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Search Results For 'media use'

  • A Perfect “Springer” Storm0

    The final Presidential Debate is upon us on Wednesday night. It is not only must see TV for deciding who deserves your vote, but it also has become like a reality TV show worth watching. Congrats to both Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump, you managed to turn the second debate into an

  • Taking a Knee on America0

    “Would you please rise in honor of America for the playing of our National Anthem?” Then you look and find the American Flag, either being presented by the color guard or flying above the stadium. You stand at attention, removing your hat if you are wearing one; maybe you place the hat or your empty

  • A Difficult Situation0

    What a great break from reality and turmoil our great area has offered the last couple of weeks. Tip of my Little League cap to Mr. Steve Keener and all his troops up on The Hill – what a fantastic Series! Also to all the volunteers that make the Little League World Series so special.

  • Field of Dreams0

    The West Virginia Bears were in town last week to play some baseball against our hometown Crosscutters. The Bears are an affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates, who are near and dear to my heart. I used to love the $5 seats in centerfield of Three Rivers Stadium, where you could talk to the players as

  • It’s Not About the Vote of the People, Even in the UK.0

    Thanks to everyone who has made our Webb Weekly Live show an overnight success. In case you missed it, myself and my editor, Steph Nordstrom are doing a weekly show streamed live every Wednesday at 10 a.m. We have a weekly guest, talk about all that’s going on in the Webb Weekly area, as well

  • Identifying the Enemy0

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack. So many families’, so many friends’ lives changed forever. And to the family of Lane Graves, the two-year-old who lost his young life while enjoying a family vacation on the grounds of Disney. What an unimaginable event. To watch as your

  • Dads, Baseball and Ms. Hillary0

    Happy Father’s Day! Tip of the Webb Weekly cap to all the Dads out there and to everyone who provides Fatherly love and guidance. The importance of having Dad there no matter the age of his son or daughter, could never be overstated. With all the world has to offer today, someone to wear the

  • Trump/Marino 2016 “The Don” Chooses Tom for VP0

    A couple weeks ago in my “Not My Father’s Republican Party” (March 9th) article, I praised Congressman Tom Marino’s efforts and fighting for the American people. I rehashed how he stood up to Nancy Pelosi and the liberal demagoguery while other Republicans bury their heads in the sand. I put into ink how he would

  • One Nation Under God0

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Spring! Get out and enjoy all the local Irish spirit and flavor that can be found at local eateries. I enjoy a cup of potato soup with my corn beef on rye, thank you. I also look forward to the Webb family tradition of corn beef and cabbage my

  • Wow…What a Show!0

    No, I’m not talking about Super Bowl 50 held earlier this month. The Broncos – Panthers was an average game at best. It proved a great defense wins championships, a great offense with a loudmouth quarterback get what they deserve. Who would have thought Peyton Manning, a five time MVP, would end his career as

  • The Truth about Executive Order0

    I always get a good laugh when we are going to get that big winter storm and everyone stocks up on everything from bread to ammunition. Do they really believe they are going to be snowbound for days, weeks, maybe a month? Then you know what happens? It misses us. Some are happy; some are

  • Next Question….0

    Did you watch the debate? What candidate do you like? Who do you feel has the edge at this point? These questions and topics are being talked about no matter where you go. It is great to see all the interest building for the 2016 Presidential run. My hope is all Americans realize the next

  • All Lives Matter0

    I am tired of the racist, prejudicial and discriminatory views, actions and policy that go silently unchallenged each and every day in our great Nation. The politically correct muzzle and fear of the liberal response prevent our elected leaders and representatives from speaking up and challenging the absurd. Meanwhile individuals that are no more than

  • “Real” Reality TV0

    I often wonder how blurred the line has become between what folks perceive as truth and everyday life and what is scripted, talked about and controlled in the reality television world. There is no talent required to be the star of most reality programming. The Kardashians are just vulgar people, name one real talent they

  • Sounds, Sights and Memories of September0

    Summer sailed right by and all area schools are now open for the 2015–2016 school year. The words ‘school is open, drive safely’, always ring out this time of year. However, judging from some driving I have witnessed, maybe a little refresher course on lawful and safe driving is needed. Motorists must stop at least

  • Hillary’s No Dinner Cash Dash0

    Folks, we need to change. I understand that an individual’s political affiliation is engrained in them. It may have begun many moons ago when they were young. They either believed the teaching of their parents and maybe grandparents or they rebelled against possibly their father and became a flaming liberal or radical right wing conservative.

  • Name That Nation?0

    In July 2012 our State Department released a report on terrorism around the World. This obviously occurred during Mr. Obama’s administration. One Nation jumped to the top of the report as leader in active state-sponsored terrorism. Sponsor of most increased terrorist acts since 2011. Provider of financial, logistic support and material for terrorist and militant

  • The Top Candidate0

    It is well known that President George Washington had wooden teeth; President Abraham Lincoln is always imagined with his top hat and beard. Our next President may become known for his long ears. In case you missed it – Bugs Bunny announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination to run for President of the United

  • Be on the Lookout for Mother Nature… She is Armed and Dangerous.0

    There is nothing Mr. Obama might say or do that would surprise me. This past week he left another real zinger go. As ISIS is advancing in Syria and had just gained control of Ramandi, the largest city in Western Iraq, Mr. Obama was truly focused on the real threat to our national security here

  • Hillary Belongs in Jail And She Wants Your Vote0

    They just don’t get it! Why on God’s green Earth would the Democratic Party support Hillary Rodham Clinton’s bid for the White House? Name one positive thing she has ever done for our Country? She is the Queen of Greed, all about self and wealth. There is no line of ethics or legality she will

  • Revitalizing Billtown’s Sports Swagger A Business and Community Effort0

    Demolition and construction. These two words equal future. As in moving forward for the best of a community, city or an area. I have always been fascinated by tearing down and rebuilding. My Mom is proud to tell that my first word was bulldozer or something that sounded like it. As I looked in through

  • Freedom and the Despicables. Obama, Kerry, Reid and Maddow0

    April fools! Thanks to all for sharing a laugh and a good old-fashioned spoof last week. The Historic Bowman Field project will only occur if I hit a big jackpot playing Powerball or Mega Millions. I did hear Bob Beiter was glad when he found out Janice Hiller didn’t really commit him to all of

  • The Uncommon View of Commonsense0

    As I flipped through the channels the other night, catching up on the day’s events I stopped and watched about two minutes of Al Sharpton. I often watch Al to see what he’s spewing. It was the same old message, so on to Fox News I went. They had a gentleman cooking bacon by firing

  • PA Proud and the Hall of Shame0

    A sincere thanks to everyone I spoke with, left kind messages, texted me and emailed me. Your support of my article “You’re Fired” last week was overwhelming. I did not write the article for this reason, but it’s always appreciated to hear kind words and that so many of you feel the same way and

  • A Groundhog, Some Seals, A Patriot’s Balls and Mayor Gabe’s Appeal0

    Each day that passes brings us one day closer to spring. I don’t want to wish days away, but warm weather and baseball sounds pretty good to me about right now. There’s plenty going on around our great State and Nation to keep things interesting on a cold winter’s night. Where do I start? Let’s

  • Now Playing Gone From GTMO and to Rent a Riot0

    In my travels this past week or so I’ve had several folks suggest I should give Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House, John Boehner some time. You know, to settle in with the new Congress, to come up with a plan for America in response to where President Obama is taking

  • Obamacation, Apathy and Evil0

    My Father’s view was a simple one, “Anyone who would take a two-week vacation, you’re better off without.” His thoughts were always based on dollars and cents, common sense and were straight to the point. An individual who would put that stress and strain on a business is not a team player. An individual who

  • Happy 2015!0

    New Year’s wishes of health, happiness and prosperity. The year 2015, wow it almost seems like a title for a sci-fi movie. I still catch myself thinking it’s 19 something, let alone we are 15 years into the new millennium. What’s going on in the world today is much different than anyone would have imagined

  • The Liberal Sword of Political Correctness and its Destroying of America0

    Political correctness has become the way to silence the majority in our Nation. Intended to prevent derogatory comments and remarks about color, race, religion, sexual orientation and whatever makes up an individual or group. It has been twisted into something far different. The backbone of democracy is majority and governing our Country for “We the

  • “I Have a Dream”0

    Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest Americans in history. I have read much about the man and his leadership of Black Americans during the Civil Rights movement. This eventually provided equality, not only for people of African heritage, but also laid the groundwork for all in the American melting pot including

  • Tough Times Require Tough Decision Making0

    Former President Jimmy Carter is even speaking out against President Barack Hussein Obama’s lack of leadership and his delay on taking immediate action against ISIS. The former president knows a thing or two about what it takes to have a bad presidential effort and how problems in the Middle East contribute to this. He is

  • A Matter of National Security0

    President Barack Hussein Obama. Before he even began his candidacy, allegations arose over his qualifications to become president. Smoke swirled over his citizenship, religion and where he attended school. Shocking too many was his reluctance to produce a birth certificate, school records and address the naysayers. If he would’ve been a Republican candidate the media

  • What is fact and the truth is under attack in our great nation.0

    What is fact and the truth is under attack in our great nation. The instant media coverage, everyone having a cell phone to stream video and opinion, and the assumption that what we are being told by the media and government is investigated fact and in reality is just opinion. This adds up to the


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