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Food & Football

Food & Football

H olidays arrive throughout the year, some of them we hold quite dear

A ttempts have been made to move some to Monday, so they fall the day after Sunday

P erhaps three-day weekends are the best, but they don’t define the holiday test

P eople should remember what holidays are for, keeping in mind the true historic lore

Y es, Thanksgiving is one of those days, remembering those early Pilgrim ways

T urkey has become the feast of the land, with pigskin parties being planned

H appy are those who stuff themselves silly, then sit by the TV and root willy-nilly

A t halftime their plates fill with more, but they return quickly so they don’t miss a score

N othing deters the true football fan, who enters this day with a most specific plan

K nowing the family is all gathered around, if protests arise he may turn down the sound

S ports can’t be deterred no matter the day, he’s gotta see his favorite team play

G rab that wishbone and give it a pull, there’s pumpkin pie coming and he’s not yet full

I ncomplete passes may appear on the set, he’s not finished eating – at least not yet

V ictory is sought at the game and the table, he might take a walk if he is able

I llogical as his actions may seem to some, he watches the game without spilling a crumb

N aivete’ is not part of his game, he watches and eats without any shame

G o forth and enjoy this Thanksgiving Day, even if you don’t hear a thing the relatives say!

My sincere best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving with family & friends!

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