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  • Friendship, Positivity and Community0

    There is a group of local business folks that get together each week to discuss the world’s problems and much more. I will refer to them as my friends of the round table, even though the table we sit at is more of an oval shaped countertop — that just sounds better. The topics most

  • Let’s Read0

    I am a huge proponent of reading. Whether is trashy romance, young adult (even if you are an old adult), comic books, textbooks, or gossip magazines. Reading stimulates the brain and keeps it active and working — even if the content isn’t top tier. One of the great things about my Kindle (other than being

  • River Valley Relay For Life Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary This Saturday0

    For 25 years now one of the most important volunteer fundraising efforts of the local chapter of the American Cancer Society has been taking place under the auspices of the River Valley Relay For Life. They have taken place at various venues throughout Lycoming County such as the Williamsport High School, the Montoursville, the Hughesville,

  • Golf for Beginners

    Golf for Beginners0

    Millions of people hit the links to play golf recreationally, and many young stars of the game are inspiring others to try their hand at this difficult sport. In its “U.S. Golf Economy Report,” released in 2018, WE ARE GOLF, a coalition of golf’s governing bodies, found there was a 20 percent increase in junior

  • There is Life After Stroke

    There is Life After Stroke0

    Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death, and the number one cause of disability. Rapid treatment for stroke is the key to preventing long-term disability. A stroke occurs when blood flow and oxygen to the brain is interrupted. This loss of blood and oxygen

  • County Hall Corner: Two Choices to Get it Right0

    On Tuesday, May 21st, one of the most important elections in years will be held here in Lycoming County. Though all elections are important in some respect, this one has the potential of changing the direction of county government for many years to come. Though voting for mayors, borough council members or township supervisors are

  • Timing is Key to Successful Pruning0

    A string of bad hair days usually sends me straight to the barber’s chair. When my unruly locks grow past a certain point, I know it’s time for a good pruning, as it were. The same holds true for many of the flowering shrubs in my garden. A good percentage of blooming shrubs used in

  • Gazette and Bulletin: May 15, 1946 – Lockard Among 20 Vets Eligible for Diplomas at WHS0

    Twenty city men, veterans of the scattered battlefronts of World War II, will receive their high school diplomas at the annual Williamsport High School commencement exercises June 13. Among the graduates will be Joseph Lockard, former Army lieutenant, who as a private in the Signal Corps gave the unheeded warning of approaching enemy warplanes at Pearl

  • How to Make Clothes Last this Summer0

    While you may love summer with its temperate mornings, sunny afternoons, and lighting-bug evenings, it can be a hard time of year for your clothes. Regardless of the season, repeated turns through the laundry will start to deteriorate your clothing; however, you can’t not wash sweaty t-shirts and grass-stained shorts, right? Here are a few

  • This Week’s LION: Eric Beiter, Williamsport Mayoral Candidate0

    Is it possible to be an idealistic pragmatist? This might be the best way to describe Eric Beiter, Republican Party candidate for Mayor of Williamsport. Eric is store manager with Beiter’s Home Center in South Williamsport, but also has studied abroad and knows American history and political theory like a professor. Eric Beiter grew up

  • The Roving Sportsman… All Day Tactics0

    Whether you are seeking to fill your second spring gobbler tag, or you are still looking to connect with the first bird, there is still time to use some late season tactics to get the job done. You have until close of season on Friday, May 31 to seal the deal and all day hunting

  • No Boat, No Problem0

    A bunch of us guys were talking the other day, and somehow the subject of fishing came up. Someone commented that they would like to do more fishing, but they didn’t have a boat. That reminded me of a time when I didn’t have a boat either, but over the years I was able to

  • Every Day is Mother’s Day0

    Mother’s Day became a national day of celebration on the second Sunday in May as the result of a proclamation issued by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914. The importance of Mothers, as it translates to sports is often reflected by the athletes themselves who wave or say hello to Mom when on camera. Another Mother’s

  • You Can Learn a Lot From a Song0

    “I believe most people are good and most mamas oughta qualify for sainthood.” This line is from country star Luke Bryan’s hit “Most People Are Good,” please Google and listen if you haven’t heard it. It’s also a great segue to Happy Mother’s Day! As far as the sainthood I definitely agree with Luke. Thank

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    It’s become tradition to run this list on Mother’s Day, tweaking as I go along, because all moms in all their forms, shapes, sizes and colors deserve to be recognized — not just on Mother’s Day, but every day! So without further ado… First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to my mom, who helped me

  • May Is National Foster Care Awareness Month0

    Mother’s Day is this Sunday. A day in which we celebrate the love of mothers. But some children don’t get to enjoy either a mother or a father’s love. May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. Foster care is a way that some of these children get to enjoy that love. On any given day

  • Long Time Umpire Barry Rake Honored By Loyalsock Little League0

    For more than 50 years, Barry Rake has been stepping on baseball fields as a coach and later as a long time umpire. Much of that umpiring time occurred at Loyalsock Little League. Because of that long term commitment to Loyalsock, Rake was recently honored by the league by a special award and having the

  • County Hall Corner: Nine Times Nine0

    On the last day of April, the Lycoming County Republican Party in cooperation with Radio WEJS in Williamsport conducted a forum for the nine Republican candidates running for the two County Commissioner seats on the May 21st primary ballot. A full house crowded into Clarke Chapel on the campus of Lycoming College as each of

  • Gazette and Bulletin: May 6, 1939 – To Open Traffic Division, Change Timing of Lights0

    Establishment of a traffic division of the Williamsport Police Department and a detailed traffic survey with the aid of a WPA employee were announced last night by Chief John G. Good. The police official expects to have a comprehensive study of local automobile and pedestrian traffic ready within three months, from which a new program of

  • This Week’s LION: Don Noviello, Williamsport Mayoral Candidate1

    LION stands for “Leaders in Our Neighborhood,” and no one represents this better than Don Noviello, Republican candidate for Williamsport Mayor in the upcoming May 21st primary. Don has possibly the most complete resume a candidate for local office could have. Business background – check. Community service – check. Advanced education – check. Political experience

  • How to Look Polished Fast0

    Whether you have small children or not, getting up and out of the door on time looking presentable can be a challenge. If given the time, I can turn out a polished look that is not only presentable but stylish. However, most mornings, after wrestling my daughters into their clothes, I’d much rather just go

  • Giving the Gift of Life0

    Each day across America 20 people will die while waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. Imagine the faces of those 20 individuals. It might be a father with a heart condition too ill to work, a college student dependent on a dialysis machine or a small child desperate for a liver transplant. Now imagine being

  • Time to Tackle Your Tackle0

    What on earth am I talking about with that title? Well, if you’ve ever gone fishing with a buddy who doesn’t have all his fishing gear organized you know what I mean. I have had days when I’ve had 20 casts made before my fishing partner had his rod ready and a lure attached. That

  • The Roving Sportsman… Go Anyway!0

    Sometimes, it just seems like the effort will be wasted. You’re tired from the hard work the day before, it’s raining, it’s windy, it’s too cold, and you overslept and now won’t arrive at your hunting spot until much later than you had planned. You’ll jump the deer or turkeys as you try to hurry

  • Gearing Up0

    Special thanks to my friends at Little International. They have provided another unforgettable experience. Jensen and his mates have spent the past two weeks playing games at their gorgeous facilities, battling it out with other locals at Howard J. Lamade and Volunteer Stadiums. It’s a dream come true for many of these youngsters. That includes

  • Bragalone’s ‘Chances’0

    It was sometime in mid-March. Jean and I were watching TV, and a promo came on about the NFL Draft. “When is that,” she asked? “Oh not until the end of April,” I replied. “You mean they will be talking about this for the next month?” was her somewhat exasperated response. I simply nodded in

  • Cutters Announce 2019 Promotions: Local Legends Bobblehead Series Highlight Schedule0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters have released their full promotional schedule in advance of the 2019 season, presented by UPMC, which opens on June 14. Fireworks return in a big way with a record total of nine shows during the 2019 campaign. Friday Night Fireworks will light up the sky on June 14 & 21, July 5, 12, 19

  • Tums or Rolaids Won’t Fix This Gas Problem.0

    I cover a lot of ground in my travels around the Keystone State. One thing that has always been frustrating is the poor condition of our highways. It amazes me how I can leave Pennsylvania on a washboard, potholed covered highway and drive into an adjacent state that the road is as smooth as glass.

  • Eats and Heat…0

    I’m going to go ahead and say spring has officially sprung. That means picnics and pot lucks are quick to follow. I think we could all use a few go to easy recipes to take to our spring and summer picnics. So I’m making a request! Do you have a great recipe that you would

  • National MS Society’s “Walk MS” This Saturday, May 4 At Penn College1

    If you enjoy getting outdoors and taking a nice walk and at that same time support the worthy cause of fighting Multiple Sclerosis, then “Walk MS: Williamsport” might be just the thing for you. Teams will lace up again this year to support the National MS Society’s: The “Walk MS: Williamsport” event will be held,


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