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  • Gestures Anyone Can Embrace in Support of Veterans

    Gestures Anyone Can Embrace in Support of Veterans0

    Veterans Day (United States) and Remembrance Day (Canada) are commemorated each year on November 11. Both holidays honor the individuals who served in the armed forces for their respective countries. Community-wide events tend to be held on November 11, but any day of the year is a good time to pay respect to veterans. On

  • 4 Savvy Steps Toward Grocery Store Savings

    4 Savvy Steps Toward Grocery Store Savings0

    Whether you live alone or have multiple mouths to feed each day, grocery bills can add up. It’s an inevitable expense for everyone, but there are tried-and-true ways to limit your spending and put money back in your pocket. It all starts by considering the number of meals you need to make each week and

  • Vote, Praise, and November Days

    Vote, Praise, and November Days0

    In my office, there is a sign that says, “In This Place We Always Salute Our Flag, Support Our Troops, Buy American, Say Merry Christmas, Say One Nation Under God, Respect Our Law Enforcement,” it then states at the bottom, “If This Offends You, There’s the Door,” in small print, “As We are Obviously Politically

  • Lay Like Broccoli…0

    Depending on when you get your paper, Halloween is officially behind us, or about to be. That means we now have a little bit of time to just be before the holiday season begins. I know that all the stores would have you believe that the holidays are right on top of us, but let’s

  • Annual Lycoming County Veterans Day Parade Takes Place Saturday, November 4th

    Annual Lycoming County Veterans Day Parade Takes Place Saturday, November 4th0

    The people of Lycoming County and throughout this “Land of the Free” owe a lot to the military veterans who have served this country in peace and in war. In a bid to show appreciation to our local veterans, the annual Lycoming County Veterans Day Parade will be held this Saturday, November 4, stepping off

  • Lycoming Fall Golf0

    Yes. I am back at Lycoming as the Head Golf Coach. This is my second stint with the Warriors after a five-year hiatus. I was with the team from 2001 to 2016. I got out of the business and stepped away because of a midlife crisis. I retired from hoops two years ago. It left

  • The Bank is Closed0

    The silence was deafening. More than 42,000 came early and loud to the South Philly Bank, credit and debit cards in hand, anxious to make a lifetime memory deposit of their beloved Phillies in what seemed sure to be a second consecutive trip to the World Series. But in the end, they were snake-bit. As

  • The Roving Sportsman… Venison Recipes0

    I was talking to a lady yesterday about the upcoming deer hunting season. While she had no distaste for the idea of hunting, she revealed her dislike of the taste of venison by asking, “Do you eat the meat?” She explained that more than 20 years ago when she last tried a venison meal, “It

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, beware of misinformation and make an effort to form your own educated opinion. Take everything with a grain of salt and verify the facts. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 If someone is struggling right now, show some support or offer helpful words, Taurus. A small gesture can go a

  • Bowhunting Pennsylvania Black Bears

    Bowhunting Pennsylvania Black Bears0

    I made a trip to the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters a couple of weeks ago to deliver some artwork, and I decided to check out the bear check station located there as well. Pennsylvania’s statewide archery bear season runs from Oct. 17 to Nov. 4, and all successful bear hunters are required to bring their

  • County Hall Corner: Last Lap on the Commissioner Track0

    Election Day is just around the corner, Tuesday, November 7th. In the past, the emphasis was simply getting the voting citizenry to get to the polls. It seems lately that there is more trepidation than anticipation when it comes to our annual practice of democracy in action. In light of this, it is good to

  • The Layer Game0

    We are at the height of transitional dressing, friends, what with chilly morning temperatures and tepid afternoon highs. Add in a mix of sun, clouds, and rain, and it’s officially layering season! Layering garments can result in a bulky mess or an artful use of pieces that can transition from morning to evening, all while

  • UPMC Physician: Having a Sweet Tooth Can Affect Your Heart Health0

    You probably know that your sweet tooth affects your waistline, but did you know it can also be harmful to your heart? Sugar occurs naturally in all foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy. Consuming whole foods that contain natural sugar is OK because our body is digesting these whole

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Performance Season With tribute, ‘It Came From the ’80s’0

    On November 10th and 11th at the Community Arts Center in Downtown Williamsport, the students of the Uptown Music Collective will present their first show of the school’s 2023-2024 Performance Season with It Came From the ’80s: New Wave to Pop Rock. The performance, presented in partnership with UPMC North Central Pa and UPMC Health

  • Montoursville Ag Day

    Montoursville Ag Day0

    Montoursville held their 31st annual Ag Day on Thursday, October 12th at Mr. Hepburn’s farm. Future Farmers of America (FFA) members got to teach our fourth graders and Loyalsock’s and Montgomery’s first graders about agriculture and various topics. Montgomery’s FFA students also joined with them in their groups. EQT sponsored the Ag Day and gave

  • Babe Ruth and His All-Stars Appeared in Williamsport 100 Years Ago This Week0

    The year 1923 was a big year for professional baseball in Williamsport. In that year, the Williamsport team became a charter member of the newly formed New York-Pennsylvania League, later to become the Eastern League. Williamsport fielded a very good team in the new league that year and captured the league’s first championship. The team

  • My Dad Was My Getaway Driver0

    Throughout the year, my staff and I have quietly mentioned and brought back some memories from the past 20 years of being welcomed into your home. Some days, it feels like we just began the Webb Weekly; other days, it seems like we’ve been doing it for 50 years. I’m sure you can appreciate this

  • Happy Halloween…0

    Pssssssst! Hey kids! C’mere! Wanna have some fun over the next few days? Let’s talk about how we can max out everything Halloween. I’ll get you set up with enough candy to last until Easter! But here’s the deal. Your parents are only going to agree to this if you are on your best behavior.

  • Spooky Halloween Happenings and Halloween Safety Tips0

    It’s that wonderful time of year in which those scary ghouls and goblins inhabit our midst. We at Webb Weekly thought we would give you a brief run-down on some of the creepy and ghoulish things happening in the area as well as some tips that will help make it a safer time for those

  • Clark & the Hawkeyes0

    It was a bit early for Halloween, but as I flicked by the channels, remote in hand, I thought my eyes must have been deceiving me. Amid a Sunday full of NFL football, soccer, motor cross, drag racing, tennis, cornhole, pickle ball, and even a rodeo available on the TV screen, the Big Ten channel


    I struggle when it comes to difficult questions. Sometimes, it is better not to ask. I continue to support and think of Coach Tom Gravish and his Jersey Shore Bulldogs. They have handled every curveball with class. It is hard to even comprehend. Words cannot describe how proud I am of this 2023 squad. I

  • Fall Mushroom Hunting0

    I know we are all caught up in deer hunting and fall turkey hunting, but fall is also a great time for gathering wild mushrooms. No, it’s not as exciting as nailing a big buck or calling in a nice gobbler, but collecting and preparing the right wild mushrooms can be very gratifying come mealtime.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Do Your Own Processing0

    A well-placed shot and careful field care of a deer are critical first steps to ensure great-tasting venison for the dinner table. Most will agree that quickly skinning the deer will aid in cooling the meat, but there is a school of hunters who will leave the hide on while the deer hangs in a

  • County Hall Corner: Crime and Punishment (Should Go Together!)0

    I have a nephew named Todd, who grew up in Lewisburg and had been living in San Francisco for nearly a decade. He recently moved back East and spent the weekend with my wife and me. I asked Todd if San Francisco was as lawless as we have been told. He told me that in

  • Leather Weather0

    So often folks refer to fall as sweater weather, and rightfully so, what with the dips in temperature and shorter days, who wouldn’t want to wrap up in cozy and comfy knitwear? However, another fabric to consider for this time of year is leather. Whether genuine or faux, leather has just as much of a

  • UPMC Expert: The Role of Genetics in Breast Cancer Risk0

    Genetic testing to discover ancestry is common practice and sometimes discovering your family history can reveal unexpected connections, new storylines, and a world of new relatives. But, there’s another benefit for some specific types of genetic testing. The genes you inherit can help doctors determine your cancer risk, including your risk for breast and ovarian

  • 19-Year-Old Hughesville Resident Competes in National “Face of Horror” Competition0

    19-year-old Emma Mitchell has enjoyed horror movies and all things scary since she was a small child. She is using this love to compete in a national online competition called the “Face of Horror” that could yield her $13,000 and the opportunity to go to the Hollywood Hills to be part of a photo shoot

  • War of the Worlds at 1250

    2023 marks a mathematically tidy triple anniversary for War of the Worlds. First published as a book in 1898, H. G. Wells’s classic is now 125 years old. Exactly four decades later, the American filmmaker and radio personality Orson Welles aired his famous on-air adaptation, terrifying the East Coast with fears of an actual Martian

  • The Devil’s Working Overtime0

    Before I get to the pure evil being witnessed around the world, I want to pick up where I left off last week — the complete debacle regarding the ousting of Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy. I think it’s important to note that both locally elected United States representatives, Republicans Glenn “GT” Thompson and

  • Halloween Crafts for Kids

    Halloween Crafts for Kids0

    I know, I know, it’s not quite Halloween yet, but that doesn’t mean that spooky season isn’t in full swing. With that in mind, I have a couple of crafts for the little to help kill time until Trick-or-Treating! This is also the 2nd week of our Guessing Ghosts contest, so be sure to keep

  • 76th Annual Mummers’ Parade0

    Steps Off Saturday, October 21 at 2 P.M. South Williamsport’s streets will be filled with the excitement and the sound of bands, parade participants, and parade goers when the annual South Williamsport Mummers’ Parade steps off at 2 p.m. this Saturday, October 21. For more than 75 years, this always highly anticipated parade has been

  • The Roving Sportsman… Proper Care of Venison0

    How often have you heard someone say that they just don’t like the taste of venison or that they have tried it once but just didn’t care for it? No doubt it was not cooked properly, or worse yet, was not handled properly from the beginning. Over the years, I am pleased to say that

  • Quick, Easy Recipes to Add to Your Dinner Rotation0

    Making time for meals together can have a positive impact on the well-being of families, including children and adolescents. In fact, regular meals at home can help reduce stress and boost self-esteem, according to research published in “Canadian Family Physician.” Mealtime conversations are also a perfect opportunity to connect with your loved ones. A study

  • Some Big Bucks are Out There

    Some Big Bucks are Out There0

    I remember when I started hunting deer back in the 60s. If we were able to tag a six or eight-point buck with a 16-inch spread, we were off to the taxidermist to get our “trophy” mounted. A lot has changed since those days, not only regarding the size of our deer racks but how

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21-Apr 20 Aries, this week you may invite a friend over who shares all of his or her good energy with you. It’s just the boost you need right now to have a positive few days. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 You may have an urgent need to get physically active, Taurus.

  • Immunization Guidelines for Newborns to 15 months0

    New parents have a lot on their plate. The birth of a child is a special time in the lives of a family. Shortly after the birth of a child, new parents learn how significant a role their child’s pediatrician plays in the early months of the youngster’s life. New parents rely on pediatricians to

  • Downtown Fall Festival and Trick or Treat0

    On October 25, 2023, from 5 p.m.-8 p.m., the City of Williamsport Recreation Department and the Williamsport Business Association is co-hosting the Downtown Williamsport Fall Festival and Trick or Treat. Local businesses in the heart of downtown will be joining together to hand out candy, host activities, and provide giveaways for Williamsport children. There will


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