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Search Results For 'adopt'

  • Happy Father’s Day…0

    Much like my Mother’s Day list, my Father’s Day list changes and flow and gets a few edits along the way, but I think it’s a pretty good list. So much like Dads usually appreciate, let’s not get fussy and get on with it… First and foremost, Happy Father’s Day to Steve. You are an

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, despite your best efforts, you cannot seem to get much work done this week. Your head is in the clouds with matters of the heart. Soon enough your focus will return. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 This week you may tire from charging into battle and prefer others to

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick-off to summer. With that, we are once again kicking off our summer giveaway! It’s another year for our Great American Cookout giveaway! We have a grill courtesy of Elery Nau Hardware and gift cards to Rupert’s Specialty Meats and Frosty Beverage! That’s everything you need to start

  • One and Done. Changes.0

    A few might say that I am one of the area’s all-time greats. I was always legit. I dominated the local camp circuit in the early ’90s. Tons of ribbons. Several certificates. A handful of trophies and fancy plaques. Yes. I was the self-proclaimed free throw shooting king. Foul shooting has always been an important

  • Hey, Mommas

    Hey, Mommas0

    It was May 7th when I realized that the following Sunday was Mother’s Day. I opened up our refrigerator and got a quick glance at the calendar. I gasped. “Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. Shoot!” Ty was in the kitchen with me and asked what was wrong. I told him I didn’t realize that

  • Sunshine, Flowers, and a Happy Mother’s Day0

    As I walked out my back door last Friday all was right with the world. The birds were singing and in the distance; you could finally hear a turkey gobbling, announcing his presence. It was the first morning in a long time my 4-legged son Finn wasn’t soaking wet after returning from his visit to

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day0

    Every year, I think, “Steph, maybe you should do something different for Mother’s Day this year? Change it up a bit.” But then I read through this list and think, “Nah, this is the ultimate Mother’s Day list! Moms are out here killin’ it every day, and no matter what type of Mom they are,

  • Transforming Grace0

    This article is the first in a series describing how God changes us from spiritual infants into fully mature spiritual adults who are able to successfully pursue and accomplish God’s purposes. Friend, the call to spiritual maturity is imperative. It is the call to have the mind of Christ and to be holy – even

  • Six Easter Egg Coloring Tips0

    Coloring Easter eggs is a time-honored tradition dating back more than 2,500 years. There is evidence that people living in the ancient settlement of Trypillia dyed eggs. Ancient Persians also were believed to paint eggs for Nowruz (Persian New Year). Christians adopted similar traditions to symbolize aspects of the Easter story. Originally Christians dyed eggs

  • Williamsport Sun: March 27, 1923 – Williamsport Opens Season on Home Grounds0

    The New York-Pennsylvania Baseball League, that is the name decided in a meeting in Binghamton tonight, is now an actual fact and is completely organized and ready to go into action. The meeting settled all questions harmoniously and is a compact and easy working machine with the clubs named composing it. Williamsport fared well in

  • Clean Energy Home Upgrades

    Clean Energy Home Upgrades0

    Make dependable environmental improvements When you’re considering upgrades for your home, earth-friendly enhancements that impact your energy usage are smart investments. Energy-saving home upgrades can offer long- and short-term advantages for the earth, your wallet and even your safety. Many homeowners evaluate their energy needs as they plan home improvements. There are several low-carbon, resilient

  • Four Steps to Live in the Present Every Day

    Four Steps to Live in the Present Every Day0

    Living in the present means celebrating each moment as it happens without worries about the past or anxiety for what the future holds and enjoying life to the fullest. Many people find themselves thinking about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow, making living in the now a challenge. You can overcome those hurdles

  • Start Your Genealogy Journey

    Start Your Genealogy Journey0

    Genealogy fascinates much of the general public. The number of people learning more about their families and heritage through genealogy increases year to year. According to, genealogy is the second only to gardening as the most popular hobby in the United States. People explore genealogy for many reasons, including learning about their ancestry. A

  • Williamsport Sun: March 16, 1946 – County Gets Petition for Controller0

    A petition for a referendum seeking the establishment of the office of controller for Lycoming County was filed with the Bureau of Elections at the Court House Friday afternoon. The petition, which contained the signatures of 112 electors of the county, was referred to Marshall C. Anspach, county solicitor for approval. If the petition is

  • What the Ladies are Thinking0

    A few weeks back I mentioned my intention to interview and feature the thoughts from women across the West Branch Valley. The question I would be asking was with all that is currently going on across our nation and beyond, what worries them the most. I thought this would be a simple topic to cover;

  • Williamsport Sun: March 3, 1939 – Report Evidence of Use Here of Marihuana Drug0

    Evidence of use of marihuana in cigarette form known as “reefers” and “muggies,” a habit-forming narcotic drug, was reported to police today. One negro, now a prisoner in the County Jail, being held for court on charges of attacking three women and one man, was questioned today by Captain. Joseph Schmucker, city detective, and denied


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