Special Olympics Events for July0

    Two fundraising events and the annual picnic are planned to take place in July for Special Olympics. Both fundraising events are scheduled to take place on July 21, with the picnic scheduled to be held on July 28. The first event, the 2nd Annual Swimming For Special Olympics, will be held on July 21 at

  • Community Arts Center 2019-2020 Season Announcement!0

    The Community Arts Center proudly presents its 26th Season! Nearly one and half million guests have enjoyed events at the Community Arts Center since the spectacular re-opening in 1993, and millions more are on the way. Making sure that there is something for every taste and every age has become a Community Arts Center hallmark.

  • An All-American Celebration of Freedom0

    Happy Fourth of July America! It seems like only yesterday I was downtown for the Bicentennial Parade. Wow, where have those 43 years gone? As you celebrate everything that is the United States of America on our 243rd Independence Day, please take a moment to reflect and give thanks. Take a knee for the only

  • Winner, Winner And a Chicken Dinner!

    Winner, Winner And a Chicken Dinner!0

    The results are in and we have a winner for our Great American Cookout, Summer Prize Pack Giveaway! Congratulations to Phyllis Maietta from Loyalsock! She won an amazing Holland Grill from Lycoming Lawn and Garden, and $50 gift cards to Rupert’s Specialty Meats, Tony’s Deli and Frosty Beverage! Everything she needs to have an amazing

  • Independence Day Activities are Plentiful Throughout the Area

    Independence Day Activities are Plentiful Throughout the Area0

    This year Americans will be celebrating the 243rd anniversary of their independence from Great Britain and locally you can expect the usual array of celebrations as well, highlighted by the 24th Annual “Set the Night To Music” celebration in downtown Williamsport. In addition to the large fireworks display, there will be various food and craft vendors on

  • Paddling 1010

    North Central Pennsylvania is home to several great opportunities and paddling gives you a whole new perspective. This includes kayaking, canoeing, and even standup wakeboarding on the nearby lakes, rivers, and streams. Paddling is another beautiful way to experience the outdoors. The Spencer’s have a canoe, and we use it rather often. While Mom sits

  • 243 & Counting0

    Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us Despite all the discord we’re worth all the fuss We’re the land of the free and the home of the brave Proven by the sacrifices so many freely gave Regardless of your views or those you dislike Those founding fathers did get things right The courage they

  • The Roving Sportsman… Gaining Permission to Hunt0

    Hunters today have basically three options when it comes to having a place to hunt. There is public land, such as our Pennsylvania state game lands and state forests, but they can sometimes be crowded by other hunters who you don’t know and can’t be too sure they are ethical sportsmen. You could join a

  • County Hall Corner: The High Cost of Delinquency0

    A rather interesting debate occurred at the work session of the County Commissioners on June 18th when Commissioner Tony Mussare questioned Ed Robbins, Director of Juvenile Probation, rather intensely over the cost of sending at-risk youth to the George Junior Republic complex at Grove City, PA. Commissioner Mussare was gagging over the price tag of

  • Alize Johnson Unable to Appear July 60

    Due to a conflict with the start of the NBA Summer League, Alize Johnson will be unable to appear in-person at his bobblehead giveaway scheduled for July 6. In a statement, the Crosscutters said, “We are sorry to announce that Alize will be unable to appear due to a scheduling conflict. We realize that many

  • The Wildlife Leadership Academy

    The Wildlife Leadership Academy0

    Let’s start this piece by first talking about cover and structure for fish. So what does the title, “Wildlife Leadership Academy” have to do with cover and structure? I’ll get to that in a minute, but what about cover and structure? If you’re a fisherman, you know the importance of cover and structure in a

  • How to Dress to Flatter your Shape0

    As I’ve gotten older, I’ve dressed less and less around the latest fashion trends and more to suit my own personal style and shape. Over the last five years, my shape has fluctuated with having two babies, so I’ve had to re-learn some basic techniques when it comes to dressing to flatter my figure. Here

  • Carmen Barone Signs with Saint Francis University

    Carmen Barone Signs with Saint Francis University0

    Carmen Barone recently signed his letter-of-intent to continue his education and play football at Saint Francis University. Here he is pictured with: (standing) Loyalsock Athletic Director Ron ‘CI’ Insinger, Ashley Sekel VP, his sister Alena Barone, his brother Nick Barone, his sister Isabella Barone Sister, Head Football Coach Justin Van Fleet. Seated are his grandmother

  • This Week’s LION: Ex-Congressman Tom Marino0

    When Tom Marino was elected for his fifth term of office for the U.S. House of Representatives, he was confident it would be his last campaign. What Tom did not expect was a life-threatening illness the first week of January of this year that almost cost him his life. It was a terribly difficult decision,

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 6, 1936 – 4,000 at Festival of Music0

    An attentive and enthusiastic crowd estimated at over 4,000 gathered in Brandon Park last evening at the Community Music Festival sponsored by the Adult Education Division of the Works Progress Administration. Musical groups of this city and surrounding communities combined to give the people of Williamsport an entertaining and artistic program upon which much time


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