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  • County Hall Corner: Speak up, Citizens!0

    At a typical County Commissioners Meeting, when the official business is completed and right before the public is allowed to address the commissioners, there is a time designated as “Commissioner Comments.” This is generally the time when the individual commissioners will comment on some action that has been taken or perhaps lay the groundwork for

  • Some Changes to the Coming Hunting Seasons0

    When it comes to what’s new with hunting this coming year, there are several changes of significance. Of course, the change from a Monday deer opener to a Saturday opener got a lot of attention as well as the usual controversy and some pretty strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Just how this

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month0

    As the fall colors start to shine across the valley, another color will start making its yearly appearance as the calendar flips to October — Pink. Soon you will find pink everywhere. From athletes at every level, to the wait staff at your favorite restaurants, everyone will be sporting pink in honor, celebration, and to

  • Gazette and Bulletin: October 3, 1947 – Cold Weather Catches “Friendly City’s” Hall With its Furnace Down0

    The “Friendly City of Williamsport” may be famed as a city of good neighborhoods, cheer and warmth…but city hall has been forced to display a “cold shoulder.” A local furnace concern was engaged to prepare the furnace in the basement of City Hall so that it would be ready for chilly fall weather. But fall stole

  • More Opportunities on Tap for Hunters This Year – The prime time of Pennsylvania fall hunting seasons is just around the corner.0

    Although some hunting seasons are underway, the cooling temperatures and changing leaves signify the best is yet to come. Pennsylvania’s statewide archery deer season begins Saturday, Oct. 5, and its return is prompting the Pennsylvania Game Commission to issue some helpful reminders about new opportunities. Among them are additional early bear seasons and a longer

  • Montoursville FOOTballers

    Montoursville FOOTballers0

    I have nothing but love for Montoursville’s JC Keefer. The Warriors Head Football Coach and I have been friends for a long time. JC is an exceptional leader and a great teacher. He continues to find ways to bring out the best in all of his players. JC has a hard-nosed old school approach and

  • Lycoming County Beagle Club Promotes The Sport of Beagling0

    According to a website dealing with the subject, beagling is a form of hunting rabbits by beagle dogs by scent. It is a sport that is particularly popular in the British Isles. In this country interest is centered in the eastern U.S. Locally, there is an organization involved in this sport called the Lycoming County

  • Jim Roth Calling0

    In last week’s column, I expressed the opinion that it would prove interesting to be ‘a fly on the wall’ in those locker rooms of the upcoming opponents on Southern Columbia’s remaining 2019 schedule. The statement was a part of my question as to what does a coach say to his team in the practice

  • Oktoberfest: Brew with A View From The Porch – Preservation Williamsport Fundraiser October 50

    Get out your lederhosen and Alpine hats and come out to Preservation Williamsport’s fundraiser, “Brew With a View From The Porch” that is being presented on Friday, October 4. This event affords you a rare opportunity. You are invited to stroll down Millionaires Row, and visit seven historic Victorian porches where you will be served

  • Live United In Music To Be Presented At Community Arts Center October 100

    UPMC Susquehanna presents LIVE UNITED IN MUSIC, benefiting the Lycoming County United Way, on Thursday, October 10th at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport. It is a great chance to sing along with the Music of Billy Joel, starring Michael Cavanaugh. Also appearing will be The Uptown Music Collective, The Strolling Strings and a very

  • Pumpkins, Plumbers and Pigskin0

    What an amazing time of year to call our neck of Penns Woods home. As the calendar officially reads Autumn, it signifies the beginning of so many wonderful happenings and traditions. Soon, the fall foliage will illuminate both mountainsides that frame the Susquehanna River. Mother Nature’s perfect fall decorating of the West Branch Valley. The

  • Adopt-a-Dog Month0

    I know that it’s not quite October, but anyone who knows me, knows that I am generally early for everything… October is Adopt-a-Dog month and I think that’s something worth celebrating early! Since 1981, the American Humane has celebrated Adopt-a-Dog Month each October in an effort to help the estimated 3-4 million animals waiting in

  • Bob and Dean McNett’s Radio Corral Was A “Grand Ole Opry North3

    Last week and into this week, millions have been entertained and moved by Ken Burns’ latest epic documentary series “Country Music,” which chronicles the history of a genre of music enjoyed all over the world. Lycoming County has its own connection to this wonderful music through the late Bob and Dean McNett and their “Radio

  • Coach Speak0

    Anyone who has glanced at a calendar recently readily knows that fall is officially upon us. What might not be as obvious is the realization that this weekend will mark the beginning of the second half of the high school football season. The first five weekends of the schoolboy season have passed by without much

  • This Week’s LION: Introducing the Next Mayor of Williamsport0

    In November, the registered voters of the city of Williamsport will elect their next mayor. He will be a much younger man than his predecessor, married to a wonderful wife with several beautiful children. He will be knowledgeable, well educated, and even have studied abroad. He will be a visionary but understands the severe constraints

  • Marion.0

    Kim Joyce, Kristen Durwachter, Vicki Fischer, and Johanna Shoeneck Congratulations to the lovely ladies who competed in the 47th Marion Stopper Invitational. Sixty gals representing ten area clubs took part in this special one-day tournament. Teams of two teed it up for 18 holes on what was once called the Challenge. They played a two-person

  • County Hall Corner: Gollies and Follies0

    A recurring theme in the County Commissioners Meeting is lamenting the number of issues that they must deal with that were caused by previous administrations. The most classic albatross was the county’s endeavor to build a water park near the White Deer Golf Course back in the 1980s. The business plan was doomed from the

  • Popular Adult DIY Classes Return This Fall at the Library0

    The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., has announced its schedule of Adult DIY programs for the fall. The same class will be offered at multiple times on the same day to allow for smaller class sizes and more hands-on opportunities for learning. The schedule of crafts are as follows: • Marble Pour

  • UPDATE/CANCELLED: UPMC Hospital Auxiliary Presents Autumn Fest and Car Show, Sunday, September 29

    UPDATE/CANCELLED: UPMC Hospital Auxiliary Presents Autumn Fest and Car Show, Sunday, September 292

    UPDATE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED If you missed last weekend’s great shows, you have another chance to see another great Car Show this weekend when the UPMC Hospital Auxiliary presents their Annual Autumn Fest and Car Show on the grounds of the Divine Providence Hospital this Sunday, September 29. The event will be held

  • Grit: September 21, 1969 – Weather Forecasting Service Offered by Williamsport Bank0

    The Fidelity National Bank of Pennsylvania has begun a new weather announcement service to the area in cooperation with the United States Weather Bureau Station at the Williamsport-Lycoming County Airport and Radio Station WRAK. Weather forecasts are available 24 hours a day by dialing 326-9011. The service began on Friday. The weather bureau relays the

  • WASD Education Foundation, Central PA Food Bank Partner in Fundraiser to Benefit Backpack Program0

    Williamsport Area School District students will be able to benefit from an upcoming casual Friday next month through a first-of-its-kind, community-wide event scheduled for Oct. 18. The Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation (WASDEF) and the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank (CPFB) are once again joining forces in the area’s first Dress Down for Williamsport Schools

  • The Roving Sportsman… Fall Tree Planting and Care0

    Cooler temperatures and lower humidity have ushered in the fall season, which officially began on Monday, September 23rd. Soon, the various hunting seasons we have all been waiting for will be underway, and yet, there is still a lot we can do in the area of habitat improvement over the next few months. Specifically, adding

  • Some Good Bass Fishing Still Ahead

    Some Good Bass Fishing Still Ahead0

    I’ll admit it, as the leaves begin to change color and fall to the ground thoughts of the coming hunting season start to compete for space. That being said it’s also true that as an avid fisherman there is no way I’m putting my fishing gear away for the season; instead, I will find a

  • The More Things Change, the More They Should Have Stayed the Same0

    It’s hard to believe that when Montoursville and Loyalsock kick it off this Friday night, we’ll be five weeks into the high school football regular season. I don’t know which one of these two things seem more out of bounds. That we’re halfway thru the PIAA High School football season and the calendar still reads

  • Low Carb Comfort Food?0

    I pretty much live and die by carbohydrates. Pasta, chips, potatoes, rice, you name it and I’m probably going to eat it. Mostly likely with cheese. But, I’m also an adult, and one that’s — unfortunately — not getting any younger. So every now and again I attempt to make some healthier choices as far

  • Three Interesting Car Shows Slated For This Weekend0

    If you enjoy cars this should be a dream weekend for car enthusiasts as three car shows representing three different types of cars will take place this weekend on Saturday, September 21, beginning at 9 a.m. More than 150 Corvettes will be on display on Main Street in Muncy when the Susquehanna Valley Corvette Club

  • This Week’s LION: 911 Memorial Ride Riders0

    I recently had the privilege of serving as a fire policeman for the Clinton Twp. Fire Company and helping line up the bikers who were participating in the 911 Memorial Ride held on September 11th. As early as 9:00 a.m., the riders began arriving, and during the day I enjoyed getting to chat a bit

  • Fall Shopping0

    With end of summer sales and new arrivals hitting the stores all through autumn, it’s easy to get swept up in the novelty of trendy pieces and shiny new baubles. Tread carefully friends, the allure of deep summer discounts alongside the thrill of modern fall clothing can lead to buyer’s remorse and debt. I myself

  • A September Weekend0

    For many the long-awaited opening of the 2019 National Football League season may have seemed like it would never arrive. The fantasy leaguers had picked their teams, the television talking heads had babbled on since mid-summer giving of their opinions about who was going to do what and the average fan was anxious to see

  • Praising Smallies

    Praising Smallies0

    Fishing has always been a passion, and I continue to take full advantage of what North Central PA has to offer. I am on the water an awful lot and usually head out after dinner. I haven’t had the chance of late. Teach and the kid are back in school, and work is getting in


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