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  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month0

    Domestic Violence Awareness month was originally started in 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence as a Day of Unity to connect battered women’s advocates across the country. According to the CDC, 1 in 4 women, and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. Think

  • Fire Prevention: More Than Just One Week a Year0

    Each year, hundreds die, thousands are injured, and millions of dollars in property damage is done by fires that happen in a wide variety of structures. Some simple preventative measures could have prevented most of these blazes. Knowing those preventative measures and acting on them is the essence of National Fire Prevention Week. In 1925,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Archery Deer Season is Underway!0

    Those who enjoy the taste of squirrel pot pie were able to spend a few of the last days of summer in pursuit of squirrel throughout the state since September 12. While squirrel hunters tend to be a smaller, yet very dedicated group, those who have been awaiting the opening of archery deer hunting make

  • The Hunt for Fall Panfish

    The Hunt for Fall Panfish0

    I suppose it sounds a little bit odd to refer to a fishing outing for panfish as a “hunt,” but the bottom line is — you have to find out where the fish are before you can get on with the business of catching them. That is exactly how the scenario played out last week

  • Hunters, Don’t Overlook Your Health0

    Most hunters are preppers. Before the opening of the season they make sure the guns are sighted in, the clothes are scent-free, and the vacation days are planned well in advance for those upcoming opening days. However, one thing many often overlook is their physical fitness. Hunting can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity helping

  • Signs of Stress in Children0

    The global pandemic sparked by the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 caught many people off guard. Life changed seemingly overnight, causing a host of unforeseen consequences that people were still confronting months after the pandemic began. The pandemic has proven stressful for many people, and the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions notes that

  • How to Field Dress Wild Game Properly and Safely0

    Fishing and hunting are popular outdoor activities. Many outdoor enthusiasts engage in angling or hunting so they can have trophies to put up on their walls. Others rely on hunting and fishing for supplemental food sources. Game animals will have to be cleaned and processed properly whether they’re headed to the dinner table or to

  • County Hall Corner: Extra! Extra! The Latest on Mail-In Ballots0

    As I have noted in my last County Hall Corner, living abroad resulted in my having to explain many American idiosyncrasies. It is not just our sports vocabulary but also the extremely odd way we go about electing a President of the United States compared to the relatively simple way heads of state are elected

  • The Strike Zone?0

    The decks were cleared of all household responsibilities on September’s last Sunday afternoon. It was the last day of the regular season for MLB and has been the practice in recent years; all 16 games were scheduled to start at the same 3:05 p.m. eastern time. In this shortened season, most of the games were

  • Happy Fall Y’all

    Happy Fall Y’all0

    I appreciate all the love with regard to my “Unbelievable Fishing Story.” My phone has been ringing off the hook since last Tuesday. That muskie who inhaled my smallmouth bass has made me somewhat famous. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience, and I am extremely thankful that I came home with some

  • What to Wear to the Pumpkin Patch0

    It’s October, and you know what that means — gourds, pumpkins, cider, sweaters, boots, foliage, and, of course, Halloween. One family fun activity for this month is visiting a pumpkin patch. Whether you go for some farm-friendly pastimes, picking up produce, selecting the perfect pumpkin for your porch jack-o-lantern, or just a change of scenery,

  • Postal Gratitude and Monster Buck Attitude0

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to our local postal carriers. They do a great job each and every week making sure the Webb Weekly gets delivered right to your home. I consider these fine folks my partners in business. They do the heavy lifting and delivery

  • Adopt a Shelter Dog

    Adopt a Shelter Dog0

    Anyone who knows me, knows that I am notoriously early for everything. Obnoxiously so sometimes. I can’t help it. Being late gives me anxiety, and as Mr. Webb used to say, “If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time, you’re late, and if you’re late, you’re out the door.” So that means we

  • An Unbelievable Fishing Story

    An Unbelievable Fishing Story0

    The other Sunday, I wanted to go fishing. The creeks needed some water, so I headed to the mighty Susquehanna. I stopped at Wegmans with my kayak strapped above. I grabbed a quick coffee and ran into a few chums. They asked where I was going, and I simply pointed to the Market Street Bridge.

  • Myth vs Fact: Alcohol’s Effects on the Heart0

    While drinking can be a socially acceptable part of our lives, lifestyle changes and challenges resulting from the pandemic including working from home, kids stuck at home, lack of routine, boredom, and increased uncertainty about the future may have you reaching for a glass of wine or mixed beverage more frequently than before. The truth

  • Broadcasting During A Pandemic0

    Friday Night Lights is back. Well. We are taking things one step at a time. Loyalsock and South sat out the first two, and I hear the boys in Canton are currently in the locker room. But all of our local squads should have participated in at least one game. I personally didn’t think we’d

  • The Gridiron & Softball0

    As I was preparing this week’s column, 9:31 a.m. unceremoniously passed by on the September 22 morning, bringing with it the fall equinox and the first day of autumn. As a big fan of summer, this annual occurrence has never been a cause for celebration for me, but this year is a bit different. After

  • County Hall Corner: Team Lycoming County vs. COVID-190

    In the United States, sports reflect life. When I lived abroad, I often had to help the interpreters who would be translating for the Americans who would visit because they inadvertently used so many sports metaphors and did not realize it. Those not familiar with the game of baseball have no idea what is meant

  • Hunting Season is Upon Us!0

    I think that most folks these days would agree that it certainly has been a crazy year so far! In particular, the coronavirus has disrupted our usual routines and greatly affected our daily lives. With little exception, everyone has experienced some kind of negative reaction to this pandemic. But good things do await us in

  • Style File: Athleisure0

    In this edition of “Style File,” we’ll be looking at Athleisure, which, as its name suggests, is a mix of athletic gear and loungewear that became a popular style here in the last decade. What draws many to this style of clothing are the overall comfort and practicality factors. Once considered a faux pas in

  • Fundraiser at Hatchet House: To Benefit Suicide Awareness – This Saturday, October 40

    For most 13-year-old, eighth grade boys, life is filled with various types of diversions, things such as sports. According to his mom, Amber, Brayden Seasholtz is currently on the football team and he loves sports! He takes after his dad and loves the Pittsburgh Pirates, Penn State football and wrestling, the Pittsburgh Penguins, and the

  • Hunting Regulations – Old and New0

    With the archery hunting season about to get underway on October 3, I’ve been putting as much practice time in as possible with my compound; hopefully, the practice pays off. As we move into the fall hunting seasons, I also like to make it a point to review the Hunting and Trapping Digest that you

  • It’s “Big Game Season”0

    Yes, I know, all the big game hunting seasons are upon us, but it’s also the season for another kind of big game hunting, or maybe I should say big game fishing; I’m talking bass and the pike family. While I plan to do my share of deer hunting, you can bet I will also

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunting Pennsylvania Black Bear0

    The big game species that can be hunted in Pennsylvania are the elk, whitetail deer, black bear and wild turkeys. For the average hunter, the chance to get an elk in our state is quite remote because of the limited number of animals and the slim chance of ever being drawn. When you consider the

  • Home, Neighborhood, and Self Improvement0

    Autumn has officially fallen on the West Branch Valley. Although I don’t like the daylight hours growing shorter, the temperature moving a little south on the thermometer and knowing what may be just around the corner — what an absolutely amazing time of year in our neck of Penn’s woods. We all need just to

  • Seasonal Skin Care0

    Fall is officially upon and us and as you start to transition your wardrobe for fall remember that your skin is going to be transitioning as well. A great way to start a new season is with a facial! Not only will it prep your skin for the weather changes, but it’s also a great

  • STEP Continues to Offer its Social Services to Clinton and Lycoming Counties Despite COVID-19 Pandemic0

    For more than 50 years, STEP has been offering various social services to the citizens of Clinton and Lycoming counties. But no year has posed a greater challenge to its ability to deliver those services than in this year, the “Year of COVID-19.” They have managed to soldier on and adjusted the way they have

  • COVID Recess

    COVID Recess0

    It has been a rough couple of weeks. I am not going to lie. The world is stressed, and I definitely know why. Look, I am not here to point fingers. These are unchartered waters. My son and I are struggling. We are doing our best with this hybrid learning. He attends school two days

  • A Strange September0

    With fall officially arriving this week, we are now into our third season of ‘COVID-company.’ It hasn’t been fun, but most of us are coping the best we can. September is the year’s most significant transitional month with warm summer days turning to cool autumn mornings with the harbinger of an arriving winter all to

  • County Hall Corner: Neutered News0

    Back in the forgotten days of real journalism, a big story was described as a ‘front-page story,’ and its importance was shown by the headline’s font size. So, for many newspapers, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, or President Kennedy was assassinated, the headline filled half of the front page, known as ‘above the fold.’ Today,

  • Trout Under Stress0

    I’m sure I don’t have to remind anybody reading this piece that those of us inhabiting this part of the state are experiencing a serious lack of rain over the past couple of months. This lack of rain has taken its toll on a number of my neighbors’ wells — mine included. The area of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Balancing the Scale0

    Over the years, I have had the joy of hunting in every one of our 50 states and in doing so have discovered something that all of the lower 48 continuous states have in common. Coyotes. Yes, during the spring gobbler hunting seasons, I have seen, heard, or have seen the tracks or scat of

  • Trench Coats & Leather Jackets0

    Finally, the weather is starting to turn, and the smell of crisp autumn is in the morning breeze. One of my favorite things about fall is the return of outerwear; they don’t call it sweater weather for nothing. Unlike winter, when heavy coats are necessary, fall is the time to have fun with layers and

  • Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy? Seeking the Right Care0

    Occupational therapy and physical therapy are commonly confused with each other. While, occupational and physical therapy have a lot of similarities including improving quality of life, increasing independence, reducing pain and discomfort, and preventing further injury or injury recurrence, there are also key differences between the two, especially when it comes to their approach to

  • How You Can Help Fight Lyme Disease0

    Fall means it’s time to check for ticks, especially if you have recently spent time outdoors, taking part in activities such as hiking, camping, gardening, dog-walking or more. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to humans via infected ticks. A bull’s-eye rash is one of the hallmarks of the disease, but other

  • Boaters, Bikers, Bands, and Bombs Bursting in Air

    Boaters, Bikers, Bands, and Bombs Bursting in Air1

    There has been more talk about the Constitution of the United States of America in recent months than in decades. The most discussed and debated Amendments of our Bill of Rights, as always, has been the 1st Amendment, which provides the freedom of speech, press, the right to assemble and to petition the government for

  • Farewell Faithful Teammates1

    I write today to honor two more fellow basketball players and friends who recently passed away. Dennis “Dutch” Bogaczyk and James “Jimmy” Wilkerson. I had the pleasure of playing with both, for several years, with Ron Travis’s amateur teams — Jon’s Sports and Pennsylvania Athletics. Together with many other excellent players from this area and


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