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  • 2019…The Future is Now0

    Happy New Year! I just can’t even fathom that it is the year 2019. Where have the 70s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s gone? Not to mention, we’re working our way towards 2020. If you are around my age or older, tell me that doesn’t sound like a science fiction movie? One thing is for

  • Happy New Year!0

    Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever. ~ Mark Twain I mentioned last week that

  • 14-Year-Old Local Bassist Gabriel Severn Releases Award-Winning Debut Music Recorded with World Class Musicians0

    The year 2018 was a big year for one youthful musician from Loyalsock Township, 14-year old Gabriel Severn, who might be regarded as somewhat of a prodigy on the electric bass. His musical journey is comparable to an artist at least twice his age. In the past year alone, Gabriel has won multiple awards, performed

  • Hidden Ways You Can Benefit From Having Hobbies0

    Finding time for hobbies can be difficult. Commitments to work and family take up the bulk of many people’s free time, making it hard to squeeze in a favorite hobby. But hobbies can benefit people in some interesting ways. Understanding those hidden benefits may compel some people to make more time for their favorite downtime

  • The Roving Sportsman… Planning For Springtime Planting0

    With the beginning of winter weather settling in and spending time by the fireplace a much more enjoyable pastime now, you might want to take time to focus your attention on some springtime activities, in order to get your mind off of Mother Nature’s winter stranglehold. So let’s start to plan out what we can

  • See the USA2

    In 1979 my Aunt Wilma and Uncle Mitch Geiger drove cross-country from Merced, California to visit their hometown of Watsontown. Little did I know that visit would change my life forever. The promise of sun, no snow, warmer temperatures, new employment opportunities, and rust free cars was all it took for my Uncle to “stake

  • Interesting to Amazing Remembering My Roots0

    Growing up there were some things I didn’t want others to know about me. One was that we lived in an old farmhouse heated with wood and coal with only two somewhat, sometimes warm rooms. I never slept in a heated room during winter until college. We rarely wore white because without a water softener

  • Resolutions0

    Happy New Year and welcome to 2019! As the calendar flips, there is some unfinished business left to crown the champions of the 2018 football season at both the collegiate and NFL levels. The NCAA champion will be settled next Monday while the National Football League’s playoff road to the Super Bowl will begin this

  • The Striped Skunk0

    This week’s article stinks! Whether you are an outdoors person or not we have all had the opportunity to whiff the little black and white critters greatest defense mechanism — scent. It’s not at all unusual to be driving down the road and encounter a fresh road killed skunk and depending on which way the

  • County Hall Corner: A Bumpy Year Ahead?0

    The beginning of a new year is generally a time to make resolutions, but it also should be a time to do a little strategic thinking. All of us would benefit by examining the challenges of the coming year that should be factored into our thinking or planning. This is certainly true for county government

  • Resolutions.0

    Happy New Year boys and girls. I am so looking forward to writing more articles in 2019. Special thanks to Jimmy and Steph for allowing me to scribe. I am extremely honored and grateful for this opportunity. It’s hard to believe that I have been associated with Webb Weekly for almost fifteen years. That’s crazy.

  • Outside shooting and defense help give Loyalsock 61-44 win over State College0

    By BRETT R. CROSSLEY For the Webb Weekly STATE COLLEGE—Loyalsock’s offense has been outstanding all season. The Lancers have averaged nearly 50 points per game, topped the 100-mark once, and have finished each game with multiple double-digit scorers. The offense has been great, but the defense finally got a chance to shine during the State

  • Loyalsock opens Holiday Tournament at State College with 72-37 win over Strath Haven0

    By BRETT R. CROSSLEY For the Webb Weekly STATE COLLEGE—The one knock on Loyalsock in the early portions of the season has been its lack of depth after the starting five players. Although the numbers might not be exactly where it wants, Loyalsock’s bench proved its worth during the opening day of the State College

  • Happy New Year!0

    This is always one of my favorite weeks of the year at Webb Weekly. Not only because I get to stretch my legs (and word count) on page 2, but because of WHY. Though he wouldn’t want me to tell you, throughout the year Jimmy does a lot for our community. Be it through charities,

  • Ode to Roger

    Ode to Roger0

    Coach and I go way back. I first met him when my family and I moved to town. I wouldn’t say that we are super tight, but he has always been someone I could count on. Coach and I worked both worked in the Athletic Department. I was only part-time and coached different sports, but

  • How to Face Your Surgery Fears to Get the Care You Need0

    No one likes to hear “you need surgery,” but sometimes medicine and lifestyle changes just aren’t enough to fix the problem. It is only natural to be a little anxious when you find out you need to have surgery. Learn how to face and overcome your fear of surgery quickly to ensure you get the

  • Where Do They All Go?0

    Every year, right about this time, Mother Nature takes care of all of her creatures as they prepare to weather through the upcoming winter months. It is pretty amazing the way some of these birds, animals and insects prepare for and adjust their daily routines in order to make it through the freezing temperatures that

  • A Day-After Greeting0

    On the day after Christmas all through the land Folks were as busy as a one-man band Jolly Santa had been there the night before But now things were being brought back to the store But wait, alas that might not be true A new way of shopping did ensue Instead of the stores where

  • Finding Your Way0

    On occasion we outdoor types are occasionally faced with the task of navigating some unknown terrain. My son Brian recently returned from an elk-hunting trip to Colorado; a vast wilderness area he had never before traversed. I wasn’t concerned because he had map-reading skills and he knew how to read a compass. His hunting trip

  • This Year’s LION: The Wonder Wife – Debbie Stout

    This Year’s LION: The Wonder Wife – Debbie Stout1

    The Leaders in Our Neighborhood articles have not been as frequent in 2018 as in previous years, largely because of increased responsibilities in other areas (see “County Hall Corner”), but I felt a year-end feature was called for. And in keeping with the end of year mood, it seemed appropriate to announce my choice for

  • How to Dress Up if you Hate Dressing Up0

    Unless you’re a total humbug of a Grinch, chances are you’re going to at least one holiday celebration where you’ll have to dress up. But what if you’re more of a t-shirt and jeans kind of gal? How do you dress up when you’re averse to sequins, heels, and form-fitting frocks? Here are a few

  • New Year’s Traditions Around the World0

    Each December 31st, people anxiously await and count down to the arrival of the new year. January 1 often is a time for reflection and for making future plans. It also is a holiday full of tradition. Notable New Year’s traditions include toasting champagne beneath skies lit up by fireworks, kissing one’s sweetheart at midnight

  • County Hall Corner: Year End Awards0

    This is my First Annual County Hall Corner Award presentation. In 2018, 52 articles covered many areas of county government, and as I reviewed them, I came up with four categories of awards. First is the MOST FUN AWARD for the article that was the most personally enjoyable for me to research and write. There

  • Potts Overcomes Injury to Sign With the University of Minnesota

    Potts Overcomes Injury to Sign With the University of Minnesota0

    A small group of students, parents, and coaches gathered inside Williamsport High School’s library for a letter of intent signing that would change lives for the better. Treyson Potts sat at a table with Williamsport’s school logo on a wall behind him, his mother Georgia to his right and his father Jerome at his left

  • Simple Ways to Look and Feel Your Best0

    At the dawn of a new year, many people resolve to reach for new heights. On the path to personal growth or improvement, one may find that making a few adjustments can greatly increase confidence and satisfaction. The adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” can inspire people to look beyond the outer shell

  • Ross scores 22 points in three quarters to lead Loyalsock to a 64-48 win over rival Montoursville0

    By BRETT R. CROSSLEY For the Webb Weekly MONTOURSVILLE—For the first time in a long time Loyalsock’s Gerald Ross sat on the bench at the start of a basketball game. Ross could have sat there inattentive and indifferent to the game unfolding in front of him, but he didn’t. He was engaged, helpful on timeouts,

  • Treyson Potts Signs Letter of Intent to play at Minnesota0

    BRETT R. CROSSLEY/FOR THE WEBB WEEKLYWilliamsport’s Treyson Potts signs his letter of intent to attend the University of Minnesota in the fall where he will play football. With him are his parents Jerome and Georgia Potts. BRETT R. CROSSLEY/FOR THE WEBB WEEKLYWilliamsport’s Treyson Potts signs his letter of intent as Athletic Director Sean McCann, coaches
  • A Christmas Blessing and Story…

    A Christmas Blessing and Story…0

    If you know John, you can’t help but love him. He has been a true blessing to our community for decades. I thank him for sharing his Christmas card and message for this glorious season with us. It began with the simple cry of a baby … And grew into a shout of good news

  • Merry Christmas0

    So, I suppose since we are finishing our Christmas edition, I should, at some point, start Christmas shopping. Luckily, I’m pretty good at working efficiently, so I can probably get most of it done in a solid afternoon or two! Are you ready? I hope I’m not the only one struggling to get everything done!

  • Bogey Golf0

    The Lycoming County Commissioners have extended their agreement with Billy Casper. Casper will continue to oversee all operations of White Deer Golf Course until 2021. I have yet to see the new and improved contract as my Right to Know Request is currently in customs. I did hear that the County tweaked some wording, and


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