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Search Results For 'ppl'

  • Home, Autumn and Yogi0

    As I traveled the Country this Summer the true beauty of our great Nation was amazing. From the mile high mountains of the Rockies in Denver to the barren Grand Canyon type landscape of Southern Oregon and our Western states. Their mountains are magnificent in a totally different way and yes, I did venture northwest

  • Truth and R-E-S-P-E-C-T0

    Well, let’s get right to it. The words that Williamsport’s City Council President Mr. Bill Hall spoke in referencing me, claiming that I apologized to him in the name of “political personal destruction and smears, lies, innuendos and half truths,” is the farthest thing from fact. Nico Salvatori picked up Mr. Hall’s comments in covering

  • The Uncommon View of Commonsense0

    As I flipped through the channels the other night, catching up on the day’s events I stopped and watched about two minutes of Al Sharpton. I often watch Al to see what he’s spewing. It was the same old message, so on to Fox News I went. They had a gentleman cooking bacon by firing

  • Obamacation, Apathy and Evil0

    My Father’s view was a simple one, “Anyone who would take a two-week vacation, you’re better off without.” His thoughts were always based on dollars and cents, common sense and were straight to the point. An individual who would put that stress and strain on a business is not a team player. An individual who

  • Food for Thought0

    There is so much going on around the world to talk about, unfortunately none of it is good news. ISIS, Hamas, Syria, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, could the Middle East be any more of a mess? There is no reasoning with any radical Islamic group, or country, or both in the case of Syria. So there

  • Community Involvement and Politics As Usual0

    TEAM WILLIAMSPORT. I’m sure you have all heard of them by now. How could such a positive idea for taking the streets of Williamsport back from the heroin dealers and problems that follow them, create so much controversy? “Heroin houses”, unsafe neighborhoods and a spike in related criminal activity, it’s time to fight or time

  • My Three Rules0

    The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us. There will be many great games and matches played at every level all the way down to the youngest athletes, who are kindergarten age, participating in elementary programs or Bower League. I am a big believer in children participating at whatever age they are ready. Not when

  • The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us.0

    The basketball and wrestling seasons are upon us. There will be many great games and matches played at every level all the way down to the youngest athletes, who are kindergarten age, participating in elementary programs or Bower League. I am a big believer in children participating at whatever age they are ready. Not when

  • Does Whatever a Spider Can0

    It seems like it was only yesterday. Halloween was fast approaching and I needed that special costume. I was probably about second grade age. Back then trick-or-treating was a door-to-door – fill-your-bag-up-with-as-much-candy-as-you-could celebration! No popcorn balls or carrots wanted. Yes, a nice older lady gave me a carrot. She explained she had run out of


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