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Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Co. 100 Years of Community Service

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  • Revitalized and Vaporized0

    Summer just goes by way too fast. I can’t believe the calendar reads August! Before month’s end the kiddies will be back in school, football will be in full swing and another Little League World Series will be in the books. Just a thought for you. If the everyday grind and rigors of life have

  • Field of Dreams0

    The West Virginia Bears were in town last week to play some baseball against our hometown Crosscutters. The Bears are an affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates, who are near and dear to my heart. I used to love the $5 seats in centerfield of Three Rivers Stadium, where you could talk to the players as

  • It’s Not About the Vote of the People, Even in the UK.0

    Thanks to everyone who has made our Webb Weekly Live show an overnight success. In case you missed it, myself and my editor, Steph Nordstrom are doing a weekly show streamed live every Wednesday at 10 a.m. We have a weekly guest, talk about all that’s going on in the Webb Weekly area, as well

  • She is Innocent as Charged0

    Did you really think anything was going to come out of the FBI’s investigation of Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton? FBI Director James Comey stated last week, “I would not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.” Really, there’s a real shocker! He

  • Identifying the Enemy0

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack. So many families’, so many friends’ lives changed forever. And to the family of Lane Graves, the two-year-old who lost his young life while enjoying a family vacation on the grounds of Disney. What an unimaginable event. To watch as your

  • Dads, Baseball and Ms. Hillary0

    Happy Father’s Day! Tip of the Webb Weekly cap to all the Dads out there and to everyone who provides Fatherly love and guidance. The importance of having Dad there no matter the age of his son or daughter, could never be overstated. With all the world has to offer today, someone to wear the

  • Jumpin’ Into June0

    Congrats to Katie Jones! The South Side Senior High flyer set the state pole vault record on the way to the gold medal. The young lady cleared 13 feet, yes 13 feet… Amazing! Jones has been the odds on favorite all season at the AA level, making her accomplishment even more special. Sometimes that target

  • If You Have to Go – They Have to Go!0

    Ladies, get signed up! In case you missed it last week, because of my unwavering commitment to our Second Amendment rights and belief every woman out there should be able to safely shoot a firearm, I am again putting a $50 bill towards education and training for any woman who is interested. The first 50

  • Remembering the Providers of Freedom0

    A Webb Weekly salute and remembrance for all who have paid the ultimate price for our Great Nation. An eternal prayer of thanks and peace for their families who understand the price of freedom many are oblivious to in today’s world. We are blessed to have the finest military in the world without which we

  • Where There is Smoke…0

    I know many of you are opening up to page 2 expecting to find my rant over the Borough of South Williamsport’s intervention into the fire protection business. Believe me I spoke with, met and was provided more information about the merger of the Borough’s three fire companies than Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails. I was

  • A Clear Path and a South Side Smoke Screen0

    Wow! There is so much going on in the world. So many of you have reached out to me to investigate local issues and politicians. Maybe we should start publishing the Webb Weekly two or three times a week. I’m sure the postal carriers would love that! Hold that thought, I have not thanked my

  • A Modern Mother’s Day Wish0

    As those April showers turn into beautiful May flowers and the lush green mountains that line both sides of our Susquehanna River Valley awaken this can mean just one thing, the warmth of the Summer sun is just around the corner. Its unofficial beginning, the Memorial Day weekend, less than four weeks away. May always

  • Cause of Death0

    A great title for our Presidential candidates and their campaigns, I’m so glad the primary season is coming to an end. However, it’s more about the second part of my story. It’s time to get out and vote. It doesn’t matter if you vote for Mr. Donald “Open Mouth Insert Foot” Trump, Ms. Hillary “Prison

  • Who is the Fourth County Commissioner Anyways?0

    Before I get to this, it is hard to believe March Madness and The Masters are in the rearview mirror. This can mean only one thing – Spring has sprung! The crack or bing off the bat can be heard at every level from Little League to Big League. Things are greening up nicely even

  • April Fun0

    Wow! What an unbelievable elephant sized response to my “The Don Chooses Tom as His VP” April Fun article last week. Before I get to the how, what and why I sincerely apologize to those who did not get the humor in this year’s Webb Weekly April Fools’. It was not intended to be anything

  • Trump/Marino 2016 “The Don” Chooses Tom for VP0

    A couple weeks ago in my “Not My Father’s Republican Party” (March 9th) article, I praised Congressman Tom Marino’s efforts and fighting for the American people. I rehashed how he stood up to Nancy Pelosi and the liberal demagoguery while other Republicans bury their heads in the sand. I put into ink how he would

  • It’s a Great Day to Be Alive0

    Happy Easter, may you and your family enjoy a special day of togetherness. As the warmth of Spring renews life and raises the human spirit, so does the celebration of Easter. God’s greatest gift of his only Son and the message He brought to the human realm that ended with Jesus’ death on the cross

  • One Nation Under God0

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Spring! Get out and enjoy all the local Irish spirit and flavor that can be found at local eateries. I enjoy a cup of potato soup with my corn beef on rye, thank you. I also look forward to the Webb family tradition of corn beef and cabbage my

  • Good to Hear Your Thoughts!0

    I have recently talked about the Presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle. It, as always, has been great to hear from so many of you. Some interesting thoughts were provided to me by the most important source I have, you! We are blessed to live where we live and I am blessed to

  • Wow…What a Show!0

    No, I’m not talking about Super Bowl 50 held earlier this month. The Broncos – Panthers was an average game at best. It proved a great defense wins championships, a great offense with a loudmouth quarterback get what they deserve. Who would have thought Peyton Manning, a five time MVP, would end his career as

  • Hit the Bricks Bernie0

    Tip of the cap to Don Bushor winner of the Webb Weekly Monster Buck contest. The tale of the tape – 12 points, 19 5/8 spread, scored 163 3/8 by Sierra Club standards. That’s a big rack! Thank you to Tommy Springman and the Country Store Venison Shop, Dana Poust at Poust Taxidermy and John

  • The Truth about Executive Order0

    I always get a good laugh when we are going to get that big winter storm and everyone stocks up on everything from bread to ammunition. Do they really believe they are going to be snowbound for days, weeks, maybe a month? Then you know what happens? It misses us. Some are happy; some are

  • A Hall of Fame Person0

    Tip of the cap to long time Lycoming College Head Football Coach Frank Girardi. The gentleman responsible for building Lyco into a D-III national football power received the phone call he has been elected into the College Football Hall of Fame. Coach ‘G’ is how I, and so many, have respectfully known and addressed the

  • A Fine Kettle of Caring0

    What is the number one question I have been asked the past several days? No, it’s not how many days are left in Mr. Obama’s reign of excellence. It’s a simple, how many bucks did we raise in the Red Kettle Remembrance of Dave? Well let me keep you in suspense for a little while.

  • Christmas Past, Present and Future0

    Merry Christmas from my family to yours! I hope Santa gets all those neatly wrapped presents down the chimneys across the West Branch Valley and beyond. What a wonderful time of year to be a child. The last day before Christmas vacation and the last day before summer vacation were my two favorite days of

  • Back to Reality0

    I get it. I have been writing about all the good going on in our little corner of the World. What a wonderful time of year it is and praise Jesus – the reason for the Season. Meanwhile all heck is breaking loose from Harrisburg to Syria and let’s not forget California. Pray for the

  • It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!0

    There is so much good going on in our area to celebrate the Christmas season, get out and enjoy! Most of the activities and events can be found right here in the pages of the Webb Weekly. I am proud of the place we call home. We take care of our own especially during the

  • 50 Years of Family, Friends and Trust0

    It seems like it was only yesterday. My Dad taking me to Mister Donut on the Golden Strip for a Bavarian filled and a chocolate milk. I was knee-high to a grasshopper but can still envision the old store and the coffee mug my Father would sip from. It was different years ago, a donut

  • Grace, Thanks and Giving0

    Happy Thanksgiving! What an absolutely wonderful day. No shopping, no wrapping or putting together of anything. Just family, friends and football. Love and friendship celebrated with that perfectly cooked bird and all the trimmings, followed up with a dessert of your choice. Then a little Turkey Bowl action, the annual backyard football game. This event

  • Next Question….0

    Did you watch the debate? What candidate do you like? Who do you feel has the edge at this point? These questions and topics are being talked about no matter where you go. It is great to see all the interest building for the 2016 Presidential run. My hope is all Americans realize the next


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The Pledge of Allegiance