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  • Flintlock Season is Well Underway0

    I’ll be honest, like a lot of other hunters, after using high-powered rifles with powerful telescopic sights to take a deer, switching to a black-powder flintlock didn’t fill me with a lot of confidence. Over the years, more and more hunters began to pursue deer in the late flintlock season, and I, too, eventually added

  • Let’s Call it 20240

    Happy New Year! Three easy words to say — let’s hope and pray they ring true for 2024. I wish everyone a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. The year 2024. I have trouble wrapping my thoughts around that, even though I’ve been blessed to live my way there for over half a century. It

  • Happy New Year!0

    “I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something.” —Neil Gaiman Well, y’all, I did it.

  • Cadillac Cats’ Winter Blues Bash Slated for Friday, January 120

    The Genetti Hotel will be rocking with the sounds of the Blues when the Cadillac Cats, a noted area Blues band in their own right, presents the Winter Blues Bash from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, January 12. The Cadillac Cats hope to make this an annual event each year in January to help

  • Horoscope0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, someone you care about or admire could come under scrutiny this week. Whether it is deserved or not, this person will be in the hot seat and can use your support. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, you could project an intensity this week that has other people running

  • HHS Fly-Fishing

    HHS Fly-Fishing0

    Happy New Year to my family and friends. I would also like to give a shout to those who frequent this page. I look forward to many more tales. This part-time gig is grand, and we will cover many different topics in 2024. Let’s kick things off with one of my favorites. Dave Weigle of

  • Dollars & Sense0

    Welcome to 2024! Ready or not, it is here. Hopefully, this past holiday week’s festivities went well, and Santa treated you kindly. Perhaps not if you are an MLB baseball fan of teams other than the Dodgers. Possibly, it can be put thusly: it’s the week after Christmas, and all through the town, if you

  • Getting Into Fly-Tying0

    We are moving into that time of year when we outdoor types start spending less time outdoors pursuing game and fish and more time indoors. We still have some small game hunting and muzzleloading hunting left, and hopefully, if we get enough ice, we diehard fishermen can start hitting some local lakes as well. These

  • The Roving Sportsman… A New Year – A Fresh Start0

    Party, party, party — it’s what most folks do on New Year’s Eve to say goodbye to the previous year. Hopefully, our heads have cleared up by now from the revelries of New Year’s Eve, and we can take time to focus on what lies ahead in the coming year. So, steep a pot of

  • County Hall Corner: The Very Unique PA State Rep Jamie Flick0

    No matter how much a person may have studied or prepared for a new job or occupation, the cold water of reality hits almost immediately. Sooner than later, many ask themselves, “Dear God, what have I got myself into?” In previous columns, I have noted my own awakening to serving in local government. For this

  • UPMC Physician: Stay Resolved During New Year’s Resolutions0

    Every year, millions of people hoping to spark positive change make New Year’s resolutions. The recurring themes each year include a more active approach to health and fitness, improved finances, and learning new things for personal and professional development. See what resolutions you can make this year and how to keep them all through 2024.

  • Hairstyles for The New Year0

    The beginning of the new year is a prime time to experiment with hairstyles. Why? Because it’s winter and, there are these things called hats that can help you hide any experiment gone wrong. Seriously though, a new year goes right in line with new hair, so here are a few cuts that will be

  • Happy New Year!0

    This is easily my favorite issue of the year, it’s hard not to get a little choked up thinking about all the fantastic organizations that my co-workers and I get to support this week, from furbabies to farm babies to families and vets and the great outdoors! This week’s issue is just one of the

  • Recalling New Year’s 65 Years Ago0

    The turn of one year to another year, 2023 to 2024, is always a time of transition and change, and very often, some events of great importance, and that transition from 1958 to 1959 — 65 years ago — was no exception. In the days leading up to the beginning of the New Year, the

  • More “Gobbledygook” to Leave You “Astonied” (Or Maybe Give You “Collywobbles”)0

    By Joseph W. Smith III As Webb’s Weird Words wraps its first year in print, I couldn’t quite manage a relevant theme this time around; in keeping with the idea of “end,” however, I did at least finish harvesting words from the very first of the 27 pages in my running list of oddball vocab.

  • Fishing Boots for Christmas0

    Exchange week. Party week. Travel week. Rest-up week. Whatever these December days between Christmas and New Year’s may be called where you reside, you can be assured of one thing when it comes to the media; its broadcasts and pages will be filled with a lot of ‘year-in-review’ lookbacks. With so much increased violence, corruption,



    Marilouise Mazzante and I have been friends for a long time. We first met my sophomore year at Williamsport High. I was in her classroom for honors History. Maz was outstanding, passionate, and tough. I learned a great deal, and she is easily in my top five. She was a fantastic teacher. A terrific motivator

  • The Roving Sportsman… How Long Can You Keep Deer Meat?0

    Going to deer camp is an interesting experience, filled with camaraderie, hardy meals, and never a lack of conversation. Debates run the gambit, from “What is the best caliber for hunting whitetail deer?” to “Should you butcher a deer as quickly as possible or age it for a few days or even weeks?” Often, the

  • Northern Harrier0

    I’m sure it comes as no surprise that my work as a wildlife artist often has me gawking at all kinds of wildlife every time I head out the door. Of course, almost everybody enjoys seeing different kinds of wildlife, and It’s not unusual if someone spots a bear, fisher, bobcat, or bald eagle that

  • “We Shouldn’t Have to Bury Our Children”: Film About Opioid Crisis Hits Hard0

    I have to get even more personal than usual in this latest film review, because “The Rise of Opioids” hit me hard. Sponsored by Muncy’s Road Radio USA and produced by Williamsport’s On the Pulse, this documentary on the local opioid crisis starts right off by interviewing Caroline Miele, who lost her son Zachary to

  • County Hall Corner: Last Call – 2023 is Departing0

    This marks my eighth year of covering county government, and I am being very honest in saying that I enjoyed this year above them all. I am a person who likes to focus on the positives and not just dwell on the negatives, and there were many positives for the county in this past year.

  • Quick, Easy Recipes to Add to Your Dinner Rotation: Simple, nutritious meals to make more time for family0

    Making time for meals together can have a positive impact on the well-being of families, including children and adolescents. In fact, regular meals at home can help reduce stress and boost self-esteem, according to research published in “Canadian Family Physician.” Mealtime conversations are also a perfect opportunity to connect with your loved ones. A study

  • 100 Years Ago: Historical events from January 20240

    The month of January has been home to many historical events over the years. Here’s a look at some that helped to shape the world in January 1924. Millionaire oil broker Courtland S. Dines is shot in the abdomen at his home on January 1. When police arrived on the scene, they found alcohol on

  • UPMC Physician: Can the Weather Cause Aches and Pains?0

    You may have heard someone say they can tell when a storm is coming because they felt achy in their joints. For many who suffer from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions, cold weather can wreak havoc on already vulnerable parts of your body. It’s common to blame joint pain flare-ups on changes in the weather,

  • Winter Skin Care Hacks0

    The weather outside is frightful, and while that fire may be delightful, it’s also probably drying out your skin. With the stress of the holidays, the drop in the mercury, and the exhaustion of modern life, winter provides us with a whole new set of skincare challenges. FUN! With the cold weather and central heating

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 People may not be available this week to get together, and that is perfectly fine by you, Aries. Solitude is just what you can use right now after a busy stretch. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, expect a delay or two this week as those who you are expecting

  • Is Soup the Ultimate Cold Medicine?0

    Is Soup the Ultimate Cold Medicine? Having a cold is not fun. A stuffy nose, sniffles, sore throat, and other symptoms make having a cold a generally unpleasant experience. According to data collected by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, the average consumer shops for over-the counter medicine 26 times a year, with peak visits occurring

  • A Christmas Wish of Hope, Love, and Compassion0

    A very Merry Christmas to everyone! Let’s all be careful out there while enjoying all that is a blessed Holiday Season. Please remember to say thank you to all that prepare the perfectly delicious Christmas feast. Absolutely no political discussions until after the New Year. And let’s keep the conversation around the table joyous and

  • Merry Christmas0

    Before you ask, no, I do not have everything done for Christmas. Most of the shopping is done. I still have dinner stuff to buy, but I don’t even want to think about what’s ahead for wrapping. But it’s OK. It’s totally fine. I’ll get everything done — probably. I do have my priorities though,

  • Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest Winners Announced!0

    The following are the Winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest! Congratulations to all of our winners and many thanks to all of our entrants! We had hundreds of entries this year! You kiddos wore our elves out with judging!! We’d also like to thank all of the people who offered


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