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Search Results For 'fishing'

  • Apologies0

    Apologies for skipping out last week. I would like to thank those who reached out. Many did. I’m not kidding. Mostly my bearded friends. That is a fantastic feeling. I’m good, folks. I simply missed my deadline. My bad, Steph. You are a great chief. I appreciate you filling in. I am home from a

  • Is it Fishing Season Yet?0

    OK, I’ll admit it; I’m a year-round fisherman, and there’s probably never a month of the year that goes by that I don’t get some fishing in somewhere, either on the ice, in a boat, or wading a stream. Admittedly, the ice fishing season was again cut short, so it’s time to move on to

  • An Ode to Uncle Chuck0

    The circle of life is hard. The older we get. The more frequently it happens. This week, I received the news. Another loved one gone too soon. It leaves us with so many questions. I was born in Pipestone, MN — a small town in the prairie near the border of South Dakota. My grandparents,

  • Memory Lane: 10 Worthy Memoirs for Winter Reading0

    Among the hundreds of books I’ve enjoyed since retiring five years ago, I somehow keep gravitating to memoirs — those fascinating accounts of lives well lived. Or not so well, as the case may be. In this genre, you might encounter history; a little romance, comedy, or nostalgia; interactions with famous figures; or perhaps just

  • Williamsport Sun: February 25, 1939 – CTA Pamphlet Suggests Route Through City For Motorists Going to Fair0

    The publicity committee of the Community Trade Association today released information contained in a pamphlet outlining the short scenic route to the New York World’s Fair between Cleveland and New York via Williamsport. A savings of approximately 75 miles each way may be realized by motorists of the Mid-Western and Western states who plan to

  • Trout Stocking Underway0

    It’s hard to believe that another trout season is just around the corner, and the stocking of trout is already underway — as of February 19th. The Fish and Boat Commission will be stocking a total of 3.2 million trout. That includes 2.3 million rainbows, 702,000 browns, 132,000 brookies and 14,000 golden trout. With the

  • The Role of Outdoor Recreation0

    I’ll be honest: when I was a kid growing up, my parents had little or no interest in the outdoors, including hunting, fishing, and viewing wildlife, so how on earth did I end up so deeply involved in that scene today? No doubt, where we lived must have contributed to my outdoor interests in the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Stepping Up to the Plate0

    It becomes increasingly apparent with each passing day that anti-hunters will do whatever it takes to stop all hunting everywhere and forever. Their efforts are relentless and will only increase over time. They are definitely in it for the long haul. Examples of their efforts are cropping up all across the nation, and while one

  • 2024 Super Bowl Predictions (Taylor’s Version)0

    Back when Mike Rafferty started this tradition (back in 2012 if you’re keeping score), he used to come up with clever puns for each of the predictions. I’ve tried to do this over the years, but 1. I’m not as clever as Raff and B. Even if I were that clever, this piece has grown

  • Frozen Lines0

    Punxsutawney Phil was a no show. I guess that means it will be an early spring. Sign me up. The weather has been quite unpredictable. We haven’t experienced much cold. I was hoping to get out for some ice fishing, but the conditions drastically changed. I had to bail on my Amish friends. They didn’t

  • Winner, Winner Venison Dinner0

    This is one of my favorite columns to write each and every year. We have the results of our 16th Annual Webb Weekly Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. I am very proud of our Monster Buck Contest and the job all involved do in making this happen. Which is not me. I stay out of

  • Ice Fishing Finally Underway0

    Finally, some of my “hard water” fishing buddies and I were able to get out on a lake this past week and put some crappies and bluegills on ice. There is no doubt that more and more people are getting into ice fishing, and its popularity has obviously grown over the years, as evidenced by

  • Invasive Species in Our Waterways0

    It seems like the subject of invasive species, be they land-based species, aquatic plants, or animals, comes up more frequently these days. As a fisherman, I have noticed several new threats to our waterways, including invasive crayfish, zebra mussels, and the northern snakehead. Other species of fish, like the silver and bighead carp, while not

  • Beating the Winter Blues0

    It’s official. We are at a pretty dreary time of year. The weather ain’t great. I’m fairly sure it rained for 27 hours straight last week. It’s cold, it’s dark, the post-holiday blues are rearing their ugly heads. I know the last thing you probably want to do is go outside. But the best way

  • Resolutions.


    I gave up on one of my New Year’s Resolutions. I always have great intentions. Perhaps next year I will find a gym. But until then, I am OK with not being trimmed. No worries, kids. There are many joys when it comes to parenthood, and I consider myself very fortunate to have a son.

  • Weird Words No. 31: A Little “Zhuzh” for Your Week0

    As I work on the weekly “World of Weird Words,” it’s always tough to sort through the 2300 terms on my oddball vocab list, figuring out which ones to offer this time. Last week marked our 30th installment, so I decided to factor that figure: two sets of 15, both restricted solely to five- and

  • HHS Fly-Fishing

    HHS Fly-Fishing0

    Happy New Year to my family and friends. I would also like to give a shout to those who frequent this page. I look forward to many more tales. This part-time gig is grand, and we will cover many different topics in 2024. Let’s kick things off with one of my favorites. Dave Weigle of

  • Getting Into Fly-Tying0

    We are moving into that time of year when we outdoor types start spending less time outdoors pursuing game and fish and more time indoors. We still have some small game hunting and muzzleloading hunting left, and hopefully, if we get enough ice, we diehard fishermen can start hitting some local lakes as well. These

  • Fishing Boots for Christmas0

    Exchange week. Party week. Travel week. Rest-up week. Whatever these December days between Christmas and New Year’s may be called where you reside, you can be assured of one thing when it comes to the media; its broadcasts and pages will be filled with a lot of ‘year-in-review’ lookbacks. With so much increased violence, corruption,

  • Changes in Fishing Regulations0

    As the hunting seasons begin to wind down, some of us begin looking towards the upcoming fishing seasons. I know trout season is still a long way off, but we ice fishermen are hoping to get out on a lake in the not-too-distant future. With the fishing season not far off, it’s also time to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Stocking Stuffers!0

    With only a few more shopping days before Christmas morning arrives, hopefully, you have taken care of all of the major items on your gift list and can now turn your attention to the last-minute items and the ever-popular “stocking stuffers.” I reflect back fondly, to the early days when the three stockings, hand-knit by

  • The Amish Buck0

    Happy belated Thanksgiving to my family and friends. I hope everything was spectacular. Ours was grand. My rents made it back to California. We had a blast. Jim and I framed and blocked the new garage. It is my understanding that I will have to finish everything by March. I apologize for skipping out last

  • Bald Eagles0

    As a hunter, fisherman, and outdoor enthusiast, I enjoy seeing all kinds of wildlife — and that includes the various bird species. As a wildlife artist, I have an even greater interest because I enjoy painting birds of all kinds, including songbirds. While this interest doesn’t make me a serious bird watcher like some people

  • Giving Thanks and Just Plain Giving0

    While the actual Thanksgiving Day has just passed, that single day to many signals not just a day but a season of being thankful, sharing time with family and friends and celebrating all of the good things in our lives. Thanksgiving Day marks the beginning of the holiday season that runs through to Christmas and

  • Lycoming Hoops0

    Daylight savings is always an adjustment. And after two weeks, I am still struggling. It gets dark at 4:30. No more golf. Forget fishing. Can’t even mow grass. Depressing. Thankfully, the basketball season is now upon us. My favorite sport will help fill the void. I no longer coach, but I love to sit in

  • 74th Flaming Foliage Festival in Renovo To Take Place This Weekend October 13, 14 and 150

    It is that time of year again. The time in which one of the most anticipated events that takes place in this area, particularly the Endless Mountains area, happens. It celebrates the beauty of the autumn canopy of leaves that appear throughout the region and locally and throughout the rest of the state as well

  • “Tis the Seasons”0

    Moving into the early fall period can be a real dilemma for people like me who love hunting and fishing. Hunting seasons are underway, and some great fishing can still be available. Case in point: I was talking with an avid trout angler recently, and he told me a few weeks back he picked up

  • Change of Seasons

    Change of Seasons0

    I love this time of year as North Central PA is now shining. Fall brings us so many vibrant colors. Change is in the air. It is an absolute shame that it gets dark at 6:45 p.m. This totally dampens my outdoor activities. Fishing remains my passion. It serves as my zen. I am still

  • Hunting, Fishing and Lovin’ Everyday

    Hunting, Fishing and Lovin’ Everyday0

    There’s no better time of year to get out and about and enjoy all the outdoors have to offer in our little neck of Penn’s Woods. And yes, my title is from Luke Bryan’s hit song. The lyric pretty much sums up how so many of us feel and only wish we had more time

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunting the Allagash0

    The North Maine Woods (NMW) has, for a long time, been a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. It encompasses over 3.5 million acres and is visited by over 100,000 travelers each year. Within the northernmost tip of the NMW lies Aroostook County, and within this county is the area of some 84,000 acres known as

  • Flathead Fishing0

    It’s not unusual for the subject of fishing to come up when a bunch of us are sitting around sipping our morning coffee. A couple of weeks ago, Tim Herr informed the gang that he and recent Muncy Bank retiree Steve Naylor were planning a guided trip to the lower Susquehanna for some catfishing. Now,

  • Never Forget0

    “Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.” – President Barack Obama Monday will mark the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the US. After you enjoy your weekend with friends,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pennsylvania’s Timber Rattlesnakes0

    Having grown up in Lycoming County and spending most of the years of my life roaming its hills and streams, it has been a natural progression to be an avid lover of nature and to enjoy the outdoor sporting opportunities that this wonderful area provides. Through the years, my respect and admiration for all the


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