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Read all about it in print and online, in your favorite family-oriented publication, The Webb Weekly! Direct-mailed to over 58,000 homes each week in Lycoming County, PA & published online at!


  • They’re Leading Us Down a Primrose Path1

    We seem to have a lot of new readers to the Webb Weekly. Some of the hard copy, many online, and the majority directed through social media. To all, I welcome you. My contact information is always on page 4, and you may reach out to me any way you would like. I try to

  • Alex Reed – Loyalsock High School Class of 2020

    Alex Reed – Loyalsock High School Class of 20202

    When I graduated from high school in approximately 1872, South Williamsport High School was doing construction on the football field, so instead of graduating at Rodney K. Morgans Stadium, we graduated in right field at Lamade Stadium. I imagine that it took a lot of finagling for SWASD to get that done, and up until

  • What to Expect When You Return for Care0

    By Don Owrey Chief Operating Officer, UPMC Susquehanna The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of our lives, including the way we receive health care. People in communities across the nation are forgoing medically necessary care leading to unnecessary suffering and worsening health conditions. It’s normal to feel anxious about returning to a medical office

  • Tired of Sweatpants0

    Even as the state begins the slow process of opening counties and regions, many of us will still be working from home and practicing social distancing for the coming weeks, if not months. So, sartorially speaking, we’ll still be spending the days in our casual clothes. For most of us, sweatpants have been the go-to

  • County Hall Corner: Mellow Yellow0

    Governor Wolf uses a traffic light metaphor to distinguish the phases of the state quarantine. Since mid-March, Lycoming County has been in a “Red” condition, which certainly translates into “Stop.” We have been mandated to stop almost every aspect of normal life, from education, entertainment, commerce, community life, etc. I think if the governor could

  • Stuck at Home? Try Fly-Tying.3

    Stuck at Home? Try Fly-Tying. Yeah, I know, a lot of people are hovering around home these days. Personally, I’ve been roaming the woods, wading streams or floating a lake; it’s not something I started to do because of a virus but rather it’s something I’ve always done because I love outdoor activities like hunting

  • The Roving Sportsman… That’s No Chickadee…!

    The Roving Sportsman… That’s No Chickadee…!0

    I don’t know about you, but I am really, really ready for spring to arrive. Daytime temperatures seem to be running 10-12 degrees below normal almost every day, and yes, there were those couple of days that hit temperatures in the 70s, but generally it sure doesn’t seem like spring is upon us. There are,

  • Lycoming Animal Protection Society (LAPS)1

    Lycoming Animal Protection Society (LAPS) Sheltering and Protecting Cats For More Than 40 Years There are many wayward cats that wander the streets and byways of Lycoming County. For more than 40 years one organization has been trying to make life better for these wandering felines through sheltering them and finding good homes for them.

  • Kayaking during COVID-19.0

    Before I begin this week’s column- I need to pay a little homage to my friends at the Webb Weekly. I recently received a notification on LIKEDIN saying I have been scribing part-time for the past fifteen years. I must say that I am very proud and grateful to be associated with this organization. Look.

  • Drop the Mic0

    The announcement was not a surprise. Most folks were hoping against hope that it wouldn’t come. But Little League International President & CEO Steve Keener’s April 30 pronouncement that this year’s World Series and related regional tournaments would not be played will leave a huge void not only in our community but around the world.

  • Moms, Grads and the Family Business

    Moms, Grads and the Family Business0

    Well, it is great to see May at the top of the calendar. What an amazing time of year. To me, it marks the unofficial kick-off to summer. Longer days, warmer nights combined with just so much to be celebrated and appreciated on God’s green Earth. There’s never been a time when a mother’s love

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday!! I’ve been running my Mother’s Day list for a couple of year, making updates and adjustments as we go, but I feel like it’s a pretty dang good list, so Happy Mother’s Day to all! You may be celebrating differently this year, but be

  • Spring Clean Your Health0

    Spring is the season of renewal and growth. This year, it will also be the season we remember being stuck at home while we social distanced ourselves so we could stay healthy and virus free. We can use the extra time we have from not running between activities and commitments to improve ourselves: organize our

  • Mother’s Day Woes0

    I have not had a good track record of celebrating Mother’s Day as a mother. No brunches, or jewelry or flowers for me, which is fine. I’ve never been a big supporter of the “Hallmark” holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother, and I love showing her how much she means to me.

  • Spring Crappie Fishing

    Spring Crappie Fishing0

    Spring is here, at least I think it is, you wouldn’t know it was spring based on the weather since that white stuff keeps showing up. Of course, with spring comes trout fishing and spring gobbler hunting, but it’s also one of the best times to pursue some great panfishing and, more specifically, crappie fishing.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Gobbler Down – The Next Step0

    The Pennsylvania spring gobbler season is in full swing, and preseason scouting would indicate that this should be a really good year to bag one of nature’s greatest game birds. Before you head to the woods, there are a few things you should give some thought to. The majority of those who get up every

  • Kriger Fence Company Serving Our Area for Over 60 Years

    Kriger Fence Company Serving Our Area for Over 60 Years0

    Kriger Fence is a 3rd generation company that was started in 1955. Kriger Fence is owned by Scott and Sandy Kriger and was founded by Scott’s parents, Bill and Margery. They were one of the first companies in Northcentral PA to install fencing. Scott started working with his father in 1973, and eventually took ownership

  • Tomato Plant Giveaway0

    T.I.M.E. – The Improved Milton Experience and Chef’s Place/Boiardi Museum and Eatery will hold a Tomato Plant giveaway to encourage the public to create “Victory Gardens.” The event is in recognition of the 75th Anniversary of V-E Day on Friday, May 8th which marks the end of World War II in Europe. Many homes in

  • STEP Utilities Assistance Helping More People Through Expanded Fuel Types, Broader Income Guidelines

    STEP Utilities Assistance Helping More People Through Expanded Fuel Types, Broader Income Guidelines0

    In response to economic difficulties facing many area residents, STEP Utilities Assistance is broadening relief for PPL customers using a variety of fuel sources for heat (electric, wood, oil, and propane). At the same time, an increase in the maximum allowable household income will allow those being impacted by COVID-19 to receive assistance. Customers making

  • No LLWS. But There’s Golf0

    I finally got the call from the bullpen kids. Heading back to work tomorrow morning. I really enjoyed my time away. Taught school, played some hoops and fished every single day. 41 straight. My little sidekick took the news rather hard. Jensen has been my best buddy throughout it all. I am going to miss

  • Mom’s Day0

    Thankfully, one of the celebrations enjoyed by Americans that has not been postponed or canceled by the ongoing pandemic — Mother’s Day — will be celebrated this Sunday. While the observance commemorating the one individual, all of us have in common, may be a bit different than in recent years, it nevertheless will take place.

  • Mask Hysteria and Coroner Kiessling on Point3

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to everyone that reached out to me about last week’s column. You Can Kiss My Mask – The Attempted Oppression of Our Life Liberty and Happiness. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and it was great to talk with so many red,

  • How to Wear and Take Care of a Mask0

    It’s another week of the shutdown. How are y’all holding up? Doin’ OK? Keeping safe and happy? I know, it’s starting to get rough. People are frustrated and cranky and trying their best to keep everything together. Especially those that are spending far more time at home than they ever imagined. I’m still going to

  • Is It Possible to Suddenly Develop Allergies?1

    ? By Nathaniel Hare, MD Allergist, UPMC For those who suffer from seasonal allergies, you know that this time of year can be a challenge. Flowers, trees, and grasses are in bloom and growing which means pollen and other allergens are in the air. In the U.S., an estimated 18 million adults have hay fever

  • Going for the Gold0

    As we all know trout season got an early surprise start and in spite of less than ideal weather and water conditions a fair number of trout fishermen are in pursuit of Pennsylvania’s trout species. I usually hit the special regulated trout stretches early but this year with the early opening we have a lot

  • Work From Home Makeup0

    Moisturizer and Chapstick may be the only two things you currently wear on your face as you work from home. But, on days when you have a Zoom call or planned a virtual hangout, you may feel the need to put in a bit more effort to elevate your bare face to a natural makeup

  • The Roving Sportsman…0

    Using Time Wisely The corona virus pandemic, along with all of its resultant restrictions and behavioral guidelines, doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. As the Federal, State and local governmental agencies scramble to come up with a vaccine and control the current spread of the virus, we, as individuals, can do little

  • Gazette and Bulletin: April 26, 1893 – Due Honor Paid to the Liberty Bell0

    The reception for the Liberty Bell last evening was a complete success, unmarred by any occurrences that detracted from the pleasure of the occasion. The train arrived at the Park Hotel station at 6:15 o’clock and remained just 15 minutes. In this time all present had ample opportunity of gazing upon one of the nation’s

  • The First 100 Days By Mayor Derek Slaughter0

    The first 100 days have been a roller coaster. Our administration was off to a good start — accomplishing some of our initial goals of getting our team in place, getting the City management processes and financial records in order, and working with City Council to formulate a long-range strategic plan for City government. Those

  • County Hall Corner:0

    Yes, We Still Will Have an Election Coming The worst part of the The Great 2020 COVID-19 Shutdown is that we are living through a historic moment in real time. Decades from now, history books (or tablets, or whatever) will note how it slowly built through a concern to a genuine emergency to the point


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