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Search Results For 'guns'

  • How to Layer0

    Even with the recent bit of warmer weather, it’s still winter out there, and chances are you still need to be strategic when it comes to getting dressed for the elements. Mid-winter thaws are similar to late fall and early spring with their chilly morning temps, followed by temperate afternoon highs. Much like transitional seasons,

  • Worlds End0

    I now have a nine-year-old son who is my pride and joy. I refer to him here quite often. Jensen is a great looking kid who plays Xbox and several youth sports. He loves the outdoors and is halfway through the third grade. Jensen is so dang spoiled and has thousands of Nerf guns. J

  • Happy Anniversary!0

    Happy Anniversary! January 22, 2003, we published the first issue of Webb Weekly. Our cover story was about the upcoming Super Bowl. Man, have we covered a lot since then. Going back through and looking at past issues this week has been a trip, to say the least. The people, places, events and more that

  • The Jaded Eye… Fountain of Youth Sprouts Here0

    I’ve poked fun at the masses for acting like mad men and women as they bust down doorways on Black Friday. However, I scour and scout on “Sensational Saturday” as I make the trek to York, Pennsylvania to a place where it not only offers cool stuff but can also take you back in time.

  • Gazette and Bulletin: November 9, 1917 – Kerensky is Deposed by Extreme Radicals who Seized Petrograd0

    Petrograd is again in turmoil. The provisional government has been thrown out of power by the extreme radicals headed by Nikolai Lenin. Premier Kerensky has fled the capital, several of his ministers have been placed under arrest, and the Winter Palace seat of the government, has been bombarded by the guns of the cruiser “Aurora”

  • Remember Carefree Cola Guzzling? Soda I.0

    There was a time in America when gulping a soda or Slurpee was as innocent as taking a breath of air. But times and outlooks are changing fast. Probably for the better. Come January 1, 2018, Geisinger health facilities will eliminate all sugary drinks and they won’t be available in vending machines, cafeterias or any

  • Helplessness0

    Helplessness. An inability to defend yourself or act effectively. The moment in a person’s life when they are watching their world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. The feeling when you truly want to help, but there is nothing that you can do. In Las Vegas, on October 1, 2017, at

  • Rockets’ Red Glare0

    Happy Fourth of July! Summer is moving right along; before you know it the calendar will read Labor Day. Let’s be careful out there, not only on the highway, but with all the summer activities and especially setting off fireworks. The first commemorative Independence Day fireworks were set off July 4, 1777. Before the Declaration

  • Remembering the Providers of Freedom0

    A Webb Weekly salute and remembrance for all who have paid the ultimate price for our Great Nation. An eternal prayer of thanks and peace for their families who understand the price of freedom many are oblivious to in today’s world. We are blessed to have the finest military in the world without which we

  • Wow…What a Show!0

    No, I’m not talking about Super Bowl 50 held earlier this month. The Broncos – Panthers was an average game at best. It proved a great defense wins championships, a great offense with a loudmouth quarterback get what they deserve. Who would have thought Peyton Manning, a five time MVP, would end his career as

  • Back to Reality0

    I get it. I have been writing about all the good going on in our little corner of the World. What a wonderful time of year it is and praise Jesus – the reason for the Season. Meanwhile all heck is breaking loose from Harrisburg to Syria and let’s not forget California. Pray for the

  • Next Question….0

    Did you watch the debate? What candidate do you like? Who do you feel has the edge at this point? These questions and topics are being talked about no matter where you go. It is great to see all the interest building for the 2016 Presidential run. My hope is all Americans realize the next

  • Our 2nd Amendment and Common Sense0

    It is always great to hear from so many about my writings and what’s on your minds. Recently our Second Amendment rights have been the hot topic. The proposed Ordinance 371 in Loyalsock Township has prompted many to reach out to me, as has the recent cowardly and despicable act that took place at Umpqua

  • A Law and Order Open House and Our 2nd Amendment Responsibility0

    Tip of the cap to the Williamsport Bureau of Police on their recently held open house. The event was a great way for the citizens of Williamsport to meet, greet and understand that the police are just “people in the neighborhood” trying to protect and serve your community. It was also a way to get

  • A Different January0

    There is so much to talk about in the early weeks of 2016. Usually January is a slow, get your feet under you, put the holidays in the rearview mirror month. Not this year! Locally, Williamsport hired a new Police Chief; Pennsylvania State Police Captain David J. Young. Captain Young will take over the reins

  • Ribbons, Ammo and Truth0

    The beauty of autumn can be found throughout this wonderful place we call home. The different shades of yellow, red and orange that adorn the trees and paint an October backdrop. The pumpkins, cornstalks and wreaths that provide contrast and welcome you into area homes and businesses. The perfectly groomed green of your favorite teams


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