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  • Gazette and Bulletin: June 23, 1933 – Small Boy Strays Away, Mother Fears Kidnapper0

    A two-year old boy wearing a big smile and an “I don’t care” expression was picked up on West Fourth Street late yesterday afternoon by a “Gazette and Bulletin” reporter. The little fellow was unable to tell his name, address or anything else. All he did while questioned by the reporter was smile. Sensing he

  • Fathers, Fast Balls and Track Stars0

    The greatest gift a child can give his Father is a heartfelt hug and an I love you. This followed by thanks Dad, for everything you do. This also holds true for everyone that provides fatherly love and guidance in a young person’s life. A Father’s Love and guidance has never been more important. A

  • Happy PRIDE!0

    Alright folks, buckle up. It’s that time of year again. So let’s just get this out here now. I am going to write about Pride Month. If you are somehow, some way, living in 2019 and still offended by that, please stop reading. If you insist on continuing to read and then insist on following

  • Williamsport Crosscutters Officials Excited About Opening the 2019 Season0

    The sights and sounds of exciting minor league baseball will ring out again as the Williamsport Crosscutters begin a new season of competition in the New York-Penn League with their home opener at 7 p.m. this Friday, June 14 at BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field. Officials of the Crosscutters are excited at all they

  • This Week’s LION: Memories of Father Manno0

    If ever there was a Leader in Our Neighborhood (LION) it was Father John Manno, who passed away on May 30th at the age of 78. Tributes to the man poured in throughout the region because he touched many lives far beyond his own parish. Much has been written about this extraordinary individual, but I

  • Williamsport Civic Chorus To Present Free Concert0

    The Williamsport Civic Chorus slated to go on a concert tour of Ireland on June 28, will have a concert previewing some of the music they will be singing on that tour, when they present a free concert on Monday, June 24 at 7 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Williamsport. Four concerts are

  • Let us get MOO-ving for June is Dairy Month!0

    It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our Lycoming County Dairy Maid, Katelyn Taylor of Allenwood. Katelyn will serve in the role of Dairy Maid for the next year. She is a very outgoing and a goal-driven young lady with a bright future. She has served our Dairy industry for many years

  • Grit: June 14, 1959 – Engineer May Have Idea for ‘Confusion Corner’0

    A new deal may be in the making for motorists using the awkward intersection of Hepburn Street, Market Street, and Rural Avenue, Harold W. Reitz, district highway engineer suggested yesterday. Mr. Reitz said he has an alternative to the idea of erecting traffic lights, which has been discussed by Mayor Thomas Levering, Police Chief John

  • County Hall Corner: Full STEAM Ahead0

    For many youngsters, summer means going to summer camp. Many people will attest that it was at a summer camp that their life turned around, or they found their faith or calling in life, or maybe even met their life mate. But there are those that cannot afford this opportunity, and among those are young

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Greatest Father’s Day Gift0

    You can go to your local outdoor store and come up with many, many gift ideas for Dad on His Day. You can go online and find hundreds of great gift ideas to make His Day a little brighter. And, you can browse through the many catalogs you or he receives in the mail to

  • In Pursuit of Largemouth Bass0

    It’s no secret that I enjoy fishing for several freshwater fish, but in all honesty, I would have a hard time picking my favorite species to target. Certainly, trout rank pretty high on my list, but bass are right at the top with them. I guess my favorite would be the one I’m fishing for

  • Habalar Meets Boston0

    Williamsport school teacher Mike Habalar was one of ten area runners who participated in the annual Boston Marathon this past April. In last week’s column, Mike shared his thoughts on the benefits of running and his training regimen that led him to Boston. This week Mike reveals his race day experiences of running in the

  • Cutters Open 2019 Season THIS FRIDAY!0

    The 2019 Williamsport Crosscutters season begins on THIS Friday, June 14 when the Cutters host the State College Spikes at 7:05p.m.. Opening Night 2019 is presented by Protective Services & Backyard Broadcasting. There will be loads of opening night festivities including a local swearing-in ceremony of local recruits by the U.S. Army as well as

  • Wills and Ways0

    A long time ago in a gymnasium nearby- I was introduced to an extraordinary young man. I had already seen him in action, and I was highly impressed with his skill set. We got to talking and hit it off immediately. His name was Alize Johnson, and I vividly remember that very first conversation. He

  • A Harley Highway to Heaven

    A Harley Highway to Heaven0

    “Love each other and share the spirit of Jesus Christ.” That was the message Father John Manno wanted me to share with everyone this past Easter. He was clear his message wasn’t just for Easter Sunday, but every day. Father John believed love is what is needed most in the divided world of today. This

  • Carrying the Name1

    For me, Father John was more than a priest. He was more than a supporter of our community. He was more than the man who walked with a boot with the Williamsport Fire Department during the Grand Slam Parade or the man who led prayers at the 9/11 Memorial Ride. He was more than the

  • Remembering The People’s Pastor0

    It was with the utmost sadness that I and the rest of the people of the Susquehanna Valley last week learned of the death of Father John Manno. Father John was one of the most beloved people in this area who earned that love and respect naturally. Perhaps no one in the faith community in

  • 30th Billtown Blues Festival Expands to Three Days This Year0

    In a bid to expand its appeal and attendance the Billtown Blues Festival scheduled for June 14, 15 and 16 has expanded to a new three-day format. It is being billed as “Three Great Days of Music and Camping.” “After 30 years and being an all- volunteer organization, it is real easy to just “ ditto ”

  • The Roving Sportsman… Targeting Coyotes0

    Spring gobbler season has ended, and for many it would appear that hunting is over until the fall seasons begin. But, for those who still want to spend time in the field and participate in some fruitful hunting, it’s time to target coyotes. It is a common comment among turkey hunters that “If you can’t

  • How to Reduce Health Risks by Understanding AFib0

    Oftentimes, seeking to improve your health starts at your core – your heart. One common condition to be aware of is atrial fibrillation (AFib), which is a quivering or irregular heartbeat that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. Currently impacting up to 6.1 million Americans, AFib is projected to

  • Andrea’s Country Home Cookin

    Andrea’s Country Home Cookin0

    It’s fresh produce time! Nothin like a good farmer’s market. All the gorgeous flowers, and colored fruits and veggies that taste so delicious. Every year I think to myself, “Andrea, next year let’s make our own garden! I mean, how hard can it be?” Then I remember you have to water it daily, and I

  • “Minnow Type” Plugs Still a Top Producer0

    With the opening of bass season only days away on June 15 there are a lot of serious bass fishermen putting final touches on their tackleboxes making sure all the right lures are available. Truth is, a lot of serious bass fishermen have already been putting those lures to work during the off season when

  • How to Prepare Your Family When an Aging Loved One is Moving In0

    No man or woman, regardless of his or her age, wants to consider that a day may come when they need to rely on loved ones to help them perform everyday activities. But every day tens of millions of people serve as unpaid caregivers for their aging friends or family members. A 2015 survey from

  • Summer Sandals0

    They don’t call it sandal season for nothing! Summer was made for sandals and vice versa. This year, instead of just another pair of flip flops, consider exploring some new sandal trends and improving your style for this season’s rounds of parties, weddings, and drinks on the porch. This year the barely-there sandal is the

  • Daily Steps to Keep Your Heart Healthy0

    Heart disease is a formidable foe. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease accounts for nearly 25 percent of all deaths in the United States each year. Issues relating to the heart affect both men and women, and an estimated 15 million adults in the U.S. have coronary heart disease, the most

  • Rider Park0

    North Central Pennsylvania is the bomb. Yes. We live in an area with several natural treasures. I do my very best to take full advantage, but work and chores seem to get in the way. I prefer to fish and love to kayak. The recent downpours and tornado warnings have limited those opportunities. Hiking is

  • Cutters open 2019 Season on June 140

    The 2019 Williamsport Crosscutters season is right around the corner! The summer fun begins on Friday, June 14 when the Cutters host the State College Spikes at 7:05pm for Opening Night 2019 presented by Protective Services & Backyard Broadcasting. There will be loads of opening night festivities, free schedule magnets for all fans and a

  • Habalar’s Quest0

    A recent study estimated that approximately 45-million people in the United States participate in biking, running and jogging each year. Even with my enthusiasm for a variety of sports-related statistical matters, sadly I can’t be counted among this impressive number. My enjoyment and participation in sports has been a life-long pursuit, but the running part

  • Williamsporter Jack Losch Was Drafted 16 Rounds Ahead of Bart Starr In the 1956 NFL Draft0

    NFL fans learned with sadness the news of the recent death of former Green Bay Packer quarterback Bart Starr, who helmed the Packers to five NFL championships during the 1960s, but did you know that one Williamsporter, Jack Losch, was selected by the Packers 16 rounds before Starr in the 1956 NFL Draft. Losch was

  • Gazette and Bulletin: June 6, 1944 – City Joins Worldwide Observance0

    In an atmosphere of calm seriousness, devoid of the faintheartedness, which marks holiday occasions, Williamsport is observing D-Day. From early morning, when news first this city that Allied troops had embarked on the invasion of Continental Europe, local residents put aside most of their accustomed tasks and dedicated the day to private and public prayer


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