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  • Bower League

    Bower League0

    I want to congratulate all of the youngsters on another successful basketball season. Yes. The John Bower Church League has been around for a very long time. It’s the best. Props to the many volunteers behind the scenes. Your contribution to this venue shouldn’t go unnoticed. Thank you. We were a tad worried about this

  • Liberty Arena Expands to Add Kaos Fun Zone and Scorz Bar and Grill to Downtown Williamsport

    Liberty Arena Expands to Add Kaos Fun Zone and Scorz Bar and Grill to Downtown Williamsport0

    The recently renovated entertainment complex will hold official Grand Opening on Thursday, February 28 After a $5 million renovation, the expanded Liberty Arena is hosting an official grand opening to mint the complex as the newest destination for fun in downtown Williamsport, bringing together attractions, entertainment and quality food under one roof. The Liberty Arena

  • Book Signing Event Meet Bestselling Author Adam Makos at Otto Books on Sat., Feb. 23, from 3pm to 6pm.

    Book Signing Event Meet Bestselling Author Adam Makos at Otto Books on Sat., Feb. 23, from 3pm to 6pm.0

    From author and Montoursville native Adam Makos comes the true story of a tank gunner’s journey into the heart of the Third Reich. After seeing his buddies get cut down by enemy armor, 21-year-old tank gunner Clarence Smoyer from Lehighton, Pennsylvania, is assigned to an experimental T26 Pershing tank, the tool he needs to keep

  • The Roving Sportsman… Thoughts About This Upcoming Spring0

    Whether you are going to be hunting on public or private property this spring, and whether you are hunting at an old familiar haunt or trying out a new location, here are some tips to guide you through to a more successful spring season in the big woods of northcentral Pennsylvania. Pre-season Preparation: One of the

  • Seniors are Sent Off by Caring Parents as the Regular Season Comes to a Close0

    Any early trip to a pool or gym over the winter season will result in seeing just how much work goes into getting those places ready for games. As teams embark on the final part of the season, it’s easy to look past some of the activities that highlight the final regular season games prior

  • That Group

    That Group2

    There has never been a time when so many instant communication options are available for public use. Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are commonplace. Most everyone shares their personal stories on Facebook and uses the medium to troll for friends, often boasting about how many ‘friends’ they’ve connected with. But in reality, are those ‘friends’ really

  • Backyard Birds0

    We usually wait until the bears have gone into their winter dens before we start putting any food out in our bird feeders simply because I’ve lost too many bird feeders to black bears. A few weeks ago my wife decided to fill all the backyard bird feeders and a couple of days later there

  • The Playoffs0

    When the winter high school sports teams gathered for their very first official practices back in November most talked about goals, they wanted to achieve. Yes, there were always those personal goals that players used for self-motivation, but in just about every case team goals included advancing to the district playoffs. Now, three months later,

  • County Hall Corner Bicycles: To Buy or Not To Buy?0

    A long debate over a grant request at a recent Lycoming County Commissioners meeting seemed to take on Shakespearian dimensions — “to be or not to be, that is the question.” Hamlet was talking about his mortality, but this debate appeared much less momentous. The subject was about bicycles for parolees. When a county agency

  • Winter Foundation Tips0

    No matter what that groundhog said, it’s still winter with freezing temps, snow, slush, chapped lips, and flaky skin. And while everyone agrees that human hibernation is a great idea, it’s unlikely to take hold, so we still must get up each morning and face the day. The key word here is “face” and, more

  • Living-Donor Liver Transplant: Frequently Asked Questions

    Living-Donor Liver Transplant: Frequently Asked Questions0

    With close to 14,000 people on the liver transplant waiting list, the wait for a transplant may take years. Despite increased awareness of organ donation and the pressing need for donors, people with end-stage liver disease continue to die while on the waiting list because an appropriate match wasn’t found in time. As a result,

  • Annie Get Your Gun!0

    The family tradition of hunting in Pennsylvania began before Penns Woods had even become a state. In 1683 hunting was permitted as a right of ownership on all land covered by Mr. William Penn’s Charter. The family tradition of an actual “deer season” in the Keystone State did not begin until 1869. At this point

  • This Week’s LION: Commissioner & Candidate Jack McKernan

    This Week’s LION: Commissioner & Candidate Jack McKernan0

    Commissioner Jack McKernan has officially announced that he is seeking a second term of service on the Board of Lycoming County Commissioners. In his announcement, he emphasized his commitment to improving the financial stability of the county, addressing long-standing problems such as the river levee, the White Deer Golf Course, and regional solutions for EMS,

  • What to Purge in Your 30s0

    In my ongoing 2019 project of being more organized, I’ve started to look toward my wardrobe and realized it’s time, once again, for a clothing purge. For this year’s closet cleanout, I’m evaluating my style in terms of what is and is not age appropriate. My early 30s style-wise weren’t all that different from my

  • County Hall Corner: County Government Under the Hood0

    Almost a year ago, Mya Toon, Lycoming County’s Chief Procurement Officer, asked in a work session of the Board of County Commissioners to “award contract for EIP to PFM contingent upon EIP grant award.” The mind blurs in the barrage of abbreviations, but the commissioners acted like it was a Christmas gift. Commissioner Jack McKernan

  • Cars, Patriots and Freedom1

    From the time I was a teenager, my Aunt Wilma and Uncle Mitch co-founded and operated the spring/fall Turlock Swap Meet in — wait for it, Turlock, CA. Around 2008, I flew to their home in Idaho to attend the swap meet for the very first time. I drove about eight hours with them to

  • Malacusky Joins the Record Books as 1,000-Point Scorer for the Sullivan County Griffins

    Malacusky Joins the Record Books as 1,000-Point Scorer for the Sullivan County Griffins1

    As Sullivan County’s MyKenzie Malacusky pulled up during the closing seconds of the third quarter most in attendance knew the shot could be history for the program. Malacusky controlled the pass from her teammate, zoned in on the hoop, and let a shot fly as the clock fell under ten seconds. The ball left no

  • Fishing electronics0

    It’s obvious that technology has had an enormous impact on how we function these days and the same holds true in the world of fishing; more specifically I’m referring to the use of sonar and how it applies to the fishermen. When I started fishing in my high-school years, sonar was something that had military

  • The Roving Sportsman… Near Disaster!!!0

    Clayton Rue, a sporting clays instructor from Alaska, recently related having witnessed a catastrophic failure of a shotgun. The failure occurred when a 20-gauge shell was inadvertently dropped into a 12-gauge shotgun, then a 12-gauge shell was loaded on top of it! When this occurs, the 20-gauge shell hangs up down in the barrel- allowing

  • Dollars & Sense0

    Like many of you, I gathered with a bevy of friends to watch the Super Bowl which has been a tradition of ours for many years. Yep, lots of food, friendship, and conversation; all wrapped around the final football game of the year. The NFL likes to bill it as the greatest sporting event of

  • Introducing My Young Friend Mikey.

    Introducing My Young Friend Mikey.0

    I was working at White Deer Golf Course in the spring of 2013, and a local youngster wanted to know if we were hiring. We told him no at first, but then this kid kept on calling. He literally dialed us every day for the next three weeks until we finally caved. Our relationship started

  • Mike Is Who He Is – All the Way to Cooperstown1

    Tip of my Loyalsock Lancer cap to cross-creek rival Mike Mussina. His election into the Baseball Hall of Fame is a celebration of a good man doing great things the right way, and being rewarded with baseball immortality. Mike’s priorities have always been in the right order, although sometimes, big city people and sportswriters didn’t

  • Montoursville to Cooperstown0

    Mike Mussina, congratulations! Certainly over the course of the past two weeks, since the January 22 announcement of his selection into the Baseball Hall of Fame, accolades have been pouring his way from well-wishers all across the baseball landscape. The media, both national and local, have been providing the statistical accomplishments which somehow will be

  • Mike Mussina’s Overlooked Distinguished Collegiate Baseball Career0

    Mike Mussina’s Hall of Fame Major League baseball career is rightly being celebrated and noted by avid observers of the game. However, one important aspect of his distinguished baseball journey is being mostly overlooked, and that is his collegiate baseball feats with the Stanford Cardinal baseball team from 1987 to 1990. He excelled there in

  • Moose Tracks0

    Props to Mike Mussina on being selected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. What an incredible achievement for the Montoursville native. Moose is heading to Cooperstown as one of the all time greats. This is off the charts sports fans. It’s a beautiful thing. Mike spent 18 solid seasons in the BIGS. The former

  • Gazette and Bulletin: February 5, 1946 – Explanation of Ambulance System Given0

    Manpower shortages in the municipal fire department and of coordination to affect a 24-hour a day ambulance service for local residents were cited as factors for insufficient aid in getting fire and accident victims to the Williamsport Hospital immediately after a disaster, it was stated here yesterday. The statement was made by Phillip Shay, director of

  • Ruffed Grouse Society CEO to Speak at Williamsport Sportsmen’s Banquet

    Ruffed Grouse Society CEO to Speak at Williamsport Sportsmen’s Banquet0

    The Susquehanna River Valley Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society will hold its third annual Conservation & Sportsmen’s Banquet Saturday, Feb. 9, at the Genetti Hotel, 200 W. 4th St., Williamsport. The featured speaker for the evening will be Ruffed Grouse Society President & CEO, Dr. Benjamin C. Jones. He will discuss some of the

  • A Trophy Year

    A Trophy Year0

    What a year it was for our 11th Annual Webb Weekly – Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. If you remember, we renamed the contest in honor of my Uncle Ron Maietta who left us this past year for the big hunting ground in the sky, and Ron Mingle’s family who are fighting the same battle

  • Hurry Up and Wait0

    • Arts
    • February 6, 2019

    My youngest kids are high school seniors, which, by extension, means that my husband and I have been tasked with the thankless job of hauling them hither and yon over the past two years so that they might ultimately find a college campus that “speaks to them.” Needless to say, we’ve spent countless hours on

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunters Are Not Poachers0

    On May 30, 2014, Satao, one of the world’s largest African elephants was killed by a poisoned arrow shot by a poacher. Satao was known as a tusker because his tusks, which weighed over 100 pounds, were so long that they almost touched the ground. Today, the killing of elephants, our largest land animal, continues


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