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  • The Roving Sportsman… The Upcoming Fall Turkey Season0

    On Saturday, October 31, the two-week fall turkey season will open. The specific dates of the season vary widely based on which WMU you are hunting in, but generally in our area that means until November 14, with 3 additional days on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week. Either a hen or gobbler can

  • Lycoming County’s Presidential Votes Have Trended Heavily Republican Through the Years0

    As America breathlessly awaits the results of the contentious and hotly contested 2020 Presidential race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the race locally seems to be a given. If historical trends continue as they have in the past, Republican Presidential candidate and incumbent President Donald J. Trump should very handily carry Lycoming County. Webb

  • County Hall Corner: Surprise!0

    Surprise! That word could either express intense happiness or insufferable disappointment. It is a universal emotion, as virtually everyone is happy with a good surprise and unhappy with a bad one. Reflecting on 2020 and especially in response to the COVID virus, I have had three big surprises, two quite unhappy and one rather happy.

  • Attacked Twice by a Black Bear!

    Attacked Twice by a Black Bear!2

    Like a lot of outdoorsmen, I’ve had a number of “encounters” with black bears over the years. Still, none of those scenarios have ever resulted in a bear actually attacking me or in any way injuring me. As often happens, a little yelling and the bear usually heads off in the opposite direction. While bear

  • A Very Different Halloween0

    With the convergence of a full moon, a blue moon, daylight savings time, and, you know, the ongoing unprecedented pandemic, Halloween in 2020 is going to look and feel a bit different than in years past. Some communities are having trick-or-treating; others are still not certain. Halloween parades, costume parties, dances, and most certainly apple

  • How to Have a Happy, Healthy Halloween Despite COVID-190

    Halloween masks might look a little different this year but careful measures to stay safe from COVID-19 can ensure a happy, healthy holiday. Celebrations Look a Little Different While many communities offer guidelines for trick-or-treating and festivities, it’s important for families to navigate Halloween based on their own risk factors and concerns. These considerations are

  • Make Sure Your Vote Counts!

    Make Sure Your Vote Counts!0

    Well, the October 19th date to register for the upcoming November 3rd election has come and gone. This year’s presidential election will be historic in many regards. The one we hear much about is the absentee/vote by mail option, which has now come into play for the American voter. I had the opportunity to sit

  • Fall Family Fun!0

    OK, y’all! This weekend is the last before Halloween, so it’s prime time to get out and enjoy some Fall Family Fun! We are lucky enough to live in an area that offers a plethora of options to get out with the family or framily and enjoy fall and spooky season! The Green Barn Berry

  • Can Hunters Set a New Bear Harvest Record?0

    Pennsylvania has a chance to break last year’s record bear harvest of 4,653 in the coming bear seasons. At first glance, it seems an unlikely possibility given so many bears were taken last fall. But even with last fall’s phenomenal harvest, there’s still about 20,000 black bears roaming Penn’s Woods. And those new and extended

  • Mission Expo 2020 To Be Held October 21-240

    Hunger and medical needs are great problems in many areas of the world. There is an effort that is being done locally, as well as many other places, to pack parcels of food, medical, and educational supplies to underdeveloped areas of the world. This is the essence of the initiative known as “Mission Expo 2020.”

  • The Roving Sportsman… Understanding Chronic Wasting Disease in Pennsylvania0

    It was not that long ago that we heard about chronic wasting disease (CWD) occurring somewhere out west, but never considered that it would ever become a concern within our own borders here in Pennsylvania. Initially, reports were of limited outcroppings of the disease in deer and elk in a few of the western states,

  • County Hall Corner: History over Hysteria1

    Are these historic times? It is amazing how much our society has changed through 2020. Of course, much of this comes from the continual uncertainty of the COVID virus. I recently read one account by a world-renowned author noting the fear and poor leadership associated with the spread of the deadly virus. It was entitled,

  • The History of Halloween Costumes0

    It is believed the earliest mention of wearing a costume at Halloween dates back to 1585 in Scotland; however, the practice was most likely common place before then. The tradition of costumes originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Wearing costumes on

  • UPMC Doc: Self-Awareness Key to Detecting Breast Cancer0

    Breast cancer awareness month is recognized every October, but it is more than just awareness about breast cancer, it is about being self-aware of your breast health. Some of the risk factors for breast cancer, such as genetics and age, are out of our control. But there are steps you can take to maximize your

  • COVID Hoops0

    Every sport has been impacted. But the onset of COVID-19 has absolutely crushed college basketball. It all started with the cancelation of MARCH MADNESS. All of my brackets busted. Unthinkable. There was talk about playing the games later. Unfortunately, that never happened. As we approach the 2020-21 hoops season, there is still a major concern.

  • Fall Turkey Season Just Around the Corner0

    I know most of us are caught up in the archery deer season right now, but fall turkey season isn’t far away. Fall turkey season opens up here in our area on October 31 and runs to November 14. In a number of management units to the north of us, it opens up again on

  • Whitey Ford and Other Yankee Dynasty Era Players Once Saw Action at Bowman Field

    Whitey Ford and Other Yankee Dynasty Era Players Once Saw Action at Bowman Field0

    Two weeks ago the baseball world received the sad news that Yankees legendary pitcher Whitey Ford had passed away. Ford once saw action at Bowman Field as a member of the Eastern League’s Binghamton Triplets, but Ford was not the only member of the Yankee dynasty era of 1947 to 1964, several others did as

  • Going for Two0

    You’re familiar with the term and its implications. The baseball team that intentionally walks an opposing batter with first base open, in hopes of turning a double play; the basketball team choosing to pass up the three-point shot to feed the ball to its big man closer to the basket; or the football team deciding

  • Have Lies, Injustice, and the Social Media Way Become Our Kryptonite?1

    Before I get started this week, I’m going to self-correct. Last week, in my column, “The Armed and the Delirious” I had Lucille Zablocky at 84 years young as the most senior member of our Guns & Roses effort with National Range & Armory. It was brought to my attention that Barb Reish actually holds

  • Howling Halloween!3

    Step right up and play the game! Boys and girls, goblins and ghouls! Everyone has a chance to win a prize! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is my FAVORITE contest of the year, and I always look forward to picking out what we will be searching for and

  • UPMC Doc: Breast Cancer Not One Size Fits All0

    Roughly 12% of women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer affects an estimated 275,000 women per year. Men also can develop breast cancer, although it is rare. Did you know there many different types of breast cancer? Here’s what you need to know about the types and how to

  • County Hall Corner: Office of Voter Services Needs a Hug0

    Years ago, I had a boss who had a very annoying habit of giving me tasks with absolutely no clue on how I was to accomplish those tasks. He would come up with a crazy idea and say, “Larry, here is what I want done…” I would counter, “But sir, how exactly do you expect

  • Style File: Chic0

    Some may say that it is hard to define chic style; it’s a “know it when you see it” aesthetic. However, whenever I think of chic, I think of smart elegance and sophistication, a distinct mode of classic posturing, a little black dress, a single strand of pearls, Audrey Hepburn, a red lip. But that’s

  • UPMC to Offer $55 Mammograms0

    In recognition of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, UPMC in the Susquehanna region will offer $55 mammograms to women with limited or no insurance coverage and no prior history of breast disease. These screenings will be offered on a first come, first served basis, and appointments are necessary. Appointments can be made by calling

  • American Cancer Society Encourages Kids to Wear Pink on October 230

    To celebrate Real Kids Wear Pink Day on Friday, October 23, the American Cancer Society in Pennsylvania is issuing a Photo Challenge! Show your support for those battling breast cancer by wearing pink and encouraging your classmates to do the same. Take a photo and post to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram tagging @ACSPennsylvania and #RealKidsWearPink

  • Self-Exams Save Lives0

    Health has always been a priority for Daneen Zaleski, age 53, of Lewisburg. “Supporting breast cancer awareness, whether hosting charity events or encouraging screening, was always the right thing to do. Last year it became so much more personal when I was found to have a cancerous lump. The care and support that I received

  • Hybrid Learning

    Hybrid Learning0

    These are strange times, folks. Strange times indeed. I wanted to step out of the box this week and give some love to our kids. Not just the student-athletes. But every youngster who has had to make sacrifices over the course of this pandemic. This whole thing sucks, and I truly feel bad for them

  • The Roving Sportsman… Bear Harvest Reporting0

    For decades, hunters and non-hunters alike have enjoyed observing the procedures that take place at the various bear check stations that are set up throughout the state during the regular firearms bear season in Pennsylvania. Sometimes bleachers are set up in order to accommodate the numbers of observers as the successful hunters arrive in their

  • The Playoff$0

    The Playoff$ Regardless of your rooting interest, every sports fan would agree that 2020 has been a very strange year. Professionally, as September neared its end, for the first time in history, the NBA, NHL, MLB, and the NFL were are playing games that mattered. Normally, at this time of year, the NBA and NHL

  • How Deer Hunting has Changed0

    With the opening of archery deer season last week, it’s safe to say that deer hunting will be a common topic when a bunch of hunters get together. Recently some deer hunting friends and I found ourselves discussing how deer hunting has changed over the years; I guess that’s also a sign that we were


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