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  • Watkins Overcomes Injury to Continue Brilliant High School Career at Loyalsock

    Watkins Overcomes Injury to Continue Brilliant High School Career at Loyalsock0

    When Connor Watkins walked off the field at Bloomsburg fans and players thought it would be the final time they would see him in a Loyalsock uniform. There were tears, jeers, and plenty of fears as he left the field with an injury that looked severe. The only person who wasn’t worried about getting back

  • Blaise Alexander Christmas Coloring Contest Winners!

    Blaise Alexander Christmas Coloring Contest Winners!0

    • Arts
    • December 19, 2018

    The following are the Winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Christmas Fun Coloring Contest! Congratulations to all of our winners and many thanks to all of our entrants! We had over 400 entries this year! You kiddos wore our elves out with judging!! We’d also like to thank all of the people who offered

  • Twas the Night Before Christmas By Clement Clarke Moore0

    Twas the Night Before Christmas By Clement Clarke Moore Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

  • The Giving Tree Courtesy of St. Ann Catholic Church

    The Giving Tree Courtesy of St. Ann Catholic Church0

    While not a Christmas story, “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein is a wonderful children’s book with a message that resonates with everyone. It is a touching reminder of the importance of family and giving at this time of year. The story is about a tree’s sacrifice for the love of a boy. At first,

  • Song of the Week “Carry On Wayward Son,” by Kansas0

    Ah, it’s that time of the year again when Uptown’s post-show videos serenade the world of Facebook and YouTube. This time, we shredded “Carry On Wayward Son,” by Kansas, in our most recent show, More Than a Feeling: 70s Arena Rock. Personally, I love watching our post-show videos. It’s like a reward for the hard

  • Keeping Off the Weight this Holiday Season0

    • Arts
    • December 19, 2018

    I recently heard on the radio that the average American can expect to gain 1-5 lbs. over the holidays. A pound or two doesn’t seem like much, but year after year that weight builds up, and one pound becomes five pounds, becomes ten pounds, etc. This Christmas season, I’m not only trying to avoid gaining

  • From ‘the Cheap Seats’0

    It was as if time had suddenly stopped as the high-arching three-point shot launched by a Northeast Bradford player almost seemed destined to hit the heating vents suspended high above the Montgomery Community & Athletic Center gym. When gravity intervened the seemingly desperate shot found nothing but white nylon cord tying the Panthers game against

  • The Roving Sportsman… Considerations When Giving a Firearm as a Gift0

    With only a few shopping days remaining before Christmas day, you may be thinking about purchasing a firearm as a gift for a friend or relative. Or, you may be considering gifting one of Grandpa’s old side by side shotguns or cherished lever action rifles to a member of the family. Either way, there are

  • Paddlers May be Required to Register Their Craft0

    The rest of the “Frozen Chosen” and I are actually considering hitting some hard water sometime next week so why am I writing about paddling watercraft around as we dip into the winter months? The reason is that there may be some changes coming in the near future regarding non-powered watercraft, and those changes will

  • Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus0

    Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? VIRGINIA O’HANLON. 115 WEST NINETY-FIFTH STREET. VIRGINIA, your little

  • County Hall Corner: A Good Looking Golf Course0

    Winston Churchill thought playing golf was dumb. He commented that it was a game designed to hit a very small ball into a very small hole with instruments ill-designed for the purpose. Many in Lycoming County would echo those sentiments. Why does the county need a municipal golf course anyway? Actually, Lycoming County is very

  • It’s Christmastime in Our City

    It’s Christmastime in Our City0

    What an unbelievable transition I’ve witnessed from the LL Stearns and Carol House days of the 70s to what downtown Williamsport has become today. Yes, there might have been some lean years in between, but Downtown has never looked better. I always enjoyed those Christmas shopping trips with my Mom and Grandparents back in the

  • Interesting to Amazing by Tom, son of Ann and Sam0

    I was sorry to hear that Gerry Ayers passed away so soon after writing his last column. It reminds me of Charles Schultz and his last “Peanuts” column. Mr. Schultz, among other things, was a sports fan. He particularly liked ice-skating and hockey, starting, later in life, an over-75 hockey league! All the more a

  • The Changing Face of Deer Hunting

    The Changing Face of Deer Hunting0

    Yes, I’m old enough now to have watched the many changes that have come to deer hunting in our state. At one time Pennsylvania boasted of over a million hunters for the opening of deer season, but today we are well below that number. It may also be true that there were more deer, at

  • Umpiring U0

    With the Christmas holiday fast approaching the talk around many family gatherings will include education plans for the teenagers approaching high school graduation and adulthood. When that question has been asked of South Williamsport’s Bryce Brewer, his response throws most people a curve. A few days after unwrapping Christmas gifts the 2018 South Williamsport graduate

  • Touchdown Jackson

    Touchdown Jackson0

    I need to apologize for the two-week sabbatical. I was at a loss for words, and couldn’t find a pencil. Tis the season boys and girls. No, I didn’t cash in on any Black Friday specials, but I am now well rested. I also have plenty of material for the next couple of months. Sorry

  • Director of Little League Museum Describes His Encounter With George H.W. Bush0

    Lance Van Auken, director of the World of Little League Peter J. McGovern Museum has his own fond memories of the late 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, who died on November 30 at the age of 94. Van Auken was tasked by Steve Keener, President and CEO of Little League International Inc.,

  • Song of the Week… “Bleeding Hearts” by Kimberly Adair0

    It’s funny how Williamsport was bare and deserted when I was a naivé child, and the arts had been hidden away in those old Victorian homes — afraid to come out and represent the talent that this small town holds within its heart. Today, the Port is well known for its music and a lady,

  • “Always Give Thanks” By Scott Anthony Watson – 6th Grade, Curtin Intermediate School

    “Always Give Thanks” By Scott Anthony Watson – 6th Grade, Curtin Intermediate School0

    Always give thanks for the things you have, because what you have might not be what someone else has. You might have a nice source of entertainment, but the other person might not have nice things and can’t get access to the Internet. Always give thanks for the food that you eat. You might eat

  • This Christmas…0

    OK, so as of this writing (which is Friday), I am still nowhere near ready for Christmas. I’m not a procrastinator by nature, but Christmas gets me just about every year. I think I need to go get a Christmas tree so that I can feel the whole Christmas Spirit more wholly. Maybe a walk

  • Twenty-Fine Winners Selected in WADEF Holiday Essay Contest0

    The Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation recently concluded its annual Holiday Essay Contest, during which students in kindergarten through sixth grade were asked to answer, in 200 words or less: “What does the holiday season mean to you and why?” From a pool of 127 entries, the top 25 winners were selected and received

  • County Hall Corner: A Meeting Minus One 0

    When I attend the County Commissioners Meetings, I see people from time to time that know me, and they ask, “Larry, why are you here?” My standard reply is, “I cover the county for Webb Weekly and write a column called, ‘County Hall Corner.’” Often people apologize that they read the column but miss the

  • Christmas Album By Local Musicians To Benefit Lycoming Arts Program0

    When Meg Finn, director of the Lycoming Arts Council, and accomplished area musician and music producer, Walt Straiton, met several months ago to discuss the idea of producing a Christmas music album featuring area musicians, they had no idea that it would become such a work of love and great music that would benefit Lycoming

  • “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School

    “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School0

    The reason why I like Christmas is because it’s God’s birthday, and because of the meaning of giving. Sometimes I don’t like the presents, but I take them to be nice. My favorite part about Christmas is spending time with my family. My big brother is disabled, so I love him a lot. It’s like

  • The Winter Season is Here!0

    The fall leaves and cool temperatures are giving way to empty trees and temperatures that force most people to rethink trips outside. The winter season is officially upon us, which means the long drives, crafty moves on the soccer pitch, and shifty shots on the tennis court will be moved to the back until next

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prime Time for Coyotes0

    While the late archery deer season and flintlock deer season (December 26 to January 12, 2019) are still ahead for the hearty hunters who have not yet filled their tags and will brave the winter chill, for most of us, the deer season is over. Fear not, as there is still an exciting opportunity to

  • Dave’s Red Kettle Beginnings0

    It’s hard to believe it’s the fifth Christmas season that my good friend Dave Sechler isn’t ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. God must have needed Dave’s help, and he knew he would do whatever was asked of him with a smile on his face. That’s just who Dave was. If you remember, I

  • Christmastime is Here…0

    Alright y’all. December is here, so I am officially on board for the Christmas season! I’ve started making my lists, and I even bought one present already! And it wasn’t even for me! It’s time for tree shopping, and ornament finding and I’m always on the hunt for vintage reindeer that border somewhere between adorable

  • Mike McGarvey Leading Lycoming Hoops0

    Following an outstanding career as a player at Ursinus College, where he was a consecutive two-time All-American and two-time Centennial Conference Player of the Year and eleven years as an assistant basketball coach at Ursinus and Colgate University, Mike McGarvey was named Lycoming College men’s basketball coach this past June. With a non-conference opening mark

  • Making the Adjustments for College Offers Rewarding Experience for Two Lycoming Basketball Players

    Making the Adjustments for College Offers Rewarding Experience for Two Lycoming Basketball Players0

    Most athletes in high school aspire to reach the next level of competition but making that adjustment can be difficult. The game’s pace picks up, and the players seem to get bigger. Despite the challenges, it’s rewarding as an education is likely to come along with the new challenges. As a player at Lewisburg Akilah


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