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Search Results For 'loyalsock'

  • The Giving Tree Courtesy of St. Ann Catholic Church

    The Giving Tree Courtesy of St. Ann Catholic Church0

    While not a Christmas story, “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein is a wonderful children’s book with a message that resonates with everyone. It is a touching reminder of the importance of family and giving at this time of year. The story is about a tree’s sacrifice for the love of a boy. At first,

  • From ‘the Cheap Seats’0

    It was as if time had suddenly stopped as the high-arching three-point shot launched by a Northeast Bradford player almost seemed destined to hit the heating vents suspended high above the Montgomery Community & Athletic Center gym. When gravity intervened the seemingly desperate shot found nothing but white nylon cord tying the Panthers game against

  • The Winter Season is Here!0

    The fall leaves and cool temperatures are giving way to empty trees and temperatures that force most people to rethink trips outside. The winter season is officially upon us, which means the long drives, crafty moves on the soccer pitch, and shifty shots on the tennis court will be moved to the back until next

  • Gerry’s World0

    Even in death, Gerry Ayers marched to the beat of his own drum. Or maybe a better way to say it is that he drove to the sound of his own music. He was truly one of the good guys that just had a little different approach to life than most, or maybe I should

  • District 4 Athletes Continue to Prove Themselves on the Next Level0

    District 4 has continued to prove itself with top athletes makings statements at the highest levels. This fall season was no different as surprises and championships jumped out for highlights throughout the three-month-long season. There are plenty of standouts to look back on, but here are just a few as the fall season comes to

  • A Quick Update on Alize and Kev.

    A Quick Update on Alize and Kev.0

    Alize Johnson took the area by storm when he was selected in the second round of the NBA draft. The 6’9″ lanky athletic forward from Williamsport then had an incredible summer league with the Indiana Pacers. He became an instant fan favorite, and his incredible nose for the ball turned several heads. Johnson averaged 12.4

  • Loyalsock to Host ‘Teacher of the Year’ Program0

    The Loyalsock Township School District is honored to host and evening with our 2018 Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Jennifer Wahl. The community is invited to attend our program on November 19, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., and to hear Jennifer share her educational journey from high school through today. Jennifer R. Wahl has been

  • County Hall Corner: Broadband or Bust0

    Lycoming County is the largest county in area in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, covering over 1,200 square miles. That is a larger area than the entire state of Massachusetts. But, unlike the Bay State, which has 6.8 million people living there, Lycoming County has about 114,000 residents. Though this figures out to a population density

  • Final River of the Year Program Peeks beneath the Surface0

    As the celebration of the Pennsylvania 2018 River of the Year – the Loyalsock Creek – winds down, residents of and visitors to the watershed are invited to gather one last time to show their Loyalsock Love. Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, Inc., the lead nominating organization for this statewide designation, invites you to A Year in

  • Uptown Music Collective Kicks Off Performance Season with a Tribute to 1970’s Arena Rock Bands0

    On November 16th and 17th at 7:30 p.m. the students of the Uptown Music Collective will celebrate the school’s 30th Major Performance, by paying tribute to the big hair, big voices, and really big guitars of the style known as “Anthem Rock”, “Dad Rock”, “Corporate Rock”, or most commonly “Arena Rock”. The performance, More Than

  • A T-Van and JRT Air Views0

    • Arts
    • October 31, 2018

    There’s going to come a time, and it should be fun, that our pets will be able to communicate to us with more than a mere bark or meow. Some type of app, linked to their brain, plugged into our laptop or cell phone will expose their thoughts, channel and funnel them, then translate them

  • UPMC Susquehanna Partners with West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission to Prevent Prescription Drugs from Hitting the Streets0

    UPMC Susquehanna is partnering with West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission to host drug take back week, Oct. 21–27. The organizations are encouraging community members to remove unused prescription medication form their households and deposit them in standing drug return drop box locations throughout the community. “Given the opioid crisis we face in Pennsylvania,

  • Hope and First Responders Keep Project Lifesaver Running in Lycoming County0

    Since 2007, Hope Enterprises — which provides services to individuals with intellectual disabilities — has teamed up with area first responders in Lycoming County to protect individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, autism, Down syndrome and similar conditions through Project Lifesaver®. Based in Chesapeake, Virginia, Project Lifesaver uses a radio-frequency transmitter in a bracelet and relies on

  • October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month0

    Breast Cancer is one of the biggest and perhaps scariest health threats that women face (though some men sometimes suffer it). October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the observation of it helps to shine a light on this serious health problem. Information and understanding of breast cancer is one of the most important goals

  • Rain Soaked Fields and Games Highlight the First Month of the High School Season0

    Rain has soaked the area fields and teams, and given us a start to the fall season rarely seen in this area of the country. The entire run has been one big adjustment as schedules are shifted, weeks are overloaded, and field crews are putting in extra time to get games in on time. It’s

  • Enjoy the Bounties0

    I have been blessed to be able to travel the state, the country and the globe both during my working years and now in retirement. Yet, I am always amazed that when I am away from home, my mind constantly wanders back to Northcentral Pennsylvania — the area of my roots. I feel very fortunate


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