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  • My Boys of Summer0

    Hats off to my friends from the West End. They are playing some impressive ball. I would like to congratulate the 13s and 14s on winning the State Crowns. Both teams are now headed to their Mid-Atlantic regionals. Great stuff, guys. Keep it rolling. West End’s 13-year-old Babe Ruth All-Stars won the Pennsylvania State Championship

  • A Closer Look at Deer Antlers0

    It’s that time of year again — when hunters begin taking a closer look at those deer gathered in the field along the road. Not only are we checking out what we see as we drive down the road, but you can bet that those trail cameras are getting a good workout too. Hunters are

  • How to Conserve Energy While Keeping the AC On0

    Air conditioning is a welcome luxury come the dog days of summer. Few people can imagine getting through a hot summer afternoon without turning their AC on, and that can make July and August some of the more costly months on the calendar in regard to energy consumption. Though the months of July and August

  • Four Words0

    “It’s the economy, stupid.” Perhaps no truer words of advice were ever given to a politician than those uttered by political strategist James Carville during Bill Clinton’s 1992 run for the White House. But it really doesn’t matter if those four impactful words were expressed during the 1492 Mayflower voyage or to those that might

  • Cool-Weather Crops0

    Wow, it is hard to believe that summer is already half over. As I worked in my garden this week, my thoughts drifted to cool-weather crops. With less than ninety days until the first frost, now is the time to prepare cool-weather crop seeds. If you grew broccoli, beets, spinach, or lettuce this year, they

  • A Smile, Handshake and Conversation Can Go a Long Way

    A Smile, Handshake and Conversation Can Go a Long Way0

    One of the things I enjoy most about doing the Webb Weekly is getting to talk to so many people. Believe me; my job never gets boring because I get this opportunity with folks about so many different topics. This includes the obvious, like working with those at businesses, discussing columns within the paper, talking

  • Improve Reading Comprehension0

    I know! I know! It’s summer! Why are we thinking about reading comprehension? We are supposed to be swimming and vacationing and all that! But the ‘Summer Slide’ is real, and according to Scholastic, kids lose significant knowledge in reading and math over summer break, which tends to have a snowball effect as they experience

  • 2nd Half Host Families Needed0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters are currently accepting applications for potential host families for the 2nd half of the 2022 season. While many host families return year after year, the team is always looking to add to their list of availabilities for the players. “Host families play a crucial role in helping our young players feel comfortable

  • Tree Talk Four Tips for Planting Trees

    Tree Talk Four Tips for Planting Trees0

    Trees are virtually everywhere you turn, from your own backyard to nearby parks and forests where you enjoy hiking. They provide shade and beauty, and some even bear fruit. Beyond all the immediate benefits, you may be surprised to discover trees are also a critical key to the future. These facts and tips from the

  • Soil Moisture

    Soil Moisture0

    My father taught me to garden as a child and helped me build my garden as an adult. I lost my father this month, but I find joy and happiness in his memory as I spend time in my happy place. I would like to thank everyone who called, messaged, and emailed me with thoughts

  • Coastal Grandmother0

    Did you envy Diane Keaton’s outfits in “Something’s Gotta Give” or Merely Streep’s in “It’s Complicated?” Are you a fan of Nancy Meyers movies with their perennial summertime lifestyle full of beautiful older women in linen tunics and arranging fresh flowers? Do you enjoy nine solid hours of sleep in a room with a humidifier,

  • Prepare for a Family Day at the Fair0

    County fairs, state fairs and country fairs dot the landscape in late spring, summer and fall, offering fairgoers plenty of attractions and rides to fill warm days and evenings. Families who plan ahead for the festivities may be able to improve their experiences. Purchase passes in advance. Some fairs enable visitors to purchase entry tickets,

  • Getting in Over Your Head0

    When we hear the phrase “getting in over your head,” we usually think someone has gone too far, and now they must suffer the consequences, but sometimes it pays to get in over your head when it comes to fishing lakes. In other words, it’s time to start targeting the deeper water rather than the

  • Badlands, South Dakota

    Badlands, South Dakota0

    Happy Trails, kids. My family and I are currently in South Dakota. We are here for a few more days; then, it is back to Pennsylvania. I have traveled here many times, but I continue to admire and appreciate the beauty. The landscapes are insane. We live in a beautiful country. Badlands is a national

  • The Roving Sportsman… Food Plot Maintenance0

    Any good gardener is well aware that a productive garden takes work. You don’t merely till the ground, stick some seeds in the dirt, and shortly thereafter begin picking fresh vegetables off the vines. If one wants a good harvest, then they must spend the time to eliminate weeds that take needed nutrients and moisture

  • UPMC Expert: Tick Bites and Lyme Disease0

    If you are heading outside this summer, it is imperative to take precautions to protect your body. In addition to sunscreen and other safety measures, consider using insect repellent. It will help you avoid not only pesky mosquitoes, but also harmful tick bites that have the ability to transmit Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a

  • Join the Penn State Master Gardeners! Now Accepting Applications0

    Penn State Cooperative Extension in Lycoming County is now accepting applications for the 2022 Penn State Master Gardener program. This program consists of a volunteer training course designed to provide experienced home gardeners with information and skills necessary to share their experience and knowledge with others and in the community. Why are people interested in

  • 151st Lycoming County Fair Takes Place July 13 to 230

    Expanded livestock and dairy exhibits and professional wrestling are just two of the things that will make this year’s Lycoming County Fair — which is the 151st edition of the event — a little bit more special. That’s the word from Lycoming County Fair Association President Rocky Reed. “We are really looking forward to this

  • Six for the Road: A Cinematic Tribute to Travel0

    At the height of the travel season — and in honor of the state-traversing U.S. Route 6, Pennsylvania’s coolest two-lane — Webb presents a half-dozen road movies. We’ll stick to “under-the-radar” films in this category — trusting that most readers already know about such classics as “Rain Man,” “Planes, Trains and Automobiles,” the Oscar-magnet “It

  • Simple Tips for a Better Wedding Registry

    Simple Tips for a Better Wedding Registry0

    For some couples, the idea of registering for wedding gifts is an exciting way to start planning for the home they’ll be sharing as newlyweds. For others, the registry is just one more chore to check off the wedding to-do list. Regardless of where you fall on the love-it-or-hate-it spectrum, most experts agree a registry

  • Library Announces Plans for 19th Annual Author Gala Fundraiser0

    Best-selling author Elin Hilderbrand is the featured speaker for the Library’s 19th Author Gala on the main stage of the Community Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. October 13. Hilderbrand is the proud mother of three, a dedicated Peloton rider, an aspiring book influencer, and an enthusiastic at-home cook (follow her on Instagram @elinhilderbrand to watch

  • Whip Up a Bountiful Weekend Brunch0

    Fresh air, warm sun and delicious foods make brunch a favorite weekend event. Set the stage (and the table) for an inviting experience with recipes that cover all the bases from snacks and desserts to a mouthwatering main course. Tide the appetite of your guests with Spiced Grass-Fed Lamb Over Hummus served with toasted flatbread

  • A Day Devoted To Mac & Cheese0

    One bowl, six basic ingredients and 30 minutes makes a very full and happy belly. Last week was National Mac & Cheese Day, a time to celebrate one of America’s favorite dishes. Mac & cheese is also the ultimate in comfort food. In addition to being mighty tasty, its economical and easy to make. It’s

  • County Hall Corner: Rage is All the Rage0

    Our area has finally joined many of the municipalities in the United States by experiencing an act of rage. It probably had to happen sooner or later. Around 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 3rd, a woman took out her rage against Little League International by driving her minivan through the front door of the World

  • The Growth and Creation of an All-Inclusive Division0

    I could hear the birds singing and chirping before the sun even woke up — what a perfect way to awake and start the day. I love the long hours of July sunlight. What a special time of the year. It goes without saying no matter where you look or listen; the daily topics are

  • Spongy Moth Destruction0

    Have you been in woods lately? Have you heard what almost sounds like rain hitting the leaves above your head? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s not a passing summer shower. What you are hearing are Spongy moths, and their munching is doing a number on our local forests and

  • Artists from Canada Coming to Isle of Comics0

    Two Canadian comic book artists will be making an appearance locally at Isle of Comics in South Williamsport. Both are making their way down the East Coast visiting conventions and will be visiting the shop for an exclusive brief store signing. Richard Comley is the creator of “Captain Canuck” and Fadi Hakim is the editor

  • Summer Dresses0

    In the summer, dresses (for those of you that regularly wear them) are an essential outfit staple. There are so many options when it comes to warm-weather frocks, from little white dresses to shirtdresses, to caftans. The easier the on-off, the better for when you want to look cute but not as if you’re trying

  • Cutters Joining Spikes in Rebranding for Special NFT Jersey Game0

    In a partnership that forges a new connection between baseball and the non-fungible token (NFT) space, the Williamsport Crosscutters and State College Spikes will each rebrand for a game on Saturday, July 9 at Medlar Field at Lubrano Park in State College. The Spikes will become the State College DiamondDawgs, adopting the identity of the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Father’s Day Weekend – Day Two0

    My two sons and I had declared the first day of our Father’s Day Weekend fishing extravaganza a huge success! Yes, we did not land nor even hook a fish throughout the entire day, and it would take a dedicated fisherman to understand how someone could call a day without catching a fish a “success.”


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