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Search Results For 'animals'

  • It Needs to Be Said

    It Needs to Be Said0

    I don’t typically think about writing for Earth Day. Not that I don’t love this beautiful world we live in, but it’s not a day that comes to mind. Until a few weeks ago. The things I have seen. It really made me mad. The more and more I thought about it, the more I

  • A Brunch Spread Fit for Spring

    A Brunch Spread Fit for Spring0

    From tasty small bites to a filling feast and even dessert for breakfast, brunch options are nearly endless. Take your spring brunch to the next level with recipes that appease appetites of all kinds. First, start with portioned pastry cups perfect for appetizers. Bring out the protein-packed breakfast burritos for the main course then, for

  • Time to Leave the Dens0

    It’s that time of year again when a lot of our wildlife will begin leaving their winter homes along with their new additions. One of the most obvious critters that has been absent from our very white and snowy winter landscape is the black bear. I’m sure that most people know that black bears den

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Top Three Mistakes of Spring Gobbler Hunting0

    Every spring, the majority of turkey hunters end the season without success, while the usual suspects seem to always come home with a gobbler. It is not as if the unsuccessful hunters are not trying their darndest, but it seems to boil down to a few common mistakes that seem to plague them every season.

  • Noah’s Earth Day Cleanup

    Noah’s Earth Day Cleanup0

    Noah Kriger is a typical eight-year-old. As I sat with his mother, Laura, and father Josh in their living room on Walnut Street in Williamsport, Noah was bouncing around on the couch, talking about basketball one second and pandas the next. More than once, he popped out of the room to show me something we

  • A Flower for Every Sentiment0

    Valentine’s Day is known as an opportunity to celebrate love. Whether it be with roses, a sentimental card, or candy, there are many simple gestures to express love and friendship on this holiday. Jewelry and stuffed animals are also popular gifts, but really any token wrapped in standard Valentine’s day colors is pretty much the

  • Symptoms Pet Have Allergies and What’s Behind Them0

    Allergies can vary in severity and cause various symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance by producing antibodies. These antibodies identify a particular allergen as harmful, even when it isn’t. Allergies can cause reactions in the skin, breathing passages and digestive system. Thousands of people

  • Compost0

    Compost is the breakdown of organic materials, like grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, coffee grounds, and kitchen scraps. You should never put meat, bones, or dairy products in a compost pile. These materials will not break down and can make your compost smell bad and attract animals. Having your own compost pile will keep your

  • The Roving Sportsman… Establishing a Management Plan0

    Most people would agree that if you are serious about accomplishing a goal, you need a plan. This becomes even more critical when you are looking at a complex set of goals and time and money may be limited. Such just might be the case if you are a landowner, member of a hunting club

  • The Roving Sportsman… Winter Feeding of Wildlife0

    In December, when Mother Nature decided to dump several feet of snow, then, shortly thereafter, several inches of rain throughout the region, she did no great favor for any of our wildlife. The rain compressed the snow below, then, with overnight freezing temperatures, managed to seal off things below with a layer of ice. In

  • Wintertime Wildlife Activity0

    Every year, throughout the fall months, Mother Nature takes care of all of her creatures as they prepare to weather through the upcoming winter months. It is pretty amazing the way some of these birds, animals and insects prepare for and adjust their daily routines in order to make it through the freezing temperatures that

  • Try Something Different – A Coyote Hunt0

    I’d be the first to admit that I am not a dedicated coyote hunter; I have on a few occasions pursued coyotes both during the daylight and at night, but I had no success. My lack of success by no means reflects a lack of coyotes and quite the opposite, I suspect, since coyote populations

  • The Roving Sportsman… Winter Hikes0

    There are many benefits that can be derived from a hike in the woods, especially this time of year. The days are slowly getting longer, the daytime temperatures are forecast to be a bit above normal for the beginning of January and we can all use some fresh clean air that we can breathe without

  • Happy New Year!0

    There is no doubt that 2020 has been quite the year. Probably the most memorable of most of our lifetimes. To make things even more interesting, this is actually our 53rd issue of the year, which I had to double-check the calendar to see if that was even possible! Also, due to how the calendar

  • What’s in a Name?0

    As this is my last Webb Weekly column for 2020, the most appropriate sendoff I can think of is — good riddance!!! Each year we have been blessed to receive many Christmas cards from friends and loved ones. While the welcomed tradition may not be as prominent as it once was, it is always nice

  • Five Tips for Your Next Snowmobile Adventure0

    • December 9, 2020

    As travel restrictions and popular trends like staycations have changed the way many people escape from their day-to-day lives, rediscovering classic, outdoor winter activities like snowmobiling can provide a simple way to spend time with loved ones. In fact, BRP – a global leader in the world of powersports and boating, and manufacturer of the

  • The Roving Sportsman… It Finally Happened in the Closing Minutes!0

    For decades, the black bear population throughout Pennsylvania has been on a slow, but ever-increasing rise. The numbers today exceed 20,000, making our state a popular destination for bear hunters. Not only are the numbers of animals impressive, but the size of some have often exceeded 300 pounds, with animals every year being taken in

  • Gift Idea for the Archery Hunters in the Family

    Gift Idea for the Archery Hunters in the Family0

    I’ll admit it, I’m not much of a shopper and buying gifts for people is not my forte. Most of us guys know better than to go out and buy clothes for our wives at Christmas; we are better off just going along with them and saying, “yes dear, that looks great”. I suppose by

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wintertime Reading0

    Temperatures are slowly dropping and the daylight hours get shorter with each passing day. Frost has greeted the morning sunrise on several occasions, and soon the landscape will be covered in a layer of white. Many of us will reduce our time out of doors and turn to inside activities as the onset of winter

  • Fast Food for Pooches:0

    • November 25, 2020

    How to safely feed your pup if you’ve run out of food Healthy foods are essential for the well-being of companion animals. Many pet owners turn to premade foods because they are readily available and can fulfill nutrition requirements for pets. But the convenience of premade foods has been compromised during the pandemic, when empty

  • The Roving Sportsman… Night Vision Optics Now Legal for Furbearer Hunters0

    In July of this year through the passage of House Bill 1188, the Game Commission was given authority to regulate night-vision and infrared optics. Previously, any and all hunting use of night-vision and infrared (thermal) optics was prohibited by state law. Now, having the authority to do so, the Game Commission has granted furbearer hunters

  • Lots of Coyote Sightings0

    Trust me, even though you may not have seen any coyotes lately, there are still plenty of them roaming the countryside. Over the past couple of months, I have had a number of people tell me about the coyotes they have spotted, with a couple of people even reporting that they saw a pack of

  • ABCs of Safe Sleep0

    October was Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) awareness month. More than 3500 infants die each year in the United States from sleep-related deaths. In Pennsylvania that means 80 babies die each year, that’s four kindergarten classes that will never be. These deaths include sudden unexpected infant death syndrome (SUIDS), sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), ill-defined deaths

  • The Bookworm Sez “Pet Nation: The Love Affair That Changed America” by Mark L. Cushing

    The Bookworm Sez “Pet Nation: The Love Affair That Changed America” by Mark L. Cushing0

    Great-grandpa would think you were crazy. In his day, dogs slept outside, maybe in the barn, or in a doghouse, if they had one. Cats caught their own dinner in the garage or shed. Neither animal came into the house for more than a minute, if that, and sleeping in bed with you? Never! So

  • Fall Family Fun!0

    OK, y’all! This weekend is the last before Halloween, so it’s prime time to get out and enjoy some Fall Family Fun! We are lucky enough to live in an area that offers a plethora of options to get out with the family or framily and enjoy fall and spooky season! The Green Barn Berry

  • Fall Turkey Season Just Around the Corner0

    I know most of us are caught up in the archery deer season right now, but fall turkey season isn’t far away. Fall turkey season opens up here in our area on October 31 and runs to November 14. In a number of management units to the north of us, it opens up again on

  • The Roving Sportsman… Understanding Chronic Wasting Disease in Pennsylvania0

    It was not that long ago that we heard about chronic wasting disease (CWD) occurring somewhere out west, but never considered that it would ever become a concern within our own borders here in Pennsylvania. Initially, reports were of limited outcroppings of the disease in deer and elk in a few of the western states,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Bear Harvest Reporting0

    For decades, hunters and non-hunters alike have enjoyed observing the procedures that take place at the various bear check stations that are set up throughout the state during the regular firearms bear season in Pennsylvania. Sometimes bleachers are set up in order to accommodate the numbers of observers as the successful hunters arrive in their

  • How to Field Dress Wild Game Properly and Safely0

    Fishing and hunting are popular outdoor activities. Many outdoor enthusiasts engage in angling or hunting so they can have trophies to put up on their walls. Others rely on hunting and fishing for supplemental food sources. Game animals will have to be cleaned and processed properly whether they’re headed to the dinner table or to

  • Adopt a Shelter Dog

    Adopt a Shelter Dog0

    Anyone who knows me, knows that I am notoriously early for everything. Obnoxiously so sometimes. I can’t help it. Being late gives me anxiety, and as Mr. Webb used to say, “If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time, you’re late, and if you’re late, you’re out the door.” So that means we

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunting Pennsylvania Black Bear0

    The big game species that can be hunted in Pennsylvania are the elk, whitetail deer, black bear and wild turkeys. For the average hunter, the chance to get an elk in our state is quite remote because of the limited number of animals and the slim chance of ever being drawn. When you consider the

  • Establish Winter Habitats for Backyard Animals

    Establish Winter Habitats for Backyard Animals0

    Preparing a property for winter involves putting away lawn furniture, raking leaves and removing any annual plants that have shriveled up and spent the last of their energy. It can be tempting to want to clean up completely and leave a blank slate in the yard. But by doing so, you may be robbing wildlife

  • The Roving Sportsman… Balancing the Scale0

    Over the years, I have had the joy of hunting in every one of our 50 states and in doing so have discovered something that all of the lower 48 continuous states have in common. Coyotes. Yes, during the spring gobbler hunting seasons, I have seen, heard, or have seen the tracks or scat of


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