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  • Distracted Driving is Dangerous0

    Are you a distracted driver? According to PennDOT, distracted driving accounts for thousands of crashes in Pennsylvania every year and it is a leading factor of lane departure crashes across the state. Driving is a skill that requires 100% of your attention 100% of the time. Anything that takes your hands off the wheel, your

  • Easter Blessings0

    As I sat and pondered what to write about it was a beautiful sun-drenched spring morning. Although the temperature might be a little on the chilly side, the smell of spring is in  the air. You can feel the warmth of the sun and just know warmer days are right around the corner. It’s such

  • Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter!0

    Hey y’all! I’m so excited for Easter this weekend! I always have so much fun prepping for our annual Easter contest! Easter is one of my favorite holidays. It’s right up there with the 4th of July! But before I get too far into my article this week, let me ask you a question. Are

  • Words of Eternal Life: Etymology for Easter0

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That’s how the Apostle John opens his gospel about the life of Christ. Though ancient Greek does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case letters, translators capitalize “Word” here because the last two clauses clearly show that it refers

  • The Importance of a Wild Turkey’s Diet0

    Whether you restrict your spring gobbler hunting to your home state of Pennsylvania or travel to other states to pursue this great game bird, knowing what they like to eat in your hunting area can be critical to your success. Wherever you choose to hunt, learn and understand the local food sources and preferences of

  • Go To Outfit Formulas for Spring0

    Trends come and go every season, and while I do enjoy following at a respectable distance, more often than not I find my style more partial to classic and timeless outfits. Maybe it’s getting older or retail fatigue, but I find comfort in pieces that have stood the test of time, more so than excitement

  • Williamsport Sun: March 24, 1942 – Good Friday Observance Wins Favor0

    A wider observance of Good Friday was forecast today by the Rev. J. Moulton Thomas, rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church, and chairman of the Mayor’s Good Friday Observance Committee. He said the results received from the subcommittee yesterday, when the general committee met at City Hall, indicated a widespread acceptance of Good Friday observance.

  • Bobwhite Quail Back in PA0

    A wildlife species native to Pennsylvania but long missing is back home again. The Pennsylvania Game Commission today released 50 bobwhite quail on the grounds of Letterkenny Army Depot in Franklin County. That brings to 76 the number of bobwhites planted on site in recent weeks, with one more release to go. The birds —

  • UPMC Physician: Colonoscopies Save Lives0

    Every March, the health community focuses on colorectal cancer awareness. Colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer that affects Pennsylvanians — in 2020, 5,688 cases were reported and 2,342 of these cases ended in death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When caught early, colon cancer is easier to treat

  • What is Holy Week?

    What is Holy Week?0

    One need not be Christian to recognize the significance of Easter Sunday to practicing Christians. However, non-Christians may not recognize that the week that precedes Easter Sunday is important and full of meaning as well. According to, the name “Holy Week,” which is the name Christians have given to the week preceding Easter Sunday,

  • County Hall Corner: The Nation’s Eyes are on the PA Senate Race0

    The Pennsylvania Primary on Tuesday, April 23rd, will be here before we know it, and it is a shoo-in for three-term incumbent US Senator Bob Casey Jr. to win the Democratic race. Likewise, the Republicans are selecting former Army veteran and businessman Dave McCormick. Both men have worthy credentials but also some baggage to deal

  • Journey Bank Sponsors Teen Star Musical Competition0

    More than $5,000 in prize money will be at stake when the Journey Bank sponsors its 14th Annual Teen Star Musical Competition to be held on the campus of Bloomsburg University on May 19. The first-place prize is $2,000. The second-, third-, and fourth-place finishers win $1,000, $750, and $350, respectively. The remaining eight finalists

  • Shining Moments on the Local Hardwoods0

    As it has done for years, Hershey’s Giant Center ushered in spring’s arrival, rolling out the red carpet and hosting the annual Pennsylvania private & charter school invitational, formally known as the PIAA State High School basketball finals. Twenty-four teams, 12 boys and 12 girls squared off in the six PIAA classifications, aiming to take

  • The Roving Sportsman… Shed Antler Hunting Time0

    Shed antler hunting has been growing in popularity over the years, and now that the snows have finally ceased for the season (hopefully!), it’s the perfect time to get out and see what you can find. If you have never looked for them before, you may well be in for a real treat. Besides, it

  • Fish On

    Fish On0

    Tis the season. March Madness is fun, but I am only thinking about fishing. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has already placed 3.3 million trout in our many state waterways. Last I heard- the Commonwealth has 697 stocked streams and 129 lakes. Impressive. The PFBC will also coordinate with many others to add an

  • Gearing Up for Trout Season0

    I suspect when we think about getting ready for the upcoming trout season, our thoughts turn first to rods, reels, line, and a selection of lures or flies. Those are things that should be addressed, but I think we sometimes overlook some other basic but vital equipment, such as boots or waders. Whether you use

  • March ‘Madness’0

    As the NCAA’s annual hoop frenzy enters its Sweet Sixteen round of play this weekend, many fans’ brackets have already been busted, while fans of the remaining teams in the field are giddy with excitement over what could be. Oh yes, March Madness, a term first coined by Henry Porter, an Illinois high school official,

  • What’s the Best Approach?0

    When it comes to the opening day of trout season, a question I sometimes get, especially from someone just getting into fishing, is, what’s the best way to catch trout? There are people who have written lengthy books on that topic, but in this brief format, here are some things to consider. The truth is

  • Quilt Study to be Held at the Taber Museum0

    The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society announces its second in a series of quilt study days, planned to give attendees an up close and personal look at vintage quilts in the Taber Museum collection. The quilt study will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2024, from noon until 3:30 p.m.

  • The First Pitch of Spring0

    Happy official Spring to everybody! Like me, most see March 1st on the calendar as the beginning of the season that moves us out of winter. Some may recognize it as the first pitch of Spring Training baseball, while for others, it may be Saint Patrick’s Day. I know one thing: the weather this past

  • We’re Going on an Easter Egg (Basket) Hunt!0

    Spring has finally sprung, and it’s officially the second and final week of our Easter Egg (Basket) Hunt contest! And just a heads up, I’ve decided to make things more difficult this week. So be sure to count extra good, because not only will you find the baskets in the regular portion of the paper,

  • Local Wrestlers Win Gold in Hershey0

    In adherence to the well-known saying, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,’ the fruit lying in the backyard of Denny and Jennifer Harer’s home can be identified as ‘golden delicious!’ The couple’s offspring, sons Conner and Brandt, were the talk of Hershey and the state’s wrestling fans when the Montgomery duo walked away

  • UPMC Gastroenterologist: Don’t Get Burned by Heartburn0

    Everyone loves to indulge in fast food, processed snacks, and carbonated beverages from time to time. We know that they aren’t the best for us health wise, but did you know that they can also trigger heartburn? Heartburn is the burning feeling in your chest, up to the back of your throat, caused by acid

  • The Good, the Bad & Mulkey0

    The welcome mat is out! Officially, spring begins this week. To be sure, it is a welcome sight, but in the transitioning world of sports, the changing of the athletic seasons defines the passing of time a bit more succinctly than do the pages of the calendar on the wall. ‘Athletic spring’ actually began a

  • Apologies0

    Apologies for skipping out last week. I would like to thank those who reached out. Many did. I’m not kidding. Mostly my bearded friends. That is a fantastic feeling. I’m good, folks. I simply missed my deadline. My bad, Steph. You are a great chief. I appreciate you filling in. I am home from a

  • The Roving Sportsman… Springtime Foraging 20240

    Snow geese and Canada geese have been flying north, and robins are more plentiful, and the intermittent snowfalls don’t take long to melt away. Even though we experienced a relatively mild winter, it’s nice to know that spring has finally sprung! As we welcome the warmer days and the emergence of daffodils and tulips, it

  • County Hall Corner: Who are the People in Your Neighborhood?0

    The website for the Center for Immigration Studies listed all sanctuary cities, counties, and states in the United States, updated on March 6, 2024. The site stated, “The sanctuary jurisdictions are listed below. These cities, counties, and states have laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions, policies, or other practices that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from

  • WAHS SADD Club Wins 1st Place in Statewide Suicide Prevention Video Contest for 3rd Consecutive Year0

    A Williamsport Area High School video produced to help raise awareness on mental health stigmas and suicide prevention received first place for the third consecutive year in a recent statewide PSA contest conducted by Prevent Suicide PA (PSPA). The video, created by members of the high school’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club, earned the

  • Spring’s New Arrivals0

    Spring is here, at least I think it is, but judging from how the weather has been, we could be scraping snow off our windshields next week. No doubt the wildlife roaming Pennsylvania woodlands finds the weather patterns a bit erratic as well. Of course, most of our wildlife goes about everyday challenges regardless of

  • Makeup Tips for Dry Skin0

    If you have dry or dehydrated skin, first, know that there is a difference between the two. Dry skin is a skin type (your skin lacks oil), whereas dehydrated skin is a skin condition (your skin lacks water). If you suffer from either and are a person who also wears makeup, you’ve most likely experienced


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