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  • How You Can Help Fight Lyme Disease0

    Fall means it’s time to check for ticks, especially if you have recently spent time outdoors, taking part in activities such as hiking, camping, gardening, dog-walking or more. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to humans via infected ticks. A bull’s-eye rash is one of the hallmarks of the disease, but other

  • Trench Coats & Leather Jackets0

    Finally, the weather is starting to turn, and the smell of crisp autumn is in the morning breeze. One of my favorite things about fall is the return of outerwear; they don’t call it sweater weather for nothing. Unlike winter, when heavy coats are necessary, fall is the time to have fun with layers and

  • Trout Under Stress0

    I’m sure I don’t have to remind anybody reading this piece that those of us inhabiting this part of the state are experiencing a serious lack of rain over the past couple of months. This lack of rain has taken its toll on a number of my neighbors’ wells — mine included. The area of

  • COVID Recess

    COVID Recess0

    It has been a rough couple of weeks. I am not going to lie. The world is stressed, and I definitely know why. Look, I am not here to point fingers. These are unchartered waters. My son and I are struggling. We are doing our best with this hybrid learning. He attends school two days

  • The Roving Sportsman… Balancing the Scale0

    Over the years, I have had the joy of hunting in every one of our 50 states and in doing so have discovered something that all of the lower 48 continuous states have in common. Coyotes. Yes, during the spring gobbler hunting seasons, I have seen, heard, or have seen the tracks or scat of

  • A Strange September0

    With fall officially arriving this week, we are now into our third season of ‘COVID-company.’ It hasn’t been fun, but most of us are coping the best we can. September is the year’s most significant transitional month with warm summer days turning to cool autumn mornings with the harbinger of an arriving winter all to

  • Boaters, Bikers, Bands, and Bombs Bursting in Air

    Boaters, Bikers, Bands, and Bombs Bursting in Air1

    There has been more talk about the Constitution of the United States of America in recent months than in decades. The most discussed and debated Amendments of our Bill of Rights, as always, has been the 1st Amendment, which provides the freedom of speech, press, the right to assemble and to petition the government for

  • Exciting Times for Local KidsPeace Foster Care & Community Programs0

    KidsPeace Foster Care and Community Programs in Williamsport has had a very exciting couple of weeks. Despite COVID-19 and various modifications in the courts and county offices, love and family have prevailed. Two of our foster families became forever families as long-awaited adoptions were finalized. Laura, a special education teacher from the Bellefonte area, has

  • 2nd Annual Dwell Golf Outing Promotes Fun and Families0

    In a sports summer that took so many smiles from the faces of adults and children alike, golf proved a source of outdoor fun and release for many. After a spring stuck inside, families were able to enjoy an afternoon sharing in good shots and bad — but doing it together. It’s that same sense

  • This Week’s LION: Superhero CASA Volunteers0

    Every child needs a hero. An abused, neglected, or abandoned child that ends up in the court system needs a superhero. They need a dedicated and passionate member of the community who could advocate for them. They need someone who is be committed to ensuring that they would be able to thrive in a safe,

  • Remembering Baseball Hall of Famer Lou Brock0

    Baseball recently suffered the loss of two of its brightest stars from the 1960s and 1970s, and another piece of childhood dropped away with the deaths of Tom Seaver and Lou Brock. Both Seaver and Brock visited the Little League World Series. Seaver in 1988 and Brock in 2006. It was during Brock’s appearance in

  • Unique Fundraiser “Over the Edge” To Be Held September 190

    For the third time, more than 80 brave individuals will be rappelling down the side of one of Williamsport’s tallest building — in this case the Genetti Hotel — to help raise funds for three worthy non-profit groups, the River Valley Regional YMCA, the YWCA of Northcentral Pennsylvania and the Williamsport Area School District Education

  • Don’t Put Off Essential Cancer Screenings0

    Thanks to earlier detection, more Americans are surviving cancer. That’s why you shouldn’t put off having the screening tests you need. While scheduling a mammogram or colonoscopy may not be top of mind for you right now, screening tests like these can spot cancer before it causes any symptoms. Usually, the sooner cancer is found,

  • County Hall Corner: Senseless Census Avoidance0

    It is somewhat ironic that almost all national media sources are singularly focused on the presidential election to be held on November 4th, highlighting that it will have ramifications far into the next decade, yet hardly mentioning something that in many ways could have even an even bigger impact — the 2020 census. This decadal

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Ultimate Sacrifice

    The Roving Sportsman… The Ultimate Sacrifice0

    It happens all of the time in the World of Nature. It happens among birds as well as mammals. It occurs more frequently in the springtime, but can happen any time and especially during the initial months of raising offspring. Through the years, I have witnessed it with a shorebird known as the Killdeer, with

  • Friday Night Lights0

    I have nothing but love and respect for Montoursville’s J.C. Keefer. The old-school football coach and I go back a long time. He has been a good chum over the years. I don’t get to see him much, but I will occasionally spot him at a local diamond. J.C. also loves the game of baseball

  • Style File: Boho0

    Boho, short for bohemian, in its most recent mode, is a style that typifies a way of dressing inspired by the lifestyle of free spirits and hippies of the 1960s and 1970s. However, the true origins of the boho style and culture are widely debated. Many believe that it was established as a counterculture by

  • Hunger Action Month0

    September is Hunger Action Month. It was established by Feeding America in 2008 when they decided it was time for a nationwide push to get involved with the hunger crisis across the country. During September, people everywhere help to feed the needy in their neighborhoods and country, working to ensure that the 48 million people

  • Spotted Any Coyotes Lately?0

    With the thick foliage and overgrown fields, seeing a coyote right now may prove to be pretty tricky. That doesn’t keep them from showing up on our roadways. Granted, you may, on rare occasions, have one bolt across in front of you while traveling down some country road, but if you know what to look

  • A New Normal0

    Before they could board the waiting school bus, the anxious softball players and their coaches dutifully lined up, not to have their ticket punched, but rather to individually have their temperatures taken and answer a serious of health-related questions posed to them by the school’s athletic trainer and athletic director. Face coverings were required inside

  • Farewell Faithful Teammates1

    I write today to honor two more fellow basketball players and friends who recently passed away. Dennis “Dutch” Bogaczyk and James “Jimmy” Wilkerson. I had the pleasure of playing with both, for several years, with Ron Travis’s amateur teams — Jon’s Sports and Pennsylvania Athletics. Together with many other excellent players from this area and

  • I’m Not Biden It!1

    For the past couple of years, I have written that everyday hard-working Democrats need to take their party back. It is no longer the party of past presidents like Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, or even President William Jefferson Clinton. What began during the Obama administration has carried on under the current leadership of

  • Fall Bucket List…Take 120

    This is probably the eleventy-billionth time I have made a Fall Bucket List. Every year I get this laundry list of ideas in my head that I want to do before the leaves and snow hit the ground. Usually, I manage like two of them. But once again, I’m going to put my list out

  • 14th Balloonfest Air Show and So Much More To be Held September 12 and 13

    14th Balloonfest Air Show and So Much More To be Held September 12 and 130

    This COVID-19 year, many annual events that have been part of our cultural, entertainment, and recreational landscape have had to yield to the pesky virus. However, one that is not is the 14th annual Balloonfest Air Show and So Much More put on by the Lycoming County Rotary Clubs, which will take place this Saturday

  • Accessing Rivers During Low Water Periods0

    It’s no secret that at least this part of the state is suffering from some of the lowest water levels in rivers and streams in a long time. Fishing medium and small streams is difficult, and fishing for trout during this hot, dry period is not recommended due to the harm it would do even

  • County Hall Corner: Coincidence or Providence?0

    On some very rare occasions, the COVID shutdowns have actually produced changes that turned out better than what was originally planned. This was true to some degree as the Lycoming Tioga Sullivan Emergency Medical Services Council was unable to hold their annual banquet this year and thus presented their yearly awards for Lycoming County at

  • Musical Chairs0

    Back when there was Minor League baseball at Bowman Field, one of the many between-innings fan contests featured was the tried and true game of musical chairs. You know the gig, four chairs for five people, the music plays, and the contestants scramble to find a chair, eliminating one of the participants. The act is

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Amazing Monarch0

    Over the past several years on a nearby property, I have been observing an increasing spread of milkweeds and goldenrods in fields that have been placed in the CREP Program. Some songbirds nest in these fields, deer will occasionally feed through them in search of certain plants that they like and rodents, such as mice

  • Back to School and Sports0

    Jensen is back from a lengthy break. He is only going to school two days a week as WASD is using a hybrid. My eleven-year-old son is doing the best he can. He is wearing his mask. My sixth grader was asked to do a short writing assignment the very first day. I don’t want

  • Style File: Preppy0

    This article is the first in a series of “Style Files,” where I’ll break down common modes in fashion and dressing, from their origin to their evolution, and how they are seen and worn today. First up, preppy! The term “preppy” derives from private, university-preparatory schools, primarily in the northeastern part of the United States.


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