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  • Mother’s Day Woes0

    I have not had a good track record of celebrating Mother’s Day as a mother. No brunches, or jewelry or flowers for me, which is fine. I’ve never been a big supporter of the “Hallmark” holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother, and I love showing her how much she means to me.

  • Mask Hysteria and Coroner Kiessling on Point3

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to everyone that reached out to me about last week’s column. You Can Kiss My Mask – The Attempted Oppression of Our Life Liberty and Happiness. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and it was great to talk with so many red,

  • How to Wear and Take Care of a Mask0

    It’s another week of the shutdown. How are y’all holding up? Doin’ OK? Keeping safe and happy? I know, it’s starting to get rough. People are frustrated and cranky and trying their best to keep everything together. Especially those that are spending far more time at home than they ever imagined. I’m still going to

  • The First 100 Days By Mayor Derek Slaughter0

    The first 100 days have been a roller coaster. Our administration was off to a good start — accomplishing some of our initial goals of getting our team in place, getting the City management processes and financial records in order, and working with City Council to formulate a long-range strategic plan for City government. Those

  • Virtuality0

    While watching a recent TV show, the near irrelevancy of the once-popular encyclopedias was a subject of discussion. In today’s fast-paced technology-driven world with information available at the touch of a finger or voice command, it is easily understood how those once familiar door-to-door knowledge salesmen are now a thing of the past. To a

  • Mass Hysteria, I Learned How to Fly Fish

    Mass Hysteria, I Learned How to Fly Fish0

    Fishing has always been a passion, and I continue to take full advantage. I have been on the water an awful lot, especially during this crisis — 31 straight days and counting. I am an essential life-sustaining employee on my favorite stream. Jensen now tags along after his online sessions. The local authorities continue to

  • Going for the Gold0

    As we all know trout season got an early surprise start and in spite of less than ideal weather and water conditions a fair number of trout fishermen are in pursuit of Pennsylvania’s trout species. I usually hit the special regulated trout stretches early but this year with the early opening we have a lot

  • The Roving Sportsman…0

    Using Time Wisely The corona virus pandemic, along with all of its resultant restrictions and behavioral guidelines, doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. As the Federal, State and local governmental agencies scramble to come up with a vaccine and control the current spread of the virus, we, as individuals, can do little

  • County Hall Corner:0

    Yes, We Still Will Have an Election Coming The worst part of the The Great 2020 COVID-19 Shutdown is that we are living through a historic moment in real time. Decades from now, history books (or tablets, or whatever) will note how it slowly built through a concern to a genuine emergency to the point

  • Work From Home Makeup0

    Moisturizer and Chapstick may be the only two things you currently wear on your face as you work from home. But, on days when you have a Zoom call or planned a virtual hangout, you may feel the need to put in a bit more effort to elevate your bare face to a natural makeup

  • Is It Possible to Suddenly Develop Allergies?1

    ? By Nathaniel Hare, MD Allergist, UPMC For those who suffer from seasonal allergies, you know that this time of year can be a challenge. Flowers, trees, and grasses are in bloom and growing which means pollen and other allergens are in the air. In the U.S., an estimated 18 million adults have hay fever

  • Gazette and Bulletin: April 26, 1893 – Due Honor Paid to the Liberty Bell0

    The reception for the Liberty Bell last evening was a complete success, unmarred by any occurrences that detracted from the pleasure of the occasion. The train arrived at the Park Hotel station at 6:15 o’clock and remained just 15 minutes. In this time all present had ample opportunity of gazing upon one of the nation’s

  • You Can Kiss My Mask7

    The Attempted Oppression of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness “Those who would give up liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin The United States of America was founded on this single principle — FREEDOM. Our founding fathers understood that limiting government power was the key to

  • Read a Book0

    Another week of ‘Stay-at-Home’ orders down, and Lord only knows how many more to go. For those that are cooped up at home, I hope you are keeping safe and sane. I know that for some of you, official schoolwork at home started this week, and I hope you are navigating that OK. I know,

  • 2019-2020 Edition of Loyalsock Lancer Marching Band Called One of the Best in School History0

    During the 2019-2020 competition season, the current edition of the Loyalsock Lancers Marching Band has earned the right to be called “one of the best, if not the best in the history of Loyalsock Township High School,” that is the opinion of their hard-working director, Ryan Bulgarelli. According to Director Bulgarelli, the band has broken

  • Delayed Harvest0

    Jensen and I have been working on a project. We have until Friday, and it is part of his new online learning. He was asked to write a short story on a recent adventure. Well done, WASD. Here’s a preview. “The water was calm but cold. Thankfully, I was wearing my new waders to keep

  • Closed for the Season0

    The sign is a familiar sight to those who travel Route 15. The notice on the message board of the Pike Drive-In Theatre is an annual sight during the winter months. Passers-by give it little attention. They know come spring the movies will be back. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for high school spring

  • Albino or Piebald?0

    Every once in a while, somebody will spot a white or partially white animal roaming about the nearby woods or fields or maybe even their backyard. Just recently, my friend George Burgett informed me he and his wife saw a white or mostly white robin in their backyard — indeed a pretty rare sighting. It

  • The Roving Sportsman… Spring Gobbler Season0

    As of this writing, we can still look forward to the Pennsylvania Youth Gobbler Hunt on Saturday, April 25th and the opening of our statewide Spring Gobbler Season on Saturday, May 2nd. With the continuing presence of the coronavirus, there are numerous other states that have delayed, and in some cases cancelled some of their

  • In Praise of the House Dress0

    As the practice of social distancing continues, I think we can all agree that the idea of staying in pajamas all day has lost its appeal. Many of us have been spending these past few weeks at home in sweats, yoga pants, maybe even joggers. But, with warmer weather on the horizon, now is a

  • COVID-19: Seeking Care and Preventing the Spread0

    There are still many unknowns about COVID-19 and this is a time of uncertainty for everyone, including front line health care workers and public health experts. This is a complex epidemic, so we continue to see evolution in approaches to providing care with a focus on safety. No one has experienced this type of pandemic

  • This Week’s LION: Staying Positive being COVID Positive0

    What is it like to be COVID-positive? What is it like to live in the same house together with a family member who has this virus? My daughter, Elizabeth, is a healthcare worker in the greater Philadelphia area, and two weeks ago she called my wife and I with the solemn news that she had

  • Penns Woods, Positivity and Special People0

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to everyone that calls our special section of Penns Woods home. You have all done an amazing job during this most difficult time in American history. By committing to and following all the guidelines that have been recommended by our state

  • Take a Walk0

    “I’m taking a walk, I’m going outside, I’m taking a walk” Each week I keep hoping I’ll have something to discuss with you that isn’t COVID-related. I’m sorry to say this ain’t the week and next isn’t looking real good either. But, I keep trying to find the silver-lining in things. I think it’s vitally

  • The Roving Sportsman… Opening Day Tactics for 20200

    In just over a week, the one-day Pennsylvania Youth Spring Gobbler Hunt will take place – Saturday, April 25th to be exact. On the following Saturday, May 2, our statewide Spring Gobbler Season gets underway. These are the days many of us have been daydreaming about for weeks, so let’s take a look at a

  • Virtual Happy Hour0

    Skype calls, online learning, live-streamed exercise classes, it’s a whole new virtual world. Beyond work and lessons, people are also looking to the Internet to lessen feelings of social isolation. One of my favorite outlets here during this stay-at-home order are virtual happy hours. Not only does an evening “event” help give the day/week structure,

  • How to Eat Right, Bite by Bite0

    By Madeline Waters, registered dietitian nutritionist Nutrition Services, UPMC March is National Nutrition Month, a campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to bring awareness to nutrition by encouraging the public to develop healthy eating and physical activity habits. This year’s theme is “Eat Right, Bite by Bite.” Consider the following information to

  • Keystone Advertising Specialists Helping to Alleviate Face Mask Shortage 0

      Both President Trump and Governor Wolf have recommended the use of protective face masks when people are out in public as an aid in preventing the spread of the Corona Virus. Unfortunately, this type of facial protection is in short supply and all kinds of means are being used to alleviate this shortage. Businesses

  • An Interesting Opening Day0

    The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) opened the 2020 trout fishing season statewide on Tuesday. It came as a total surprise, and the decision was made “in consultation with the Office of the Governor, Pennsylvania Department of Health, and Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.” The word traveled fast and caused a few

  • Plan B0

    There is a rapidly increasing number of our senior citizens that has no recollection whatsoever of the great depression which ran from October 24, 1929 to 1941. And, today, our youngest generation has no firsthand knowledge of the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001. These two horrendous events did more in our

  • Six-Pack Shelved0

    Our ‘new normal’ of staying hunkered down at home is presenting its challenges and difficulties as we all seek to ‘team up’ in the on-going battle with the coronavirus scourge. Watching the TV evening news can be mentally depressing, and I often opt to tune out. But on one occasion the release of a Nielson

  • Surprise! Trout Season Opened0

    Yesterday (April 6), I sat down to write a piece on the opening of trout season that would be coming up in a little over a week; well forget that idea since like a lot of other surprised people I just found out that the season opened about an hour ago — that would be

  • Katie Jones Won Gold at Big Ten Indoor Track Championships0

    Katie Jones of South Williamsport made a statement earlier this year at the Big Ten Indoor Track and Field Championships by taking gold for PSU in women’s pole vaulting with a height of 4.25 meters (13’11-1/4”). Her nearest competitor was Jessica Bray from Perdue, who cleared a height of 4.15 meters. In addition to taking

  • Locating That Spring Gobbler0

    By Ken Hunter Spring is in the air, and for the turkey hunting enthusiast, that means it’s time to locate some potential gobbler hunting spots. The spring turkey season is set to start statewide on May 2 and run until May 30. A big part of spring gobbler hunting is actually locating good hunting spots

  • Observation, Contemplation And Construction

    Observation, Contemplation And Construction0

    “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” Wow, what powerful words! Most probably recognize this from being recited or sung just after communion. This depends on which local church and religion you choose. It is my understanding that it is known as the Memorial Acclamation. As most are observing Holy Week and

  • Happy Easter!0

    Happy Easter everyone! I hope that you are keeping safe, healthy and home! I know this is going to be a different kind of Easter this year, but I’m hoping to help everyone out with some fun at-home Easter activities that will keep kids entertained and feeling the Easter spirit. You can’t go out to

  • Dressing for The Rain0

    April showers not only bring May flowers, but they also bring the challenge of staying dry during this first full month of spring. Now, you may think rain gear is purely functional, or that rainy day outfits are boring. But, there are stylish ways to dress for wet days. Of course, we’re in a time


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