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  • Joy and Love to the World

    Joy and Love to the World0

    I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please take the time to come together as family, friends, and loved ones to enjoy this most amazing season. Please find the good in everything and everyone. Check all political conversations at the door until after the New Year. Make sure you give

  • Merry Christmas0

    Why no, Susan, I do not have everything done for Christmas. I think my shopping is done, but probably not. I still have dinner stuff to buy, and if I’m lucky, I’ll find some time to wrap on Christmas Eve — gift bags are sounding better and better! But it’s OK. It’s totally fine. I’ll

  • Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest Winners Announced!0

    The following are the Winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest! Congratulations to all of our winners and many thanks to all of our entrants! We had OVER 500 entries this year! You kiddos wore our elves out with judging!! We’d also like to thank all of the people who offered

  • Merry Christmas!0

    As many of you will receive this publication the day before Christmas, it is appropriate to reflect upon the famous Clement C. Moore poem, A Visit from St. Nicholas. Telling about the visit from the jolly one, Moore’s poem concludes with the one-line message, “Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!” Christmas

  • Movie Time0

    My good friend Nick Tagliaferri and I WERE somewhat celebrities. We took advantage of our impressive coaching resumes. SPENCE TAG RADIO was well before its time. A weekly part-time gig had many listeners. No advertisers. I truly believe that we were the first local PODCAST. But our success only lasted for one season. We broke

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 It’s easy for your mind to wander and get caught daydreaming, Aries. You could be feeling a little restless and in need of a change. A vacation or a night with friends may just do it. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, even if you are trying to save money,

  • In X-Celsis Deo: Weird Words for Dec. 24-260

    It’s possible you just might have noticed a slight focus on Christmas in the last several issues of Webb Weekly. That’s certainly the case with my own recent articles; but since some readers won’t get their Christmas-week copy till 12/26, I was stumped on a theme for the year’s final batch of “Weird Words.” And

  • The Roving Sportsman… It’s Not Over Yet!0

    Pennsylvania’s fall turkey season is over, the bear season has ended, and the regular firearm season for deer ended on December 14. For many of the Keystone State’s hunters, the end of the rifle deer season signals that it is time to clean their rifles and shotguns and that the hunting season has ended. But

  • What’s a Good Buck?0

    With the exception of the upcoming Flintlock deer season, our deer hunting is over in most states. When we run into our hunting buddies, the photos come out, and the success stories follow. Most of the racks are what many of us would consider “average,” but now and again, a really nice rack comes up.

  • UPMC Dietitian: Navigating Food Sensitivities During the Holidays0

    As we recover from Thanksgiving but with many more celebrations ahead, you may find it challenging to not overindulge this holiday season. Perhaps you also hosted—or were a guest—encountering food allergies or sensitivities that might need more attention in your next gathering. With a little preparation and communication, everyone can enjoy the holidays without compromising

  • Christmastime 60 Years Ago0

    The year was 1964. It was a momentous and interesting year in almost every field of endeavor, from popular culture to politics and many things in between. That year’s most spectacular event in popular culture was the advent of “Beatlemania.” Four lads from Liverpool dominated that year’s music charts. In the week of April 4,

  • County Hall Corner: Santa Better Watch Out, I’m Telling You Why0

    As the song goes, “You better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I’m telling you why — Santa Claus is coming to town.” And as we all know, Santa has a particularly unique vehicle for his midnight deliveries: a sled with flying reindeer: Dancer and Prancer (they are sisters), Comet and Cupid

  • Elves, Bells, and Bucks0

    It’s hard to believe Santa’s midnight ride is less than a week away. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is in full swing at our Webb Weekly office. I love getting a preview of all the children’s artwork as it comes in for our Annual Blaise Alexander Christmas Fun Coloring Contest. The effort

  • It’s the Final Countdown!0

    Well, y’all. This is it. We are down to the Christmas wire! Before you ask, no, I’m still not ready. I will be. Promise. I’m just not there yet. In the meantime, let’s talk about the final days of the holiday season. There is still plenty of fun to be had and things to do

  • “Not Such a Bad Little Tree”: A Charlie Brown Christmas0

    Charles Schulz’s beloved Peanuts has inspired no less than 50 different television specials; but of course, the best and most beloved is the one that started it all: A Charlie Brown Christmas. Last week in Webb, I named that as my single favorite holiday movie; so now let’s expand a bit with background and trivia

  • Connor Watkins0

    One of the joys of part-time scribing is getting to know so many great local kids involved with sports. We meet up in high school, and then we stay in touch. Sometimes, I will do a college or even a professional follow-up. Yes. It is grand. There is an impressive list. Both boys and girls

  • Under the Radar, Under the Tree: Lesser-Known Films for Christmas0

    Following up on last year’s list, your Webb movie-critic herewith offers another batch of under-the-radar holiday movies for seasonal screening: Comfort and Joy (1984) – How’s this for an unlikely premise: A popular Glasgow disc jockey, devastated by a recent break-up, somehow becomes the go-between in a turf war between two firms of competing ice-cream

  • Looking Back with Steve Keener0

    As the strains of Auld Lang Syne ring out on New Year’s Eve, longtime Little League International President and CEO Steve Keener will enter retirement and turn over the mantel of leadership to Pat Wilson. Appreciably, he took the time to reflect upon his experiences with Webb Weekly. WW: How satisfying has your career been?

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, a special person in your life deserves all of your attention. Romance might be on your mind, and you’ll look forward to all of the time you can spend together. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 You may feel artistically inspired this week, Taurus. Explore projects like home improvements or

  • Annual Homeschool Science Fair0

    On December 7th, the Lycoming Clinton County Homeschool Association (LCCHA) held its 1st annual Homeschool Science Fair at the Pine Street Methodist Church in Williamsport. The event occurred between 2 and 4 p.m. with 29 participants in three age groups (5–8-year-olds, 9–12-year-olds & 13+). Students were given parameters to work under, which included a question

  • Celebrating the Epiphany0

    The holiday season is full of faith and celebration. Even though people may believe this important time begins at the start of December, for millions of the Christians, the Twelve Days of Christmas begin with the birth of Baby Jesus on December 25 and continue through the Epiphany on January 6. The Epiphany, also known

  • Hunting Season is Not Over Yet0

    I realize our regular firearms deer season is over for this year, but if you were not able to tag that deer, there are still some opportunities left. Our statewide flintlock deer season for both antlered and antlerless deer runs from Dec. 26-Jan. 20. Sure, you have to put that high-powered rifle with the scope

  • UPMC Expert: Tips for a Safe, Merry, and Bright Holiday Season0

    The holiday season is a wonderful time filled with family gatherings, festive decorations, and plenty of treats. But the season also brings certain risks for kids, from choking hazards to potential injuries with holiday décor. Here are some simple safety tips to keep your holiday joyful and your kids safe. Decorations and Lights Holiday decorations

  • Dick Allen Most Recent Bowman Field Alumnus Elected to Baseball Hall of Fame0

    In a move that many baseball observers thought was badly overdue, feared slugger Dick Allen, along with former Pirate great Dave Parker, were elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame last week. He narrowly missed in two previous tries, including one time by just one vote. Allen joins other Bowman Field alumni, Jim Bunning,

  • County Hall Corner: The Sun Doesn’t Shine for Everyone0

    Truth to be told, there really is no way to please everyone. Take the weather, for instance. Imagine that it is summer, and it is a bright, sunny day. Is this weather good? I enjoy a nice, warm, sunny day, so I am quite happy. On the other hand, a farmer who might be desperate

  • Baby It’s Cold Outside0

    The first snow and cold was right on time for the opening of buck season. It reminded me of days gone by when the winter weather always welcomed in the season. I have always loved getting out in the woods and enjoying the beauty of that fresh blanket of snow. This year was special for

  • It’s Cold: Let’s Stay Inside0

    Y’all. I am not a fan of the cold. I don’t understand the people who like to spend time outdoors in general, but certainly not when the temperatures are lower than my age. But, it’s also the holiday season, so let’s find some Christmas cheer — but inside Christmas cheer! Here’s a fun, simple DIY

  • 22nd Annual Salvation Army Festival of Trees Taking Place0

    Fundraising for the local Salvation Army is more than the Red Kettles you see in front of area businesses. For the past 21 years, the annual Festival of Trees has been added to it. It is a great way to see some beautifully decorated Christmas trees and support the Salvation Army by voting for your

  • How to Style Track Pants0

    As winter approaches, I find myself thinking casual styles and relaxed bottoms are definitely on the outfit menu this holiday season. In the past, I’ve usually kept joggers and sweats related to at-home wear, so in searching for other types of low-key yet stylish pants to be worn out and about, I came across track

  • Strength & Honor: “Gladiator II” Has Plenty of Both0

    Ridley Scott doesn’t make bad movies. In fact, many of his titles that are not merely good but genuinely great: Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, The Martian — even lesser-known gems like The Duellists (1977) and Matchstick Men, from 2003. With Gladiator II, the veteran director adds another masterpiece to his resume. It’s a bit more


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