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Search Results For 'kidney'

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    No surprises here, it’s time for my annual Happy Mother’s Day list! Every year I think about doing something different, but I think this is the ultimate list. No matter what kind of Mom you are! And to all the Moms out there, if no one has told you lately — you’re doing an awesome

  • UPMC Physician: Make an Informed Decision0

    Deciding to become an organ donor is important, and it’s worth considering more often than when you renew your license at the DMV. Every nine minutes, someone in the United States joins the national organ transplant waiting list. Every day, 17 people on that list die waiting for an organ because there are not enough

  • Notable Senior Health Concerns0

    The human body changes as it ages. While certain conditions are commonly associated with aging, some individuals may be surprised to learn of the more common health conditions that can affect seniors. The World Health Organization says one in six people will be 60 or older by 2030. With such a large portion of the

  • Take Control of Your Blood Pressure: Seven changes to help manage your health

    Take Control of Your Blood Pressure: Seven changes to help manage your health0

    What you eat and drink, as well as your activity level and habits, affect your heart and brain health and are essential for managing blood pressure, cholesterol and more. High blood pressure (readings consistently higher than 130/80 mm Hg) is a leading cause and controllable risk factor for heart disease and stroke as well as

  • The Roving Sportsman… Venison Recipes0

    I was talking to a lady yesterday about the upcoming deer hunting season. While she had no distaste for the idea of hunting, she revealed her dislike of the taste of venison by asking, “Do you eat the meat?” She explained that more than 20 years ago when she last tried a venison meal, “It

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day0

    Every year, I think, “Steph, maybe you should do something different for Mother’s Day this year? Change it up a bit.” But then I read through this list and think, “Nah, this is the ultimate Mother’s Day list! Moms are out here killin’ it every day, and no matter what type of Mom they are,

  • UPMC Expert: Consider Becoming a Lifesaving Organ Donor0

    Nobody likes waiting. As humans, we’re naturally impatient. In today’s world, we have unlimited information and instantaneous gratification at our fingertips – we want it, and we want it now. But imagine being one of more than 118,000 people currently waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. All the resources are still in your hands which

  • Five Steps to Properly Manage Blood Pressure0

    Nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, about 75% don’t have it under control, and many may not even realize they have it unless they experience other complications. In fact, high blood pressure is a leading cause and controllable

  • Caring for Older Adults0

    Managing heart attack treatment and follow-up care As the proportion of older adults in the U.S. continues to increase, appropriate care for older people becomes increasingly important. In fact, caregivers and loved ones should be aware of age-appropriate care for heart attack or chest pain. The first step is to call 911. Once medical care

  • Remembering Williamsport High School Baseball Trailer Blazer Lee Whittington Sr.0

    Being a trailblazer is never an easy thing. Still, Lee Whittington Sr. handled the task of being a pioneer for the Williamsport Area High School baseball team during the mid-1980s, when he became the first African American to play on that team. He handled the task with class, dignity, and good humor and became a

  • What Dental Hygiene Does for Overall Health0

    Brushing and flossing your teeth may save you extra sessions in the dentist’s chair each year, but the benefits of dental hygiene do not end with pearly whites. In fact, there’s a direct correlation between oral hygiene and overall health. Oral health offers clues about overall health, advises the Mayo Clinic. When a dentist or

  • What to do After Being Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure

    What to do After Being Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure0

    Hypertension, a condition marked by abnormally high blood pressure, is more common than many people may recognize. A 2021 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services indicated that nearly half of adults in the United States, or roughly 116 million people, have hypertension. And hypertension isn’t exclusive to Americans, as the World

  • Holiday Pet Safety0

    Thanksgiving will be all but on us by the time you receive our edition next week. So let’s jumpstart things early and talk about how to keep our furry friends safe this holiday season. With friends and family visiting and us all being out and about and in and out of the house more this

  • Five Fall Foods for Health0

    Fall is known for many great things. From Halloween and hay rides to Thanksgiving dinners with all of the trimmings. But did you know that the seasonal produce that we have come to associate with fall is packed with nutrients and is some of the healthiest food we can get regardless of the season? As

  • How Blood Type Can Affect Your Health

    How Blood Type Can Affect Your Health0

    Most people do not give much thought to the blood running through their veins. However, it may pay to learn more about blood type, as it can affect your overall health in a variety of ways. What is blood type? The American Red Cross says there are four main blood types, which are determined by

  • Jeffrey Allen Federowicz0

    By Steph Nordstrom I was so sorry to hear about the passing of Webb Weekly writer Jeff Federowicz. Jeff had been a longtime writer with us, and he will be missed. Jeff had a quirky sense of humor that you could definitely see when you read his stories. He had written for us for well

  • UPMC Clinician: Surprising Facts About Organ Donation0

    Making the decision to become an organ donor is an important one. Every person that says yes to organ donation gives hope to the tens of thousands of people waiting for organ, eye, and tissue donations. Many people have misconceptions about organ and tissue donation, which can discourage them from registering as organ donors. Each

  • Keeping Pets Safe in the Garden0

    If you have pets that enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to make sure your yard is a safe place for them to be. Consider these hazards that can negatively impact the well-being of your furry friends. Poisonous Plants – Some common plants can be dangerous for animals, causing anything from mild oral irritations and

  • UPMC Cardiologist: How Salt Intake Affects Your Heart0

    It’s likely that you indulge in a craving for salt from time to time. While listening to your body is important, it’s also valuable to monitor your intake of the substance due to its effects on your heart health. A good portion of salt is made up of the mineral sodium. According to the Centers

  • Adaptive Fashion0

    As we close out March, I wanted to take a moment to recognize that this month hosts various awareness days such as World Hearing Day, International Wheelchair Day, World Down Syndrome Day, and World Kidney Day, to name a few. Disabilities come in many forms, both visible and invisible, and are more common than you

  • Area Student Seeks Living Kidney Donor

    Area Student Seeks Living Kidney Donor0

    Area middle school student, Maddy Fausnaught, was diagnosed with a kidney disease called focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), which began at age seven after a bout with pneumonia. FSGS is a type of disease where scarring takes place in small sections of each glomerulus (filter) in the kidneys. Because the scarred glomeruli cannot be repaired, FSGS

  • UPMC Endocrinologist0

    Understanding and Managing Diabetes Le Yu Khine, MD Endocrinology, UPMC According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetes affects over 34 million people in the United States or about 1 in every 10 people, and about 20% of those people do not even know they have it. It is the seventh leading

  • Foods that Boost Immunity0

    There is an abundance of evidence that strongly suggests there are significant health benefits to eating a nutritious diet. One of the benefits to eating this type of diet is that it will likely improve the body’s ability to fight and prevent disease. This is more important than ever, considering the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic that

  • Common Behavioral Issues That Affect Cats and Dogs And How to Fix Them

    Common Behavioral Issues That Affect Cats and Dogs And How to Fix Them0

    Pet ownership can be both joyous and challenging. Every pet misbehaves from time to time, but when behavior issues become part of daily life, pet owners may be wringing their hands wondering how to get to the root of the problem. Pet owners may not realize they can contribute to common behavior issues. Here’s how

  • Moderate Beer Consumption Linked to Good Health (Part 1)0

    As always, this information is intended for education and entertainment purposes only. Consult with your health care team for all things medical. You read that correctly; beer has health benefits. In fact, early strongmen swore by it. World-renowned strongman Arthur Saxon, from the early 1900s, was one of its biggest proponents. Saxon, star of the

  • Hello October!0

    Ahhhh, hey there, October! One of my favorite months of the year. October means crisp fall mornings and nights lit with jack-o’-lanterns. It means hoodies, boots, and flannels. Pumpkin spice, hot cocoa, and apple cider will fill mugs — corn mazes, pumpkin patches, haunted hayrides, and bonfires. There are so many things that kick off

  • UPMC Doctor: Coping with Pelvic Pain0

    Any degree of discomfort that occurs between your belly button and upper thighs is considered to be “pelvic pain.” It may seem easy to diagnose, as the pain is located in a smaller area of the body. However, this pain could be caused by a wide variety of things and can chronically affect women at

  • UPMC Expert: Is Cancer in Your Future?0

    ? Mai Phuong, MD Oncology, UPMC If you were at increased risk for cancer, would you want to know? By 2040, the number of new cancer cases per year is expected to rise to 29.5 million according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. While there are many factors contributing to the rise in

  • Rhabdomyolysis and Exercise0

    Rhabdomyolysis is an issue that athletes or exercisers encounter when exposed to excessive heat and humidity, coupled with prolonged and/or intense exercise and a lack of acclimatization. During rhabdomyolysis, muscle tissue breaks down, releasing intracellular fluid into the bloodstream. Protein (myoglobin) from this fluid may then concentrate in the kidneys, causing a blockage in the

  • Five Food Tips for Weight Loss0

    Most people wouldn’t mind trimming a few pounds; certainly not after being stuck inside during a global pandemic for the last year or so. I for one have gained and lost the “Covid 15” more than once and am set on keeping the weight off. As I organized my research for this week’s column, I

  • UPMC Physical Therapist: Cancer Affects Stamina, Energy0

    If you experience fatigue during or after cancer treatment, you are not alone. Fatigue, usually described as feeling tired, weak, or exhausted, affects most people during cancer treatment with 14-96% of survivors experiencing some form during active treatment and 19-82% in the years after treatment is complete. Fatigue can have a profound effect on one’s

  • Chronic Kidney Disease: The Silent Killer

    Chronic Kidney Disease: The Silent Killer0

    Approximately 26 million American adults have chronic kidney disease and millions of others are at risk but may not know it. Kidney disease is often called the “silent killer,” because it has no symptoms until the advanced stage of the disease. In fact, one in nine Americans has chronic kidney disease and are unaware that

  • Setting Expectations for a Healthy Pregnancy0

    Welcoming a baby into the world is a special lifetime moment. A full-term pregnancy is divided into three trimesters of baby development in the mother’s womb. Each trimester comes with its own hormonal and physiological changes. As a new mom, the education about each trimester prepares you for how the baby affects your body and


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