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  • County Hall Corner: Yes, Life Will Go On0

    My wife, three children, and I happened to be in Moscow in August of 1991 when the independence movement began, which resulted in the fall of the USSR. We had waited in line for two hours to get into the one and only McDonalds Restaurant in Russia and were enjoying our American cuisine of Big

  • Turtleneck Time

    Turtleneck Time0

    We’ve all heard of sweater weather when the temperatures drop, and the air turns crisp, requiring the addition of a cozy knit layer to your everyday wear. Well, November is also the start of turtleneck time! When it comes to finding a balance between chic and cozy, nothing beats a turtleneck. This versatile basic is

  • Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular To Be Held December 5 Despite COVID-190

    It has been a rough year for many annual events in the area because of mean old Mr. COVID-19, but one event is going to carry on despite the challenges posed by the virus at this time, and that is the 14th Annual Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular to be held on Saturday, December 5

  • The Roving Sportsman… Night Vision Optics Now Legal for Furbearer Hunters0

    In July of this year through the passage of House Bill 1188, the Game Commission was given authority to regulate night-vision and infrared optics. Previously, any and all hunting use of night-vision and infrared (thermal) optics was prohibited by state law. Now, having the authority to do so, the Game Commission has granted furbearer hunters

  • Miller’s Mission

    Miller’s Mission0

    In the grand scheme of things, it mattered little. The outcome of Southern Columbia’s 49-14 Class AA District Four championship win over South Williamsport (their 28th in the last 30 years) was already sealed as the final seconds ticked away off the scoreboard. With eighteen seconds remaining, South Williamsport’s senior running back, Zack Miller, took

  • A Red and Blue Nation Must Reunite As One Nation0

    “Some People Live an Entire Lifetime and Wonder if They Have Ever Made a Difference in the World. A Veteran Doesn’t Have that Problem.” – President Ronald Reagan A Webb Weekly salute and sincere thank you to all our Veterans. May you have a blessed day. If you are receiving our publication on Tuesday or

  • Veterans Day0

    “It’s about how we treat our veterans every single day of the year. It’s about making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that they’ve earned when they come home. It’s about serving all of you as well as you’ve served the United States of America.” ~ Barack Obama As always, here

  • Williamsport’s Veterans Memorial Park to Feature Gold Star Family Monument0

    Williamsport’s Veterans Memorial Park is one of the most striking and extensive tributes to our nation’s veterans that can be seen anywhere. It recently had another interesting feature when a former Navy A-6 Intruder jet was placed there. It is about to receive another notable and reverential component when the Central Pennsylvania Gold Star Families

  • UPMC Physical Therapist: Keep Your Bones Fit0

    By Shari Berthold, DPT Physical Therapy, UPMC Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. As a result, bones become weak and may break from a fall or, in serious cases, from sneezing or minor bumps. Osteoporosis is very common, affecting one out

  • Post-Election Thoughts0

    Dude? This is insane. Where do we begin? 2020 simply needs to go away. The Presidential Election is another trending mess. You seriously can’t make any of this up sports fans. My head hurts. I am seeing a lot of people question every ballot in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania. Whether it be an in

  • County Hall Corner: State Award to JPO Chief Ed Robbins

    County Hall Corner: State Award to JPO Chief Ed Robbins0

    For almost 70 years, the Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission of Pennsylvania has been responsible for establishing standards that are used in the juvenile court system in the Commonwealth. They have been a flagship to the rest of the nation in this area. Besides setting parameters for best practices, they also seek to highlight those who

  • Normal?0

    Simply put, I don’t care who you voted for or if you even voted. That is your business, and the less we all fret and fume over the outcome of the election, a better frame of mind we can enjoy can be realized. But there is one thing I hope you will take some time

  • Seldom Seen Night Hunters0

    From the title, you may think this is a story about one of your neighbor’s illegal night hunting activities; but no, this is actually a story about a bird that does most of its flying and hunting at night. We’re used to seeing all kinds of birds flitting or moving about throughout the day; songbirds

  • True Grit!

    True Grit!0

    Congratulations go out to Kennedy Marsh who is the District IV A Cross-Country Champion from Montgomery High School. What a story this is. This is the first season Kennedy has completed. She suffered serious injuries the past two years that put her out of competition. Through much work with Coach Marilouise Mazzante, she transformed her

  • A Veterans’ Breakfast, Monster Bucks and One Big Boy

    A Veterans’ Breakfast, Monster Bucks and One Big Boy0

    As I am penning my article the Friday before Election Tuesday, over 67 million registered voters have already cast their ballots. A record number of Americans will vote in this election; the final tally is expected to be north of 150 million. Our Nation is expected to see 65% of those registered, vote in this

  • Mind Your Own Parenthood1

    I try really hard not to get triggered by keyboard warriors, and generally speaking, I think I do a reasonably good job. However, we all have our limits. And let me tell you, I reached mine on October 27. So, I’m going to repeat something I posted to social media that night in response to

  • Local Woman and Horse Win 2020 Huntingdon PA Mustang TIP Challenge1

    Kimberly Frame, a mother of two children, has always had a deep love for horses ever since growing up on a small farm in the Linden area. She has taken this love of all things equine into adulthood and recently reached a higher level in this by having her horse, a mustang, and her win

  • ABCs of Safe Sleep0

    October was Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) awareness month. More than 3500 infants die each year in the United States from sleep-related deaths. In Pennsylvania that means 80 babies die each year, that’s four kindergarten classes that will never be. These deaths include sudden unexpected infant death syndrome (SUIDS), sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), ill-defined deaths

  • Czar for a Day0

    There may be those of you out there who recall an old television program called “Queen for a Day.” It began as a radio program in 1945, which was then turned into a television program that ran from 1956 to 1964. The show grew in popularity that enabled the networks to sell, for what at

  • Lucas Goes Yard0

    It has been an interesting week on the local front. I seriously don’t know where to start. The County released their 2021 Budget on Monday. I wasn’t impressed. There were no major changes and a good bit is still missing. I won’t go into details as I am working on a future story. But I

  • County Hall Corner: Budget News and Blues0

    Everyone who works with finances has to operate with a budget. Even in our personal finances, we know that we have to plan correctly to prevent “too much month at the end of the money.” This is true with government entities as well, as they have to plan a budget and show concretely where the

  • Bear Hunting in Pennsylvania0

    After last week’s story about Melinda LeBarron’s encounters with bears over the past couple of years, I suspect more people are more inclined to hunt them or, at the very least, be on the lookout for them. While I always get a bear tag, I have yet to take a bear in our state, but

  • Style File: Cabincore0

    First, the fashion world was swept by normcore, then menocore; this past summer, fashionistas, and influencers were all atwitter with cottagecore. Now that we are well into fall, the next big trend is cabincore! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s fine; this mostly pertains to millennials. But what’s interesting is that

  • The Roving Sportsman… It Was a Very Good Day!0

    Jose-Luis was born in Argentina in the mid-1950s and came to the United States when he was 26 years old to begin a fellowship, working at the National Institute of Health. After witnessing firsthand, the political unrest in his native country, he was relieved to embrace the new lifestyle he found here. Over the following

  • 47 Years is a Problem, Not the Solution0

    No matter who wins the election, I can’t wait for all this nonsense to be over. I am beyond tired of President Trump and Mr. Biden being in my mailbox, on the electronic device of my choice, feeling obligated to watch their debates, and flipping through channels to see what all the mainstream media geniuses

  • Happy Halloween…0

    Hey y’all! I’m so excited for Halloween this weekend! And to make the spookiest of days even spookier, there is a full moon on Halloween! It’s not our Halloween issue without the announcement of the winners of our Halloween contest! Congratulations to the following winners of our Howling Halloween Contest! – Sierra Walter – Karlee

  • Halloween Safety in the Time of COVID-190

    This year’s Halloween season is far different than any other we have experienced before. We are encountering unprecedented challenges we have never faced before, and that is, of course, the mean old COVID-19 virus. The threat of contracting this highly contagious and dangerous virus has changed the way we have conducted our lives, and the

  • How to Have a Happy, Healthy Halloween Despite COVID-190

    Halloween masks might look a little different this year but careful measures to stay safe from COVID-19 can ensure a happy, healthy holiday. Celebrations Look a Little Different While many communities offer guidelines for trick-or-treating and festivities, it’s important for families to navigate Halloween based on their own risk factors and concerns. These considerations are

  • A Busy Night on the Hill0

    The Williamsport Millionaires hosted the mighty Harrisburg Cougars this past Tuesday. This game was a last-minute addition as Harrisburg originally said they were not going to play because of the pandemic. Both teams came in undefeated, and the Cougars needed a few more contests to be eligible for playoffs. Williamsport accepted their challenge. That was

  • Sports Fans Love to Hate0

    For centuries the unanswered question, “what came first, the chicken or the egg,” has been debated. Although it has nothing to do with sports, a similar thought crossed my mind while attending a high school football game with no visiting fans in the stands. Fan rooting interest has long provided the spark that makes athletics


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