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  • Appearance By Hall of Famer Rickey Henderson To Highlight Annual Williamsport Welcomes The World Friday, August 260

    An appearance by baseball Hall-of Famer, Rickey Henderson is the highlight of the annual Williamsport Welcomes the World celebration to be held in downtown Williamsport on Friday, August 26 from 5 to 9 p.m. In addition to an appearance by Henderson, the event will also feature a wide variety of food vendors, kid zones and

  • Style File: Greaser0

    With the passing of Olivia Newton-John — the ultimate Sandy — I wanted to pay homage to her most popular film, “Grease” and dissect Greaser Style, which has been represented in many films beyond the beloved musical. The first instance of a “greaser” in film is Marlon Brando’s character, Johnny Strabler, in “The Wild One.”

  • County Hall Corner: A Forrest to Get Through the Election Jungle 0

    The one government official that I have the most admiration, as well as the most sympathy for, is Lycoming County Director of Voter Services Forrest Lehman. Listening to Forrest is like sitting in a college classroom and hearing a brilliant professor explain a complex system in such clear terms that even a freshman would be

  • A Dissection of Our Cultural Moment: B. J. Novak’s “Vengeance”0

    It’s incredible how much talent has emerged from TV’s long-running series “The Office.” Mindy Kaling is now a successful producer and screenwriter, as well as a best-selling author; John Krasinski has proven a legitimate tough-guy in front of the camera (“Jack Ryan,” “13 Hours”) and a skilled director behind it (both “Quiet Place” films); and

  • Go Utah0

    The Little League World Series is finally here. And for those ten days, the great city of Williamsport is the center of the entire sporting universe. Yes. It is a fantastic time of year. My father-in-law Iron Mike Coledo and Jensen snuck over for the opening ceremonies. I will have to do some research, but

  • Finn in Fenway0

    As the Boston Red Sox made their appearance at Bowman Field last Sunday against the Baltimore Orioles in the annual MLB/Little League Classic game, Penn State senior Hunter Finn felt a kinship to the team he had just left a week earlier. Scheduled to graduate next spring with a degree in Turf, Grass Management, the

  • Bats May be Making a Comeback

    Bats May be Making a Comeback0

    I remember a few years ago; the Pennsylvania Game Commission asked me to produce a cover featuring bats for their Game News magazine. As a wildlife artist, I enjoy painting all kinds of wildlife, but I’ll admit that bats were not on my list of things to do; after all, who would ever want a

  • Uptown Music Collective Awards $17,325 in Scholarships For the Upcoming School Year

    Uptown Music Collective Awards $17,325 in Scholarships For the Upcoming School Year0

    The Uptown Music Collective is pleased to announce the awarding of 11 scholarships for the non-profit school of music’s 2022-2023 school year. Totaling $17,325, an additional $4,725 has also been added to the Collective’s Financial Aid Fund. Funding was made possible through the generous donations of the local community, including both individual and corporate donors.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Shape Up!0

    Tragically, every year as the hunting season gets underway and the “army” of Pennsylvania hunters hits the woods, unpleasant discoveries are made. As these hunters travel deeper into the woods than normal in pursuit of small or big game, the chances are all-too-real that they may come across a hiker or camper that has passed

  • Dave Bresnahan, of Great Potato Caper Fame Returns to Bowman Field August 310

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have announced that Dave Bresnahan, the mastermind behind “The Great Potato Caper” will be appearing at Muncy Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field on Wednesday, August 31 when the Cutters host the Trenton Thunder at 6:35pm. On that night the team will celebrate the 35th anniversary of “The Great Potato Caper”, when

  • Library Offers Back-to-School Resources0

    As the first day of school approaches, is your child prepared for the academic year? Libraries across Pennsylvania grow students’ school readiness, social, cognitive and emotional skills. Developing a passion for reading is crucial, according to Jim Trelease, author of the best-seller, “The Read-Aloud Handbook.” “Students who read the most, read the best, achieve the

  • UPMC Physician: Navigating Health Care as a Young Adult0

    Our teenage years and early twenties are a pivotal time of change in our lives. Young adults are simultaneously transitioning educationally or vocationally, legally, socially, and emotionally. Young adults take on the responsibilities of becoming an adult and navigating life, and managing health and wellness are a big piece of the life puzzle. From updating

  • Williamsport Sun: August 21, 1943 – Mock Raid is Arranged for County Sunday Planes Will “Attack” City and Boroughs, Dropping Dummy Bombs0

    Planes will drop “bombs” on Williamsport and the boroughs of Lycoming County, August 29, and air raid wardens will be on patrol duty, according to C. Paul Wagner, chief air raid warden. The mock air raid has been planned by Mr. Wagner and approved by George R. Lamade, county commander, to give the public the

  • Dog Days and Law School0

    After graduating from college, I worked several jobs locally; then, at the young age of 45, I got a hair-brain idea to go to law school. The idea was planted in my head years earlier by my good friend and mentor-the late Ron “Lefty” Travis. “Lefty” and I had become close friends when I was

  • 35 Years Ago, I Was There for the Great Potato Stunt At Bowman Field0

    Next Wednesday, August 31st, the Williamsport Crosscutters will celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the “Great Potato Caper” and the “Potato Man” himself, Dave Bresnahan, is supposed to be in attendance. Bowman Field has been the site of some great baseball action and feats over the past 97 seasons. There have been no-hitters spun, prodigious home

  • The World Returns to Williamsport0

    I trust in God, I love my country, and will respect its laws. I will play fair and strive to win, but win or lose, I will always do my best. As the 75th Little League World Series begins, the Little League Pledge seemed like the perfect pitch to begin my article. After playing a

  • Welcome Back!0

    I always consider the Little League World Series to be the unofficial end of summer. Back to school is right around the corner and the LLWS is an amazing way to finish off summer vacations. I’m so excited to see the Little League World Series in its traditional form. It will certainly be incredible to

  • 75th Anniversary: Little League World Series – Runs August 17 to 290

    This year’s annual Little League World Series is special on several fronts. It marks the return of international teams to the Series after a three-year hiatus. It also marks the expansion of the tournament field, going from 16 to 20 teams participating. But perhaps most interestingly, this year marks the 75th anniversary of the LLWS,

  • Buns and Braids0

    What a summer we are having friends. They say April is the cruelest month, but I’d vote for August with this heat and humidity. Even when the temps aren’t so high, the weight of moisture in the air may drive those of us with longer locks to the hairdresser for a chop. But if you

  • County Hall Corner: What is “Good Government?”0

    An interesting addendum to the East Third Street/Old City Revitalization Project that was highlighted in this column last week was the objection to the process given by Commissioner Scott Metzger at the close of the Thursday, August 4th meeting. His comments were quite poignant and hit pretty hard as both commissioners Mirabito and Mussare apologized

  • Dave Bresnahan, of Great Potato Caper Fame Returns to Bowman Field August 310

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have announced that Dave Bresnahan, the mastermind behind “The Great Potato Caper” will be appearing at Muncy Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field on Wednesday, August 31 when the Cutters host the Trenton Thunder at 6:35pm. On that night the team will celebrate the 35th anniversary of “The Great Potato Caper”, when

  • Bloody Good Script: Brad Pitt in “Bullet Train”0

    I would have enjoyed “Bullet Train” a whole lot more if it weren’t so outrageously violent. It’s like someone took a decent script and handed it to Tarantino—except that director David Leitch seems to want to out-Quentin Quentin. Which is too bad, because the plotting is unusually strong for what seemed like a standard actioner

  • Smell the Roses0

    Embarking on a ten-hour car ride returning from a relaxing week in Tennessee’s Great Smokey Mountains, the Virginia hillside passed by, and country tunes were emanating from the car radio. But in reality, I was a bit oblivious to both. I didn’t realize it at the time, and I hadn’t heard the song in years

  • Two-Time MLB All-Star and 1998 LLBWS Graduate Todd Frazier to be Enshrined into Little League® Hall of Excellence0

    In celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Little League Baseball® World Series this August, Little League® International is excited to welcome one of its most notable graduates, Todd Frazier, into the Little League Hall of Excellence. “More than 20 years since he helped lead the Toms River East Little League team to the 1998

  • Welcome0

    I would personally like to congratulate the 20 teams who made it all the way to Williamsport for the 2022 Little League World Series. This is my favorite time of year as our lovely backyard provides the backdrop to one of the greatest sporting showcases. I love the entire tournament and can’t wait to head

  • Panfishing the Mid-Summer Heat Wave0

    If you like to fish, now might be a good time to concentrate your efforts on a lake and a good target would be panfish. The title “panfish” is often used to describe several different fish species. I think the name may have come from the fact that several will fit nicely into a frying

  • Little League Fast Facts0

    As the Little League World Series returns to Williamsport, let’s take a look at some ‘Fact Facts’ about Little League and the Little League World Series, courtesy of Little League Baseball. Little League® was founded in 1939 by Carl E. Stotz in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Little League is currently headquartered in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Yardbirds0

    I believe that if you grew up in Lycoming County or have moved and now reside here, you are indeed lucky. I had the good fortune to have lived in the area from birth through my college years and have, for the past 22 years, resettled in the rolling hills of North Central Pennsylvania. For

  • Jenny Dalton-Hill to Become Seventh Woman Enshrined into the Little League® Hall of Excellence0

    Little League® International is pleased to announce that Jenny Dalton-Hill will be enshrined into the Little League Hall of Excellence this August, becoming only the seventh woman to earn the highest honor that Little League can bestow. “Since her time on the Little League fields, to her incredible career as a baseball and softball player

  • Little League® Teams Up with Barilla® for the 2022 Little League Baseball® World Series0

    Little League® Baseball and Softball is pleased to announce a new partnership with Barilla, the world’s leading pasta producer, ahead of the 2022 Little League Baseball® World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The partnership, inclusive of product sampling as well as on-site experiences using the Little League World Series mobile app, combines a family-friendly event with

  • UPMC Expert: Telehealth Seeks to Overcome Barriers in Rural Communities0

    Using the internet and wireless devices seems like second nature in our modern lives, but did you know that as many as 800,000 Pennsylvanians, or 6% of the commonwealth’s population, does not have access to broadband internet? These individuals and families lack the same connectivity options and technological opportunities as those with fast, strong, and

  • Local Man Recalls Dodger Announcer with Fondness0

    Two weeks ago, the baseball world lost someone who was probably the preeminent baseball announcer — longtime radio and TV announcer, Vin Scully. His death has been widely mourned but perhaps not more so than the fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers, with whom he served as their prime announcer for 67 years, stretching back

  • Who’s Calling the Shots on National Defense and Diplomacy?0

    Since we don’t have term limits in Washington, you would think President Biden and all his cronies would understand just how fragile America’s freedom truly is. They lived through 9/11 in 2001. They witnessed the horror of that day and felt the emotions of our Nation being attacked and shaken to its very core. This

  • Take Care of Your Mental Health0

    I think it’s safe to say that it’s tough out there today. There is so much going on in the world — drugs, rape, murder, poverty, hunger, abuse, insane inflation, racism, sexism, the rest of the -isms, health concerns, money concerns, trying to find enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs

  • Lock Haven Jams 20220

    The Lock Haven Jams Music Festival is back. The Clinton County Arts Council is sponsoring the three-day event that will begin Friday, August 11th, at the Roxy Theater in Lock Haven with ‘Rockin’ the Roxy.’ Tickets are required for this part of the festival and can be purchased, at a discount, in advance, online at

  • A Tale of Two Seasons0

    It’s become somewhat of a common practice in many sports leagues around the country; a season divided into two halves. It’s usually done to create and maintain fan interest, sort of a mid-course correction giving teams in a league new life and enthusiasm. So, if you’ve been involved in a sport for more than 35

  • Sophie, April, Molly, Maria, Brittany & the Little Lady: Six Films About Strong Women0

    Two weeks ago, I rhapsodized over “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris,” the new release about a widowed British cleaning woman; then, in our last issue, I reviewed the online documentary, “What Is a Woman?” Noticing a trend, I decided this week to continue focusing on females — with a half-dozen films from my book on


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