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  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20Aries, put aside any errant musings and give important tasks your utmost attention this week. Energy is better spent on others, so keep this in mind when you get busy. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21Taurus, your coworkers are all excited and fussing over a new development. Maintain an even keel as

  • Fishing Dry Flies in November?

    Fishing Dry Flies in November?0

    I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I am an avid fisherman, and when it comes to catching trout, the flyrod is my first choice. My number one presentation with the flyrod would be dry flies drifted into the path of a rising trout; there’s just something really exciting about setting that hook into

  • Oral Health & Beauty0

    Recently, while at Target picking up toothpaste, I noticed that the oral care aisle is starting to look more and more like the skincare aisle. Sure, there were the typical tubes of Crest value packs, but there were also sophisticatedly designed electric toothbrushes, organic mouthwashes, and other fancy-looking oral hygiene products. This got me wondering:

  • District Champs0

    Tis the season, folks. We are now getting geared for our winter sports. Yes, this is my favorite time of year. It brings back so many memories. I am no longer coaching hoops but look forward to spending many nights in the area’s gymnasiums. My son Jensen is now a sophomore. He plays basketball for

  • Former Superintendent Establishes Endowment to Support WASD’s Music Programs

    Former Superintendent Establishes Endowment to Support WASD’s Music Programs0

    Former superintendent Dr. Oscar Knade has long believed that the strength of a school district’s music program provides the key to learning and builds not only a lifelong appreciation for the arts in students but also a positive district reputation within the community. It was with these principles in mind that, in 1972, shortly after

  • Pennsylvania Voters Didn’t Buy It0

    As I watched Channel 16 to begin my Friday morning after the election, there was a rock concert going on with Joe Snedeker in the backyard. This made possible by the fact they didn’t have to fill half the airtime with political commercials. Thank goodness this is finally over. I have Penn State blue and

  • Baked Tuscan Chicken: A Perfect Weeknight Dinner

    Baked Tuscan Chicken: A Perfect Weeknight Dinner0

    After a busy summer and fall I have once again managed to slip away from cooking at home. Now that the weather is changing and we are starting to hunker down for the cooler weather, it’s time to get back in the kitchen! I found — and made — this chicken dinner a couple of

  • College Coaching0

    The political ads media deluge is over! Television sets have been freed, now even those annoying commercial messages won’t seem as bad as what we’ve been subject to for the past month. In the interim, the World Series is over, high school football and soccer playoffs are winding down, college basketball is underway, the annual

  • Stroble’s Garage Closing its’ Small-Town Doors0

    The cover of the 2024 South Williamsport High School football program includes the statement, “Try that in a small town.” The words of the Jason Aldean hit song have nothing to do with football, but its sentiments have everything to do with life in small towns across the country. The song’s lyrics further state, “See

  • Trump Political Comeback Historic but Not Unprecedented0

    When Donald Trump won back the Presidency in this past election, most people probably thought that this was the first time that this historic feat had been accomplished, but they would be wrong. This remarkable feat was accomplished one other time, 130 years ago, by Grover Cleveland, who became the 22nd and 24th President after

  • UPMC Expert: Embracing Emotional Health in Diabetes Care0

    November is Diabetes Awareness Month. An estimated 10 percent of Americans are living with diabetes — that’s about 38.4 million people. Diabetes is classified in two ways — Type 1 and Type 2. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes cause similar symptoms and need lifelong management after diagnosis. But the two diseases have different

  • County Hall Corner: The Real Losers0

    I have been following politics since my teen years in the 1960s, and I thought it was crazy then. Nothing has been more crazy, weird, bizarre, and just plain stupid than this past presidential election. The Second Coming of Trump is certainly getting the attention, but there are casualties that are worth looking at. We

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Think about resting and being a bit introspective, Aries. Focusing on your inner world can help you to recharge your energy levels. Solitude also may provide some clarity. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Personal growth and self-improvement may be on your mind right now, Taurus. Set some new goals that

  • The Rut is Underway0

    As we move into the early days of November, archery hunters start getting really serious about their buck-hunting pursuits. This is a period when bucks become more active as they begin their pursuit of willing does, and the avid archery hunter hopes to take advantage of those deer movements and activities. Hunting is not centered

  • Here, There & Not Quite Everywhere: Zemeckis Reunites with Hanks0

    On the list of 2024 movies I was eager to see, Here had been ranking near the top. Not only does director Robert Zemeckis reunite with his team from Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, scripter Eric Roth) — but also, the set-up is something that, as far as I recall, has never been attempted

  • The Roving Sportsman… Reading and Maximizing the Rut0

    Whether you are a long-time bowhunter or are new to archery hunting for deer in Pennsylvania, the signs — if you read and understand them correctly — are clearly pointing to the fact that “the rut is on!” Over the past week or more, an increase in the number of scrapes has been evident, and

  • Sweater and Jeans0

    When cooler weather rolls around, there is one classic outfit combo that serves both function and fashion that most everyone already has in their closet — a sweater and jeans. Any color of sweater or denim style works, as these two closet staples rise above trends or fads. In fact, this outfit combination is really

  • Write-Ins


    Special thanks to those who supported my efforts. I decided to throw my hat into the ring at the very last minute. I was tired of the division — all of the hatred. The plethora of television advertisements made me cry. Then came all of the phone calls, random texts, and spam. You seriously can’t

  • Pre-Election Conversation and Veteran Day Appreciation0

    A quick reminder to all as I’m penning this column: it’s the Friday morning prior to the election. Some folks will be reading me on Tuesday as the polls are still open, and some will be reading shortly after the election has ended; I pray we have a peaceful election, that the results are known

  • Honoring Service and Sacrifice0

    Each November 11, our country pauses to honor the men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States military. Veterans Day is a time to reflect, celebrate, and express gratitude for the brave individuals who have served and sacrificed to protect our freedom. Initially marking the armistice that ended World War I

  • Muncy Hosting Annual Lycoming County Veterans Parade On Saturday, November 90

    The streets of Muncy will be filled with martial music and patriotic airs as the borough hosts the annual Lycoming County Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, November 9. The parade will step off promptly at 2 p.m. and form at Musser Lane at 12:30 p.m. Doug Lane, President of the organization that puts on the

  • UPMC Pulmonologist: Annual Lung Screening Recommended for High-Risk Individuals0

    One in 16 Americans will be diagnosed with lung cancer in their lifetime. As the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., lung cancer is a serious threat, but early detection and treatment can save lives. Most early-stage cases of lung cancer are either asymptomatic or show minimal symptoms, so catching the disease at

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, this week you may find yourself with some extra energy and enthusiasm for new projects. Figure out what you want to get done and think through a plan. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, you may have a strong desire for stability and security. Now is a good time

  • County Hall Corner: Is it Time for a Change?0

    After teaching leadership for education, business, and political officials in Europe and Asia for a number of years, I compiled my program into a book in 2006 entitled, Ideal Leadership: Time for a Change. Ironically, Barack Obama was running for president and used “Change” as his campaign focus. Many thought I was piggybacking on Obama,

  • November is National Family Literacy Month

    November is National Family Literacy Month0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., recognizes November as National Family Literacy Month. National Family Literacy Month is organized by the National Center for Families Learning. This month-long observance celebrates the role that literacy programs play in empowering families. To celebrate this observance, we encourage Lycoming County residents to get a free

  • Pheasant Hunting Underway?0

    Why do I have a question mark in the title of my story — that’s not a question but rather a statement? The reason for the question mark is because some people are wondering, “What’s a pheasant?” I moved to this area from western Pennsylvania in the early 1970s, and a pheasant was a very

  • Five Habits to Help Maintain Immune Health

    Five Habits to Help Maintain Immune Health0

    Cold and flu season is here. The best way to battle cold and flu season is to prevent coming down with anything at all. While it’s impossible to stay entirely safe from germs, sniffles and coughs, there are a few healthy habits you can incorporate for extra protection this year. Along with the guidance you

  • The Roving Sportsman… Heads Up!0

    They say that timing is everything, and we are entering the phase of deer activity that every archery deer hunter has been waiting for. Whether it is further defined as “the pre-rut,” “the rut,” or “the post-rut,” we are now moving into the days when the travel and rut level of deer has begun to

  • How to Style a Barn Jacket0

    The barn jacket or field coat is a type of rugged, durable outerwear originally designed for farming or outdoor work. L.L. Bean launched a version back in 1924 for sportsmen to wear whilst duck hunting. The corduroy collar could be flipped up to protect the neck in windy conditions, with the big, round pockets a

  • Nellie & Chris0

    The topic has come up often in our home. Jean reflects upon the many wonderful friends and experiences we have shared over the years due to our sports involvement. Many times, as we transition from one event or season to another, the experiences tend to be woven together like a t-shirt quilt. The quilt warms


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