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  • Some Hunting Still Available0

    For the serious hunter, there are still some opportunities to get that rifle or shotgun back out into the countryside for several different small game species. This recent winter weather, however, will certainly make hunting a challenge. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you, readers, that ice has taken over much of our outdoor

  • Financial Strategies to Consider As Retirement Draws Near0

    Freedom is often cited as a benefit of retirement. Many professionals look forward to the day when they retire and have more free time and the freedom to spend that time however they choose. Of course, the opportunity to spend retirement how one sees fit typically requires considerable financial freedom. Financial planning for retirement is

  • Big Bucks Down0

    Spring training has begun, and the month of March is in sight. This can mean only one thing: it’s time for that column that so many of our hunters and outdoorsmen have been waiting to see. We have the results for our 17th Annual Webb Weekly Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. Before I get to

  • Aslan on the Move: C. S. Lewis Institute in Central PA

    Aslan on the Move: C. S. Lewis Institute in Central PA0

    The C. S. Lewis Institute is coming to Central PA. With branches in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia — along with 11 other states, plus such countries as Ireland, Japan and Kenya — CSLI was named for the British writer whose radio talks and bestselling novels made him one of the 20th century’s most beloved Christian figures.

  • Black History in Lycoming County History0

    The month of February is Black History Month. It celebrates all African Americans’ history, struggles, and accomplishments. It is important to shine a light on some of the significant and notable things about African Americans and their important and interesting role in Lycoming County’s history. No one knows for sure when the first African Americans

  • County Hall Corner: Why Do We Have a President’s Day?0

    I believe that Ronald Reagan gave us more of the best quotes about our country than any other president. As I was thinking about President’s Day, I remembered a quote by him, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be

  • Atmosphere0

    Major props to the Jersey Shore Bulldogs and the Loyalsock Lancers. The girls’ afternoon showdown was outstanding. It was a great idea that required lots of planning. Kudos to the administrations. Both teams played at 1:30 p.m. on Monday. The stands were packed with Jersey Shore students. The game was sort of like a school

  • Winter Weddings0

    Winter weddings, while unconventional, can be quite magical. The season is primed to embrace so many elements of romance: roaring fires, snow-blanketed landscapes, crimson blooms, winter white cozy chic fashion, and so on and so forth. But there are also the challenges of darker days, cold nights, slush, snow, and the human inclination to not

  • Tetreault Steps Down

    Tetreault Steps Down0

    The perusal of recent help-wanted ads in local media outlets underlines what can be a difficult challenge for area school districts seeking individuals to coach their various athletic teams. While there are many voices coaching from the stands, hiring the right person to lead teams of teenage athletes on the field can be a painstaking

  • The Snowy Owl0

    That’s right, I’ve been a “hunter” all my life. Yes, I’ve been involved in hunting ever since I was a kid in junior high school, but to be honest, my only interests are not just in bagging a deer or turkey every year, but I also enjoy seeing and encountering all kinds of wildlife. You

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prime Time to Hunt Vulnerable Coyotes0

    Throughout Pennsylvania and neighboring states, we are at the peak of the coyote breeding season. That means that we are in a prime time of the year to hunt one of our state’s most prolific predators. Both males and females are out and about during daylight hours more than usual, working up an appetite not

  • Offbeat Words from an Offbeat Book: A Tribute to Charles Portis0

    Charles Portis is one of a kind. Best known for his 1968 novel True Grit — twice adapted for the screen — Portis was born in 1933 and lived to age 86, passing away five years ago (Feb. 17, 2020); yet he wrote only four other novels and is now all but unknown in the

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, impulsiveness may cause friction with loved ones this week, so avoid rushing into decisions. Keep an open mind when others come to you with their thoughts. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, expect some clarity regarding a recent financial decision this week. You’ll get the answers you need about

  • President’s Day, Love, and Superbowl Leftovers0

    With President’s Day approaching, I have heard from many of you waiting for my column and thoughts about President Trump’s first month in the White House. The most interesting thing is as I engage people in conversation, I either know or they inform me what political party they are registered with. I think the mainstream

  • The Best* Valentine’s Day Dating Advice Ever0

    Valentine’s Day is upon us, and love is in the air! Or maybe that’s just the smell of desperation mixed with discount chocolate and regret. Either way, if you’re looking for a date this February 14th, I have compiled the absolute best* advice to ensure your Valentine’s Day is as romantic and memorable as possible*.

  • V-Day Gifts for Men0

    Shopping for Valentine’s Day gifts for men can be difficult. You want to get something thoughtful that they like or can, better yet, use, not just some cheesy, heart-shaped throwaway. Plus, if you’re anything like me, you want your gift-giving level to be recognized and for him to reciprocate at that same level. Here’s a

  • Abraham Lincoln’s Williamsport Connection0

    February 12th is the birthday of one of our greatest Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, who brought us through the fiery trial of the Civil War and served as an inspirational figure for generations to come. Still, most people do not realize that this beloved political icon has a significant tie to Williamsport and Lycoming County, and

  • Size Matters0

    The act of fishing is one thing, but the business of catching is a whole different story. I certainly don’t catch as many fish as I would like every time out, but I usually manage to put a bend in my rod often enough to keep me in the pursuit. There’s a vast amount of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pennsylvania Preliminary 2025-26 Seasons Approval0

    In their recent meeting, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners gave preliminary approval to the 2025-26 hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits. The preliminary seasons and bag limits are nearly identical to those in place for 2024-25. The one modification proposed for the 2025-26 season relates to snowshoe hares. Because the hare population is

  • Hot-Diggity “Dog Man”: DreamWorks Fetches a Tail-Wagger0

    At age 64, I remain convinced that deep in the soul of every middle-aged man, there’s a 12-year-old boy who never grew up. That’s why grandpas still crack gas-gags with their grandsons. And it’s also why Dav Pilkey’s riotous “Captain Underpants” books were a hit with kids and grown-ups alike. (After all, that series features

  • UPMC Cardiologist: Importance of Heart Health at Every Age0

    Throughout your life, it’s probably been true that your heart has never stopped. It works tirelessly to pump blood throughout your body day and night. This organ is vital to your life, and it is important to keep it healthy by reducing your risks for developing heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of

  • Getting Their Money’s Worth?0

    Hopefully, football fans have recovered from any Super Bowl hangovers and the realization that their football fix will have to wait until March 28, when the United Football League will kick off its 2025 season, introducing Friday Night Football to the airwaves. However, despite Punxsutawney Phil’s unwelcome prediction of an extended winter, spring is in

  • County Hall Corner: The Vigilant Wisdom of Star Trek0

    The United States has been going through tremendous changes since the presidential election of Donald Trump. It seems everyone has their own particular area they are focusing on, mine is over the continually growing collapse of the mainstream media. For decades, we have been straight jacketed from considering whether information was acceptable and true. The

  • Gearing Up0

    Many of our local hoops teams are gearing up for a post-season run. It is a great time of year. I have seen several games, and I want to wish my friends the best of luck. There are a few surprises, and some teams are playing well. Props South. I plan to take a detailed

  • No One Likes Us… Got to Love Us… 2025 Super Bowl Predictions…0

    Ladies and gentlemen…are you ready? Find your seat and buckle up. We’ve got a lot to cover. It’s time to delve into the Valley’s Super Bowl Predictions… Given how long last year’s article ended up being, let’s not waste time with introductions and get right into it! Starting with the Webb Weekly office: Jaimie consulted

  • The Roving Sportsman… Seeking Sheds0

    Nope, this is not about looking for wood sheds, tool sheds, outhouses, or any other type of outbuilding. This is the time of year when bucks begin to drop their antlers, and hunting for these sheds is a passion for whitetail hunters. There is some thought that temperature changes or fluctuations trigger the shedding of

  • Turkey Sightings

    Turkey Sightings0

    I know turkey season is over, but like many hunters, I’m always on the lookout for game — especially turkeys. Spotting flocks of turkeys now, may lead to some potential hunting sites — especially when spring gobbler season rolls around. I’ve been seeing turkeys here and there all fall and into the winter months, but

  • Crash Landing: “Flight Risk” Survives a Turbulent Script0

    Flight Risk is a short, swift thriller directed by Mel Gibson and starring Mark Wahlberg as the bad guy. Despite a measly 21% rating at Rotten Tomatoes, the movie does its job reasonably well, managing to hold our attention despite a poorly thought-out script. Downton Abbey’s Michelle Dockery plays Madolyn Harris, a U.S. Marshal charged

  • Super Bowl Has Pennsylvania Rumblings0

    Predicting the weather has been a tough enough gig for Punxsutawney Phil, so I am glad to see that editor Steph did not include the furry one among those ‘experts’ taking their guesses in this week’s edition as to the winner of Sunday’s Super Bowl showdown in New Orleans. While big game LIX (59 for

  • UPMC Orthopaedic Surgeon: Avoiding Common Winter Injuries0

    Slippery sidewalks, icy driveways, and physically demanding tasks like shoveling snow can lead to sprains, fractures, and more serious conditions. By understanding common injuries and how to prevent them, you can safely enjoy the winter. Common Winter Injuries Falls on ice and snow are among the most frequent causes of winter injuries, often resulting in


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