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  • First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania Celebrates 105th Anniversary

    First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania Celebrates 105th Anniversary0

    The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP) is the ninth oldest community foundation in the country and has been creating powerful communities through passionate giving® for over a century. FCFP will celebrate its 105th anniversary on Saturday, November 20, 2021, by treating the community to a sweet surprise – gift cards. In November, FCFP

  • 15th Annual Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular Saturday, December 40

    For the 15th time, the good members of the Community Arts Center Volunteer Corps will be presenting a special Christmastime event for the area’s children when they present the Skip Hunsinger Children’s Christmas Spectacular on Saturday morning, December 4, from 10 a.m. to noon in the area in front of the Community Arts Center on

  • Holiday Happenings at the Taber Museum0

    The Taber Museum invites the public to attend a preview of the museum’s holiday exhibit, “My Favorite Gift” on Friday, December 3, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. The preview will be enhanced with an opportunity to buy ornaments made by some of the area’s most talented artists. Candles made by the Miles Welby a

  • County Hall Corner: Long Day’s Journey in County Government0

    In the hundreds of Lycoming County Commissioner Meetings I have attended in the past seven years, I do not remember any that had as many people turning up representing so many different issues and concerns. It was no surprise that the meeting on Tuesday, November 16th, probably set a record running well over three hours

  • Nolan Kutney Signs Letter of Intent

    Nolan Kutney Signs Letter of Intent0

    Nolan Kutney signed his National Letter of Intent to play baseball at the University of Pittsburgh.  Seated next to Nolan is his sister Nyla Kutney and parents Mike and Corina Kutney. Standing in the back from left is Montoursville Athletic Director Melissa Balliet, Montoursville Baseball coaches Corey Twigg, Jeremy Eck, Mike Mussina, and Montoursville Principal

  • Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Coloring Contest0

    • Arts
    • November 24, 2021

    Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Quick kids! Grab your cocoa and meet me by the Christmas tree! We have important things to discuss! Sleigh bells are ringing, and snow is glistening! It is once again time for the Blaise Alexander Family Dealership Christmas Fun Coloring Contest

  • What’s Happening With Our Turkey Hunting?0

    I climbed out of my stand last week near quitting time and headed for my vehicle about a 20-minute walk away. I spotted a couple of does at about 40 or 50 yards but definitely out of my compound bow range. I continued a slow quiet walk when I heard that familiar cluck from a

  • Happy Thanksgiving0

    Where to begin? I am officially back on the sidelines — coaching hoops here at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. I continue to enjoy hanging out with the boys. Sure, the wins are nice, but I only do this to stay involved. The entire landscape has changed, folks. It is a rather tough and thankless

  • PPL Electric Utilities Offers Multiple Programs to Help Customers Struggling to Pay Their Electric Bills This Winter0

    With energy usage and costs on the rise, PPL Electric Utilities is ready to assist its customers who need help. With colder temperatures set to increase energy usage — and inflation impacting the cost of energy supply sources — PPL Electric Utilities wants to remind customers of multiple assistance programs for those struggling to pay

  • The Gift of Giving0

    I just sent an email out to my parents, in-laws, and close friends that for the holidays this year, in lieu of presents, my husband and I would prefer they make a gift to a charitable organization that benefits the hungry or homeless. And in that email, I asked them to reply back with a

  • The Roving Sportsman… Gifting an Outdoor Enthusiast0

    Awakening on Monday morning to an inch of white covering the entire landscape was a (“somewhat”) gentle reminder that Thanksgiving and Christmas are rapidly approaching. It’s the season for gathering with friends and family, stuffing ourselves at the dinner table, taking time to be thankful for our friends and family and all of the good

  • Baby, it’s Cold Outside! Heat Your Home Safely as Temperatures Drop0

    Brrr! Your home’s heating systems are working double time to keep you warm as temperatures drop. The Williamsport Bureau of Fire says safety must be your top priority since heating is the second leading cause of home fires. Follow the Williamsport Bureau of Fire’s suggestions to keep your home warm and safe. “The biggest mistake

  • An “Oorah” Recognition, Veteran Thanksgiving, and Big Buck Repetition

    An “Oorah” Recognition, Veteran Thanksgiving, and Big Buck Repetition0

    My good friend Hal Gee threw me a perfect spiral a couple of weeks back to go with my Veterans Day story for 11/3. It was a beautiful pass, just like Hal and Lisa’s son Tyler throws for Coach Van Fleet and the Lancers. I’m not going to say I dropped it; I’m going with

  • Stop Bringing Ice to Thanksgiving0

    Are you the person who is always tasked with bringing ice to Thanksgiving dinner? Or maybe paper plates? Or bread? Well, it’s time to step up your Thanksgiving game. Time to show the fam that you are a grown up now, and can contribute something tasty to the Thanksgiving spread! And you don’t even have

  • Olivia Dorner Takes Back-to-Back Tennis State Championships0

    It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The picture that was being snapped by a multitude of cameras held by family and friends as South Williamsport tennis star Olivia Dorner officially signed her letter of intent to attend the University of Denver was one of those moments. For the soft-spoken

  • Billtown Blues Association Presents Annual Fall Into the Blues Concert0

    The Billtown Blues Association’s annual fundraiser, Fall Into the Blues, is significant in many ways. Most importantly it brings together a group of talented and highly regarded local and regional musicians, who have made a devoted effort to perform blues music — and to perform it well. This year’s event returns to the Garden Terrace

  • Hughesville Boys PIAA Class A Cross Country Champs0

    Hughesville Boys won the PIAA Class A Championship in Cross Country on Saturday, November 6th, in Hershey. The Spartans were able to place two runners in the top 20 finishers, with Morgan Gavitt taking 7th-place with a time of 17:05.70 and Hunter Foust taking 18th-place in 17:28.90. Other Spartans to place were: Logan Long, who

  • Preservation Williamsport’s Victorian Christmas This Weekend November 19 to 21

    Preservation Williamsport’s Victorian Christmas This Weekend November 19 to 210

    After a one-year absence, Preservation Williamsport’s Victorian Christmas event is back and better than ever. The always highly anticipated event takes place this weekend, November 19 to 21. This event celebrates and highlights Williamsport’s beautiful and charming architectural heritage in some of its vintage homes and some of its churches and other public edifices. According

  • Christmas Shopping for a Fisherman0

    First off, let me be clear, I don’t know much about shopping — that is, going into stores and buying things unless those things are hunting and fishing things. I know even less about buying “online” or whatever it is called when you order stuff with your device. That being said, every year about this

  • County Hall Corner: Inner View Interview0

    There are times when even I get writers’ block (which some might describe as a block head), so I decided to do something original. I sat down and thought through all the questions I received over the years about my Webb Weekly columns. Here are a few of them and my responses. “Where do you

  • Placekicking Plankenhorn

    Placekicking Plankenhorn0

    Football old-timers may remember the story. During the 1970s Garo Yepremian, of Armenia descent, was a kicker for the Detroit Lions. He had never seen a professional football game before he suited up with the Lions. In his first game, he kicked a last-second game-winning extra point. As he ran off the field with his

  • The Roving Sportsman… Notch That Tag!

    The Roving Sportsman… Notch That Tag!0

    I will start by saying that the world seems to be filled with misinformation and hearsay, which quickly leads to confusion and misunderstanding. Adding to the mix are the occasional rumors that take foot and circulate, sometimes without any true substance or confirmation. While we should be skeptical of such rumors that have not been

  • A Beautiful Thing0

    It was a splendid afternoon for November. The sun was shining, and I was in Muncy, PA, for a PIAA District IV Class A semifinal. The talented Indians were hosting the Montgomery Red Raiders. I was excited. There is so much to love about this small-town rivalry. Muncy is loaded, and they already smacked their

  • Tights!0

    The fall weather has finally settled in, and your cold-weather wardrobe is ready to go. Or maybe not. Part of me feels that when we change the clocks, I also have to put away all of my dresses in preparation for the cold winter months ahead. When wearing skirts and dresses for fall and winter,

  • An All-American Breakfast and Clean Ride of Appreciation0

    A heartfelt thank you and Webb Weekly salute to all our Veterans. Since the creation of the Continental Army in 1775, the American soldier has been fighting for and protecting our freedom every moment. Our Nation has been at what is actually considered war 227 out of a possible 245 years. With all the threats

  • Veterans Day0

    World War I, which was known at the time as “The Great War,” officially ended on June 28, 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles was signed, in the Palace of Versailles in France. Fighting had ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into

  • Gold Star Families Monument: Newest Monument at Williamsport’s Veterans Park0

    A trip by a local family to Virginia last year served as the catalyst for the newest monument that will appear in Williamsport’s Lycoming County Veterans Memorial Park in the city’s West End. “This monument came about with a text message from friends Ken and Tami Feese, asking us if we wanted to go to

  • COVID-19: Seeking Care and Preventing the Spread0

    COVID-19 continues to be a part of our lives. To say this has been a complex pandemic would be an understatement. However, as time goes on, we continue to see evolution in approaches to providing care that are safe, effective, and saving lives, and on top of that, we have multiple options for viable, safe

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Performance Season With ‘70’s Radio Hits0

    There is a new radio station in town that will be “on-air” for one weekend only! The Uptown Music Collective, the area’s premier nonprofit school of music, is set to kick off their 2021-2022 Performance Season at the Community Arts Center by presenting WUMC: FM Radio Hits of the ‘70’s. The show will run on

  • You Had Me at Coached0

    As a new basketball season is quickly upon us, I’ve been reflecting on the coaches I was privileged to have in my basketball career, who had — and some who continue to have — a tremendous impact on my life. One never knows who may enter a young boy’s life and either change his direction


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