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  • Brrrrr.0

    Y’all, I don’t know what the weather is like when you are reading this, but as of this writing — It. Is. Cold. It is downright frigid with temps in the single digits and wind chills in the negative doubles. Obviously, going outside a lot is not in the cards, so it’s time to find

  • Happy New Year!0

    So clearly I am not Jimmy. He will be back next week, but I stole his space to give him some credit that he would never think he deserves. Jimmy does a lot for the community and the people in the community and it goes mostly unrecognized, and I think everyone deserves a thank you

  • Webb Weekly Gem of the Week… Loyalsock’s Hunter Webb Signs His Letter of Intent to Attend the University of Connecticut

    Webb Weekly Gem of the Week… Loyalsock’s Hunter Webb Signs His Letter of Intent to Attend the University of Connecticut0

    The true measure of a person can be seen by the people they impact throughout life. As Hunter Webb signed his letter of intent to attend Connecticut University he was surrounded by friends, family, coaches, and teachers, who all wanted to share one of the biggest moments in his life. On Tuesday morning of last

  • Outdoors with Ken Hunter… Ice Fishing 1010

    With the hunting seasons winding down, it’s time to start concentrating on fishing again. A lot of people are probably saying fishing season is a long way off and fish don’t eat during those long, cold days when lakes are covered in a layer of ice, but nothing could be further from the truth. In

  • Montoursville Gold Flag Team League Co-Champions

    Montoursville Gold Flag Team League Co-Champions0

    The Montoursville Gold flag football team was co-cham.pions in the Flag Football League this past season with a 6-1 record. The league consists of two teams from Montoursville, Hughesville, South Williamsport, and Loyalsock. This is for players in kin.dergarten through second grade. Front Row: Hunter Harvey, Raylrn Rhone, Ethan Phillips, and Henry Reedy. Second Row:

  • The Jaded Eye … A Double Dip on Broad Street0

    The white, bent, rusted pole that held the “Tall Fox Novelties” sign remains close to the curb on Broad Street in Montoursville. But the orange, blue and white Rexall thermometer in the alley by the old store is long gone. Let me bring you some warm memories on a cold day. Maybe you frequented one

  • Sauerkraut – a ‘Tradition?’0

    Like so many other things in our daily lives, time seems to be racing by. For me, it doesn’t seem possible that this is the 52nd Webb Weekly column penned in the last year. Often at this time of the year, many publications and television shows are filled with those ‘look back’ features that reflect

  • This Week’s LION: Heather Wood – Family Healer

    This Week’s LION: Heather Wood – Family Healer0

    Social work is a profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups, and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being. That is a noble-sounding ideal, and it attracts idealistic young people with a strong moral purpose. Some years ago, a South Williamsport native by the name of Heather Wood was an

  • Fishing with Mike O’Brien… Quotes Of Angling Humor And Wisdom0

    “There is an old saying that one can never enter the same river twice. The river is always new; the man is forever changed.”- Mike Crockett and Grant McClintock, Flywater “It is the challenge of the fishing more than it is the catching of the fish.”- Joseph D. Bates, Jr., Atlantic Salmon Flies & Fishing

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Tale of Two “Pops”

    The Roving Sportsman… A Tale of Two “Pops”0

    This is a story of two grandfathers doing what grandfathers often do — stepping up to the plate and hitting a home run… The story really begins with the return of Army Staff Sergeant Shawn Somits (John’s son and Scott’s son-in-law) from his final tour of duty in the Middle East. Shawn was always an

  • Sporting Matters with Spence… More Pickelball0

    Happy Holidays sports fans. Cheers to your joyous celebrations and extra stuffed stockings. It’s the most excellent time of the year. Okay I admit, I am one of the worst shoppers of all time. I never know what to buy and always wait until the very last minute. I’ve ex.perienced many epic failures and tend

  • Merry Christmas0

    As of this writing we are t-minus 10 days until Santa starts his journey! I am in final preparations! Just a few more gifts to buy and a metric ton of grocery shopping to go! I am so excited to announce the winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealer.ships Christmas Coloring Contest! It was no

  • The Roving Sportsman… Great Stocking Stuffers!0

    With only a few more shopping days before Christ.mas morning arrives, hopefully, you have taken care of all of the major items on your gift list and can now turn your attention to the last minute items and the ever-popular “stocking stuffers.” I reflect back, fondly, to the early days when the three stockings, hand-knit

  • Faith Conversations… A Christmas Monarch0

    So the other day I was doing some research for this article on worship and happened to find myself on a website dedicated to the preservation of the Mon.arch butterfly. How you ask? Well, I was looking for a synonym for the word king and monarch was one of the suggestions. I clicked on monarch,

  • T-shirts Support Montoursville Mom in Need of Lifesaving Transplant0

    Look great and support an excellent cause by purchasing a special Diabetes Destroyers t-shirt now to show support for Jennifer Kershner, a Montoursville resident who needs a lifesaving kidney/pancreas transplant. Jennifer Kershner is described by her family as a “vibrant 46-year-old” who has been fighting end-stage renal disease for more than 6 years. She grew

  • Outdoors with Ken Hunter… Archers Set New Bear Kill Record in PA0

    A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a piece on how great Pennsylvania’s black bear hunting is compared to other states. Our bear population has remained stable and even increased in recent years, and that’s even in spite of record bear kills. This year’s archery bear kill is further evidence of our robust bear population

  • Scott on Sports: The List0

    With apologies to Clement Clayton Moore: ‘twas the week before Christmas and all through the town excited young children tried not to frown! At this very special time of the year, life’s normal routine is anything but normal. The pace quickens, anticipation levels rise, and minding one’s Ps & Qs is of prime importance for

  • Webb Weekly Gem of the Week… Big Games Abound as Area Athletes Open Winter Season0

    One year ago Mitchell Klingerman was sitting on the bench during a Loyalsock basketball game wishing for a chance to play. It wasn’t because of skills. It was simply because Loyalsock year in and year out has a lot of talent. Klingerman quietly went about his business, working hard after practice and through the off-season,

  • Christmas Spirit0

    Merry Christmas from my family and all of us at Webb Weekly to you and yours. What an absolutely fantastic time of year. The way the calendar falls this year, our publication hopefully is in your mailbox about a week before Christmas. And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a

  • Sporting Matters with Spence… Just Get the Ball to Dom0

    Dominick Bragalone has always been a special player. I can vividly remember calling a few of his scholastic games. After each broadcast, I became more and more impressed with his blazing speed and effortless power. Dom was outstanding, and the opposition could only hope to contain him. It didn’t matter if they stuffed the box.

  • So You Want to be President…0

    I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for the Arctic air or the holiday shopping season. We enjoyed some beautiful Autumn weather; hopefully, Mother Nature is not giving us a preview of the winter ahead. Yes, I know I should be better prepared for the official kick-off to the holiday hustle and bustle

  • Getting Your Boat Ready For Hibernation0

    Winter will eventually arrive; a season when we will no longer be able to enjoy regional boat fishing. Now is the time to get your boat ready for storage. The approach for long-term boat storage — periods without any use — is different than storing a boat between outings. Following a rigorous winterization routine helps

  • Lycoming Goal0

    My recent “Movember” awareness effort was an epic failure. An absolute disaster, like my unsuccessful write-in campaign. I am sorry folks, but I was forced to throw in the towel after a few days of growth. My lovely bride wasn’t impressed with the shaggy scruff above my lip. She gave me an ultimatum — shave

  • All Grown Up0

    If you didn’t survive your late teens and early twenties by living on Maruchan Ramen Noodles, I’m not sure that we can be friends, because obviously you don’t know real suffering. OK, OK, I’m kidding, but for a lot of us, the Ramen life was real. It is cheap, easy to make and fast. But

  • Being Thankful0

    • Arts
    • December 15, 2017

    Lately, the world seems like a crazy and chaotic place. Every day there is some new disaster, attack, or crisis. While it’s almost effortless to get wrapped up in the 24-hour news cycle, as we approach the Thanksgiving season, I’d like to take a moment here and focus on the good things in life. Some

  • 19th Annual Victorian Christmas and Other Related Activities to Take Place This Weekend0

    For the past 18 years the annual Victorian Christmas has been a wonderful and interesting way to help launch the Christmas holiday season. This year’s 19th edition of this holiday classic should be a fine continuance of this always highly anticipated event. From its founding by early member Nan Young, the purpose of recognizing and acknowledging

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Ultimate Deer Rifle0

    The overnight pole light guided my steps as I crossed the yard, headed to the patch of woods in the hollow in the center of our property. Once leaving the area illuminated by the artificial light, I had only the stars overhead that were dancing heal to toe to aid in my travel. It would

  • County Hall Corner: Working Together0

    This past summer, there was a major battle over a proposed county ordinance for a five-dollar county fee on every non-exempt vehicle registered in the county. Hours and hours of debate ensued over it before it was finally passed at a County Commissioners Meeting on June 15, 2017, as Ordinance 2017-02. The story “The Five

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Performance Season0

    The Uptown Music Collective’s season will kick off on November 17th and 18th at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport with Women of Rock: The Music of Heart & Pat Benatar. When you think of women who really rock, the band Heart, and Pat Benatar are always near the top of any list. For the

  • Proceed with Caution0

    The intersection of ‘achieving goals’ and ‘it was meant to be’ can be a very precarious crossroad. There are no traffic lights, yield signs, or uniformed sentries to guide you through the turmoil safely. The decisions to speed up, slow down, or turn around and plan the journey for another day are instantaneous. If you

  • Firearms Deer Season Not Far Away0

    Well, it won’t be long until another firearms deer season is underway; Nov. 27 marks the starting date across the state. With the exception of WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D antlered deer only can be taken from opening day to Dec. 1 while both antlered and antlerless may be taken from Dec. 2-Dec. 9. Preparations

  • Players Come Up Big in Leadership Department With 35-24 Win Over Lewisburg0

    It was the opening round of the District 4 Class AAA playoffs, and Loyalsock found itself down by 17 points at the half. Lewisburg recovered an onside kick, scored. The Dragons then stopped Loyalsock on a fourth down, scored. Their third possession ended in a punt, but they came right back on their fourth to

  • A Most Wonderful Time of Year!0

    The days are flying by faster than Santa’s reindeer on Christmas Eve. Can you believe there are less than two weeks until Christmas Day? I guess I better get started on that Christmas shopping; I have been known to wait until the last minute. I have often thought a great plan would be to push

  • This Christmas…0

    OK, so as of this writing (which is Friday), I am well on my way to being ready for Christmas. I have a lot of my shopping done (most of which I can finish in the next couple of days), Erik and I are headed out to get our tree this weekend, and I have

  • Fishing with Mike O’Brien … Reflections From A Pool Of Memories: A Gift From Dad0

    The pleasures of fishing are best when shared. This was one of those times. When a shared love for angling brought father and son together. Forever bound in one of those “firsts” that can be recalled by either party as vividly as if occurring only minutes before. An experience never to be forgotten by the

  • Fishing with Mike O’Brien… Butterfish: Little Fish Big Science0

    It is doubtful you’ve ever fished for or eaten butterfish. Butterfish are a thin, deep-bodied ocean fish that travel in large schools, typically offshore. These small, silvery species are a favorite food source for large game fish and are favorite bait for anglers in pursuit of tuna. I have also known anglers who were fishing

  • Sporting Matters with Spence… His Name is Elfie0

    Tis the season folks and instead of sharing a story on sports — I’ve decided to chime in on something much more important. Yes. It’s time to talk about the Elf of the Shelf. For those of you without young children perhaps this article will help explain that creepy little thing that has been flooding


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