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Search Results For 'trout season'

  • More Changes are Coming0

    I guess it’s a sign that I’m getting older, but it seems like changes are coming more frequently than they did in the past. As an outdoorsman involved in the business of hunting and fishing for most of my life, in my early years, it seemed like rules and regulations seldom changed much, if at

  • Let’s Get “Down to Earth”0

    I suppose a better way of saying “let’s get down to earth” might be to say, “it’s time to start thinking terrestrial.” What I mean is that even though a lot of our mayfly hatches are slowing down and coming to an end, now is the time to start turning to terrestrials or those bugs

  • The Lycoming Creek Anglers0

    The 2021 trout season is off to a great start, minus the weather. But the fishing has been grand. My friends and I are having a blast. I have stayed mostly local, but several have ventured out. A lot of credit goes to the STATE and other local organizations. There is one, in particular, that

  • Wild vs. Stocked

    Wild vs. Stocked0

    Many folks have reached out to me as of late. They will send me a photo with a simple question. First let me say that I am not a fishing expert. Nor did I qualify for ICHTHYOLOGY 345 at Lycoming College. I do know the major differences between the Pennsylvania trouts, but it is getting

  • Rising Stockies0

    When you spend as much time on the water as I do. You will always catch a few. And while some days are certainly better than others. You occasionally have that once in a lifetime experience. But these little episodes are extremely rare. I can count them with my fingers. This past Sunday I was

  • If I Had Only One Dry Fly0

    I was recently sipping coffee and talking with another dry fly-fishing enthusiast when we both came up with the same thought — if you could have only one dry fly pattern for the whole season, what would it be? This same question has come up several times over the years with other fly-fishing friends, and

  • Changes Keep Coming0

    The older I get, the less comfortable I am with change. This year has been especially difficult, especially when I look at the political situation and all the changes being thrown at us because of COVID-19. Since this is intended to be an outdoor column, I will try to refrain from bringing politics and health

  • Don Daughenbaugh’s Fishing Legacy0

    Singularly, the soft sound of fishing lines penetrating the waters of local streams last Saturday as the 2021 Pennsylvania fishing season got underway wouldn’t register much on a decibel scale. Still, the collective joy of those making the casts will long be heard in fish-telling circles for days and weeks to come. To many, the

  • Spring is in the Air!0

    Finally, after what seemed like a never-ending winter, combined with the restrictions imposed upon all of us because of the Covid-19 virus, spring has finally appeared – offering us warmer temperatures, more days with blue skies and so many opportunities to get out and about in the outdoors! The recent winter, with heavier than usual

  • Trout on Top0

    Well, trout season is finally in full swing, and although I don’t participate in any trout fishing on the opening day, I did stop by a couple of local fishing spots to see how things were going. Of course, there were a good number of fishermen lining the banks, and as expected, there were a

  • Spring Isn’t Limited to Trout

    Spring Isn’t Limited to Trout0

    I know trout fishing is heavy on the minds of most fishermen right now — the season is upon us. That being said, it’s also true that any number of other fish species can also be successfully taken even while the water we fish is still pretty cold. While the cold water of spring is

  • Strike Detection0

    With the regular trout season about to open in the next couple of weeks, my angling buddies and I have been doing a lot of “fishing talk.” Now understand that “fishing talk” involves a very wide range of topics that would take volumes, and even then, you would barely scratch the surface, so I will

  • The “Best” Approach for Early Season Trout0

    Trout season will soon be underway, but over the next few weeks, many trout fishermen will be anxiously planning where to go and what equipment, lures, or bait to use for those early season trout. Of course, everybody wants success and the best possible outcome, so a lot of thought goes into choosing the “best”

  • The “Fishing Transition Period”

    The “Fishing Transition Period”0

    The “Fishing Transition Period” — if you are not a die-hard, year around fisherman, I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about. The period I’m referring to generally falls during the month of March. It’s that time when the lake ice begins to weaken and starts to break up, making ice fishing unsafe,

  • Trout Opener0

    Trout fishing season will open statewide on April 3, a change from having two different opening days across Pennsylvania. During its quarterly meeting last week, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced several changes to the 2021 trout season, including opening dates and stocking operations. These changes include consolidating the 2021 season into a single,

  • Changes to the Coming Trout Season0

    During its quarterly business meeting on January 25, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced several important changes to the upcoming 2021 trout season. These changes involve opening day dates as well as changes to trout stocking operations. By the way, if you already purchased your 2021 license and got the Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook,

  • Changes to the Coming Trout Season0

    During its quarterly business meeting on January 25, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced several important changes to the upcoming 2021 trout season. These changes involve opening day dates as well as changes to trout stocking operations. By the way, if you already purchased your 2021 license and got the Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Welcome 2021!0

    With just a few days remaining until we can put a lid on the Year 2020, we have so much to put behind us — and so much to look forward to! No matter which way you lean in politics, and without trying to open up a political debate, I believe everyone is very happy

  • Well, well, well

    Well, well, well0

    Well, well, well — if it isn’t Christmas sneaking up on me once again. Every year I swear I am going to start early and get everything done and just enjoy the season. Consider this year yet another fail. I’ve bought like one Christmas present, haven’t gotten a tree yet, and haven’t dug out the

  • Nymphing 1010

    The fall fishing season is in full swing. But my opportunities are coming to a close. The sun usually sets around 5:00 p.m., and I am now getting ready for some basketball. Fingers are still crossed. Believe it or not, this is the best time of year to throw a line. I have been out

  • It’s Always Fishing Season

    It’s Always Fishing Season0

    This recent hot streak and lack of rain have put the damper on some fishing efforts; trout streams are very low, clear, and warm, making them less than ideal targets right now. Several people have commented to me that it’s too hot and muggy to do any kind of fishing — not so! Remember, I’m

  • Go “Bug a Bass”0

    I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I enjoy bass fishing. Like a lot of other dedicated bass fishermen, I too have my fair share of assorted rods, reels, and lures that I regularly employ on my bass outings. Many serious bass fishermen use different outfits and lures to address the many different situations

  • Save the Benders

    Save the Benders0

    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away. I was introduced to part-time scribing. Back then, I was asked to provide some copy on behalf of White Deer Golf Course, and our relationship began. English and grammar were two of my least favorite subjects, and it took quite a while to come around.

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Healthy Respect for Timber Rattlers0

    Having grown up in Lycoming County and having spent most of the years of my life roaming its hills and streams, I have had the opportunity to witness many of the wonders that Mother Nature offers. From the blooming of trilliums and later Indian pipes in the springtime, to the birth of fawns and grouse

  • “Social Distancing” and Fishing0

    That term “social distancing” seems to be getting a lot of attention these days; maybe another term is the “six-foot rule”. Apparently if you stay six feet away everything is ok but closer than that and you will make people sick or infringe or violate them in some way. You go into some stores now

  • Fishing and Fertilizer?0

    ? You are probably wondering, what on earth does going fishing have to do with fertilizer? Well, nothing but it’s what you do with the fish scraps if you keep some fish for the frying pan that can have a lot to do with fertilizing your garden. I’ll be honest, I’m very limited as to

  • Turkey Hunting – It’s Not Too Late0

    Years ago, as a young man just getting into hunting and fishing, I was always eager to be out on the first day. Like a lot of other hunters and fishermen, I was under the impression that you had to score early or you might as well kiss your chances of success good-bye. I never

  • Going for the Gold0

    As we all know trout season got an early surprise start and in spite of less than ideal weather and water conditions a fair number of trout fishermen are in pursuit of Pennsylvania’s trout species. I usually hit the special regulated trout stretches early but this year with the early opening we have a lot

  • Delayed Harvest0

    Jensen and I have been working on a project. We have until Friday, and it is part of his new online learning. He was asked to write a short story on a recent adventure. Well done, WASD. Here’s a preview. “The water was calm but cold. Thankfully, I was wearing my new waders to keep

  • The Roving Sportsman… Spring Gobbler Season0

    As of this writing, we can still look forward to the Pennsylvania Youth Gobbler Hunt on Saturday, April 25th and the opening of our statewide Spring Gobbler Season on Saturday, May 2nd. With the continuing presence of the coronavirus, there are numerous other states that have delayed, and in some cases cancelled some of their

  • Penns Woods, Positivity and Special People0

    A tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to everyone that calls our special section of Penns Woods home. You have all done an amazing job during this most difficult time in American history. By committing to and following all the guidelines that have been recommended by our state

  • Take a Walk0

    “I’m taking a walk, I’m going outside, I’m taking a walk” Each week I keep hoping I’ll have something to discuss with you that isn’t COVID-related. I’m sorry to say this ain’t the week and next isn’t looking real good either. But, I keep trying to find the silver-lining in things. I think it’s vitally

  • An Interesting Opening Day0

    The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) opened the 2020 trout fishing season statewide on Tuesday. It came as a total surprise, and the decision was made “in consultation with the Office of the Governor, Pennsylvania Department of Health, and Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.” The word traveled fast and caused a few


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