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  • County Hall Corner: Wild Dreams0

    I think I had an April Fool’s Day trick played on myself, as I dreamed about a meeting where the three commissioners; Jack McKernan, Tony Mussare, and Rick Mirabito (the 3 Ms, as I like to call them), were asking their department heads for ideas on better ways to promote Lycoming County. I saw Kim

  • If Laughter is the Best Medicine, Why are There Drug Stores?0

    April Fools Day may be over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good laugh! In honor of this day of fools here are a few of my favorite jokes. Some are good, some bad, however, the important thing is to laugh today and every day. * Doctor: “You have a hernia.” Old man:

  • This Week’s LION: The “New” Y0

    Franklin D. Roosevelt once made the very profound statement that every organization is either living out the birth of a new vision or the death of an old one. The truth of that is evidenced by companies such as TWA that once had a virtual monopoly on trans-oceanic air travel and yet went bankrupt, or

  • Dog-Friendly 2.5 and 5-Mile Run/Walk to Benefit Lycoming County SPCA

    Dog-Friendly 2.5 and 5-Mile Run/Walk to Benefit Lycoming County SPCA0

    Saturday, April 14th, the Lycoming County SPCA and title sponsors Debra S. Schneider, CFP, of Wells Fargo Advisors and Dr. Amy Phillips of Wolf Run Veterinary Clinic will hold the SPCA’s annual Paws Run at the South Williamsport Park. The popular pet-friendly event will feature a 2.5-mile run/walk and 5-mile run, as well as a

  • Makeup Mistakes0

    This past winter, my skin took a beating. It was dry, flaky, dull, and all around uneven. My regular skincare go-tos just weren’t cutting it, and the makeup I put on to hide it all ended up exacerbating the problems. Turns out, I wasn’t “prepping” my skin properly for cosmetics, AND I was using the

  • Reasons to Embrace Cycling Now

    Reasons to Embrace Cycling Now0

    As warm temperatures return, many people renew their interest in spending time outdoors. Spring and summer are peak times of year to enjoy the great outdoors. A popular activity in spring, summer and fall, cycling benefits the mind and body in various ways. Mind One of the more common mental health benefits of exercise is

  • TOO SMART TO START: An Anti-Drug Education Initiative Through Water Bottles1

    Barry Rake is a man on a mission. That mission is to educate young people to save them from the scourge and dangers of drug and opioid abuse. To do so, he has an initiated an educational program in which sport water bottles with the slogan “TOO SMART TO START” emblazoned on them, included is

  • Hooray For Hollywood, With The Repasz Band!0

    Join The Repasz Band for a fun, jaunty, and exciting musical tribute to tinsel town! Venerable musical scores from a huge variety of films from a wide range of Hollywood history will be featured, live and in-person! Capturing the spirit of the evening will be an overture-like medley “Hooray For Hollywood,” arranged by Warren Baker.

  • Turkey Options0

    It is said by many that, “The wild turkey is the greatest American game bird.” Certainly grouse and woodcock hunters, as well as those who prefer quail or waterfowl, might disagree. But, considering the fact that a huntable population of wild turkeys now exists in all 48 of the continental states and Hawaii, their numbers

  • Spring Cleaning Can Alleviate Allergies

    Spring Cleaning Can Alleviate Allergies0

    Allergies affect people of all ages. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology reports that allergic rhinitis affects between 10 and 30 percent of the world’s population. In addition, the prevalence of allergic diseases has risen in industrialized nations for more than 50 years. Seasonal allergies tend to be the strongest in spring and

  • Rise and Shine

    Rise and Shine0

    As I sit and ponder what to write about it’s a beautiful sun-drenched spring morning. Although the temperature might be a little on the chilly side, the smell of spring is in the air. You can feel the warmth of the sun and just know warmer days are right around the corner. It’s such a

  • Happy Easter!0

    Happy Easter everyone! I hope that you all have a happy and blessed holiday! Easter is the perfect holiday to gather friends and family and enjoy a good meal and quality time together. As you all know, cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. And while I am currently on a mission to make the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wild Turkey Field Care0

    You have been planning and scheming all winter long for the big day during this coming spring gobbler season when you will finally outwit that big old gobbler that has been eluding you for years. You have seen him time and time again strutting for his hens and, while he has answered your calls, he

  • County Hall Corner: Back to the Future0

    Those who follow this column might notice that there have been several articles this year relating to future plans and concerns for Lycoming County. The reason for this is preparation for the approval of the study: “Lycoming 2030: Plan the Possible,” the new Comprehensive Plan for the county. The last plan was done in 2006,

  • Create and Hide Unbreakable Easter Eggs

    Create and Hide Unbreakable Easter Eggs0

    Easter is one of the most important days of the year for Christians. Easter Sunday is filled with symbolism and tradition, some of which harken back to early Christianity, while others trace their origins to paganism. The Easter Bunny and Easter eggs are two Easter traditions with less extensive histories. The Easter Bunny, according to

  • Controversy at the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission0

    I would much rather be writing a story about catching trout on an assortment of great nymph patterns, but there’s another outdoor related issue that I feel needs some further explanation. It’s no secret that the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has been seeking a license increase in order to stay viable. The fact is,

  • How to Return the Unreturnable0

    We’ve all been guilty of impulse purchases that have gone awry, like buying something without trying it on first or buying a piece of clothing that seemed to fit OK in the dressing room, but magically turned out horrible when you got home. Common sense would have you return whatever doesn’t fit or flatter. But,

  • Just Don’t Ask for a High Chair and Bib0

    Americans are obsessed with diets and food intake. The average man needs a balanced mix of nutritious food that totals 2,500 calories per day. Athletes need more. Special issues such as thyroid or illness may dictate otherwise. But I’ve got a secret that will save you money, treat you to less carb intake, and is

  • Sullivan County Shooting Team on the Road to Tokyo0

    In the Spring of 2017, the Sullivan County Shooting Team sent a team of four to the USA Shooting Junior Olympic competition held in Colorado Springs, Colorado; Jesse Stump, Dane Carpenter, Trevor Evelhair, and Mick Wertz. The competition consisted of 136 competitors. The boys did extremely well, with Mick Wertz finishing in the finals in

  • Easter Symbolism Complements the Holiday0

    Tradition plays an important role in Easter celebrations for many families. Cherished traditions and symbols of Easter may include anything from egg hunts to lilies to lambs. Understanding the importance behind these symbols can make sharing the miracle of Easter that much more special. Eggs Eggs are one of the more recognizable symbols of Easter.

  • Winter, Winter Go Away0

    How disgusted am I with a local illegal immigrant issue that’s caused lots of problems, wasted tax dollars and stayed too long? I’m starting a petition to get this guy deported and say his kind isn’t welcome here anymore. It’s time Jack Frost took his nor’easter, frozen and frosty wind chilled days and headed north.

  • Easy Spring Sides and Treats0

    This Easter holiday, hop into a new tradition and swap your classic ham for savory lamb. Cooking lamb can be easier than many might think, especially when using a pressure cooker. You can combine aromatic herbs with white wine for a juicy leg of lamb in under an hour. Or try baking a rack of

  • Hoffman Joins the Elite of Wrestling With His Third Consecutive PIAA State Championship

    Hoffman Joins the Elite of Wrestling With His Third Consecutive PIAA State Championship0

    As Montoursville’s Luke Frey won his final match to claim a State Championship in wrestling, a six-year-old fan cheered from the stands. The championship sparked something deep inside the young wrestler watching with his parents and brother as his idol went to the center of the mat to get his hand raised. Years later that

  • Move Over March0

    Begrudgingly, we have to give Punxsutawney Phil his due. The furry varmint’s unwelcomed prediction of ‘six more weeks of winter’ certainly rang true. But now that spring has officially made its presence on the calendar; we can all turn our thoughts to the more pleasant days ahead. March’s ending brings with it a trio of

  • March MADNESS in the 17728.0

    WHO NEEDS ONE? I heard my teammate’s cry but chose to ignore him. My legs feel like Jello, but I decide to press on without a breather. I dazzle the crowd with another no-look pass that ends up in the rafters. My fifth turnover of the night. Just awful. Throw in my three air balls

  • Meow House A No Kill Shelter Since 1994

    Meow House A No Kill Shelter Since 19940

    There are probably hundreds of stray cats and other animals that wander the area seeking food, shelter, and love. Some of the shelters that these animals may end up in, perhaps after a fixed period of time may be euthanized, the Meow House at 214 Deckman Hollow in the Cogan Station area is not one

  • Though The Years: Grid March 27, 1966: Reaction Pleasant to Cost of School0

    Grit March 27, 1966 Reaction Pleasant to Cost of School Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr. A “pleasant surprise” in public reaction to the announced $10,099,910 cost of Williamsport Area School District’s proposed new high school has been expressed by Dr. Clyde H. Wurster, district superintendent. Explaining that the high cost of the project was an

  • Commitment and Excellence

    Commitment and Excellence0

    Young people today are faced with so many more problems than when I was a student. Yes, we had the Cold War, and the fear of nuclear weapons, and Three Mile Island was another hot topic of the day, but what goes on around young folks today most of us never imagined. Please appreciate how

  • Things to Do: Spring Spectacular!0

    The calendar claims that spring starts this week. Sitting here on the Friday before and looking at the long-range forecast, Mother Nature would apparently beg to differ. It’s nice that it isn’t dark, or almost dark when I get home from work though, so I’ve got that going for me. For arguments sake, we are

  • Klingerman Won’t Let Season End After Hitting Clutch 3-pointer to Give Loyalsock a 54-50 Win Over District 1 Champion Valley Forge0

    Moments after one of the most important wins in school history Loyalsock team managers Grant Walters and Ronnie Emery summed up the experience perfectly by thanking the fans and calling the game special. “I just want to thank the fans,” Emery said. “It was one of the best groups of fans I’ve ever seen.” Emery


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