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  • New Digs for Lyco0

    Williamsport’s Brandon Park has hosted many baseball games throughout its long history. Driving by the venerable location these days, if one looks closely, it might be possible to spot the immortal bird Phoenix, which is said to obtain new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor. From the park’s northeast corner, a transformation

  • The Roving Sportsman… Proper Care of Venison0

    How often have you heard someone say that they just don’t like the taste of venison or that they have tried it once but just didn’t care for it? No doubt it was not cooked properly, or worse yet, was not handled properly from the beginning. Over the years, I am pleased to say that

  • Quick, Easy Recipes to Add to Your Dinner Rotation0

    Making time for meals together can have a positive impact on the well-being of families, including children and adolescents. In fact, regular meals at home can help reduce stress and boost self-esteem, according to research published in “Canadian Family Physician.” Mealtime conversations are also a perfect opportunity to connect with your loved ones. A study

  • Some Big Bucks are Out There

    Some Big Bucks are Out There0

    I remember when I started hunting deer back in the 60s. If we were able to tag a six or eight-point buck with a 16-inch spread, we were off to the taxidermist to get our “trophy” mounted. A lot has changed since those days, not only regarding the size of our deer racks but how

  • Allergy Skincare0

    Just like the way wardrobes cycle through seasons, so do allergies. The worst months for allergy sufferers are typically March through July with pollen, but the fall also has allergy challenges with ragweed and mold. Along with the standard symptoms of sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, and cough, allergies can also dramatically impact your skin.

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21-Apr 20 Aries, this week you may invite a friend over who shares all of his or her good energy with you. It’s just the boost you need right now to have a positive few days. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 You may have an urgent need to get physically active, Taurus.

  • More Frightening than a Ghost Story0

    I think editor Steph made a great choice for our annual Halloween contest. This year, the kids will be Guessing Ghosts. She has all the details and information on the next page. My favorite part of the kids showing off their counting skills is when the winners come in to pick up the prizes. I

  • Spooky Season has Arrived! Guessing Ghosts Contest!0

    Boys and Girls! Gather ‘round! Step right up and play the game! Everyone has a chance to win a prize! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is one of my favorite Webb Weekly moments of the year! This year, we will take a ghostly turn as we count the

  • 74th Flaming Foliage Festival in Renovo To Take Place This Weekend October 13, 14 and 150

    It is that time of year again. The time in which one of the most anticipated events that takes place in this area, particularly the Endless Mountains area, happens. It celebrates the beauty of the autumn canopy of leaves that appear throughout the region and locally and throughout the rest of the state as well

  • Transplanting Agatha Christie: Branagh’s “Haunting in Venice”0

    For most filmgoers, the name Michael Green probably doesn’t ring a bell — but I’ve had my eye on him since 2049. Um — Blade Runner 2049, to be precise. Green penned the ingenious screenplay for that 2017 title, creating a sequel almost as good as its groundbreaking predecessor. That same year, he also wielded

  • Finality of 1620

    It was a private ceremony without any witnesses. In the approaching twilight of October’s first day, the annual ritual was carried out with the solemn resolve that the MLB season had concluded in much the same manner as recent seasons. As an ardent and all too often suffering fan of the Boston Red Sox and

  • Taber Museum Hosts a Society Program on Privy Pit Digs0

    The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will hold its monthly Society Program on Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 2pm in the Community Room. The lecture, sponsored by Van Campen Motors, is free and open to the public. Robert E. Lee, III, will be the guest speaker, speaking on his experiences

  • Rose Wheeland Memorial

    Rose Wheeland Memorial0

    The circle of life is hard. I no longer subscribe, but I will occasionally look at the obits. Yes. It is tough. My lovely bride always tells me that I should find some friends closer to my age. This past year was rough. We lost so many good chums. Most I knew from golf. I

  • What to do About Headlight Glare When Driving at Night

    What to do About Headlight Glare When Driving at Night0

    In recent years, many a motorist has noticed how much more glare they encounter on the road at night than they used to. The headlights that are now standard in many vehicles can be a catch-22. Drivers of vehicles equipped with LED lights often find the road in front of them is much more illuminated

  • “Tis the Seasons”0

    Moving into the early fall period can be a real dilemma for people like me who love hunting and fishing. Hunting seasons are underway, and some great fishing can still be available. Case in point: I was talking with an avid trout angler recently, and he told me a few weeks back he picked up

  • Community Arts Center Volunteer Corps Donates in Celebration of 30 Years!

    Community Arts Center Volunteer Corps Donates in Celebration of 30 Years!0

    Anytime you’ve been to an event at the Community Arts Center, you have undoubtedly seen a Community Arts Center Volunteer Corps member. They greet you at the door, scan your tickets, and help you to your seat at nearly every event at the CAC. Every year, the Volunteer Corps donates thousands of hours to ensure

  • The Roving Sportsman… Chronic Wasting Disease Updates0

    Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) was first noted in 1967 in research on mule deer herds in Colorado. By the late 1970s, it was recognized in captive facilities in Colorado and Wyoming in mule deer, black-tailed deer, and elk. In 1981, the disease was first identified in the wild in elk in Colorado, followed by mule

  • How to Cut Back on Your Big Box Habit

    How to Cut Back on Your Big Box Habit0

    Big box retailers are ubiquitous. The appeal of such stores’ extensive inventory is undeniable, and consumers like the comfort of knowing they can stop into a big box store anywhere on the map and feel a sense of familiarity with their surroundings. Despite that feeling of familiarity, consumers who shop exclusively at big box retailers

  • Fall Trends0

    Trends come and go, and with each new season, there’s a new “it” item, be it shoes, handbags, or even hem-lengths. And if you’re a fall fashion fan, as I am, you may be overwhelmed when trying to incorporate all of the exciting up-and-coming trends for the season. Usually, I find it best to pick

  • UPMC Expert: Restore Your Pelvic Floor0

    Are you nervous to sneeze or laugh too hard? Have you stopped running, jumping, or other certain physical movements because you fear leaking? You are not alone. Urinary incontinence affects about 50% of adult women and up to 10% of adult men, with percentages increasing with age. Other symptoms of pelvic floor disorders including bladder

  • County Hall Corner: The No Hate Debate0

    If there is one prevailing aspect of today’s political climate, it is hate. And hate has no boundaries, so even a simple forum of four potential county commissioners could have turned into a shouting match. Instead, the program that took place on Tuesday, October 3rd, at the Eagle Grange #1 in Montgomery was more like

  • A One Term Bite or a Lifetime Attachment0

    As I fell asleep the night before my press deadline, I was thinking about how to begin my article. Should I find a positive, common-sense approach, or should I just go with the biting — sorry if you don’t like it; that’s the way it works. Fortunately for me, Mother Nature and my 4-legged feline

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month: More Than Awareness0

    The theme for this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month is More Than Awareness. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, “For the 31 days of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), pink ribbons appear as the impact of breast cancer is brought to the forefront of national conversation. But we know that to help those facing

  • County Hall Corner: Lycoming County Commissioner Democratic Candidates0

    There is a lot of commotion about changing the date of the Pennsylvania Primary next Spring, but we should not have eyes on 2024 until we get through the election of 2023. Director of Voter Services Forrest Lehman really hates the term “off-year election” because every election is important in its own right and should

  • Heads Up0

    In a scoreless PSAC soccer match between rivals Lock Haven and Bloomsburg, the Lady Huskies were on the attack. From the wing, a strong kick made its way toward a Bloom teammate streaking toward the goal. As a Lock Haven defender closed in, the kick-pass missed its intended target, striking the LHU player squarely in

  • Change of Seasons

    Change of Seasons0

    I love this time of year as North Central PA is now shining. Fall brings us so many vibrant colors. Change is in the air. It is an absolute shame that it gets dark at 6:45 p.m. This totally dampens my outdoor activities. Fishing remains my passion. It serves as my zen. I am still

  • Hunting Pennsylvania’s Black Bears0

    While recently reading a Pennsylvania Game News magazine, I came across some interesting information regarding black bear hunting in Pennsylvania. I have gotten a bear license for many years in our state, but the fact is I have never taken a bear in Pennsylvania. Even though I’ve seen a couple, I was unable to get

  • Early Archery Deer Season Tactics0

    It is that time of year that bow hunters have been daydreaming of and planning for all summer. Cool, crisp temperatures continue throughout the day, splashes of fall colors begin to appear in the hardwood forests, acorns are dropping, and soon, farmers will be harvesting field corn — all great indicators that the archery deer

  • Hair Oil0

    For many of us, healthy, thick hair can be elusive. As we get older, hair growth tends to slow, and the remaining hair starts to thin out. Hair tends to dry out as we go about our busy days. There are a variety of over the counter, as well as prescription, treatments to promote hair

  • UPMC Expert: The Different Types of Physical Rehab0

    Rehabilitation benefits patients and makes a huge impact on their everyday lives, no matter the reason they started with a rehabilitation program. Illness, serious injuries, and surgery are common reasons, and a rehabilitation program is designed to help you recover to your fullest potential. There are several types of rehabilitation that help fit the needs

  • Great Music with the Liberty Classic Community Band Festival0

    The 12th Annual Liberty Classic Band Festival is coming to Williamsport’s Community Arts Center with a free concert on Sunday, October 8, at 1:30 p.m. At the helm of this year’s musical extravaganza will once again be the legendary Air Force band director and internationally acclaimed musician Col. Arnald D. Gabriel, masterfully assisted by conductor,

  • Public Services, Local History and Reference Director At James V. Brown Library Wears Several Hats0

    The James V. Brown Library is not just a place for books; it is also a rich repository of things dealing with public services, local history, and reference. Several months ago, the Library hired someone to help oversee this rich collection and to help manage it for more efficient use by the public. That someone

  • Hunting, Fishing and Lovin’ Everyday

    Hunting, Fishing and Lovin’ Everyday0

    There’s no better time of year to get out and about and enjoy all the outdoors have to offer in our little neck of Penn’s Woods. And yes, my title is from Luke Bryan’s hit song. The lyric pretty much sums up how so many of us feel and only wish we had more time

  • Italian Penicillin

    Italian Penicillin0

    It’s officially fall, which means I have gone completely into stay home and cook mode. I made goulash this week and have chili on my mind for this weekend (well last weekend for y’all). The chillier weather just makes me crave comfort food. Pasta, soups and stews, I can’t resist any of it, and it’s

  • Military Appreciation Day One of the Highlights of the 168th Bloomsburg Fair0

    Appreciation of the U.S. Armed Forces will take front and center at the 168th edition of the Bloomsburg Fair when Military Appreciation Day is held at the Fair on Wednesday, September 27. This day will include a variety of things that help to honor former and present military personnel, including free admission, various booths of

  • Meeting By Chance

    Meeting By Chance0

    From our 45-yard line seats six rows from the top of massive AT&T Stadium, we were among the 80,000 Cowboy faithful reveling in the proceedings below. “America’s Team” was in the process of grounding the invading New York Jets in the team’s home opener in an impressive Micah Parsons-led dominant performance. While white Cowboy rally

  • New CWD Rules More Convenient for Pennsylvanians Hunting Out-of-State0

    Protecting Pennsylvania’s deer and elk from Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) remains a priority, now as ever. That hasn’t changed. But the rules for hunters who harvest those or any other cervids outside of Pennsylvania or within parts of it have. Previously, hunters were prohibited from bringing “high-risk” carcass parts from such animals taken in other


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