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  • Crafty Fun

    Crafty Fun0

    Psssst… Hey you! Are you a parent? Are you a parent that has given serious consideration to chucking a Playstation or Switch out the window if you have one more request for V-Bucks? Then come with me! Seriously though. Winter can be a rough time of year for the kids. Playing outside in gross half-melted

  • Special Olympics Adapts During Extraordinary Times0

    This has been a tough year for everyone, and the Special Olympics of Lycoming County has been no exception. In spite of these difficult times, they have not only survived, but have thrived. According to Marc Follmer, manager of the Lycoming County Special Olympics, the organization as a whole has had to make many adjustments.

  • COVID Hoops

    COVID Hoops0

    Coaching high school basketball has its challenges. Dealing with the 15-18-year-olds of today surely has its moments. Then you throw in a global pandemic. Where do I begin? Everything has changed. The entire landscape. I am not going to lie — it has been a struggle. These are uncharted waters. Every team is in the

  • Several Area Social Service Agencies Assist With the Plight of the Homeless In County0

    The plight of the homeless in Lycoming County was brought into a stark and tragic spotlight two weeks ago when the body of a homeless man was found along the River Walk. Precise numbers for the amount of homelessness here is hard to obtain. Numerous attempts are made to quantify the amount, but those who

  • Mr. Roberts0

    Some of you may be aware of the 1955 movie “Mr. Roberts” featuring leading actors Henry Fonda, James Cagney, William Powell, and Jack Lemon. The movie’s WWII plot centered around Mr. Roberts’s (Henry Fonda) desire to leave the cargo ship he was serving on to join the “action” going on elsewhere. The ship’s captain (James

  • Library Receives Highest Recognition for Nonprofit Organizations0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., recently was awarded the 2020 Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, a service of Candid. By sharing metrics that highlight progress the Brown Library is making toward its mission, the organization is helping the public move beyond simplistic ways of

  • Symptoms Pet Have Allergies and What’s Behind Them0

    Allergies can vary in severity and cause various symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance by producing antibodies. These antibodies identify a particular allergen as harmful, even when it isn’t. Allergies can cause reactions in the skin, breathing passages and digestive system. Thousands of people

  • County Hall Corner: Depends What You Mean by “Is”0

    At a typical Lycoming County Commissioners Meeting, there is a time right after all the official business has been conducted, and right before the public is permitted to address the commissioners with comments or concerns, that the commissioners themselves comment on whatever they so wish. To be honest, this is oftentimes the most interesting part

  • Building Children’s Emotional Resilience Amid Uncertainty0

    For parents facing uncertain school schedules, new ways of working and concerns about the health and safety of their families, life in a pandemic is stressful enough. Add in the potential for children to feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with the unfamiliar and many families feel they are in no-win situations. Keeping children home

  • Taber Museum Acquires a Severin Roesen Painting

    Taber Museum Acquires a Severin Roesen Painting0

    The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society is pleased to announce the acquisition of a Severin Roesen painting. The painting has been loaned by Bobby Maguire in honor of his parents Jim & Shirley Maguire. It is Mr. Maguire’s intention to turn the loan into a permanent gift within the year.

  • UPMC Doctor: The Mind-Gut Connection0

    We’ve all been there. That uneasy feeling you get deep in the pit of your stomach. Stress and anxiety may be to blame for this feeling you can’t explain. It’s a what is referred to as the mind-gut connection and it may affect your physical and mental health. The Science Behind the Connection Your digestive

  • Compost0

    Compost is the breakdown of organic materials, like grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, coffee grounds, and kitchen scraps. You should never put meat, bones, or dairy products in a compost pile. These materials will not break down and can make your compost smell bad and attract animals. Having your own compost pile will keep your

  • Winter Dressing Mistakes0

    Winter has truly settled in and, as much as we may hope for a mild season, chances are we will be feeling freezing temperatures from now until late April. Dressing for the weather is not usually a fun or stylish task, but more a matter of function. But even the most practically minded of us

  • Ice Fishing Rods0

    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been delving a bit deeper into the world of the “hard-water” fisherman. Once you get through the ice barrier, the next task, of course, is to find a method to bring the fish from the depths of their watery world into our domain. Last week we looked at

  • The Roving Sportsman… Establishing a Management Plan0

    Most people would agree that if you are serious about accomplishing a goal, you need a plan. This becomes even more critical when you are looking at a complex set of goals and time and money may be limited. Such just might be the case if you are a landowner, member of a hunting club

  • Setting the Record Straight1

    I have always made myself available to everyone with my contact information available on page 4. I encourage people to call or text me. Many email. This often leads to coffee, lunch, or a meeting in my conference room. I am not a believer in social media, although Webb Weekly can be found there. My

  • Winter Fun for Everyone0

    It’s that time of year, y’all — the dark and dreary days of winter. And as if January isn’t generally depressing enough on its own, we are still struggling with the COVID pandemic. It’s a formidable combination. Oddly enough, this is generally the time of year that I write an article telling you that winter

  • Catching Fish on a Frozen Lake0

    With decent ice forming on a number of area lakes, the hard water gang is out in full force. Last week we took a look at how we hard water anglers penetrated the ice barrier just to access the fish, but now I want to zero in on how to hook and land a fish

  • County Hall Corner: The Dream Speech Almost Didn’t Happen0

    Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech on August 28, 1963 before some 250,000 people on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. has become one of the most famous speeches in American history. It is known as “I Have a Dream” Speech, but there is tremendous irony here, as the whole section concerning the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Winter Feeding of Wildlife0

    In December, when Mother Nature decided to dump several feet of snow, then, shortly thereafter, several inches of rain throughout the region, she did no great favor for any of our wildlife. The rain compressed the snow below, then, with overnight freezing temperatures, managed to seal off things below with a layer of ice. In

  • Winter Capsule Wardrobe0

    In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions and the idea of living a more sustainable and less cumbersome lifestyle, 2021 is the perfect year to consider building a capsule wardrobe. Capsule wardrobes push us to think more about what clothing we actually wear and whether we truly need each piece hanging in our closets. A

  • Competition Has Rules0

    Over the years, the cover date of this publication has coincided with significant or holiday dates on the calendar. Frequently, when this has occurred, I have written this column to be in keeping with whatever that special date may have been. As one looks at the cover of this January 20, 2021 publication, when the

  • Jacoby in Winter0

    North Central Pennsylvania is home to many treasures. Yes. We live in an area with such amazing beauty. My son and I take full advantage as we do our best to “commune with nature” as often as we can. I simply love to fish, but Jensen is more of an explorer these days. Hiking is

  • Jersey Shore FBLA Operated Store at Nippenose Valley Village Helped To Enhance the Quality of Life For Residents There0

    The very active Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter of Jersey Shore High School has learned a lot about the workings of business through their operation of a store at the Nippenose Valley Village. Still, perhaps, more importantly, they have enhanced the quality of life for the residents, by having that store there at

  • No Number of Wrongs Ever Justify a Right2

    I cannot believe what I have witnessed in the United States of America in the last year. I am going to try to stay positive and touch on the issues of the past week that are most important. Before I get to the national disgrace that occurred in Washington, D.C., I need to spend a

  • A Healthier New Year0

    I’ll be honest. In an effort to support small business and help local restaurants stay afloat during the awfulness that was 2020, and seems to be continuing to 2021, I have spent a bit too much time eating. Eating carbs and other unhealthy food to be specific. So, it’s time to reel that back in

  • The New Love Center Serving the Hungry in Two Counties0

    The economic ravages produced by COVID-19 have taken a real financial toll on many families in this area. This toll is causing many families to have problems meeting their nutritional needs. One organization that helps them meet this challenge is the New Love Center, which offers services to families in both Lycoming and Clinton Counties

  • Wintertime Wildlife Activity0

    Every year, throughout the fall months, Mother Nature takes care of all of her creatures as they prepare to weather through the upcoming winter months. It is pretty amazing the way some of these birds, animals and insects prepare for and adjust their daily routines in order to make it through the freezing temperatures that

  • County Hall Corner: Shutdown Ill-Logic0

    More than three million people are injured every year due to car accidents, with more than two million resulting in permanent injuries. There are in excess of 40,000 deaths due to car accidents every year. Where is the outrage? What can be done about such a horrible carnage of death and destruction? I have the

  • Color of the Year 20210

    Each December, the Pantone Color Institute, a limited liability company specializing in standardizing color reproduction used in industries like graphic design, fashion design, brand forecasting, and printing, attempts to predict the tone for the year ahead in the form of color. Back in December 2019, they choose the hue “Classic Blue,” which was meant to


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