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Search Results For 'loyalsock'

  • Friday Night Lights0

    I have nothing but love and respect for Montoursville’s J.C. Keefer. The old-school football coach and I go back a long time. He has been a good chum over the years. I don’t get to see him much, but I will occasionally spot him at a local diamond. J.C. also loves the game of baseball

  • A New Normal0

    Before they could board the waiting school bus, the anxious softball players and their coaches dutifully lined up, not to have their ticket punched, but rather to individually have their temperatures taken and answer a serious of health-related questions posed to them by the school’s athletic trainer and athletic director. Face coverings were required inside

  • Regional School Reopening Plans0

    Area Schools Face Challenges in Reopening for the New School Year By Dave Bellomo & Lou Hunsinger Jr. [Editor’s Note: All of the information in this article is ‘as of press time.’ Like so much else, anything can change at the last minute, but we wanted to give you the most accurate, up-to-date information available.

  • Loyalsock AAU Team Take Championship

    Loyalsock AAU Team Take Championship0

    The Loyalsock basketball AAU team recently went out to Pittsburgh and won the Adidas national invitational. They beat an undefeated AAU team out of Jamestown, New York in the finals to win it all. In the last three years they took second place their first year, and then lost by a combination of 10 points

  • The Roving Sportsman… During These Uncertain Times0

    A recent nationwide poll by the National Recreation and Park Association revealed that more than half of adults polled said that they plan to vacation close to home this summer. Most cited the COVID-19 pandemic as a reason, and noting the fact that the outdoors provide the ideal chance for social distancing and to enjoy

  • Need a Break!0

    I am normally pretty active on social media. But I’ve got to tell y’all, I’m beginning to reach my limit. I’m not sure there are enough ‘unfollow’ buttons to keep up with social media these days. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, social distance, protest, facts, opinions, false equivalency, virtue signaling, the spreading of

  • Community Arts Center Receives Grant from PPL Foundation for Educational Series0

    • July 15, 2020

    The Community Arts Center is pleased to announce it has received a $5000 grant from the PPL Foundation. These funds will go to support the 2020-2021 Educational Series. The Community Arts Center’s Educational Series is a first step in enhancing the quality of life in our community, a first step in laying a strong foundation

  • Back to Life, Back to Reality

    Back to Life, Back to Reality0

    Wow! How great is it to see the baseball and softball diamonds full of young ball players? Just seeing people out and about enjoying all the wonderful things our area has to offer in summertime. The ability to go out for a bite to eat and a cold drink. To actually be able to attend

  • New Digs in Muncy0

    Now that the traffic signal flickering above Lycoming County is operating under Governor Wolf’s green light much of the population will be out & about much more enjoying both the ‘new normal’ and the most welcomed warmer weather. Should you decide to hop in the car and take a drive; here’s is a destination you

  • This Week’s LION:Doctor and Now Author Joseph DeMay0

    The medical profession is the closest thing we have in America to an aristocracy. It is almost rude to refer to a medical doctor by anything but the title, doctor. They are the overseers of our most precious possession — our health — and since every person must utilize these experts more times than they

  • The Roving Sportsman… Create a Memory for Father’s Day1

    You can go to your local outdoor store and come up with numerous gift ideas for Dad on His Day. You can go online and find hundreds of great gift ideas to make His Day a little brighter. And, you can browse through the many catalogs you or he receives in the mail to come

  • The Lycoming Creek Anglers

    The Lycoming Creek Anglers1

    Jensen and I are always looking for an outdoor adventure. This past weekend we headed north for something new and exciting. It was a gorgeous morning outside of Bodines, PA. My 11-year-old agreed to unplug his FORTNITE for a small fee. We met up with a few friends along Slack’s Run Road. Mike and Gavin

  • Graduation and COVID0

    and Dave Bellomo High school graduation has always been an anticipated and nostalgically regarded rite of passage for students and their families, but this year this has been turned on its head because of the restrictions produced by the COVID-19 health crisis. We at Webb Weekly have contacted the high schools in the area to

  • Seniors, Small Business and a Summer Giveaway

    Seniors, Small Business and a Summer Giveaway0

    Memorial Day has passed, and we are onto summer! Hopefully, we will be making progress towards the fabled “Green” territory and returning to life as normal soon. Here at Webb Weekly we are continuing to focus on the good. Seniors, small businesses and our Summer Cookout Giveaway! This week’s Senior is Lydia Smith from Williamsport

  • Loyalsock Animal Hospital Serving the Area since 19680

    Dr. Lester Beck came to Williamsport in 1967, where he worked independently in mixed animal practice until he founded the Loyalsock Animal Hospital in 1968. Mr. Gary Schick, who is currently a certified veterinary technician and hospital manager at Loyalsock Animal Hospital, began working with Dr. Beck at this time. In 1970, Loyalsock Animal Hospital

  • Lycoming County Office of Voter Services1

    Meets the Challenges of Upcoming June 2 Primary Election Conducting an election in the shadow of a global pandemic is quite a challenge, but the folks at the Lycoming County Voter Services are meeting that challenge. They have outlined for Webb Weekly what procedures they and voters will follow when conducting and voting in this

  • They’re Leading Us Down a Primrose Path1

    We seem to have a lot of new readers to the Webb Weekly. Some of the hard copy, many online, and the majority directed through social media. To all, I welcome you. My contact information is always on page 4, and you may reach out to me any way you would like. I try to

  • Alex Reed – Loyalsock High School Class of 2020

    Alex Reed – Loyalsock High School Class of 20202

    When I graduated from high school in approximately 1872, South Williamsport High School was doing construction on the football field, so instead of graduating at Rodney K. Morgans Stadium, we graduated in right field at Lamade Stadium. I imagine that it took a lot of finagling for SWASD to get that done, and up until

  • Tebbs Farms and Greenhouses On the Grow Since 19480

    • May 13, 2020

    Tebbs Farms and Greenhouses was started in 1948 by Dick and Mable Tebbs in a small tent on Four Mile Drive. They grew their own produce at their farm in Montoursville. With the success of farming, they swiftly moved to greenhouse growing with bedding plants and Easter Flowers — this kept their business open longer

  • Moms, Grads and the Family Business

    Moms, Grads and the Family Business0

    Well, it is great to see May at the top of the calendar. What an amazing time of year. To me, it marks the unofficial kick-off to summer. Longer days, warmer nights combined with just so much to be celebrated and appreciated on God’s green Earth. There’s never been a time when a mother’s love

  • Mass Hysteria, I Learned How to Fly Fish

    Mass Hysteria, I Learned How to Fly Fish0

    Fishing has always been a passion, and I continue to take full advantage. I have been on the water an awful lot, especially during this crisis — 31 straight days and counting. I am an essential life-sustaining employee on my favorite stream. Jensen now tags along after his online sessions. The local authorities continue to

  • 2019-2020 Edition of Loyalsock Lancer Marching Band Called One of the Best in School History0

    During the 2019-2020 competition season, the current edition of the Loyalsock Lancers Marching Band has earned the right to be called “one of the best, if not the best in the history of Loyalsock Township High School,” that is the opinion of their hard-working director, Ryan Bulgarelli. According to Director Bulgarelli, the band has broken

  • Closed for the Season0

    The sign is a familiar sight to those who travel Route 15. The notice on the message board of the Pike Drive-In Theatre is an annual sight during the winter months. Passers-by give it little attention. They know come spring the movies will be back. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for high school spring

  • Take a Walk0

    “I’m taking a walk, I’m going outside, I’m taking a walk” Each week I keep hoping I’ll have something to discuss with you that isn’t COVID-related. I’m sorry to say this ain’t the week and next isn’t looking real good either. But, I keep trying to find the silver-lining in things. I think it’s vitally

  • Who Would’ve Ever Thunk It?0

    What an amazing week it was in the West Branch Valley. Normally, each happening would result in a cover story; however, with so many great things going on, that just wasn’t possible. I will provide a quick overview of each and be following up with more specifics in the future. I’ll begin with the top

  • Eat Local

    Eat Local0

    I wish all that is happening in the world was one big April Fool’s joke. However, it is not. But please don’t panic. We will all get through this with some common sense, compassion, and patience. I’ll start by saying the same things I’ve been saying for two weeks. Wash your hands. Stay home when

  • An Interesting Week0

    The St. John Neumann Regional Academy’s 2019-20 season suddenly came to a close. We were nipped 59-57 by Southern Foulton at the horn. It was a tremendous game, but unfortunately all good things come an end. 22-5. Mid Penn and District 4 Champs. PIAA Sweet 16. Impressive, but it still hurts. Everyone took it very

  • Williamsport Sun March 15, 1930: Withhold Permission for Steam Shovel to Cross Creek Bridge0

    The county commissioners refused permission to the Standard Construction Company of Altoona to cross the Montoursville bridge across Loyalsock Creek with a steam shovel. Word was telephoned to the commissioners’ office this morning at the courthouse about 11 a.m. that the company was at Montoursville with the shovel on a trailer. Permission was sought to

  • Archaeology Group to Host 4th Annual Indian Artifact Fair

    Archaeology Group to Host 4th Annual Indian Artifact Fair0

    Do you enjoy learning about prehistoric cultures in Lycoming County, and want to learn more about an organization that explores and promotes our archaeological past and to share your collected curiosities? The Fourth Annual NCC8 Indian Artifact Fair is the place for you. The Northcentral Chapter 8, Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology will host the educational

  • Girls’ Night Out

    Girls’ Night Out0

    For a young group of middle school athletes, the opportunity to see a Division One team play is exciting in its own right. Add to that, sitting courtside and looking across the gym to see one of the most prolific scorers and, arguably one of the best ever from Pennsylvania and Penn State University women’s

  • And the Winner is…

    And the Winner is…0

    A very special Happy Birthday to my Great Aunt Mildred, who turns 102 years old today. Just imagine what she has seen in her lifetime since being born in 1918. She is truly a remarkably smart and tough lady who has navigated her time here on God’s green Earth with grace, but when needed, the

  • Once Upon a Time0

    Once upon a time in the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna River region, there existed a somewhat utopian atmosphere among the populous. While the village inhabitants of each individual area were fervently pleased and protective of their own, they shared a competitive bond with an overriding uniqueness that made their athletic encounters something they

  • Uptown Music Collective Sells Out CAC

    Uptown Music Collective Sells Out CAC0

    On Saturday, January 25th, for the first time in its fourteen-year history of presenting student performances in the 2200 seat theater, the Uptown Music Collective sold out the Community Arts Center. The show was Captain Fantastic and The Piano Man: The Music of Elton John and Billy Joel. “We had seen the ticket sales rising,


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