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  • 35th Williamsport/Lycoming Flag Day March Thursday, June 140

    It will be a great day for “Old Glory” when the annual Flag Day March is held. It is a little extra special this year — since this will be the 35th time this venerable event will step off. In these sometimes contentious and tumultuous times, this event is a reminder of what is good

  • Backyard Bassin’

    Backyard Bassin’0

    Wow. You look great. Have you lost weight? No. Not really. Jeez, you’re tan. You must be playing lots of golf. Not at all. Actually, I came up with a new workout routine. It doesn’t require much skill, and it’s somewhat refreshing. You only need a little time and a pole. I like to call

  • It’s Not Fair0

    We seem to be hearing that phrase a lot these days, “It’s not fair.” I even hear that same suggestion in the world of hunting and fishing. Let me explain. I recently read something in an outdoor publication that I find kind of annoying. In a letter to the editor, the writer said it wasn’t

  • The Bookworm Sez: “They Lost Their Heads! What Happened to Washington’s Teeth, Einstein’s Brain, and Other Famous Body Parts”

    The Bookworm Sez: “They Lost Their Heads! What Happened to Washington’s Teeth, Einstein’s Brain, and Other Famous Body Parts”0

    Your neck bone’s connected to your backbone. And that’s a good thing. You want to be the most together person around, in more ways than one. No sense in having your body parts lying scattered when you really need them all in one place. Disconnection could be a problem, as you’ll see in “They Lost

  • Glenn Crossley Award has Deeper Meaning for Family and Community in Montgomery

    Glenn Crossley Award has Deeper Meaning for Family and Community in Montgomery0

    Before lines of teachers and presenters coming up to the stage to present awards for the future graduates of Montgomery, two men got ready to give away one that had a deeper meaning. For Mark and Glenn Crossley, the Glenn Crossley Memorial Award symbolizes years of dedication to the youth of Montgomery. The elder Glenn

  • Autographs0

    Chances are, as a sports fan, at some time in your life you’ve approached an athlete seeking an autograph. Or, you may have seen the movie “The Sandlot” and are familiar with the fate of the Babe Ruth ball at the mercy of the neighbor’s dog. In either case, autographs can become a cherished keepsake

  • School’s Out for Summer

    School’s Out for Summer0

    The words every student up and down the Susquehanna Valley couldn’t wait to hear. I’ve been out of school longer than I care to admit, but that phrase still brings a smile to my face. I must also give Alice Cooper credit for the kickoff-to-summertime anthem of the same words. Although I don’t know if

  • A Little Bit of This and That…0

    As you know, Webb Weekly has always tried to give as much coverage as possible to anything related to drug prevention in our area. It seems, sometimes, if there aren’t reports of dozens of heroin overdoses in the news, the opiod epidemic in our area and across the country can get pushed to the wayside.

  • Richard C. James: A Man Who Made A Difference

    Richard C. James: A Man Who Made A Difference2

    Various people say how important it is to try and make a difference in your community. Many of these people just talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Richard C. James talked the talked but also walked the walk. Boy, did he ever! Richard died suddenly last week at the age of 73, and

  • Learn About Cataracts to See More Clearly

    Learn About Cataracts to See More Clearly0

    Many people take their vision for granted until a problem arises that affects their ability to see. While certain conditions may occur suddenly, others develop more gradually and may not even be noticeable until the problem has progressed significantly. Cataracts is a common vision problem that is often associated with aging. The National Eye Institute

  • Meet the Cutters Reception Coming June 13 + Hump Day Happy Hour0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters will be holding the annual Meet the Cutters reception, Wednesday, June 13 from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at BB&T Ballpark. Admission is free for all fans. Cutters manager Pat Borders and the entire squad of Williamsport Crosscutters players and coaches will be on hand to meet and sign autographs for all in attendance.

  • Goals Become Reality as Malicky Places at States With School-Record-Breaking Throw in the Javelin

    Goals Become Reality as Malicky Places at States With School-Record-Breaking Throw in the Javelin0

    It was just a normal practice in the middle of the track season when Jersey Shore’s Lyndsay Malicky came up with a plan to get out to hurdle practice. Malicky is like most people. She doesn’t want to run around in the heat and thought about how she could get out of her workout. The

  • 38 Years as MVP0

    Sports fans are fiercely loyal and prejudice towards the teams of their liking. Only one team can be crowned the champion of their particular sport. Only one player in a league is selected as the MVP. Only very few players earn recognition as All-Stars during a given year. But the realities of these scenarios don’t

  • Ninth Annual Soap Box Derby To Be Held Saturday, June 90

    Market Street Hill will again be alive with the sight of soap box racers and spectators this Saturday, as the Ninth Annual Soap Box Derby is held. “Since 2010 this event seems to be getting bigger and bigger and gaining more interest,” Jim Campbell, one of the organizers of the event, told Webb Weekly. “The

  • Tiadaghton Elm and Keystone Challenge Canoe/Kayak/SUP Events on the Susquehanna River

    Tiadaghton Elm and Keystone Challenge Canoe/Kayak/SUP Events on the Susquehanna River0

    On June 16th and 17th, two paddling events will be held on the Susquehanna River in the Jersey Shore area — The Tiadaghton Elm Canoe and Kayak Classic and the Keystone Challenge. On Saturday, June 16th, the long-running Tiadaghton Elm Canoe and Kayak Classic is held. This event is in its 54th year in 2018.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Oh, Well…0

    In the last weeks of our spring gobbler season here in Pennsylvania I was pretty convinced that the population of birds, at least in the areas where I would frequently hunt, had been slowly decreasing over the last few years. Sure, I was happy for several hunters I knew that had reported a successful season

  • Late Season Gobbler Success

    Late Season Gobbler Success0

    While success came late in this spring’s gobbler season, it certainly came early in my granddaughter’s turkey hunting career. With the season winding down, my granddaughter, Sierra Hornberger, just bagged her first gobbler last Wednesday afternoon. Sierra, now 21, has only ever hunted spring gobblers a couple of other times. Several years ago I called

  • Retirement Saving Tips for Late Starters

    Retirement Saving Tips for Late Starters0

    Despite countless television ads touting the virtues of retirement planning, it seems many people are not getting the message. According to a survey from, one-third of Americans have nothing saved for retirement. The picture is not any rosier in Canada, where Statistics Canada reports that just 65.2 percent of the country’s 14 million households

  • Motherhood Anew0

    When I first became a mother, it felt as though time stood still, my days and nights never-ending, woven together into an unfamiliar tapestry that defined my upended world. I remember thinking the infant stage would endure forever and that I would surely be driven mad in the process. Sleep was a commodity I craved

  • If You Can’t Stand Up, You Can Still Stand Out, Part 10

    During my stint as a creative writing instructor at the JV Brown library a few winters ago, I posed a challenging question to my young students. Actually, I gave them a hypothetical story and asked them to write me a follow-up story on where it would all end up. I was curious to not only

  • Perfect Dress and Shoe Combinations0

    If there’s one thing that warmer weather brings on in full force, it’s dresses! From a green floral tea-length dress to polka-dot wraps, it seems we’re all a little obsessed with wearing a fun and flattering frock once the weather finally warms up. And what goes best with a summer-fun dress? Strappy statement sandals! Or

  • The Benefits of Shopping Farmers Markets

    The Benefits of Shopping Farmers Markets0

    Farmers markets have grown in popularity in recent years. Nowadays, consumers interested in farmers markets can likely find one near their homes whether those homes are in rural communities, the suburbs or bustling cities. People who have never before shopped farmers markets may be curious as to why many people find them so appealing. The

  • Annual Way’s Garden Art Show Sunday, June 100

    One of Williamsport’s greatest civic assets, Way’s Garden, will again be the site of the 62nd Annual Way’s Garden Art Show conducted by the Bald Eagle Art League. Additionally, the Way’s Garden Restoration Committee will use this occasion to help raise funds for its restoration efforts. The event takes place this Sunday, June 10 between

  • County Hall Corner: School Vigilance, Part 10

    The scourge of school shootings in recent years sends a shudder through every parent with a child in school because it seems that these horrors can hit anytime and anywhere. The worst part of the tragedies is the discovery that the right ‘control measures’ were in place, but somehow, something went wrong. This is because

  • Golf for Miracles0

    There is only one tournament my lovely bride encourages me to partake in, and I have taken full advantage for the past eight Memorial Day Weekends. My friends and I take an annual road trip to State College to tee it up for the kids. This year’s roster included three of my finest chums and

  • Congratulations Class of 2018

    Congratulations Class of 20180

    Congratulations to all the graduates of the Class of 2018! Our area is blessed to have so many talented young people; I am amazed by what they accomplish in today’s world. Whether it is academically, musically or athletically there’s more being achieved than ever before. Take a moment to congratulate those special people in your

  • 24-Year-Old Man Seeks Kidney Donation2

    Most of us take the proper working of our kidneys for granted, but there are those who can’t, they have damaged kidneys that no longer function properly and some of them are in need of a kidney transplant immediately. One of these is 24-year-old Tucker Gordner. Tucker lives in Montgomery with his mom and stepdad,

  • Tips to Improve Memory

    Tips to Improve Memory0

    Forgetfulness can affect anyone. For example, few, if any, adults can say they have not experienced moments when they could not find their keys. And once the keys are found, people move on without giving much thought to why they did not immediately remember where they left their keys. Isolated incidents where people cannot recall

  • Kinnaman, King Dig Deep: Give Lewisburg Clean Sweep of District 4 Tennis Tournaments

    Kinnaman, King Dig Deep: Give Lewisburg Clean Sweep of District 4 Tennis Tournaments0

    As Peter Kinnaman prepared for the District 4 Tennis Doubles Championships he received a text from an old friend giving him some quick advice. The text told Kinnaman to stay aggressive and charge the net throughout the final match of the tournament. Kinnaman, with his partner Drew King, charged the net, stayed aggressive, and gave

  • 29th Annual Billtown Blues Festival0

    Billtown Blues Association, BBA, organizers for the 29th Annual Billtown Blues Festival have set Sunday, June 10th as the day to celebrate this iconic art form, the blues. The lineup is secured for music to begin at noon and will continue until 11 p.m. at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds in Hughesville. Entrance gates will open

  • This Week’s LION: Angelique Labadie-Cihanowyz: A Vision Builder

    This Week’s LION: Angelique Labadie-Cihanowyz: A Vision Builder2

    Try this experiment with your friends. Name a company or product and ask your friend to say the first thing that comes to their mind about that name. Companies spend billions of dollars in advertising to get you thinking of one particular word or simple phrase; Coca-Cola (delicious), McDonald’s (I’m lovin’ it), Subway (Eat fresh),

  • Five Outfits for the Bride0

    Wedding season has kicked off with a royal bang! You may have heard about that little ceremony across the pond. For most brides, the dress you’ll wear as you walk down the aisle has been decided months out from your big day, but don’t forget the events surrounding your journey to ‘I do.’ Engagement party,

  • All the World’s a Stage0

    I have next to no talent when it comes to public speaking — or public anything, for that matter. Even group texts stress me out to a degree. It’s just not in my DNA — dealing with a live audience, large or small. I much prefer to express myself by sitting at my laptop and

  • Uptown Music Collective Presents the 10th Annual Blues-a-Thon

    Uptown Music Collective Presents the 10th Annual Blues-a-Thon0

    Events that combine fundraising, educational activities, exciting musical performances, staying up all night, and the opportunity to meet, play music with, and learn from an internationally known musician don’t come along very often. Unless you are a student or a friend of the Uptown Music Collective, then they happen at least once a year at

  • Spoons – More “Heavy Metal”0

    With fishing season now pretty much in full swing, I’ve been trying to look at various lures and some different approaches to successful fishing outings. This past week, we analyzed the attributes of the various metal spinners available to fishermen, but in this week’s piece, I want to take a closer look at spoons. To

  • Playoff Predicament0

    If we are to believe the old adage ‘April showers bring May flowers’, please make sure you do not ask any local high school athletic director what May showers may bring. The deluge of participation Mother Nature brought to our little neck of the woods this past month certainly left those in charge of scheduling

  • From Depression Glass to Waterford Crystal0

    My first trip to the Corning, NY glass plant was a well-planned one; my parents drove us there, but instead of stopping at a restaurant for lunch, my mother packed a picnic basket full of sandwiches and condiments. Father stopped at a well-trimmed grove along the way to upstate New York, which had a single


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