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  • UPMC Therapist: The Pains of Working from Home0

    When the pandemic started almost a year ago, many people weren’t sure how to manage their daily lives as lock-down orders essentially turned homes into offices, schools, and gyms. As the restrictions loosened up, some companies began to open offices again, however, others are still encouraging a minimal on-site office presence, and some may never

  • The “Fishing Transition Period”

    The “Fishing Transition Period”0

    The “Fishing Transition Period” — if you are not a die-hard, year around fisherman, I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about. The period I’m referring to generally falls during the month of March. It’s that time when the lake ice begins to weaken and starts to break up, making ice fishing unsafe,

  • Closet Clean Out Spring 20210

    With the taste of warmer weather here recently, I’ve started looking toward spring cleaning and my semi-annual closet purge. This spring, I am considering what to keep and what to donate, and how I organize my clothes and my clothing choices. If you also want to re-evaluate your closet and are looking for some inspiration,

  • The Roving Sportsman: The Many Uses of Shed Antlers0

    This week’s changing weather pattern has finally begun to reveal the hope that springtime is just around the corner. With midday temperatures steadily holding in the upper 30’s and lower 40’s, we can look forward to a slow and even melting of the winter snows and ice and the eventual greening up of the landscape.

  • Covation Center Bringing Help and Education to Local Business0

    Founded in 2016, the Covation Center has always been a resource for businesses. Whether it’s business growth programs, one-on-one coaching sessions, or offering its location for meetings and workspaces. The Center’s three main missions are Coaching, Coworking and Community. Through its Coaching mission, the Center provides a 10-week virtual program geared toward business owners who

  • Devouring a Nation One Term at a Time1

    Our Nation, and the very freedoms we enjoy, have been under attack for decades. It’s not the barbarians at the gate we should truly fear. It’s the barbarians inside the Beltway. This is a bipartisan problem. It has taken both the democrats and the republicans to get us to this point. The driving reasons behind

  • DA’s Office Shows Appreciation for Local Law Enforcement0

    Being a member of law enforcement isn’t easy. Especially today. And while some of the disdain for law enforcement is warranted, that can leave good officers feeling wholly unappreciated. Locally, District Attorney Ryan Gardner is working to ensure that members of law enforcement in Lycoming County know that their hard work is noticed and appreciated.

  • Bluebird Nest Boxes Help Connect With Wildlife0

    It’s soon time to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring! Spring might not be “just around the corner,” but bluebirds will be scouting out nesting sites before you know it, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission can help bring them and other songbirds to your backyard. Bluebird nesting boxes built by staff at the

  • UPMC Physical Therapist: Cancer Affects Stamina, Energy0

    If you experience fatigue during or after cancer treatment, you are not alone. Fatigue, usually described as feeling tired, weak, or exhausted, affects most people during cancer treatment with 14-96% of survivors experiencing some form during active treatment and 19-82% in the years after treatment is complete. Fatigue can have a profound effect on one’s

  • The Roving Sportsman… Shed Antler Hunting0

    Well, Mother Nature certainly has been dealing us a winter unlike any we have seen in the past few years, but ever so slowly the temperatures are rising and the snows seem to be subsiding. Wildlife of all sorts have had a difficult time of finding food to see themselves through the deep snows and

  • Sheds0

    No, this isn’t a story about that little shack outback of your neighbor’s house, but rather this is about the antlers that our bucks begin to shed or drop every year about this time. I’m not much into shed hunting, but I have some friends who go out every year searching for dropped antlers. I’m

  • What to Buy When0

    With a few Presidents’ Day sales lingering and spring (fingers crossed) just around the corner, you may be evaluating your wardrobe in anticipation of springtime closet cleanouts and warmer weather. Or maybe, like me, you just get a rush when getting a deal on clothes and accessories you may or may not need. There are

  • Library to Host Virtual Baking Club for Families0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., has announced a new virtual family program starting in March, the Little Red Hen Baking Club. This is a fun baking club that participants can do from the comfort of their own home. Once a month, families will make simple yeast breads in a bag. All

  • Gabe Stillman to Perform at CAC

    Gabe Stillman to Perform at CAC0

    Gabe Stillman returns to the Williamsport performance scene February 27th with a one-night engagement at the Community Arts Center. After almost a year of canceled and postponed shows the CAC is excited to welcome the Williamsport native and Uptown Music Collective alumni to liven up the darkened theatre. We sat down with Gabe to discuss

  • County Hall Corner: Pulling the Plug on Emergency Powers1

    A constant refrain among almost all state and local government officials on the Republican side of the spectrum has been frustrations over Gov. Tom Wolf’s response to the coronavirus. The initial restrictions to businesses and gatherings were enacted on March 6, 2020, following two (yes, two) presumptive positive cases of the COVID virus in Pennsylvania.

  • Gazette and Bulletin: February 26. 1898 – Talks on Patriotism0

    All of the public schools of Williamsport held special exercises yesterday in memory of George Washington. As last Tuesday, Washington’s Birthday was a legal holiday, there was no school sessions, so it was decided to postpone the celebration until yesterday. Some of the schools made special preparations for the event and many of the rooms

  • This Week’s LION: Success at Camp Susque0

    In 1946, four men took 16 boys on a two-night camping trip up the Loyalsock Creek. On the second night, around a campfire, the boys began to share some concerns from their lives which they had never voiced before that night. The leaders were overwhelmed at the boys’ response, and they began to discuss the

  • Simple Self-Care Tips You’ll Love

    Simple Self-Care Tips You’ll Love0

    When easing into a new year, many experts encourage more self-care. From paying more attention to your mental health to pampering yourself from head to toe, now is the perfect time to start showing yourself a little extra love. Make time to decompress. The past year shows that every rose comes with thorns, like working

  • Seeds0

    Preparing your seeds is an easy step in the gardening process. Seeds only need heat and moisture to begin germinating. You can purchase seed starters sold in lawn and garden stores or purchase bags of soil. If organic soil is your preference, take time and read the ingredients label on the bag. A lot of

  • Proactive Health Tips to Help Navigate Year Two of the Pandemic0

    After months of unfamiliar restrictions and guidelines, pandemic fatigue is affecting how some Americans protect their health. However, experts warn that diligence is still extremely important because new mutations and variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 are being discovered. The typical cold and flu season also brings added threats to people’s health and wellness.

  • Crosscutters 2021 Schedule Released0

    Just one week after Punxsutawney Phil saddled us with his unwelcomed six-more-weeks-of-winter prognostication, the Williamsport Crosscutters provided us with a glimpse of spring with the release of the 2021 season schedule for the new MLB Draft League. The Cutters are joined in the six-team circuit by the State College Spikes, Trenton Thunder, Mahoning Valley Scrappers,

  • Into the Shark Tank and Then Straight to China1

    My column was to follow up where I left off last week with “Always Question Science, Medicine, and Government.” It was to cover the complete fleecing of America by the long-serving elected in Washington. That will have to wait until next week. You’ll be shocked by the multi-millionaires that have grown at the trough of

  • Mardi Gras and Lent0

    I guess we can chalk up yet another thing that the global pandemic has ruined. #ThanksCOVID. Mardi Gras in New Orleans typically means dancing in the streets, standing shoulder to shoulder with strangers, and watching one parade after another roll by while slowly becoming a human bead tree. But Mardi Gras 2021 will be different.

  • African-Americans Have Been A Notable and Interesting Part of Lycoming County History2

    As we celebrate “Black History Month,” it is important to shine a light on some of the significant and notable things about African-Americans, and their important and interesting role in Lycoming County’s history. No one knows for sure when the first African-Americans made their first appearance in Lycoming County. It is highly possible that some

  • County Hall Corner: Viewers Guide to the Commissioners Meetings0

    I have made the best effort to make every Lycoming County Commissioners Meeting possible, but the recent snowstorms have housebound me more than I have liked. I have found it necessary to utilize the county’s videos of these meetings to keep informed. For the novice, watching these might be rather tedious, so I am providing

  • Crosscutters Unveil Schedule for Inaugural MLB Draft League Season

    Crosscutters Unveil Schedule for Inaugural MLB Draft League Season0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters in conjunction with Major League Baseball have announced the 2021 schedule for the all-new MLB Draft League. The league will be the first in the country focused on top prospects eligible to be drafted during the season while giving them the unique opportunity to showcase their abilities and gain exposure to MLB

  • Style File: Hip Hop Fashion0

    For this edition of “style file,” we’re going to take a look at Hip Hop Fashion, which began in the 1970s and has had increased influence in styles and trends every decade since. Hip Hop Fashion, aka Streetwear, is a casual yet distinctive style of dressing that originated from urban Black American and Latin American

  • Watch Wildlife Round the Clock From Home0

    Harsh winter weather can make it tough to get outdoors. But even in the worst conditions, the Game Commission’s round-the-clock livestreams offer viewers a chance to connect with wildlife, all from the comfort of home. A new 24-7 livestream from a black bear den in Monroe County launched this week. That brings the total to

  • How About a February Squirrel Hunt?0

    I’ll be honest, I don’t do much squirrel hunting these days, but when I began hunting as a teenager, squirrel hunting was high on my list of priorities. Many other hunting and fishing opportunities slowly crowded out my squirrel hunting over the years, but I still have fond memories of those early days. For those

  • UPMC Provider: Pregnancy’s Effects on the Heart0

    A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy. Many of them are obvious like the belly bump, but some are more subtle or hidden like how pregnancy affects the heart and blood vessels. Due to these changes, some women may develop a new heart condition during pregnancy, or an existing cardiac condition can worsen.


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