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  • Back to Life, Back to Reality

    Back to Life, Back to Reality0

    Wow! How great is it to see the baseball and softball diamonds full of young ball players? Just seeing people out and about enjoying all the wonderful things our area has to offer in summertime. The ability to go out for a bite to eat and a cold drink. To actually be able to attend

  • Happy Father’s Day…0

    I just want to take a minute to say Happy Father’s Day… Happy Father’s Day to the Dads who are able to make every game. Happy Father’s Day to the Dads who miss games because they work long hours providing for their families. Happy Father’s Day to Dads who are far away protecting our freedoms.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Trees for Habitat Improvement0

    EXISTING TREES: As a starting point, you should do a survey that identifies the trees currently on your property that provide feed for wildlife, such as oaks, beech, black cherry, walnut, butternut, hickory, chestnut and old apple trees. Also note the existence and location of evergreens that provide cover for wildlife. Use this data to

  • Fishing – What’s Your Specialty?

    Fishing – What’s Your Specialty?0

    I was talking with a bunch of guys the other day and the topic of fishing came up-now that probably surprises you. We were talking about catching a variety of different fish when somebody asked me about which species and what equipment I specialized in when fishing. I had to think about that for a

  • Father’s Day by The Book0

    I’ve always been a big fan of giving books as gifts because I personally enjoy reading, and I believe more people should be reading actual physical books. Usually, when browsing books for gift-giving, I lean towards novels or biographies. However, for Father’s Day this year, I may just mosey over to the “self-help” & “manuals/guides”

  • County Hall Corner: 50 Shades of Green0

    The euphoria of finally transitioning to the “Green” phase of the social/economic restrictions mandated by Governor Tom Wolf has been somewhat tempered by the reality that “Green” does not exactly mean “Go.” At the Monday, June 8th county press conference, government officials and community leaders strained to put the best light on the continual constraints

  • Dad’s Day0

    With no statistical facts to uphold my suspicions, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn the television ratings for ‘The Game Show Network’ have spiked dramatically during the past several months. With families sequestered in their homes and most competitive sports programming limited to reruns of games played years ago, those whimsical shows at

  • The 2nd Amendment is Not Negotiable0

    “What the hell is going on out there!” ~ Legendary Green Bay Packers Coach Vince Lombardi. That is exactly how I feel in regard to the current state of our Nation. Coach Lombardi was even a better person than a football coach. He was an icon of his time and leader for equality. A believer

  • Creative COVID Solutions0

    It’s been a long spring. Like, interminably long. The Coronavirus has changed everyone’s lives, and the local restaurant industry is no exception. While most places were either open or closed, restaurants had to learn to grapple with a new way of operating. Places that never offered takeout or delivery had to figure out how to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Create a Memory for Father’s Day1

    You can go to your local outdoor store and come up with numerous gift ideas for Dad on His Day. You can go online and find hundreds of great gift ideas to make His Day a little brighter. And, you can browse through the many catalogs you or he receives in the mail to come

  • “Social Distancing” and Fishing0

    That term “social distancing” seems to be getting a lot of attention these days; maybe another term is the “six-foot rule”. Apparently if you stay six feet away everything is ok but closer than that and you will make people sick or infringe or violate them in some way. You go into some stores now

  • Williamsport Sun: June 11, 1949 – Montour’s New Fire Call 83850

    Montoursville’s fire alarm system will change at midnight tonight and the permanent telephone number to report fire or tragedy in the future will be “”8385.”  Through arrangements made with Capt. Norman Annich by borough officials, the fire alarm for the community will be handled at the Pennsylvania State Police barracks.  A private telephone line has

  • Little White Dress0

    The color green symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility; all are apt descriptors of the hopes we have as we head into the green phase. And what a better time than summer to emerge from self-isolation, even if we are emerging 6 feet apart from each other. As we begin to return to work and

  • County Hall Corner: Standing Tall in the Midst of Turmoil0

    I am an unashamed enthusiast for promoting Lycoming County and this general area. I have lived in large cities and enjoy the opportunities and activities they offer, but for overall quality of life — I would not trade this place for anywhere. This same attitude is shared by the Lycoming County Commissioners as well as

  • New Digs in Muncy0

    Now that the traffic signal flickering above Lycoming County is operating under Governor Wolf’s green light much of the population will be out & about much more enjoying both the ‘new normal’ and the most welcomed warmer weather. Should you decide to hop in the car and take a drive; here’s is a destination you

  • June 14 is Flag Day0

    The Anthony DiSalvo Flags Across America March for 2020 has been cancelled — a victim of COVID-19. The Susquehanna Council BSA encourages all citizens to proudly fly your American flag on Flag Day June 14 to honor America and in memory of Tony DiSalvo The late Tony DiSalvo believed that everyone should have an understanding

  • Play Ball?0

    ? With Lycoming County going green, many area Little Leagues are now scrambling. I mentioned to you a few weeks back that everything was at a complete standstill. Little League International had just pulled the plug on the 2020 World Series, and the future was unknown. Unprecedented territory for Williamsport’s favorite pastime. There have been

  • It Has Been a Memorable and Outstanding Year For the Jersey Shore FBLA0

    The Jersey Shore Future Business Leaders Association chapter at Jersey Shore High School has had a memorable year, not just because of the COVID-19 pandemic but something more positive and outstanding. They have built a record of excellence for themselves not only locally but at the national and statewide levels as well. Dolly Oden, a

  • A Presidential Congratulations On Your Graduation0

    With all that the Class of 2020 has endured during what was supposed to be that special senior year, they deserve a presidential quality commencement speech. What local high school graduations are going to look like this year is still swirling in the wind at press time. So, I looked to the Oval Office of

  • Celebrating the Class of 2020

    Celebrating the Class of 20200

    This week we are celebrating the senior classes of 2020! Congratulations to all the graduates! I know that none of you expected your senior year to end this way. No one could have really seen that coming. No prom, senior skip day, none of the lasts that you were looking forward to celebrating. But, that

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement: Eradicate the Invasives0

    Pennsylvania’s spring gobbler season wrapped up last Saturday, with mixed reports of success and frustration. Most hunters seemed to have encountered gobblers that did not want to sound off, but instead would come to the call silently, if at all. But spring gobbler hunters are a resilient bunch, and most are already making plans for

  • Fish Real Estate: Over 60 Years of Real Estate Experience1

    Fish Real Estate has provided six decades of customers with the opportunity to sell and purchase real estate in Northcentral Pennsylvania. Sixty-four years later, they have expanded to more than 50 real estate agents, located in their Williamsport, Lock Haven and Eagles Mere offices. Their dedicated and professional team continues to meet their customers’ expectations

  • Former Local Woman Who Works In Television and Film Industry Describes How COVID-19 Shutdown Is Affecting Her and Others0

    In March, Webb Weekly brought you the story of one former local woman, Trina Siopy, who works in the television and film industry and is currently the co-producer of the critically and popularly regarded cable series “Better Call Saul.” We thought it might be interesting to find out from Trina how the COVID-19 situation was

  • Life’s Little Things0

    The past few months have been like nothing we’ve seen All caused by an unwelcomed intruder – COVID-19 Its presence has brought with it misery and woe The Governors now tells us where we can go Families have been affected; jobs have been lost There’s really no telling what this will all cost Once only

  • Springtime Alert: Do Not Disturb Young Wildlife0

    Whether in their backyards or high on a mountain, it’s almost certain Pennsylvanians will encounter young wildlife this time of year. While some young animals might appear to be abandoned, usually they are not. It’s likely their mothers are watching over them from somewhere nearby. So when encountering young wildlife, be it deer, birds, raccoons

  • What Causes Cataracts?

    What Causes Cataracts?0

    What Causes Cataracts? When a brand new car is driven off a dealership lot, its plastic headlight lenses are clear and pristine. Over time, due to contaminants in the environment and oxidation from ultraviolet rays, those same lenses can become cloudy, yellow and opaque. Cloudy headlights can decrease visibility and potentially put drivers at risk.

  • The Lycoming Creek Anglers

    The Lycoming Creek Anglers1

    Jensen and I are always looking for an outdoor adventure. This past weekend we headed north for something new and exciting. It was a gorgeous morning outside of Bodines, PA. My 11-year-old agreed to unplug his FORTNITE for a small fee. We met up with a few friends along Slack’s Run Road. Mike and Gavin

  • Graduation and COVID0

    and Dave Bellomo High school graduation has always been an anticipated and nostalgically regarded rite of passage for students and their families, but this year this has been turned on its head because of the restrictions produced by the COVID-19 health crisis. We at Webb Weekly have contacted the high schools in the area to

  • How to Reduce Your Risk for Another Heart Attack

    How to Reduce Your Risk for Another Heart Attack0

    After a heart attack, as many as 1 in 4 survivors will have another one. Lifestyle changes and working closely with your doctor to manage your health can help minimize the risk of a repeat event. “A heart attack is a life-changing event,” said Nieca Goldberg, MD, American Heart Association volunteer and medical director of

  • Self-Care During Covid-190

    The term “self-care” has been a buzz word in the beauty, lifestyle, and wellness industries for quite some time. It may have seemed frivolous or indulgent in the past, but during these times of stress and crisis, self-care is needed now more than ever. Self-care does not have to be elaborate or expensive; it can


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