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Search Results For 'fishing'

  • Heatwave Largemouth Bass0

    When you look at the passionate fishing crowd out there, you can break them down into three broad categories: the “cold water” crowd, those that pursue “warm water” fish, and probably the biggest group composed of those of us who will fish for almost anything at any time of the year. The cold-water crowd or

  • Fourth of July Bass

    Fourth of July Bass0

    First, a quick story: I swung by to say hello to my bearded chums in Montgomery. We talked about our upcoming projects, and I showed them some pictures. My man Sam and the boys make beautiful cabinets. After the meeting, I made a quick call. I had to drop off some accessories on the South

  • Turtle Crossings

    Turtle Crossings0

    Like a lot of people who live out here in rural Pennsylvania, I enjoy seeing the great variety of wildlife that roam our woods and fields. But all too often, that wildlife chooses to cross a road with fatal results. Unlike a lot of other critters, turtles and snakes, unfortunately, are often too slow to

  • Brought to You Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue

    Brought to You Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue0

    I know many folks are looking for my column to see what my take was on last week’s debate. Well, I don’t want to disappoint any of my readers; this includes Republicans, Democrats, and whoever else may be reading. Let me first say I’ve already spent more space on the debate than it deserves. I

  • Local Shooting Competition0

    As we outdoor enthusiasts move into the hot mid-summer days, we may still be doing some fishing, but it’s not likely that shooting a rifle is high on our list of activities. Sure, as we move into the fall months, the deer rifles come out, and we head for the target range to make sure

  • Take a Kid Fishing0

    It’s summer, and the kids are out of school, and a lot of them are no doubt looking for something to do; unfortunately, a lot of that time these days is spent working a keypad. When I think back to those grade school and junior high school days, we didn’t have gadgets with keypads, and

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Dog Days of Summer0

    I am usually a positive-thinking person who tries to keep an optimistic approach to all the things around me. To that end, I continually encourage people to get outside and enjoy every day that they can in our great outdoors. Whether you are a hunter, a shooter, a fisherman, or simply enjoy time outside gardening,

  • Three Hundred

    Three Hundred0

    It was brought to my attention. I now have three hundred articles with Webb Weekly. I am sure there are several more. But these three hundred submissions are archived. That makes me smile. Special thanks to my big brother Jim. He has been a great mentor and friend. I tend to disagree with his politics

  • It’s Time for Some Bass Fishing0

    Summer is well underway, and so is the bass fishing. If it’s smallmouth bass you are after, you are probably better off fishing the river or large streams, and if largemouth bass is your main target, a lake or pond is a good choice. That’s not to say you can’t catch smallmouths in a lake

  • Golf is a Great Game0

    I was recently asked to tee it up in a few tournaments. I used to love golf, but now it’s totally different. Yes. I still coach at my alma mater. I continue to enjoy my interactions with the Lycoming College Warriors. I don’t play much personally. It’s cool. I don’t miss it. I’d rather do

  • The Roving Sportsman… Timber Rattlesnake Season0

    Having grown up in Lycoming County and spent most of my life roaming its hills and streams, it has been a natural progression to be an avid lover of nature and to enjoy the abundant outdoor sporting opportunities that this area provides. Through the years, my respect for all of nature’s wonders has continued to

  • Teaching the Art of Fishing

    Teaching the Art of Fishing0

    Teaching people how to fish may seem like a very simple procedure to some; after all, the only thing you have to do is put a worm on a hook, throw it in the water, and watch for the bobber to go under. To be honest, that simple maneuver does indeed catch fish, but the

  • Derby0

    Hats off to my friends at the Lycoming Creek Anglers. I give them a lot of credit. These guys and gals make our fishing experiences much more splendid. This spring has been fantastic. Yes. We battled some rain and high waters, but I am still ecstatic. I snuck out for several casts the past few

  • What to do for Father’s Day0

    On Sunday, June 16, fathers everywhere will get to be revered by friends and family as we show our Dad, our Pop, our Father how special we really think he is. With a little over a week to go, there is plenty of time for shopping and planning to make this Father’s Day especially memorable

  • Bass on Top0

    The various fishing seasons are all pretty much underway, and you know summer has arrived when you have to cut the grass twice a week, and you can pursue some serious bass fishing. April 13 through June 7, bass fishing is catch and release only, and from June 8 through September 30, you are allowed

  • My Bearded Friends0

    My full-time gig is with Susquehanna Marble and Granite. Yes. There is never a dull moment. I have been with the company for eight great seasons. I have been exposed to every facet of the countertop business. I am not the strongest guy, and these rocks are super heavy. I tend to break stuff, and

  • Great Summertime Leisure Activities

    Great Summertime Leisure Activities0

    • May 22, 2024

    A warm breeze on a summer day embodies the spirit of this beloved season for millions of people. Seen by many as a season to relax and recharge, summer, not coincidentally, goes hand in hand with leisure. With more time on their hands due to vacations from school and work and less hectic activity schedules,

  • Paddling


    Last week, I told you about a friend who was on an adventure. My man, Michael Kinney, is paddling the entire West Branch of the Susquehanna. I reached out to him with a few questions. Unfortunately, Mike had no cell phone service, but he did get back to me a few days later. My article

  • That’s Why it’s Called “Fishing”

    That’s Why it’s Called “Fishing”0

    How many times have you been around someone who said, “Yeah, we went fishing the other day, and we didn’t catch anything”? About that time, someone else will add, “Yeah, that’s why it’s called ‘fishing’ and not ‘catching.’” Well, it’s certainly true that there are times when the fishing may not be going well, but

  • The Roving Sportsman… Ticks!0

    The winter doldrums are finally behind us, and although this spring has been offering more wet weather than usual, for outdoorsmen who are about to spend an increasing amount of time in the out of doors in the upcoming months, it is only a matter of time until you come in contact with ticks. Whether

  • May, a Great Month for the Outdoorsman0

    I must say that the month of May is a lot like Christmas for the hunting and fishing crowd; there’s a host of opportunities to hunt and fish for a variety of species. I’ve seen some photos of successful turkey hunters, but a couple were particularly interesting. One of those photos was of Jessica and

  • Take a Hike0

    With fear of jinxing its permanent arrival and hoping against a reversal of fortunes, it appears that spring has finally made its way to our neck of the woods! Being imbedded in sports all my life, the changing of the seasons has had more to do with which sport was coming up next than with

  • Getting Into Fly-Fishing0

    Over the past couple of years, I’ve had more and more people talk to me about getting into fly-fishing, and it certainly appears that it is growing in popularity. One of the concerns that I hear from those who want to start fly-fishing involves the difficulty in learning to properly cast a fly. There is

  • The Dry Fly Buzz

    The Dry Fly Buzz0

    Special thanks to the readers of Webb Weekly. I am still amazed at how many folks will turn to this page. I ran into two people last week — totally random — one at Wegmans and one at work. Their kind words meant the world. I always get excited when someone recognizes me from this

  • My Fishing is Slow

    My Fishing is Slow0

    Trust all is well, sports fans. I have a few items that need your attention. I told you about a friend who does some underwater snapshots — Michael Kinney of Get Lost Photography. My guy is super talented, and he is planning the ultimate adventure. Michael is hoping to kayak the entire West Branch of

  • Updates From Recent PA Game Commission Meeting0

    One of the topics discussed at the recent PA Game Commission meeting was the possible reintroduction of martens back into Pennsylvania. A marten is a weasel-like furbearer ranging in length from 19-27 inches and weighing 1-3 pounds. They have brownish-black hair down the back and tail with a yellowish-orange bib on the throat that can

  • Trout Season in Full Swing0

    Another trout season is underway, and I still enjoy getting out on a stream, even though I’ve been trout fishing for over sixty years now. Over all those years, I’ve had a chance to fish with an assortment of equipment, lures, and baits. Like a lot of kids, I started with worms and a bobber

  • Hoping Opening Day Wasn’t Washed Out0

    The first day of trout season in Pennsylvania has been a long-time tradition. It’s a day shared by family and friends to celebrate something near and dear to their hearts. It is a day that many PA anglers dream about on cold winter nights. Chilly temperatures, rain, and even snow go hand in hand with

  • High Water Alternatives0

    As I sat down to write this piece, the streams were running high and muddy from the past few days of rain. I suspect that by the opening day of trout season, there will still be some high, discolored water. Of course, those who were on the streams on opening day will be able to

  • The Anglers0

    I recently had the opportunity to hook up with some old friends. We gathered at the Trout Run Volunteer Fire Hall for a wonderful evening. Fishing was the focus of our conversations. Yes. It was the annual meeting for the Lycoming Creek Anglers. I am so proud to be associated with this great organization. It

  • Fish On

    Fish On0

    Tis the season. March Madness is fun, but I am only thinking about fishing. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has already placed 3.3 million trout in our many state waterways. Last I heard- the Commonwealth has 697 stocked streams and 129 lakes. Impressive. The PFBC will also coordinate with many others to add an

  • Gearing Up for Trout Season0

    I suspect when we think about getting ready for the upcoming trout season, our thoughts turn first to rods, reels, line, and a selection of lures or flies. Those are things that should be addressed, but I think we sometimes overlook some other basic but vital equipment, such as boots or waders. Whether you use

  • What’s the Best Approach?0

    When it comes to the opening day of trout season, a question I sometimes get, especially from someone just getting into fishing, is, what’s the best way to catch trout? There are people who have written lengthy books on that topic, but in this brief format, here are some things to consider. The truth is


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